3 Organization India Joined in 2023 - 24 | 100% Probability for UPSC Prelims 2024

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so it's going to be an important session for prelims 2024 as we going to discuss organizations initiatives India recently 234 everyone's there right good evening everyone right it's going to be a short session like an important initiative and I can you can expect a question from here important event examination perspective and India perspective and these initiatives were mentioned between India and US India Us 2 plus2 dialog initi where both the countries agreed on India joining these three important initiatives right good evening everyone so this is important thing secondly we have also uploaded 12 hour Marathon session on our YouTube channel completely free go watch it no 12 hours the that is an honest request from my side completely that would give you an confidence this is an important important instruction so everyone is their life should we start should we start give me yes and then we'll start right right so if you see news articles initiativ plus2 diog India and USA and there uh these three organizations were mentioned and India recently uh uh have joined this important initiatives first 10 November and it says that India will uh India has uh joined as a full-time member of an important organization that is combined Mari forces combined forces which which is headquarter upsc because they have a significant impact on India and its security perspec what is combined forces important initia it is an us lead initiative us NCO us has taken a Forefront and launched this important initiative which is a voluntary Coalition of how many countries 42 countries and partner Nations for 42 full-time members and there are associate members and there are partner Nations also initially India was also an associate member again now India has recently become a full-time member and what is this organization aims at this organization aims at rule based International orders by countering non-state actors and promoting Security in international waters basically important first is Rule based order main interational wat spur and to protect ships and uh in to protect against what do you say non-state countering and would be countering nonstate actors nonstate actors headquarter is inah where it is headquartered international waters strict definition but anything beyond EZ is called as international waters international waters blue that is international waters and international waters is sometimes seen as Global common be Global common Global because you do not have anyone's any Nations what do you say sovereignty Beyond e treaty on high seas United Nations under Clause so that is also for protecting biodiversity in this high seas or international waters perspec so basically as no country has a sovereignity we are trying to have an Coalition with where countries can come together and counter non-state actors in and protect the international waters important main focus combin Mari forces is to counter narcotic smuggling secondly counter smuggling narcotics arms smuggling human smling International Water suppressing piracy Regional cooperation security environmental and humanitarian response if there is a humanitarian or environmental crisis then this this organization would come forward and help us right clear what is the role of combined Maritime forces 42 countries partner Nations you have Oman Sri Lanka important 42 IND also joined associate Partners full-time membership important it is commanded always commanded by US Navy vice admiral head it's a US Le initiative command is force would be a US Naval Admiral and secondly Deputy commandant would be from UK important next you have various task force so there are suborganization or sub teams under this combined Maritime forces which looks into Maritime security outside Arabian Gulf around inside Arabian Gulf counter Tas Force Red Sea security Task Force Security train task force so you have various suborganization or subunits under this combined Maritime forces clear clear right right things are clear combined multi forces questions secondly headquarter join and what it looks into it next is if you see recently there was a joint what do you say multinational Navy program exercise in the Red Sea which was against H attack in the Red Sea against Naval action and India was invited to join this and is Operation Prosperity Guardian to important operation Prosperity Guardian it was against the y h attack in the Red Sea important us to join us for this important Naval operation next is as I've told you this statement joint statement fifth annual between India and US 2+2 ministers meet come together and have a strategic discussion 2 plus2 ministers can anyone tell me 2 plus2 you have defense minister and who is a second Minister part of 2 plus2 initiative can anyone tell me right second you have to tell me in the com section very good very good defense minister and external affairs minister very good very good so com section which are the four to five countries with which we have 2+ two dialogue 2 plus2 dialogue going on right very good I can see very these 100 students who are life b b dedicated next is another important initiative which India is India India in the in the process of joining completely join process India has accepted that we'll be joining these two important initiative with respect to asteroid the first group IND join is space mission planning Advisory Group space space mission space mission planning Advisory Group what is space mission Planning Group what does it look into asteroid asid space space mission planning Advisory Group is a group of space agencies it is not a group of India country perspective country space organization Group which facil which is facilitated by United Nations United Nations and coordinates coordinating coordinating response to potential