3 Secrets For Taking Incredible iPhone Travel Photos

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Are you tired of carrying your big camera while traveling? If so, you're definitely not alone. It can be a real pain to carry bulky photography gear, especially when you're traveling. But, here's the good news. If you have an iPhone, you already have everything you need for taking outstanding travel photos. And your iPhone is always with you, so you don't have to carry anything else. But, as you probably know, not all iPhone photos turn out great, especially if you don't know how to use the iPhone camera correctly. So, in this short video, you're going to discover three secrets for taking incredible travel photos with your iPhone. Once you start using these secrets, your iPhone travel photos will always turn out great. You'll be proud to share them with your friends and family back home, and you'll never have to carry your bulky camera again. Now, if you can't hear me, please tap on this video to turn on the sound, and then we can get started. Now, the most common travel photography mistake I see all the time is when people are taking the exact same photo that everyone else is taking. So to record this video, we've traveled to the beautiful San Miguel de Allende, in Mexico. And the most famous landmark of the city is the beautiful cathedral right behind me. And on any given day, thousands of people take a photo of the cathedral, but unfortunately, almost all these photos look exactly the same. So, if you're going to take the same photo that everyone else is taking, then what value are you adding as a photographer? Where's the creativity in that? So instead of recording yet another cliché tourist photo, you should always try to make your images more unique. And perhaps the easiest way to do that is by finding a different foreground for your photos. Now, all photographers have to work with the same background, especially if your subjects are as big as this cathedral. But you have complete control over the foreground of your photo. And if you can find a unique foreground that makes the photo more interesting, you'll always be able to take better photos. Let me show you what I mean. I've found this beautiful sculpture in the foreground, and my goal is to take the kind of photo where both the sculpture and the church in the background are in the frame. I also want to get closer to my subject, so for that, I'm gonna switch to the telephoto lens of the iPhone. Now, if your iPhone doesn't come with a telephoto lens, that's okay too. Just shoot with the only lens you have. But if you do have a telephoto lens, it's perfect for situations like this. So, to switch to telephoto, I'm gonna tap on the 1x icon at the bottom of the screen, and now you can see I'm much closer to my subjects. But, there is a bit of problem. And it's the fact that, now, the top of the church isn't in the frame. So, what I need to do is change the angle a little bit, and get a little bit lower, and if I change the perspective just a tiny bit, I can get both the church and the sculpture in the frame. So now I'm almost ready to take a shot, but before I do, I want to make sure I set the focus on the church in the background. And to do that, I simply need to tap my finger on the church, and you'll see this square box appear, which means that now the church will be perfectly sharp, while the sculpture in the foreground might not be as sharp. But that's what I want. So, now I'm ready to take a shot, and because I took the time to find an interesting foreground, I can take a much better photo than I'd be able to take otherwise. And here's another example. This time, I'm framing the shot with the lamp in the foreground and the church in the background. And once again, it looks so much better. Remember, whenever you're taking photos of landmarks, try to find a unique foreground for your photos. And if you do that, they'll always turn out better. Besides improving the foreground, another way you can really improve your photos of landmarks is by shooting them when the light is different. For example, one time of the day that works really well with landmarks is the last hour before the sunset. That's when the light is warm and soft, which results in really beautiful colors, and if you take photos during this time of the day, they'll almost always turn out better. And finally, if the landmark is illuminated, another time that works really well is shortly after sunset. During this time, you can combine artificial lights with the beautiful blue sky in the background. And this combination always results in spectacular photos. And if you can also find an interesting and unique foreground during this time, then this is the kind of result you'll get. Now, I just showed you how you can greatly improve your iPhone photos of landmarks. But truth be told, if all you ever shoot are famous landmarks, you will not really be able to capture what the destination actually feels like. For example, the church we just shot is absolutely stunning, but it's not that unique. There are similar churches in Europe, and there's nothing Mexican about it. So, if all you ever shoot are famous landmarks like this, you will not really be able to capture the true magic of the destination. But of course, there is a solution. And that is to seek out unique scenes and small details that really