3 phase motor connections

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okay this three-phase motor is missing the main plate and they play this plate that would actually tell you how to actually do your connections for a gold voltage three-phase motor I have nine leads coming out here each one of these leaders have it has a mark each mark is called t1 through T nine okay so what do I do if I need to connect this for a high voltage or low voltage it's very easy to remember if you put it if you set it up in your mind and you practice this most electricians that actually tell you how to do it because they practice it so many times I'm gonna start with low voltage on the low voltage side we want to put the our windings of the motor and as you can see it doesn't look like the inside of motor we want to actually put the windings in parallel and I'm going to demonstrate to you what this actually means first thing I wanna do starting from left to right I want to number my coils I'm gonna number it 1 2 around the 3 come back inside to the first one four and six again seven and any none okay now so I have mark my nine taps or my non terminals that are hanging out of the three-phase motor one to four is a whiny two to five is a wedding six to three is a winding seven eight nine are connected together in the center here how to configure for a low voltage motor you do one two seven and you tie three to nine and you tie two two eight four five and six you taught together when you're bringing your lives in line one goes to terminal 1 line 2 goes to terminal 2 and line 3 goes to terminal 3 or in is your a phase B phase and C phase think of it like this in groups of threes four five and six are tied together one two seven two two eight and three two now a phase B phase and C phase now this will actually give you a clockwise rotation if you're sure that your faces are in that border if you need the motor to reverse its rotation is easily to just go in and swap any two terminals typically will swap C with a and this will provide us with a counterclockwise rotation now our linings are in parallel and that's for low voltage while what a cleaning in high voltage what we want to do again label out terminals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 now for how voltage is really easy for electricians to remember versus doing it in low voltage mmm when I say tight in series I really do mean tie in series top four to seven five eight and six nine that will leave you with t1 t2 and t3 connect a phase or a blind one to t1 B phase or live to two T 2 and T 3 is C phase or line three when you look at it like this in groups of threes boom four to seven five to eight and six to nine t1 is line 1 line 2 line 3 for a B C for your high voltage again if I need to reverse the rotation again just take the two legs of a and C and swap make this C and make this a practice this is not something you learn overnight but as you continue to work in the field you won't look at the nameplate anymore you're just connecting oh thank you
Channel: James Waymyers
Views: 484,584
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: fwyDO2X7rpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2013
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