3 Secrets To Make Shrimp Tempura 海老の天ぷら

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Secrets you should know to make crunchy tempura! Secret #1: Make sure you use cold water and flour. Let it chill in the fridge while you prepare shrimp and veggies. Keep everything cold. My shrimp are pre-cleaned. Remove this spiky shell above the tail. If you don't remove it, water will pop and splatter. Cut the tip of the tail off as shown. This will give it a nice and sharp look. Make sure to scrape out excess water and dirt. If you skip this part the water will pop and splatter. Should look like this. Next, put 5-6 shallow incisions on the belly side. Don't cut too deep, only about 2-3 millimeters. Next, place shrimp belly side down. Press it down against the board with your fingers. You can hear the muscles break. Do this to prevent shrimp from curling up when frying. Repeat the process. Dry shrimp well on both sides. Time to prepare veggies, I'm using carrots and broccoli. Cut carrots diagonally, thickness should be 5 mm. Make sure pieces are not too big. If they're too big, they will touch bottom of the pot and get burnt. Make sure to use relatively dry vegetables. Watery vegetables will make tempura soggy. Time to coat veggies in cake flour. Flour will help tempura batter stick better. Dust off excess flour. Excess flour will make tempura soggy. Time to take out cold flour and water. Pour 3/4 cups chilled water into a bowl. Crack 1 egg. Stir until well mixed. 2/3 cup chilled cake flour. 2/3 cup chilled cake flour. Add 1/3 of it at a time. Don't mix it, "sink it" into mixture. Add a little at a time. Repeat the steps. Lumps are fine. Should look like this. Pour oil into a pot. I'm using rice bran oil. Check the temperature, it should be 340*F. Another way to check is to drop some batter into the oil. If it comes right back up - it's ready. Dip carrots in the batter and drop them into the oil. Cook time for carrots is 2.5 mins. Make sure to separate them so they don't stick. Scoop out little batter drops. Should look like this. Repeat the process with remaining veggies. Cook time for broccoli is 2.5-3 mins. Coat in flour, then dip in batter. Cook time for shrimp is 1 to 1.5 mins. I like drizzling some batter over shrimp. It makes it more crunchy and crispy. Make sure they don't stick. It should look like this when ready. Mmm... looks good. Put on a serving plate and enjoy while hot. Serve with sauce of your choice. Follow for more finger-lickin' recipes!
Channel: Inna's Cooking
Views: 8,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tempura, tempura batter, how to make tempura, tempura shrimp, tempura recipe, tempura shrimp and vegetables, 3 Secrets To Make Shrimp Tempura, Inna's cooking, tips to make tempura, shrimp recipe, shrimp tempura
Id: 7bkalJ9Kyro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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