capture the true character of the destination. And more often than not, the best locations for this type of photography are not located in city center. So, let's head towards the outskirts of the city where the locals live, and where few tourists ever go, and whenever I see something unique, I'll take a photo. Right now, we're in this beautiful old courtyard, and the city of San Miguel has a lot of incredible courtyards like this. So, I'm gonna make sure I take some photos. And on the right hand side, there's this beautiful stairway that takes us to the second floor, and there's some great plants up there on the top. So, I think if I carefully frame the shot, I should be able to create the kind of composition where the stairway actually leads the eyes of the viewer towards the plants on the second floor. So, I'm gonna experiment with different framings for a bit, and when I've found the perfect composition, I'll go ahead and take a photo. While we're here, there's actually another really great photo opportunity right next to me. So, let me show you. There's a beautiful fountain in front of me and I want to take a photo. But before I press the shutter, I want to carefully experiment with different framing. And as I get closer and further away, you'll see that different items are either left in the frame or they're cut out of the photo, and that makes a big difference. So I'm going to carefully experiment with different framing, and once I've found a perfect composition, I'll go ahead and take a photo. As you're walking around, it's really important that you don't just look forward, but you also want to occasionally look back over your shoulder. And oftentimes, you'll be surprised by what you find there. For example, here, I saw this beautiful building with these incredible mural paintings right behind me, and I wouldn't have seen it without looking back. So, I want to take a photo of this building, but I'm not gonna take it from the most obvious angle. Instead, I'll walk around for a bit to find the best angle to shoot from, so that I can get the most beautiful photo possible. Okay, I think I've found the perfect spot. And the reason I like this spot is because from here I can frame the shot in such a way where just the building and the paintings are in the frame, and there's nothing else there. And because of that, I can create a really special photo without any unnecessary distractions. Right now, we're in the local market, and since the Day of the Dead celebration's approaching, there are these incredible skulls for sale everywhere, and I want to take a photo of some of them. So, my goal is to frame the skulls in such a way where they fill up the entire frame and you don't really see anything else besides the skulls. So, I'm gonna adjust the framing for a bit until I'm happy with it, and now I'm almost ready to take a shot. But there's a bit of a problem. The image is just a little bit too dark. So, what I'm going to do to fix that is tap on one of the skulls, and then you'll see that the focus is set on the skull. And next, I'll swipe my finger up, and you'll see that as I start swiping up, the skulls start to get brighter and brighter. And when I've found a good level of brightness, I'll go ahead and take a beautiful photo. And finally, as you're walking around looking for photo opportunities, make sure you pay attention even to the smallest details that you might not normally notice. For example, this address up on the wall is really typical of Mexico. And there are a lot of addresses like that here, so I want to make sure I capture that in a photo. And if I frame it nicely to create a central composition, that actually results in a really interesting photo. While we're here, there's also something interesting right next to me. So, here we have this beautiful blue door, and I really like the bright color. So, if I frame the shot carefully, I think I can also create something interesting. And the secret to success here is to frame the shot in such a way where all the vertical lines are indeed vertical and where they're parallel to each other. And once I've found a nice framing, I'll go ahead and take another shot. And while we're right here, this window is actually also a really great photo opportunity. So, if I frame it nicely, in such a way where, once again, all the vertical lines are indeed vertical, and where the shot is symmetrical, that can create a really pleasing composition. And there's something else on the opposite side of the street. So, here we have this beautiful old window and I really like the blue paint that's peeling off the wall. So, if I frame the shot nicely to create a symmetrical composition, that also results in a really beautiful photo. Now, none of the photos I just took were captured at famous landmarks. In fact, you probably couldn't find any of these places in tourist guidebooks. Yet these are the kind of photos that really capture the unique character of Mexico. So, when someone asks you what it was like in Mexico, these photos will tell them a lot more than any landmark images. And finally, when you're looking back at your photos, years in the future, these photos will really remind you what it felt like to be on the trip. So now you know how to take the kind of photos that capture the unique character of your destinations. But there's one thing we haven't yet talked about, and that