3 TERRIFYING Erowid Datura Trips

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[Music] this story is from Chris the story is called I pissed myself and the drug that was taken was datura one day a good friend of mine named Dave told me that he had datura and that I trip nuts me at the time already had experience with spirit walk Smurfs or snuff Adelle ik pills etc was more than obliged to take him up on this offer I had trip many times and loved it I went to his house sometime in the evening he had ordered a large baggie of datura leaves off the internet I'd say around 9:00 p.m. or so we grown up a good 12 grams or more into a semi fine powder we then got some Lipton tea bags and emptied the contents and replaced them with our doTERRA powder we boiled the bags in the water until it was a dark green like he had read on the web we poured one glass a piece and chugged the gut-wrenching tea down doing our best to ignore the horrible smell and taste writing about it makes me sick it's so bad after about 30 minutes or so we just felt like we were really drunk so I decided to drink another glass but only finished half of it bad idea people another 20 minutes flew by and I realized that I feel like there was not the least a bit of moisture in my mouth or throat it was very hard to swallow and I felt like I had to urinate very badly but as most reports conclude only drifts follow the half to pee sensation we decide to go into Dave's room to listen to some good old Mindless Self Indulgence which happens to be [ __ ] awesome music to listen to while tripping or just straight stoned he sat at his desk chair in front of his computer and I set another desk chair a few feet away as I silently enjoyed music I began to notice a scratching sound close to my head I turn to see Dave's zombified iguana with blood pouring from its mouth purchased on the back of my chair FYI Dave's iguana died a week prior to this day not remembering I was tripping I ran from his room across the hall into the bathroom smacking is the wall near the sink I got up and looked in the mirror and the sight of my own face made me laugh uncontrollably I then left the bathroom and walked into the living room where Dave's sister was having a little get-together with her friends they were unaware I was on anything until I ran up to one of her friends and fell to the floor two feet in front of them because my legs suddenly gave out as I was running I got up and sat on the couch and thought I was fishing I know this only because of the eyewitness accounts haha I don't remember fishing I then got up not sure how much time I took to fish but I remember making my way into his driveway to see a platoon of modern-day US soldiers scouting his yard I brushed it off not thinking anything hot about him I walked to my car to find my 14 year old brother who wasn't even in the same city at the time in my driver's seat I got all pissy and demand that he get the hell out of my car but he just sat there staring out the window so I told him I was gonna go tell my mom who wasn't there either I proceeded to the front door of Dave's house and took one last look back to see that my car door was open but no one was in it so I got my car and tried to start it only to break my key off in the ignition at that exact moment I didn't give a [ __ ] I got out shut the door and went back inside and went to the bathroom to piss I managed to urinate successfully yet I imagined that I unzipped and all I pissed my pants and then just stood in front of his toilet until his older brother barged in to find me soaked in my own urine he asked me what happened and knowing what I did I for some reason told him that somebody threw a beer on me long story short I end up finally falling asleep and awoke the next day at 10 a.m. when I was supposed to be a work at 9:00 I went to work late thinking the trip was over only to spend my first three hours at work talking to co-workers that didn't work that day and customers about random problems I had going on at that time my manager realized I was on something and sent me home needless to say I should have been smart like Dave and right up on the ship before doing it I've done a three or four more times since only to do even crazier [ __ ] but I've typed entirely too much as it is so I hope what I've written thus far is educational in some twisted way PS breaking my key off in the ignition was probably the worst of this particular trip but I've had extremely way worse events occurred during the later datura trips even though I've done it a total of five or six times I refused to ever do it because of the things that have happened while on it this story is from disco the story is called Claude by a giant eagle the drugs used datura and cannabis for of us me my boyfriend Ricky Bevin and Jeff were staying at a beach house in a relatively remote location on the west coast of New Zealand we spent the entire day sleeping chillin running around and carving the beautiful blue waves so we decided what better way to end the day than with a nice sesh on the porch so out came to tinny's worth the weed the bong and the lighters I'd had about four potent hits when I felt nicely mellowed out and decided to stop there we'd eaten quite a bit that evening lots of fresh fruit from a nearby orchard and barbecued fish so our stomachs were by no means empty Ricky brought eight datura seed pods with them each containing between 80 to 100 seeds since there are four of us two people would have to babysit while the other two could pop some seeds although I'm nearly six-foot being a chick there was no way I could restrain any of the guys if the need came so I was the one of the seed poppers Jeff had never done deter before so he was a natural choice - besides Ricky and Bevin more than happy to keep their lips around the bong and laughed their asses off at us 7 p.m. I opened two seed pods one for me one for Jeff and we swallowed down the seeds prior to this experience I'd done doTERRA three times but never had over sixtyish seeds in one sitting so I decided I was ready to experience with a bit more and explore deeper 8 p.m. we spent the next hour talking [ __ ] and eating marshmallows with no clear effects setting in yet so I popped another 50 seeds big mistake apart from the effects of the weed I felt completely normal I could stand and walk fine and hold us slightly slurred but coherent conversation 8:15 p.m. after