3 Tips How To Wheelie Your Bike: The Ride Series MTB Skills Clinic Rich Drew

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[Music] alright kids let me tell you a little story about back in the day which happened to be a Thursday back then before all this manual business the wheelie was king and all I wanted to do is be as cool as my brother Willie our entire street now I learned pretty quickly what to do but I also learned what not to do and now it's time for you to learn those things you ready all right guys it's really time the wheelie is one of the coolest party tricks aside from the manual obviously but the great thing about the wheelie in my opinion is it's simple and it's actually fairly easy but stay with me you have to really break down what's happening it's simple because all you need to do is find the balance point and stay at that balance point okay great thanks rich that's awesome input now how do we do that well first thing is final location okay find a good location parking lot with a nice uphill slope maybe even some grass put your flat pedals on probably because what you're gonna need to do is go past that balance point so what's the first step when we get those things in order well the first step is you need to get the lift okay and this is where a lot of people go wrong they rely solely on legs on power to make this happen so what you're gonna need to do is find the right gear and that's a gear that's not too hard but not too easy and just like in the lift video you're gonna use the TRS standard and that is close your elbow angle and use your torso your torso is very powerful so if I fire my torso down compress the suspension for and then shoot that thing back that's gonna get the bike lift now I can add in just enough pedal power as needed for that given situation so again first thing first step is that lift so you want to use your torso just like you're trying to lift up an obstacle on the trail and what this is gonna do is this is gonna help you shoot back and get to that balance point now what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to go too far in order to find out what that balance point is you go past it a few times and you start to get a little bit more comfortable with it once that happens you're then gonna roll right in to step two step two we're gonna label the fix and nothing's broke what you're doing is you're trying to fix as many elements in your body so there's nothing else to deal with besides keeping that balance point so how do we do this well we've got to kind of go back to step one when you shoot your torso back you want to shoot your torso back pretty hard to get that bike up to the balance point now your arms are straight so in order to make that happen your arms get straight here's the key ready listen to this really pay attention keep your arms straight the one single biggest issue I would argue is that people don't keep their arms straight when you pull your arms in that's where things get super difficult because then you have no control you have this bike moving your arms are moving your torso is moving what you want to do is fire back keep your arms straight so think about it like this when the bike comes back my torso is gonna stay back with the bike almost the same as if I was riding at flat ground so when I shoot it back my arms are straight I want to try to keep my arms straight that'll help keep my hip crease fixed meaning if I look at it from the side I'm not going like this okay this is key you really have to think about this because if you start to understand the dynamics and the physics involved it makes perfect sense now layer on top of this we want to keep the arms straight I want to keep my hip crease fix but I still need to stay relaxed so this is where it gets a little difficult you see some nuance start to creep in so why are we doing that or doing that because I'm already gonna answer the question you have in your mind right now rich dude I keep falling one side to the other why is this I would say part of it is because you get super stiff with your arms with your torso with everything you have to stay relaxed so if you get up you pull the bike up you find that balance point and you're in line where you should be good job so far now if maybe a cross wind catches you or something like that and the bike wants to lean one side to the other if you stay relaxed what you can do is you can move your arms side to side I want to keep them straight but I can let the bike move side to side my hips are gonna dictate what happens okay I like to look to really really deep thinking philosophers when I come back to riding the bike and one of the best she said it just so eloquently and she said the hips don't lie ok listen to Shakira she knows what she's talking about ok it starts with the hips at the bike's leaning a little bit to the left maybe I'm moving my hip a little bit to the right I can also throw my knee out a little bit as a rudder I can use all these things but I want to be very subtle with those inputs that my friend is step to ok now we have come to the final step in that is step three step three probably equally as important now the reason it's equally important is I think this is also a very common problem and it's just below not keeping the arm straight now I'm gonna ask you a question and I want you to answer this wants to be honest with yourself ok you can lie to me don't lie to yourself are you using pedal power to keep the front wheel up come on are you I think you might be that's why you're watching this video don't use pedal power to keep the front up find the balance point once you find the balance point it's just enough pedal input to maintain the bike at the balance point this takes some time to understand and get comfortable with but trust me you want to really impress your friends you want to pull that super cool wheelie all the way down the green way or all the way down your