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chunky cheese for many people a place of laughs fun and birthday parties but what if i told you that something sinister has happened at chuck e cheese i have personally stayed overnight at chuck e cheese and got away with it but what if i told you that somebody tried staying overnight at chuck e cheese and they didn't get so lucky tonight i'm gonna be telling you guys three true scary stories that has happened in chuck e cheese and if you are brave enough to stick around till the end of the video hit that like button let's see how many people are brave enough to stick around until the end of the video where each story will be creepier than the next this video was inspired by craniacs big shout out to guys at craniacs i'm gonna leave their link in the description down below go check them out smash that like button and let's begin [Music] story number one there once was a chuck e cheese in my town it was a very fun chunk of cheese to go to but one day it unexpectedly closed never to be reopened again i think i was the reason i really love chuck e cheese every wednesday i would go to chuck e cheese with the ten dollars that my parents had given me at the time i was only in the sixth grade everyone would make fun of us for going to chuck e cheese but we really didn't care we just loved chuggy cheese all we wanted to do was go spend our tokens that our parents had given us but something was a little bit different today today we had a different plan you see the funny thing is i told my mom that i was sleeping at my friend's house and he told his mom that he was sleeping at my house and no one would find out we thought the plan was to stay overnight at chuck e cheese and where could you hide in a chuck e cheese we figured the best place would be the ball pit we waited until there was five minutes left until closed till there was nobody looking we ran to the ball pit and hid inside soon after the announcement that they were closing came on a couple minutes later the lights came off we tried not to make a noise but it was a little difficult trying to breathe in between those balls we couldn't contain the excitement it was very difficult not to laugh finally after what had seemed like hours of the employees cleaning i never knew chuck e cheese employees cleaned that much we waited and waited finally after we haven't heard anything for 20 minutes we decided to come out here's the thing all the lights were off except for the stage where we could clearly see munch's make-believe band excited as ever we walked around the room filled with dark screens wondering what to do next everything seemed normal at first until it wasn't i was staring at helen for a little while and when i turned around ralph was suddenly not there [Music] [Applause] ralph where did you go i i was looking for my friend ralph i i couldn't seem to find him anywhere it's like he had just vanished maybe he's in the bathroom i'm sure he is where else could he have gone i thought no big deal i'll just wait for him out here five minutes gone by i think it was the longest five minutes of my life as i was waiting i was just staring at chucky it's almost as if his grin kept getting wider and wider and wider there's no way this is real right i must be imagining things suddenly i felt my heart beating ralph where did you go so i started walking to the bathroom while keeping my eye on chucky after screaming for ralph's name there was no reply silence finally i gathered the courage to look away from chucky ran into the boy's bathroom i checked every single stall and he wasn't there maybe he's around here somewhere i ran outside the boys bathroom as i looked up to the stage all the animatronics were there except for one chucky ralph i screamed at the top of my lungs ralph where did you go suddenly i heard a little cry coming from the ball pit ralph i saw something sticking out it was ralph's hand desperately reaching out of the pit as if he was drowning or being pulled in by something but before i could reach him his hand vanished as if something sucked him inside the ball pit i have never heard somebody cry that loud he screamed for his life i was ready to jump in to save him but by the time i got there it was already too late slowly but surely something started leaking from the balls i looked closely at it and it was none other than blood it was ralph's blood and no one else's in my peripheral i saw something move i looked to the side and i saw chuck smiling a grin i could never forget the most evil grin holding a knife in his hand he raised his hand at me and laughed you having fun luke as he said with a huge laugh i sprinted for the door even though i knew that the door was probably locked come on i just want to have fun said chuck i heard chuck's voice as he walked towards me thankfully i found a chair that was just there by left thankfully i found a chair that was left by another night shift employee i grabbed the chair and smashed it across the glass as hard as it could it cracked but it didn't break the alarm went off i hit the chair i hit it two more times finally the glass shattered i jumped out as fast as i could cutting my legs and arms in the process i was halfway through the parking lot when i looked back to see chuck standing there staring through the window he waved one last time at me but it was in his hand it was ralph's hand you see not everybody is as lucky as i was i managed to stay overnight at chuck e cheese but our friend ralph and his friend did not manage to stay there safely if you made it this far give yourself a pat on the back but don't celebrate too soon this story after this will chill you to the bone story number two everyone loves chuck e cheese pizza we all have a special place in our heart for chuck e cheese pizza that's how i've always felt about chuck e cheese pizza just warmed my heart except for this one time the story i'm about to tell you will make you never want to eat chuck e cheese pizza ever again it was my cousin's birthday she was turning a so she was as excited as an