another 15 minutes I started feeling increasingly warm despite it being chilly night my body was radiating a huge amount of heat this is when the hallucination started I felt like I was sunbathing though it was dark by now I felt the Sun enveloped my body and drizzle it with golden rays of warmth it felt divine everything was warm loving and inviting apparently by now I was down to my bra and knickers my heart rate increased dramatically I knew it was kicking in 9:00 p.m. I was smoking a spliff which didn't exist and dropped it which I read is very datura use so I crawled around looking for it to no avail I figured it must have somehow fallen through the floorboards of the porch though that was technically impossible I stepped off the porch and lay on the grass below gazing at the Stars I felt like me and the stars were one we were the same I don't know why but I particularly remembered this feeling of belonging with these giant balls of burning gas to me there are tangible diamonds in the sky and I was too I could see for billions of miles into the sky it was one enormous eternity of stars in pattern clusters although I was definitely hallucinating everything felt intensely real my mind felt normal although my speech was slightly slurred and my walk was a little crooked I felt something crawling under my ass as I lay on the grass so I moved and saw a pool of earwigs weaving in and out of the earth that was once under my bum I hate bugs so I frantically rolled down the slight decline of grass onto the sand this was the last thing I clearly remember everything else is told by Ricky Bevan in my faint memories and the camera footage taken that night this is also where things started going wrong I felt insatiable thirst and like how stranded I was yelling out for help but only a mumble of jumbled words came out I wasn't making any sense I spend a good hour playing in the sand throwing shells and rolling around I pick up the sand with my hand and watched it drop I was memorized by sheer awesomeness I vaguely remember feeling like I was in a desert and I felt intense fear and paranoia nothing seemed safe the Sun still felt as if it was beaming down delicious rays of heat I was crawling on the sand thirsty desperate I remember hearing sharp loud noises and feeling so [ __ ] by now I was needed water I needed to piss I needed to throw up and I needed to get out of this horrible desolate place I could only see things that are around 10 meters away everything else faded into a bright light I still have flashbacks and experience this at times it felt like hours and hours had passed but it was actually only 20 minutes I don't know what went on in my head during that time but it was frightening I remember images of bright red giant bolts far larger than a house I've experienced this red bull hallucination many times before 30 metres from me the ocean roared I heard the sound of water and wanted to run towards it dive into this pool of infinity and swallow water forever without warning I snapped out of my feet and ran like bullet dodging obstacles which didn't exist as I ran towards the water Ricki was only ten or so meters away from me when I suddenly jolted I heard heavy loud footsteps behind me going faster than me to me the water was safety I was being chased and the water was my only chance of survival I managed to run into the shallows of the water when I felt sharp claws digging to my bare flesh from behind and a forced throw me into the wet sand behind me I must have thought there was a giant eagle or a vulture because I kept screaming at Ricky calling him a stupid [ __ ] bird and tried grabbing his beak and hold it shut I was moving frantically trying to escape his grasp but I couldn't he lay on top of me holding me down for thirty odd minutes my screaming had turned to tears and my kicking and punching had turned his scratching and hair pulling I had very little control over my body everything just happened without my mind's permission I was on autopilot I was so scared so helpless so loan and so vacant I had no idea where Jeff Bevan or Ricky were they vanished long ago I called for them several times throughout my experience but they never appeared to come my mind was gone everything seemed incredibly real and I found it impossible to separate reality from fantasy because as far as I knew everything was real Ricky carried and dragged me into the beach house and held me up in the shower I was an absolute mess physically and emotionally I could no longer stand properly and would sway from side to side begging it to stop the water burned it felt like it was sizzling as I ran down my back but I gave in to it and let it burn and melt me away I literally felt like I was going down the drain I thought that grains of sand being washed off my skin were pieces of me swirling down being carried by the burning acid water deep down into the drain as if they meant nothing I vomited four times with 30 second minute intervals between each I stressfully started talking about being literally turned inside out and again I begged for it to stop I let it all happen with no physical fight it was hugely frightening experience I was making funny and groaning noises my skin turned white my eyes were open and my peoples filled my entire iris I suddenly noticed Ricky in the shower holding me up he looked different to how I remember far older and getting bigger and bigger the more Adam I remember seeing my nose in the bottom corner of both eyes which appeared to grow too I could barely concentrate on anything but his eyes manage to pierce right through me Ricky dragged me off and put me into bed if the entire room was spinning and turning upside down even though I barked everything out I still felt the need to vomit I was hanging off the bed rolling around and singing it to myself the music I heard which was all in my head was the most complex incredible thing I have ever heard I thought of it like a skyscraper layer upon layer upon layer jammed together create this mind-blowing fusion of beats and notes I can't explain how amazing it was it was my calm in the storm but now is around 4:00 a.m. and I was over the worst I was so exhausted but I couldn't sleep I was incredibly restless tossing and turning constantly a figure appeared and I talked to it I was actually talking to myself and speaking both parts of the conversation I remember drifting in and out of reality there