is taking photos of locals. Of course, nothing defines a culture more than the people who live there. But on the other hand, it can also be quite challenging to take photos of people from other cultures. And because of that, I'm going to show you a discreet way to take photos of locals, without them even knowing that you're taking a picture. And you'll be able to get the kind of photos you'll be really proud about. So, let me show you how to do it. Right now, I'm standing on the side of this beautiful street, and there's a sidewalk on the opposite side as well. And every now and then, someone will walk past me. Now, the sun is already quite low, and it hits the opposite wall at a very narrow angle. And because of that, whenever someone walks past me, they cast a huge, huge shadow which looks really great in photos. But that photo opportunity only lasts for a very short time. And because of that, I want to make sure I'm prepared in advance. Okay, so to prepare for the shot, I'm gonna start by switching to the telephoto lens of my iPhone. And if your iPhone doesn't come with a telephoto lens, no worries, just shoot with the only lens you have. Next, I'd like to make sure that I lock focus and exposure, and to do that, I'm gonna tap and hold my finger on the opposite sidewalk for a couple of seconds until the letters AE/AF Lock appear at the top of the screen. And now, no matter what kind of changes happen in the scene, I can be confident that both the focus and exposure will remain unchanged. And finally, I'd like to make sure I get the composition right. So, I'm gonna frame the shot already, and to get the best composition, I want to make sure that both the top and the right hand side of the window have approximately equal margin. And that way, I'll be ready to take the perfect shot whenever someone walks by. Now, I may have to wait for a few minutes, but when the moment is right, it'll be totally worth it. Okay, someone is coming and I don't want to miss the perfect moment. So, I'm gonna tap and hold my finger on the shutter button to activate burst mode. And for as long as my finger remains there, you'll see that the iPhone keeps quickly taking photos, and at least one of these photos should turn out right. Now, I just took 70 photos in a matter of seconds, so, you might be worried that using the burst mode will fill up your iPhone really quickly. But fortunately that's not a problem because it's really easy to quickly select your favorites and discard everything else. So, to do that, I'll go to the Photos app, and I'll find the burst mode photo. Then I'll tap the Select icon at the bottom of the screen, and now, I can quickly scroll through all the photos, and I can tap on the circular icon at the bottom right to select the photos I want to keep. So, I'm gonna select the photos I like the most, and I think these six are the ones I want to keep. So, now I'm gonna simply tap on Done at the top right, and I'll choose to Keep Only 6 Favorites. And now, all I have left is six photos and everything else is discarded. So now you know how to take candid photos of the locals without invading their privacy. Try out this simple technique and you'll be able to take incredible travel photos that will leave your friends and family speechless. Now, as you can see from everything I just shared, the iPhone camera looks really simple on the surface. But when you start digging deeper, it's really not that simple. There are so many hidden camera features and camera settings that you probably don't know about, and I could only share a handful of them in a short video like this. And to make things worse, it's not enough to simply learn about all the different iPhone camera features. You also have to understand how to use each one of them in different photography situations. We're talking about different light conditions, different photography subjects, and even different genres and styles of photography. Now, here's the good news. Once you really understand iPhone photography, you'll be able to take the kind of photos that nobody would even believe were taken with the iPhone. And that's why I created iPhone Photo Academy, which is an online course teaching you everything there is to know about iPhone photography. So, right next to this video, you'll find more information about my full iPhone Photo Academy course. If you'd like to use your iPhone to take stunning photos that you'll be proud to look at many years later, and if you'd like to do it without having to carry your bulky camera, then please take a look at my full iPhone Photo Academy course. There's more information right next to this video, so take a look, and I really hope to see you there.
Channel: iPhone Photography School
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Keywords: iphone photography, iphone camera, iphone photography school, emil pakarklis, iphone camera tricks, iphone camera features, iphone photography tips, iphone 7, how to use iphone camera, iphone 8, iphone10, iphone, photography, iphoneography, iphone x, apple, photography apps, iphone xr, iphone xs, mobile photography, mobile photography mistakes, mobile photography tips and tricks, smartphone photography, mobile photography hacks, iphone 11, iphone 11 pro, travel photography
Id: AdxnMdkpOm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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