asteroid threat so how do we deal with any asteroid which is coming onto Earth how do we we deal with that Andries space organization space mission planning Advisory Group recently ISRO organization ISRO space organization has become part of this important organization responsibility recommends research and development needed for asteroid deflection D USA which was towards deflecting asteroid to future may if there is an huge asteroid coming over towards India how do we tackle that to responsibility organization to research and develop certain strategies and certain plans to deviate that asteroid secondly design potential deflection or mitigation measures against Mission analy the framework and option how to deflect Mission might be carried out definitely right next is secret organization body that is space mission planning Advisory Group United Nation office on outer space Affairs permanent secretar special Advisory Group uh space planning uh space mission planning Advisory Group is headquarter secret United Nations office on outer space Affairs permanent secretar important and is body official M that is interational asteroid warning Network the IND International asteroid warning network is an ex official member that body is an ex official member of this space mission planning Advisory Group hope clear next is what is this International asteroid warning Network important it is a global network network astronomers observatories and organ important astronomers organizations part observatories part and important warning Network basically basically is to detecting and tracking near Earth objects object which can come and come towards Earth analy orbital data of various various uh asteroids and assessment assessment to basically major Ro tracking planning advis gr to analyze the risk and communicate the risk to other countries to communicate the risk to other countries important information you have various organization under it it is not just space organization space agencies to but Observatory networks research institutes be is Network important and international astronomical Union is also part of it nasaa Jaa ISRO ISRO is also playing ISRO is also becoming member of this important body important part basically we looked into two important things first is we looked into space space mission application uh application group SM page uh and uh secondly we looked into International uh asteroid warning Network International asid warning Network organization India join with respect to is with respect to asteroid right right next is space advisory planning Mission group uh that is headquartered at United Nation office on outer space to important uh important body under United Nations and important body because this body is responsible for implementing five key union territories with which governs the International Space law to International Space law we have five treat five lawsl that is United Nation office on outer space Affairs outer space Affairs because we have an organization that is space mission planning Advisory Group just secretariate is at this body is at this body that is United Nations office on outer space those first and most important is implementing outer space treaties important Ro secondly promote peaceful International cooperation with respect to outer space important role capacity building for developing nations so that they are also able to take benefit of the space space is what it's a common it's a common good or it is a global common to how developing nations can also take benefit out of it important a a important right right key function it act as an administrative body of United Nations General committee on Peaceful use of outer space there's a United Nations General Assembly body that is committee on Peaceful use of outdo space administrative governing body it is also act as a space registry space registry if India wants to launch any satellite it has to register with this body United Nations office on outer space Affairs space policies and laws develops and recommends new space laws and its implementation laws with respect to outer space is implemented by this body and Poli respect to Outer next is with respect to disaster management important it utilizes space based information to tackle disaster management so dis disaster management will be it helps most of the disaster scan information early information yeah mitigation can be done early warning can be done through this space based observatories so it act as an important way through which we are able to tackle disasters also next is space 2030 agenda to basically it is an agenda where we are trying to use space technology for ensuring sustainable development space 30 agenda P important body push important body where it is trying to use space to ensure sustainable development to promote sustainable development and ultimately a access space to all ultimately body space should not be used only by developed countries but by various it should be accessible to all the developing countries also developed country and the knowledge should be shared among everyone I hope you are able to get all the connections United Nation of office on outer space next is international asteroid day was with respect to asteroid asteroid Day celebrate majorly 30th June 30th June 30th June why it is celebrated on 30th June because we had two important asteroid events and in with respect to Earth recent times two asteroids IND world worldwide we had impact of two asteroids first was with respect to Siberia T Tusa Tusa event which is which happened in 1908 and it happened in 30th June to asterid days 30th June to important event where there was an asteroid impact there was so many deaths in this region and recent May uh there is chel bin uh area in Russia where also we had this asteroid impact which also affected that area why it is how these two events are related and why it is these were the two events