were moments when I thought I was going mad and other times I managed to convince myself it was just a dream I still didn't know where I was or how I got there but the feeling of threat was no longer present I must have fallen asleep where I the most amazing dream which can't possibly be real it was pretty x-rated so I probably shouldn't go into any detail I remember reading a book in my mind and knew all the words I then gradually woke up but was still reading this book in my head I had massive cuts and bruises all over my body which were actually just minor scrapes so yes I was still having loose Nations I remember everything which happened from here on out I somehow managed to believe my mouth was on my forehead so when I try to drink a glass of water it all poured on my face I would drift in and out of reality and imagination every so often but might now I knew things I saw weren't real the rest of the story is fairly boring and uneventful but the main effects of the datura lasts around 24 hours high difficulty understanding basic things yet I could understand incredibly complex things in my head even now two months after I sometimes still see everything around me fade into a white light as I said earlier I've experimented with datura before but this was the first and last time I'll have 150 seeds I'd enjoyed it in the past but I definitely won't be doing it ever again although my account of what happened may not sound so scary to the reader I cannot emphasize enough how truly frightening this experience was I felt so incredibly [ __ ] throughout the experience and for a day or two after not only had I managed make a total ass out of myself I could have very easily drowned as well in the past I've also done LSD several times the thing that I both love and hate about the Torah is that I really can't separate reality from hallucinations however an acid I knew I was seeing things that didn't exist I'll definitely take acid again but I'll never swallow another datura seed in my life this story comes from Lawrence the story is called a dimension I never want to return to when one of my dealers told me Ida tried to tear the summer of my freshman year I was skeptical I was working a lifeguarding job and needed a stay sharp I could be called into action at any moment he assured me that it wouldn't be a problem he was wrong he gave me one pod and told me that half would be sufficient being an experienced psycho nut I figured I would take the whole pod it took about an hour until I felt anything after about 90 minutes I began to feel very dizzy and lethargic like being too drunk I took a fat dad to try to stabilize but felt nothing I just fell asleep when I woke I knew I had made a terrible mistake everything was blurry but I was sure I was in an oven I was really sweaty and my elbows felt locked I felt like I really had to relieve myself but couldn't find the bathroom because I was blind after about 15 minutes my vision started to clear up and I could see I try to get off the couch but I felt like I left my hands behind and my legs could barely move with incredible effort I rolled off the couch began a crawl into the bathroom I pulled myself onto the toilet and try to defecate I felt incredible relief until I looked into the bowl and there was nothing there I tried again and like I was leaking when I looked in the toilet again the water had turned to blood no matter how much I wiped the toilet paper always came up bloody as I left the bathroom I looked into the mirror and saw my father I knew I shouldn't talk to him then so I left when I entered my living room I could see that some friends had come over the only problem was they had all died blood was flowing out of all their orifices it was horrifying and I ran into my room I tried to go online but wouldn't turn on frustrated I went to my desktop but couldn't remember my password I just wanted to listen to some music but all I could do was shake my computer I ran past the party in my living room and out the front door I looked in the sky and all I could see was green gas I was sure I was making me insane so I got into my car and just sat there for what could have been years the next thing I remember I was back in my house talking to my friend she kept asked me if I was okay but I couldn't speak it was like no matter how I loud I screamed nothing would come out then my vision went blurry again and I might have passed out i awoken what only could be called Hell itself it was like I had entered a dimension of pure agony the floor covered in vomit two feet deep and blood was gushing from my underwear I waited to the bathroom to find that my dad had left mirror he was yelling at a younger version of myself telling me that I would never be as successful as my brother who recently died of Gardea I try to pull down my pants to clean up the blood but I realized I wasn't wearing anything the only thing I had a vagina I am a man I was ashamed in front of my father and began to weep until I realized I was just crying on the floor of my bathroom I decided I need some water so I turned on the sink but no matter what the water was scalding I remember when my brother was really sick everything even ice water felt burning hot to him it was like I was inhibiting his soul and it felt good I left the bathroom and my friends had turned into piles of rocks I try to piece them back together but I couldn't hold on to anything I felt like my hands were covered in grease needless to say the rest of the night was something out of a dimension of an unimaginable nightmares sometime around 5:00 a.m. I started to come down my vision was fuzzy and I kept seeing something moving in the corner of my vision I went to sleep for a few hours and woke up relatively okay the road to recovery has been long but I'm hopeful that with the continued help of antipsychotics I will in time be able to overcome the trauma experienced on datura I would not recommend datura to even the most experienced rippers what I saw can only be described as my own worst nightmare
Channel: undefined
Views: 92,386
Rating: 4.8697481 out of 5
Keywords: datura, drugs, mr nightmare, creepypasta, erowid, horrifying, terrifying, shocking, trump, stories, trips, lsd, tripping, balls, reading, books, psychonaut, wiki, kratom, dmt, visuals, new zealand
Id: F9JTJkz045g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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