3 Things You Should Know About VMware Cloud Foundation

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hi i'm sheldon de paiva with vmware and today i'm gonna be talking about three things you should know about vmware cloud foundation so let's get into it well the first thing is that VMware cloud foundation delivers a completely integrated software stack so you get compute virtualization you get network virtualization you get storage virtualization and you get management for automation all wrapped in a very tightly integrated system with built in security as well as automation so what does that mean that means you can get a cloud like operating model to play on-premises with this solution the second thing that you get with VMware cloud foundation is something that a lot of enterprise engines struggling with so on the one hand developers want a way to very quickly deploy their applications now they're used to getting this in public clouds through API access and services but on-premises in the traditional data center this has traditionally been done through things like ticketing systems which creates a lot of delay in providing developers the services that they need well with the VM works on foundation we've integrated containers has a first-class citizen directly into the solution in addition to that we knew now have VMware Cloud foundation services so what does that mean well you know traditionally we've had the IT operator let's call him Bob and we've had the developer let's call her Lisa they've been really speaking different languages living in different worlds kubernetes API driven all about the infrastructure resource enterprise government governance and policies now the great thing about VMware Khan Foundation with the apricot foundation services is that we bridge those gaps so Lisa as a developer can access those services through things like kubernetes command-line interfaces or APs and bob can use the same tools tools that he knows to manage the infrastructure while still also providing oversight and enterprise class governance policies for things like name spaces or kubernetes clusters those are all now visible again as first-class citizens inside V Center the third thing the third thing about the other five foundation that you should know is that it's very broadly deployed in multiple options to really enable a true hybrid cloud so you can deploy the eMERCOM foundation in your data center you can deploy it at the edge you can deploy it at service providers or you can deploy it in the public cloud so because you have the same software stack running on-premises as well as multiple different options or clouds now you have a true hybrid cloud that gives you consistent operations as well as consistent infrastructure across on-premises and off premises option so let's recap three things you should know about VR cloud foundation one is that you really get a full best in breed and best of sweet stack that gives you security and automation for a cloud operating model the second is that now because containers are integrated at the first-class citizen and we now have VCF services you can bridge developer IT silos [Music] and the third thing you should know about the America Foundation it lets you truly embrace the cloud because now you can deploy a cloud operating model on-premises and be confident that you can still expand or extend through the broadest set of deployment options in other clouds for a true ivory cloud to learn more about the American Foundation be sure to visit our website at VMware calm and go to the VMware Foundation [Music] you
Channel: VMware Cloud Foundation
Views: 7,010
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: VMware, Cloud Foundation, SDDC
Id: EOv4yMoqqDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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