we had asteroid impact asteroid impact next is there as I've told you United Nation office on outer space Affairs looks into five treaties Five Laws which governs implementation body Five Laws five treaties with respect to outer space outer space treaty outer spaceace space is pro is a province of all mankind Global common country specific country important it prohibits weapons of mass destruction in orbit and on celestial bodies space weapon of mass destruction you cannot have weapon of mass destruction in orbit secondly or any celestial bodies it requires it requires avoiding harmful contamination of space and celestial bodies so contamination we want to ensure that it is contamination free outer space yeah Moon per if you are if there is any spacecraft which is landing on moon to it has to ensure that is there is no contamination from Earth of any organism of any chemical so important and it holds responsible uh it it holds States responsible for National Space activity governmental or non-governmental it is a responsible of India important it holds State responsible for National Space activity both government and non-government next rescue agreement rescue agreement if asteroids are returning from space and situation it is responsibility of every country to assist uh the returning of the aster astronomers from space and it it requires safe and prompt uh return of astronomers to launching States so basically we would support the return of astronomers from space and situation it is resc agreement space say if certain astronauts are returning and China astronaut but if it lands in USA return Ure if there is certain mishap sit it is responsibility of every country to support that astronaut next is liability convention to basically lach it dages would be theity next is registration convention to if there is any space object which is going uh into the space you have to registered with United Nation office on outer space important registration convention what you say and is Moon agreement the moon agreement is an extension of outer space treaties and it says it is a common Heritage it is not a Heritage of any country it is a territory of mankind it is a global common important is so basically it's an extension of outer space outer space Global common perspec Moon and other celestial bodies are of humankind mankind it is not restricted to to any specific country important so hope you are able to get all these three important organization and the basics with respect to that hope you got please tell me in the comment section did you understand give me thumbs up we'll rise again we'll revise again clity did you get should we revise once revise once so first is first is combined M time forces it is an association of 42 countries us basically we have to secure our international waters because there is no international law and if there is any security related thre the countries these these combined Maritime forces would come together and rescue and solve the problemsa wat2 right and operation Prosperity Guardian was with respect to the recent thing which happened in Red Sea with respect to H attack inv information diog between Mr shank extern off and defense minister and the two respective minister of us search agreement next is space mission planning SMP space mission planning Advisory Group to basically it is a or it's an association of all the space organizations Str how secret United Nation office on outer space Affairs SM body important offal International asid warning Network International asid warning Network organizations basically information sharing imp assment and information share Asom important body that is United Nations on outer space Affairs so United Nations body and peaceful cooperon Moon agreement capacity build developing countries key and secondly peaceful cooperation International cooperation VI AUST and secondly important space reg space reg if you have to put anything in space you have to register here space policy implementation space policy develop sustainable development making accessible to all aims and UH responsibilities of international astroid day 30th 30th June because SI event where asteroid World Sith perspec we had this International asterid day and you should know also know about 2013 event also next is outer space treaty it is a it is subka space is it's of mankind it is not a any specific country you should not have weapon of mass destruction on in space or on any celestial bodies we have to ensure that there's no harmful contamination of the space what do you say you have a nuclear reactor on the moon and there is you do not have a specific uh management for nuclear base so contamination rescue agreement liability convention registration convention and moon agreement respect to space hope you like this session on bis do tell me in the comment section com section plus agreements and we'll select the lucky one and we'll give him a course from Target UPC free of cost and one important request from our side is Ensure share and I would like to tell you many to follow this content for last minute rision of current affairs and definitely we'll take more sessions regular regular live I'll be taking 30 minutes sessions on a regular basis CH hope you like this session thank you
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Keywords: upsc 2024 strategy, upsc 2024, upsc, UPSC Prelims 2024, UPSC Current Affairs, UPSC Preparation, UPSC Test Series 2024, UPSC 2024 Prelims Syllabus, UPSC 2024 Prelims Question Paper, Economic Survey 2024, Current Affairs Course for UPSC 2024, UPSC 2024 Exam Date, UPSC Syllabus 2024, target upsc, upsc motivation, upsc strategy, The hindu paper, editorial analysis, upsc pyq, upsc csat, How to crack UPSC Prelims 2024, 🌐 Organization in News, upsc 2024 strategy hindi medium
Id: ValcdkFimBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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