3 Story A-frame w/ Waterfall! | Dunlap Hollow A-frame Tour!!

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It's a beautiful house and property, but who is drying their lingerie on hangers underneath the deck and why does the video keep panning over those?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/atticus2132000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Those triangle windows are gorgeous!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/evilarts πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Luxury* can’t figure out how to edit. πŸ™„

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Clear_Meat1695 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That’s awesome! I grew up around there! It’s hard to imagine a luxury property, tho, things always seemed very laidback.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RecyQueen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is pretty much exactly the structure I’m hoping to build in the next year or so...

Wow. Very inspiring. I have lots of questions lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PotentiallyMike πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I imagine it's pretty dangerous descending that upper bedroom ladder to use the bathroom while half-alseep. I also wonder how they keep the temperature equalized between the higher levels and lower floor. Heat rises and that's a lot of open vertical space for the convection currents. It does look awesome. I'm critical because I'm considering building something like this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/elonfutz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] the dunlap hollow a-frame let's go check this place [Music] out today we are in hawking hills ohio at the dunlap hollow a-frame right behind me this is a 1 500 square foot a-frame that is brand new i'm the first guest which i am truly honored to be and it is located on airbnb this a-frame is situated on 34 acres of beautiful hawking hills property there's rock formations and there's hiking trails there's even a waterfall on this property which i'll get to later in this video but all of this this a-frame was built by the host's family and i think they did an incredible job it says right in the manual that bryant and amy which are the hosts and they also built it they've worked hard to create a beautiful design that looked like it belongs in nature while adding modern day conveniences and luxuries that will help your stay be completely comfortable and after staying here myself i 100 agree and i can't wait to show you guys what this place is all about if you want to stay here yourself the link is located in the description so i would highly suggest going to check that out and staying here or if you want to host a spot yourself like this or even something like a tiny house or anything there's a link to become a host on airbnb down below as well now let's get along with the tour you'll drive up to your a-frame and there's plenty of parking for you but you'll probably have your eyes locked on the a-frame itself because this is the most beautiful a-frame i have ever seen in my life the windows up on the outside these huge triangle windows on the front look absolutely beautiful the outdoor patio area and just the super steep siding to it i believe from point of the a-frame to the ground is like 40 or 50 feet so this is a really large a-frame and i would agree with the host that blends in with the nature very well but you walk up this walkway and you'll reach your outdoor patio area we'll tour this part first before we step inside this massive deck area is so much fun the first thing on the left is your seating area with a gas fireplace out here it's perfect to enjoy those cozy nights and then you have an outdoor dining table over here actually with this beautiful wood and you have a grill out here as well and then the best part out here i think is your hot tub right over here you can lift up the lid and you have this huge hot tub to enjoy with everything else that this deck has to offer this is a beautiful beautiful decking space and even to connect the decking space and the inside there is two sliding doors right here that just lets the inside with the outside and the outside with the inside i love it now we'll continue down this path that they built right here and this leads to your outdoor fire pit area and you can sit out here and enjoy the fire with your friends and you have a great great view of your a-frame cabin and of all of the surrounding area anywhere on the patio area you have these huge rocks and cliffs right behind you the beautiful nature is just a sight to see it is seriously so beautiful but as we're out here we might as well continue up the path and this is your loop that goes around your property that you can hike we can start here and this leads to your waterfall which is insane so we can start here and you walk up to the rocks that had just shown and kind of walk along the rocks and along the way there's small little caves that you can go into and explore and just how the rock all forms as you're walking along is something i don't even know how it works but it is just beautiful and then a huge cave over here that you can walk into it's i'm here in the middle of the day and it is pitch black in this little spot and it's kind of scary not gonna lie and we'll continue along down and now you reach your waterfall here's a clip of me walking behind the waterfall and this spot is huge i don't know how big it looks on the camera but it is huge in person and it's so cool that there's a path that you can walk behind this waterfall and right now in march there's water flowing one of the coolest things that you could possibly have at an airbnb if i wanted to i could go camp underneath this waterfall and it'd be one of the coolest experiences ever but you can continue along the path and it just loops back to your a-frame we'll just take a step inside now and check out what's all on the inside so you walk through this door and you're greeted into your very luxurious and modern a-frame and is really bright in here and an open concept for sure i love the space so much this is my favorite a-frame this a-frame sleeps 10 people which is a lot so the first thing over here is your dining area this is a custom made dining table from a carpenter's sun i believe this picture frame actually over here is an oil painting by the host's dad i believe we'll continue along to now your kitchen space this is the exact same design for a kitchen that i want to do for my future house it's the green cabinets and the white countertops and the gold accents it is beautiful you have this island in the middle and then around all of that is the rest of your kitchen with this huge window that goes along this back side that lets you look into the nature but it has this beautiful wood shelf right under