3 Simple Cattle Panel Trellis Designs You can Build in Minutes

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oh I didn't see you there this is uh remnants of some vines that were climbing across this trellis from last year last year you couldn't even hardly get through here the vines were so thick I'm pulling them off because we are planting it again today's video I want to show you three simple cattle panel trellis designs that will maximize your vertical gardening space and last probably about as long as you [Music] will since I was standing here when we started the video let's talk about this one first this is a fun way to do a walk through over two garden beds so I have two 4ft wide garden beds here the width doesn't matter all that much but the space in between here as you can see I have a wingspan of 6 ft so that's about 7 ft from the bottom to the bottom and all you do to set up a hoop Arch trellis like this is Hammer a couple of pieces of rebar or something in the ground I have these little metal bars that I uh kind of borrowed from my son's blacksmithing shop and put them in the ground and that gives you something to push the trellis again so you just roll that end of the trellis in there and you push the other one and then you get this Wiggly hoop to make this hoop less Wiggly I then hammer in a TST on either side and that toost right in the middle on either side then is zip tied in place and it's really good now you could also put a couple of little toost at the corners or something maybe if your wind was really really hard but we got almost 70 mph winds last year and this thing was just fine with a toost on either side this allows you to use space and create a little shady area underneath that you might not be able to use otherwise and it's really pretty we even have some grapes on one on the other side let's go look at them here we've got some muskin growing up we put a Vine here and I put a Vine here this Vine is very happy this Vine is not but this is going to be a perfect place to just come through and pick grapes now there are much more complicated designs for making grape trellises where these are put way up on posts and there's a lot of pressure treated Framing and all that but this is a really simple way to add grapes to the grocery Road Garden system I didn't really have to do anything except buy a cattle panel and couple of tsts stick a couple of pieces of metal in the ground to seed it in there and then plant my grapes so really cheap very long lasting easy way to add them and kind of get them out of the [Music] way our next cattle panel trellis design is a design that I came up with I cut them at about 6 foot and I leave the spikes so use a pair of bolt cutters leave the spikes at the bottom this is important because it allows you to be cheap you can only use a single t-post if you do it this way because if you cut them off there's nothing to bite into the ground and it gets caught by the wind but if you have those little teeth at the bottom then it's not going to go anywhere you can just zip tie it on there here and it's not going to fly out of the way here this is a super simple INB bed design that allows you to go vertical and I designed it especially for the grocery Road Gardens but you could use it anywhere you just need a little extra space so let's say you've got a a rare plant let's say you've got apios Americana our regular viewer uh Leo gave me some opios Americana and let's see we've only got a few of them so you just want a place to put them and just stick one of these things up real quick put a couple on the ground here and they can grow on it or perhaps you just wanted to put a night blooming Jasmine in the middle of your garden or something like that this is really easy very very simple way to do it I did them taller as well I tried dividing uh cattle pan directly in half but I found they were a little tall and a little un wieldy the 6t seems to be about right and you can make two of them out of a 16t cattle panel and you have a little piece left over you can use for a tiny itty bitty trellis or something but this is a a real simple way to do it and I love putting these things up right in the beds our third design is to take 16 ft cattle panels and put your toost in the ground and mount the entire 16 ft up above the ground now I learned this version of it from a couple in the Ocala area you know normally I thought well we'll just stick them right on the TST we'll put them on the ground but they were lifting them up about a foot and a half over the ground so you can get a full 6 ft of growing space and I posted that in a blog post last year and I thought oh that's great when I get around to it I'm going to build some of those so this year we built three of them because we have to have a place to put our velvet beans and our the escoria and our yard long beans and my wife actually just wants to fill them all with tomatoes but we'll figure all that out later this is a really easy way to do it put your toost in the ground get somebody on the end to hold one end up while you hold the other end up and then zip tie them into place if you have the big heavy zip ties it's better than these little ones we had but we were too cheap to go buy more so we got these little skinny skinny Eeny weeny ones and we stuck them on there but this is a pretty permanent trus system and being able to go up to 6 ft really does make a difference if they're This Tall you just can't quite get the solar energy you don't quite get the yields as putting them a little bit higher will give you and now that we have three of these we can actually to get a ton in here and it comes out to about 90 ft because we overlapped them a little bit in the middle but 90 ft of trellis that's going to last year after year after year no more putting strings and tying strings and tying strings and tying strings or hammering sticks in the ground and having them rot out this is this is it and we were able to get a deal on the cattle panels cuz we got the ones that were a little bent and beat up so basically we got the prices that they were last year but hey it's it's I'll take whatever I can get but I figure we can advertise this over time having the cattle panels really it's a it's a minimalist way to garden and speaking of minimalist gardening the book came in the mail and these trellises are actually in there these are the illustrations from the most wonderful illustrator Tom sensible fantastic illustrator from Florida but the book is here if you want easy solutions for your garden if you like what I'm doing on this channel please go and buy a copy I will put a link below it uh the illustrations really are funny now I'm going to say the book is useful too but I I'm really enjoying the illustrations I wrote the book so bragging about what I wrote doesn't feel right but but these illustrations look at this you got to see this beating a dead aquaponic horse thank you Tom sensible it's fantastic so if you're tired of having a junkie Garden if you want to get stuff done and get it done simply not have to go buy a bunch of junk not have to go and you know build complicated systems and raised beds and aquaponics and all that kind of stuff if you just want to get back to enjoying growing food do the least amount of work most amount of food keep things simple clear your mind clear your garden space all that cool stuff minimalist gardening you'll find this book very useful it's useful for anybody in any climate with any level of Gardening Skill just some of the things we've learned over the years on keeping gardening easy thanks for joining me today and checking out these cattle panel trellis designs and until next time may your thumbs always be [Music] green [Music] [Music] I would actually also really like to try growing uh sweet potatoes on a trellis I think that that would be a lot of fun oh I've been [Laughter] caught
Channel: David The Good
Views: 49,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gardening, David The Good, trellis idea, trellis ideas, cattle panel trellis, trellis inspiration, garden trellis, how to make a cattle panel trellis, simple cattle panel trellis, cheap trellis, sturdy trellis, grape trellis, easy bean trellis, trellis for garden, vertical gardening, small garden idea
Id: PPg5AG4pbDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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