3 Simple Ingredients Make Green Beans Taste like Grannies! Granny Green Beans

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[Music] [Music] hey y'all it's Timmy and tonight I'm going to teach you one of my famous recipes this is a recipe that will make your cut green beans out of a can tastes just like granny's I'm not kidding maybe even better than granny's it's going to give you that old-fashioned flavor you've always longed for you can take them to potlucks and impress everybody and they're gonna think you actually can your green beans out of the garden let's get started [Music] it's changing Korea with color valley coups and tonight we're making granny green beans and you know why a lot of people frown on this recipe because it has what any print sugar but how good is it well let's see let's see how good it is it's hot baby and you taste the sugar in those old sugar does is glaze on it and give it a nice glaze and it makes the salt this pop-up what crazy it enhances the flavor it is so good you can't taste any sugar No so for all of you people that would say I'm a real southerner I would not pick sugar but southerner cup of sugar and they all sweetie they think you gotta put bacon grease in your means but my beans you do anything I'm telling you if you make these things people will ask you what in the world did you do these green beans because they're amazing they're not gonna say these have sugar in because they're not going to no they're not this is America y'all gotta try your food any way you want praise the Lord the first thing you're gonna need is a pot or two the free green beans now all my other videos that I've shown when I make these green beans I used to stay with still but I will say the way you have to cook these down and they sizzle and pop stainless still would get dirty like this and it's a lot harder to clean up because of the way I sizzle these and cook them all the way down if you have a nonstick pot it actually works better because it's easier for you to clean up and it's also easier to deglaze and get all that goodness into the flavor of the beans instead of on the side of the pot we're gonna start with this nonstick granite five and a half quart pot it's anywhere from five quarts to six quarts and I do have something like this on the website if you are interested in one take a look at it I think it's around $35 the one that I have picked out right now so we're gonna get started with this all you do is so simple it's open your green beans do not to drain your beans regardless whatever somebody's told you whatever your granny did or your mama did don't drain them just try them this way one time now this is the large can you can use a large can for this recipe or you can use three cans of the smaller cans if you wanted to be cut okay because that's how you grow them and the South we don't grow French green beans okay so the next thing you're going to do is you're going to use an eighth cup now cooking oil can be olive oil or corn oil whatever you want to use vegetable oil canola oil but I have found that this extra light virgin olive oil makes them taste really good for real so we're gonna put that in there the next step believe it or not it's sugar all right we're gonna get a spoon sugar out of here and we're gonna sprinkle it on the beans we're gonna put these on the stove and cook them on the high heat it doesn't matter if you have an electric or gas just cook them on high heat because really all we're doing is boiling the juice off up on so we're just gonna turn on heat and we're gonna get these beans started now if you're in a hurry you could put a lid on them so that they come to boil faster today this pot and the one that I have on the website comes with a silicone lid which I really like and it also has a vapor hole in it so we're gonna put this on the beach and bring to a boil once they have cooked almost all the way down I'll come back and show y'all what my secret to make these tastes so good is so you need to take the lid off of it once it starts boiling so that it can lose some of the juice now this is the time that I think a lot of people stop cooking their beans because many people cook them and they think they're cooking my gran-gran beans but they're too scared to cook them all the way down and if you don't hear a sizzle and a pop and then being completely dry on the bottom then your beans are not going to taste like my granny green beans this recipe is in our first cookbook it is very popular and most people that try absolutely love it now this sugar and this oil are going to come together at the end once all of this liquid cooks down and they're gonna form a brown glaze in that glaze it's what's going to make these beans taste so good some people say it's so good that it's changed their life alright now they started sizzling and you can hear all in there sizzling and that's what you want them to do so if you pull them back you can see that it's a lot less cheese that there's still a little bit so you can't even let that have a little bit all of that has to sizzle off in order for them to start to glaze once they start to glaze you'll start smelling them they have a real good aroma and you'll know it because you'll smell it okay all right they've been sizzling a good three or four minutes I'm gonna take a masher and just match to me today but I am just going to mash in about three places critical places and then we're going to sear them and that's what makes people think they came out of your hands cuz they got just enough to smash in them and hold that they look at homemade they would just lie you can them and they're don't taste like it - I'm still gonna let them sizzle because I don't quite smell that smell I'm looking forward did you hear that song you want to hear me start talking a little I think so ready when you get them done make sure you run them around the edges to get all the glaze off the edges of pot they're ready to serve okay yeah crazy show you how pretty these are and they smell so good and I know it sounds crazy because they have the sugar in there but we cook it down so much they're not real sweet so don't think you're gonna take taste like a candied sweet potato or anything crazy like that they're really really good let's taste them y'all now this is the bigger can but with the same amount of sugar that I put in three cans they're actually a little saltier because if there's not as much sugar as if it they would have it they were three cans of green beans but they're really good priests when you come taste them it's Tammy and Chris with color valley cooks and tonight we're making granny green beans and you know what a lot of people frown on this recipe because it has what any prints sugar but how good is it well let's see let's see how good it is it's hot baby had you taste the sugar in those old sugar does is glaze on it and give it a nice glaze and it makes the salt this pop what crazy it just didn't Hans's of flavor it is so good you can't taste any sugar no so for all of you people that would say I'm a real southerner I would not pick sugar but southerner cup of sugar and they all said sweetie they think you gotta cook bacon great increase in your means but my beans you do anything I'm telling you if you make these things people will ask you what in the world did you do these green beans because they're amazing they're not gonna say these have sugary cuz they're not gonna no they're not this is America y'all gotta try your food any way you want praise the Lord you
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 600,819
Rating: 4.8301764 out of 5
Keywords: best southern cooks, southern homemade, southern style, old fashioned, old timey, good, old, ole, white lily, country cooking, country living, hillbilly, kitchen, Appalachian, recipes, simple, fff, family, food, fight, rolled, cat head, biscuits, dean, ramsay, pioneer, woman, real, southern, easy, collard, valley, cooks, tammy, nichols, classic, 50's, 60's, 70's, mama, green beans, southern style green beans, green bean recipe, granny green beans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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