3 Recap of Level 1 - Spring Boot Microservices Level 2

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let me talk about the story so far when it comes to level one of this of this workshop level one what we did was it created a bunch of micro services we created specifically three micro services and had them talk to each other we created an application but just kind of like Goodreads kinda like IMDB which is basically people being able to save the movies that they have watched and rate them alright so I can go to the system and say I have seen these five movies last year and then this is how I read these five movies and you should be able to go call an API and get back that movie information and the ratings for a particular user alright that's basically how it goes so when I when I make a call for my user ID it should return okay these are the five movies you watched those are the informations is the title there's a description and this is the movie rating right simple stuff what we also did was we used the discovery server we used you rakers the technology to have the services talk to each other we basically broke it down into three micro services we have the movie info service which is basically a service which takes in a movie ID and returns that movie information give it an ID one hundred and it would say hey this hundred is this particular movie here is the title here is the description and that's that's all with the movie for service with was doing the ratings data service was something that stored the users rating right we had hard-coded it because we didn't want to do all the t2b stuff and all that we want to cite that from the micro service architecture stuff so it was no database connectivity per se was just a hard-coded list of movie IDs and rating which everybody gets right so it's like movie ID one rating three movie ID two rating five right so it's just hard coded list and it would return that and then the movie catalog service was like the main service kind of like the entry point for somebody who's calling it right the movie catalog service would be like go get call the ratings data service and say okay get me all the movies that this guy is rated I did get back the movie ID in the rating and then for each movie ID there it would call the movie info service and say get me the information about this movie so if you have three to movies who get those two movie information kind of bundle them together into one response then send it back so the user would see the movie ID the movie name the movie description and what the user is rated like a consolidated response okay this is what we did so far so if you missed a level one this is what you missed you've missed how to have this how to stand up these different microservices using spring boot kind of start from the scratch and how to have a discovery server the Eureka server to have them talk to each other so the movie catalog service is the one service which is doing all the communication right that's calling the movie in for service and it's calling the ratings data service so it was using you rekha to get the address make a call get the response and then coordinate orchestrate everything and then return back the response what we did okay so I'm gonna show you the code that goes with it so I have the discovery server here which is the you lekha server let me start that up and we have three separate projects here on the left you can see the movie catalog service the moving in for service and the ratings data service the eureka service starts up at port eight seven six one so what I can technically do is access the eureka dashboard at localhost colon 87 six one now how does it get eight seven six one that is in application that properties I have said several dot port as eight seven six one for you Rekha and that's why you require a sisters with that port and that is the discovery server okay now what I'm gonna do is quickly start up all these other services the movie catalog service which is like the main service which which orchestrates the other things so all I need to do to start service is to just run the application class Java flash this run the main method and I'm going to do that for these two services as well the movie in for service and the ratings data service okay now that we've got all these three services running what I can do is access Eureka do what I'm gonna do so here's Eureka dashboard localhost eight seven six one and scroll down here you see there are three services registered also have a bunch of information over here and I'm not gonna go over all that stuff but a biscuit gives you like a snapshot of how all your services are doing and it's providing some handy information alright so this is where we left off the previous workshop we had all these things available and then we kind of learned how service discovery work we talked about a bunch of concepts which i think is important which is another reason why you should you should take a look at it
Channel: Java Brains
Views: 102,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microservices, spring boot, microservices tutorial, java microservices, spring boot microservices, spring cloud microservices, spring cloud, spring, java brains, java, brains, koushik, kothagal, kaushik, spring microservices, fault tolerance, resilience, circuit breaker, bulkhead, hystrix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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