it i love how they incorporated the windows and the sides of these a-frames and then you got your white countertop all over here against the wall your beautiful sink they have cafe appliances which are really nice and they look really good and all the tile work they have back here they have a couple floating shelves by your oven and they even provide local coffee for you to drink and this leads really right into your living space now this living space is top notch as well especially with this wall that is full of those windows that i showed you in the beginning that's in front of the a-frame these triangle windows if i walk up to one one of these triangular windows is taller than me by a couple feet so that just shows you how big these windows are this lets in all that light and the just the design of it is so beautiful in the living room you have this leather couch and a couple seats and this all faces your smart tv and then you have a suspended fireplace over here this is the center point of this living room it looks like pac-man which is pretty cool this is the coziest living room and they even provide some games in here as well there's also a door along this way you can walk out this is how you get to your front patio area i guess there's a couple chairs out here you come out here and chill and drink some coffee it's a nice touch we can walk back inside and i won't get to these stairs yet we'll continue along the back side of this bottom floor there's three floors total so we walk back along this area there's this sliding door right here and you just open that up this is where your washer and dryer is the first door on the right is your master bedroom space and here it is very minimal and simple you have your bed and then you have this huge window that overlooks the back end of your property with all of those rocks this is just a massive window and it looks really good in here now this door leads to your bathroom we can walk in there this bathroom really blends in with this bottom floor design you have your custom made vanity on this right side with the gold accents and then you have your toilet over here and then your walk-in shower with this beautiful green tile work and they have the golden knob over here on the right side so you can turn on your shower and not get wet at all this is a large and spacious bathroom and i like this a lot so now we'll exit out of this and we'll go up onto your stairs this is a custom made staircase they kept this design open so it kept the rest of the space feeling open because staircases are kind of tricky with a-frames so i love the way they did this they have the wooden steps and we can just walk right along up to the next level of your a-frame [Music] up here on this right side you'll have a little reading nook and it overlooks the rest of the living room and even the windows you still have to look up to see all of your windows from the space but right behind that is your next bedroom it is also minimalistic you have your bed right here and then the same type of window that was in the kitchen with the shelf is also in this bedroom as well and then as we enter out of that we'll walk around the second set of stairs and walk back this hallway with on the left side you have these beautiful windows and on the right is this design with a quote up here on the wall it's hand painted it looks pretty cool but we'll enter into your third bedroom over here on the right which is another pretty minimalistic bedroom but this one's a little different they have a bookshelf that is in the wall this looks really cool i think and the headboard for your bed here is this wooden design that takes up the whole wall space i've never seen this before i kind of want to do it with my own bed because this looks really neat and then this one has a walk out patio that is totally private to this bedroom so you can walk out here it's pretty similar to the one off the living room you just have a couple chairs out here and this lets you look out the back of your property a lot of the other ones i've showed you this one is my favorite so far now we'll walk into your second bathroom space which is designed very well your vanity over here on the right you have your walk-in shower with beautiful red slash pink tile work and it's just all natural colors and you have your toilet here as well this is just an all-around great bathroom now we'll walk back into the steps that we walked past before these are custom steps are pretty steep but you walk up this and this leads to my favorite spot probably ever of any airbnb this is your fourth bedroom with a king-size sunken bed surrounded by all of these windows you are in the point of the a-frame this spot is gorgeous it is out of a movie or something you can walk back and your huge bed is on this ground and you can sleep here and look out all of these windows into the night and you can see all around your property this is something that i couldn't even have thought of to do with an a-frame this is such a beautiful and fun spot if you open up the spot the bottom of your bed you have this whole spot for your luggage or clothes or whatever and it's completely hidden but there's more up here still if we look along the walls right here we unlatch them and the walls fold down and there's two twin size murphy beds that can fold down right here and you just have two more spots to sleep up here this is a perfect way to save space and i would have never noticed it unless it got pointed out to me this is so cool and then there's also a gate up here as well in case maybe you have kids up here you can lock this gate and you will not fall out of this top space and that is your third level of this a-frame and with that being said that is basically everything that is included with your a-frame and there was a lot that was here you get a lot with this day and honestly for the price that it is it is a very good deal so go check out those links down below and it's definitely making one of my top two or three spots i have ever been to and it's in ohio thank you guys for watching this video share it if you think the spot is really cool yourself and you know if you want to bring your family here something or your friends or whatever i messaged my friends and told them we need to stay here too because this is so cool so thank you guys for watching this video and i'll see you next week with another airbnb tour
Channel: Levi Kelly
Views: 1,559,087
Rating: 4.954421 out of 5
Keywords: Levi Kelly, airbnb, airbnb tour, tour, tiny house, tiny home, tiny house tour, tiny home tour, aframe cabin, aframe cabin tour, aframe, aframe tour, Dunlap hollow cabin, Dunlap hollow aframe, Aframe cabin tour, Aframe cabin, Cabin tour, Cabin, Cabin walkthrough, Aframe house, Aframe home, Aframe kit
Id: BfHtx9GhBvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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