street this is what's gonna help you do that if you're trying to use all that pedal power to keep the front up that's difficult you're gonna get tired you're not gonna be able to sustain it for a long amount of time and it's gonna be a little bit more dangerous what you want to do is you want to be able to use just enough pedal input because then you're gonna be able to control the speed so hopefully this is making sense ok these are all very important things now we have one other element to add into this and it's not any particular step but it's something that is key to keeping you from flat backing it like a Orvis and that is the index finger now you notice I've gotten a little smarter I have two index fingers up because here in America we're using this one but everywhere else you're using this one I think that's what I'm told so either way index finger on the rear brake I always have my index finger on the rear brake because if anything goes wrong I can just grab that rear brake and bring the front back down again this is something that takes time okay when you first start doing this you're gonna grab a handful of rear brake and Byam the things gonna drop back down as you get more comfortable that brake input is gonna be very very minor and that's what's gonna help give you that subtle little little bit of input to keep the stability alright at this point we have gone through all three steps now I think it's time to break it down and show you exactly how it's done we're about to make film history right here on video are you ready alright so gear choice but in the middle of the cassette seat little more than halfway up okay now step one don't rely on the legs torso okay so I start open arms are straight fire it forward fire it back okay see how it pops up my arms they're gonna lift it so forward back okay just like that a little bit of pedal input make sense now the whole time I have my right finger on that rear brake so here we go forward back okay and so you can see I won't even give any pedal input once I'm up so that just shows you it's all about this right here use your torso step one all right starting to get more comfortable step one step two fix arms straight hip crease fixed so what that looks like is this we pop it up okay arms are straight so arms are straight hip crease is fixed so what I mean is this right here I don't want that angle to change okay so I'm staying relaxed my arms are loose but they're straight and so I can start using that rudder okay I caught a little crosswind but I'm staying with it okay arm straight hip crease fixed knees as runners all right we got step one fire back get the list step to fix arm straight step three is maintaining so once I get it up I'm rolling everything's good just enough input to keep going okay you'll notice I'm not relying on leg power what I'm doing is giving just enough input to balance now if my gear choice was wrong or I start picking up speed a little bit I could just shift gears okay I made it a little bit harder I'm going downhill I'm gonna pick up a little bit of speed all these things I have them in my control okay arms are straight start to use those those knees as rudders come up a little bit closer if I want to move just like that okay balance got to find a balance point that's the most important part find the balance point just enough input the sustain you're gonna get there I know it I can feel it feel what in my plums [Music] little experiment to show you that it's the balance point and not the pedal so we're going downhill I'm just gonna try to coast with very little pedal input so I'm hardly using the pedals all I'm doing is modulating the rear brake so what this is showing you is that it's the majority finding the balance point not pedal power I career there you have it the wheely broken down basically into three simple steps now there's some nuance on top of it of course but don't make it any harder than it needs to be and don't lie to yourself okay the key is use your torso not your legs to get the bike up into that balance point and once you find that balance point keep your arms straight and your legs are just sustaining it's all about the balance point it also takes time find a good spot you know find a nice parking lot with a slight uphill slope maybe even a grass field go too far you got to pull the thing back hard to find out where that limit is and find that balance point it's pretty simple my hope is that you've already subscribed for all this cool content we're producing if not click below hit the subscribe button hit that bell to get notified because obviously we're bringing more stuff now on top of that another great option is check out our patreon the content is ramping up you're getting cool behind-the-scenes stuff there we also have the opportunity for you to submit your wheely video for me to analyze breakdown and give you feedback and yes on top of that you can hook yourself up with a sweet Rd hat or shirt click that link down below to check out the goods and stay tuned for a special limited edition monthly shirt coming at you all right I'm gonna head you off at the pass before you ask it now yeah I can really anything and so can you heart ale fully rigid man you name it doesn't matter what bike it is I'm gonna really it so can you [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well hopefully that made sense remember the steps have fun go practice only thing left is peace out dumpers [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rich Drew
Views: 159,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bikes, Mountain Bike, How To, Wheelie How To, The Ride Series, The Rich Drew, Rich Drew, Wheelie, Wheelie Wednesday, Bentonville, OZ Trails, OZ Trails NWA, Bicycle, How to Jump, How to Bunnyhop, how to bunnyhop, how to wheelie, How To Wheelie Your Bike
Id: 41j6mS_OJsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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