3 Scary Encounters with the Devil Stories

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when I was a kid in the 70s I moved with my parents and older brother to a small village deep in the English Countryside on the day we moved in some of the villages dropped by our house to welcome us some of them even brought homemade cakes with them as a gift whilst they were talking to my parents my brother and I overheard them talking about the Old Village Church saying that it hadn't been used for many years and that we should stay away from it because it was said to be possessed by the devil my brother and I looked at each other and snickered thinking that the old woman telling my parents was crazy or some sort of weirdo the old church was situated on the outskirts of the village and as we drove by it one day I thought I saw a strange looking figure standing amongst the gravestones staring right at us but when I nudged my brother to take a look the figure was no longer there after convincing my brother that the figure was real we decided to sneak out of bed later that night to try and find any truth in the rumor that the church was indeed possessed We snuck out of the house just before midnight and with a Torchlight made our way down the Dark Country Roads to the old church the gate to the church was Chained and padlocked so he climbed over the wall the night was dark and still but as we walked closer to the church door a howling wind began to whistle around us and in that wind we thought we could hear cackles and chilling screams my brother turned the metal handle on the old church door but unsurprisingly it was locked so with our hearts beating fast we cautiously made our way around the outside of the building about halfway round we stopped and looked in one of the windows but it was too dark to see anything then all of a sudden an evil looking face appeared at the window it made us both jump and we fell backwards onto the ground then the inside of the church had to rage with fire and the evil phase cackled with laughter the Flames ranging all around him both me and my brother got up and ran running in and out of the gravestones not stopping until we were safely over the wall as we walked away from the graveyard from a safe distance we look back and dancing amongst the graves in the Moonlight was a strange dark figure a figure that we truly believe was the devil when I was a child for the holidays I used to stay with my grandparents in rural Wales they lived on a small farm next to the Sea whilst out exploring one day I found an abandoned well in a field close by to the farm I told my grandfather about it and he told me to stay away from it and that it was dangerous I asked him why he said the well was really old and very deep so deep that it was said to reach the very pits of hell and to drink water from it would be like drinking the blood of the Devil Himself damning you forever I said to him that can't be true can it he looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eye and began to tell me a story centuries ago an Old Farmer's son got sick with a burning fever the old farmer Sat by his bed for days praying for his son's recovery on the third day his son passed away the old farmer was devastated and one day he was sitting on the edge of the well sipping its water and after each sit he spat it back out into the well cursing God blaming him for not answering his prayers and saving his son the next day the old farmer returned to the well and reached down into the water with his cup the level of water had dropped so far that he could not reach and then all of a sudden he saw the reflection of an evil looking face with horns she shimmering in the water staring back at him the old farmer jumped and looked behind him but nobody was there he looked again down into the well but the evil face had gone the old farmer stopped going to church and turned his back on God he neglected his farm work and turned to drink spending hours every day sitting at the edge of the well talking but to who nobody knew some say it was to himself some say it was to the devil then one day weeks after his son's death the old farmer was seen sitting on the edge of the well arguing with himself when all of a sudden the sky turned black with great big clouds that rolled over from the sea rain began to fall with loud crackles and thunder then a bolt of lightning lit up the land striking the old farmer let out a loud scream of Terror when the storm cleared and the blue skies returned the old farmer was nowhere to be seen say when he was struck by the lightning he fell down into the well and some say the devil took him but nobody really knows his body was never found when I was around 10 or 11 years old there was a man who lived in our area and all the kids were afraid of he was a scruffy old man who lived alone he didn't keep much company and had a reputation for having a nasty temper I don't know how the rumors started or how long they had been going around for that people used to say he was into black magic and that he could talk to the devil one Winter's Night I was walking home with two of my friends after having a game of indoor soccer we were walking past the old man's house when we spotted his front door slightly ajar it was wafting gently in the cold breeze we were curious about all the stories we had heard so decided to take a look inside there wasn't much Furniture in the house and the place could do with a clean but apart from that everywhere looked relatively normal we quietly made our way up the stairs and again there wasn't much Furniture but there was no sign of black magic or devil worshiping or anything to suggest that any of the rumors were true we were about to head back down when one of my friends spotted a small rickety flight of wooden stairs that led to a closed door so we quietly crept up them being careful not to Creak any of the wooden floorboards when we reached the door we could hear muffled sounds of conversation we pressed our ears to the door although we couldn't quite hear what was being said one of the voices didn't sound normal it was very deep and rough then one of my friends put his eye to the keyhole no way he gasped me and my other friend pushed to get a look through the keyhole but we both stumbled and fell against the door pushing it wide open the old man let from his seat but it was the other figure who held our attention he was dressed in black with what looked like horns on his head he let out a loud animal-like wall stairs stray tatters with cold piercing eyes then he grabbed the old man by the throat lifted him high into the air before dropping him to the floor then the horn figure leapt from the window and disappeared into the dark night we called an ambulance but it was too late the old man laid still on the floor already dead
Channel: Storyteller - tales after dark
Views: 387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror stories, true scary stories, scary, paranormal, ghosts, supernatural, true stories, storyteller - tales after dark, creepy stories, scary stories for bed, ghost stories, ghost stories to fall asleep to, narrated horror stories, narrated ghost stories, creepy horror stories, scary ghost stories, creepy stories for bed, scary horror stories, creepy ghost stories, creepy, horror, devil stories, haunted church, scary stories to fall asleep to
Id: LvhXygTX4vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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