eight-year-old could be but when you're an adult the last thing you look forward to is screaming kids and stinky feet but hey they were giving out free pizza right what's the worst that could happen i thought they had a special new type of pizza that they were serving today lucky me i guess right wrong apparently they added this to the menu just today hmm a little strange i thought but hey it's free pizza it was called the lorry special they told us it was a limited time item but it had extra cheese extra sauce and mystery toppings extra cheese i thought how delightful everyone likes surprises but not this kind i hope it's extra steak i thought 20 minutes goes by something strange happens instead of a regular employee chucky came out to give us the pizza you should have seen how excited the kids were they all ran up to chucky waiting for free tickets or for a cool chucky dance but nothing he just ignored them all suddenly he just plopped a pizza in front of us stared at us and walked away and said not a word it was the most awkward five seconds of my life so my mother said hi to try to break the ice but nothing he just stared at us and walked away weird we thought although it was a strange encounter we were really hungry and excited to eat the pizza but something smelled a little bit off about this pizza it was covered in pepperoni bacon sausage and one last meat that i i couldn't really put my finger on i picked up a piece looked at it and hesitantly took a bite instantly there was a feeling of nausea that overwhelmed me i was gonna vomit the sauce tasted like pennies and the cheese was definitely expired but worst of all i bit right into the mystery meat and i got a big piece i spat the meat pieces out onto my plate only to be mortified by what i saw it was a human fingertip my mother screamed as loud as a mother could i'm calling the police the entire restaurant erupted in a panic the manager came out confused and he helped my mom dial the police number after the police arrived they said that a girl named lori was missing about a week ago suddenly it all made sense the lorry special until this day every time i hear the name till this day every time i hear the name chuck e cheese i vomit well if you made it this far i'm proud of you but the story after this is about to get a whole lot creepier so grab your diapers and let's keep watching story number three i've always been afraid of chucky even when i was little just the sign of looking at chuck e cheese would terrify me i could even look at him in a commercial i would run and scream hiding anywhere i could my mom thought it was funny i didn't my mom said that i would grow out of my fear one day but to me it was different it was more than just him looking creepy chunky would visit me every night in my dreams appearing in his animatronic form looking sickly and hungry with blood and dripping out of his mouth every night he would peek his head out of my closet and would slowly come to me but i was too paralyzed to move i sure am hungry he'd say with his free hand finally grasping my arm it slowly moved it towards my mouth i ran as he was about to pierce my skin with his ugly yellow rat teeth i'd wake up it got to the point where i would purposely stay awake all night just to avoid that reoccurring nightmare i started to question reality was he really in my dreams or was he actually in my closet i was turning 12 in just a few days i was excited to open up my guests something to take my mind off of chucky i thought my mom told me she had a very special surprise for me on my birthday i was so excited two days away till i find out what the surprise my mother had prepared for me was finally that day i ran as fast as i could down the stairs to see what the surprise my mom had had she told me to come to the car and to cover my eyes until we got to the surprise this wasn't looking good but i was excited finally i felt the car slowing down and she said sweetie we're here i eagerly took my hands away and when i did my heart stopped i was looking right at a huge chuck e cheese the sign out glowed i screamed involuntarily what's wrong honey she said aren't you over your little fear but she didn't say in her voice it was someone else's voice a much deeper a much angrier voice she grabbed me by my shirt collar and dragged me inside all the employees had a horrible smiling face that were twisting devilishly they clapped as my mother brought me closer to the chucky animatronic help i screamed but to no avail at last i was standing before chucky himself his eyes glowed red his mouth opened wide with sharp yellow teeth i had seen this in my dreams this can't be real i thought but it was too late this time when he grabbed my arm his teeth actually touched my skin i screamed out in pain for five minutes straight until i finally died but don't worry i'm doing just fine these days i live here with many other kids and we're doing just fine actually i think there's a new member of our family joining us today i really hope so i'll be watching from chucky's eyes who knows maybe might even be you well that was it three scary stories about chuck e cheese if you guys enjoyed that video and you want to see more scary stories let me know in the section down below and i will do another scary story for you guys dragon army have yourself an amazing weekend and a merry christmas and i'll see you guys on tuesday peace
Channel: AldosWorld TV
Views: 5,577,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chuck e cheese, chuck e cheeses, 5 kids missing at chuck e cheese, chuck e cheese animatronics, chuck e cheese missing, 3 scary true chuck e cheese stories, chuck e cheese scary, chuck e cheese haunted, chuck e cheese creepypasta, chuck e cheese fnaf, fnaf, chuck e cheese pizza, cheese, do not go to chuck e cheese overnight at 3am, 3am, 3am chuck e cheese, 5 kids missing, story, story time, chuck e cheeses 3 am overnight, arcade craniacs, aldosworld, storyworth, chuckecheese near me
Id: Ob2iNNbaiPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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