3 October Farewell Service: Dr P Shongwe

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[Music] [Music] don't say to is defeated death and sin we face no more and the lord himself faithful servant you have served all your [Music] come and enter into my glory heavens prepared for such as you and the lord himself [Music] [Music] how did [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] me [Music] master is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] peace [Music] whatever it means [Music] is [Music] me [Music] of spirit [Music] awakened [Music] take control [Music] is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] leave me alone no [Music] um [Music] peace [Music] oh [Music] [Music] skies [Music] peace [Music] peace [Music] [Music] greetings to the saints of the living god greetings to the people of god greetings to everyone who is viewing and who has been viewing we have had a good experience together we have had an experience that is designed from heaven for our good and we want to thank god in a special way that we have come to the very last day of this virtual camp meeting we have come to express gratitude to our god our god who has seen us through our god who has been with us our god who has attended to us our god who listened to us and our god whom we listened to throughout this camp meeting we would like to thank god indeed for all the messages rendered to us by the servants of the living god the seminars delivered in this camp meeting which were fruitful which were rich and packed with information we want to thank god for that we like also to thank god for the uplifting and ennobling pieces of music that were rendered throughout the service uh throughout the services and the program may god indeed be glorified even in our souls may this worship experience reverberate in our souls and sustain us till the coming committing if that the coming of the lord will be delayed we would like to thank god for hearing our prayers prayers expressed and prayers expressed from the hearts as it were from the deep of the fish where jonah found himself praying in godhead even if your prayer was not uttered but if you expressed it from your heart within your heart we believe that god reached and received that particular prayer and understands very well and that god is indeed going to bless us we thank god for edifying us in such a mighty way we thank god for attending to our needs which are different maybe on other days we may have not felt that we were attended to spiritually but we know that god serves us in times that are set up by him for all of us and he serves us at different times using different people and we want to thank god for not forgetting us we believe that everyone who has been watching indeed was touched in a special way and life and their outlook of life will not be the same because of the experience of the camp meeting and may it not be short-lived by but may it be so deeply internalized that we will live with that experience of being touched and blessed by the almighty god even to the next committing if he will allow us to see it may god make our desires may god make our needs a reality may god walk with us may god not leave us alone even when we shall part may all our prayers continue to ascend to him because he is a living god who can hear and at this time we are going to have the president of the trans orange conference dr d.p xiangwei who is going to seal all the blessings in our souls who's going to conclude all the blessings with a word of encouragement and as he does that may we indeed count all the blessings we have received in this camp meeting virtual as it may but blessings are received because god can minister throughout all kinds of methods and the president will bless us with a word and pronounce a close of the season of reckoning that we have experienced and may we venture from here and rise to go and make strides and to go and walk with god and work with god so that in the coming committing indeed we can come counting our blessings thanks to the almighty god for this king meeting and for the blessings that have been given to us according to our different needs may god continue to bless us as our president addresses us amen [Music] just right [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] on every handful [Music] behind and onwards [Music] the earth shall tremble [Music] with our [Music] shall be given before the angel he shall know his name confessed in heaven then on right from the hills of light [Music] in jesus christ [Music] sorry [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] says [Music] [Music] thank you for tuning in every day to our 2021 toc virtual cab meeting we're all truly blessed by the messages by prayers by the songs and the hymns that were rendered by so many people our sermon is entitled they did eat of the fruit of canaan our text is joshua 5 12 and it reads as follows and the manner seized on the morrow after they had eaten of the old coin of the land neither had the children of israel had mana anymore but they did eat of the fruit of the land of canaan that year that's where we will focus on this morning they did eat of the fruit of the land of canaan that year my dear friend the children of israel were now at the edge of the promised land they had just crossed the jordan river and were filled with excitement and motivation of having miraculously crossed the river jordan they had full view now of the bountiful land but also so that the enemy strongholds were strong and had to work hard to possess the land from them but the enemy was was in disarray because on hearing how the god of israel parted jordan so that his children could pass through they were filled with fear and the israelites saw this as an opportunity to drive out their enemies with their past history full of god's deliverance from their enemies and the myriads of miracles performed on their behalf by god himself both night and day they soldiered on even though from time to time fear kept them at bay but they were willing to go forward they were employed by the remembrance of how their fathers were freed from the bonds of slavery that lasted for centuries but they pressed ahead they had witnessed god's miracles of varied provisions literally for the falling from the skies as they journeyed through their wilderness they were pleasantly surprised that they did not have to carry even spare clothes and shoes and yet god kept on renewing the only ones they carried from egypt their faith was sustained their confidence inspired and god's mercy kept coming their way even though from time to time they fell short in their behavior they had led to trust god as they made their way to the promised land even though doubts and fears often visited them their weary wanderings were over and their rest was about to begin oh my dear friends they were excited in that there were no more pharaohs to chase them there was no more hunger and test to threaten and crush their hopes there were no longer red seas in front of them to crush and dash their hopes there was no more pitching of tents and and moving out of tents as their nomadic life had ended gone with the fairy serpents that were lit throughout the desert where they passed through there were no more fierce enemies at every turn except the last ones who were inside their promised country there were no more howling wildernesses now they touch the land which flowed with milk and honey oh my dear friends as joshua stood on the banks of jordan river the weight on his shoulders became just too much because he did not have any weapons to fight he only had swords and arrows and slings and and spears which humanly speaking were totally inadequate for the task before them to destroy an army a people who were garrisoned in canaan land for so long who knew the ins and out of it but the man of god was comforted by the sudden appearance of the commander of the lord's army that brought so much comfort and assurance to him this was a confirmation to him that this battle is the lord's and he can only be an instrument oh joshua 5 13 to 15 says now it came about when joshua was by jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand and joshua went to him and said to him are you for us or against us or for our adversaries verse 14 and he said no rather i indeed come now as a captain of the host of the lord and joshua fell on his face to the earth and bowed down and said to him what has my lord to say to his servant and the captain of the lord's host who was jesus himself said to joshua remove your sandals from your feet for the place where you are standing is holy ground and joshua did so and joshua could view the land now from jordan river while moses viewed the land from mount neighbor what a beautiful land it was what a panoramic view of the land every part of the country was spread before him it stood out clear distinct and beautiful delighting his vision and enchanting to the iron refreshing to the soul he saw it as it was but god showed him how it would be upon possession by his people israel he seemed to be looking upon a second second eden there were mountains clothed with cedars of lebanon there were hills that were littered with olives and fragrantly dressed with the order of the vine from where he was standing he could actually taste or feel the order of the vines there were wide green plains with bright flowers and rich and fruitfulness there were palm trees of the tropics spread all over that loomed large and beautiful the waving fields of wheat and valley were strewn all over indicating that there is plenty food here musical sunny valleys with the ripple of brooks and sweet singing of birds provided the most beautiful music they could hear goodly cities and fair gardens made canaan more beautiful there were lakes that were rich in abundance of the seas decorated the land there were grazing flocks upon the hillsides and even amid the rocks the wild bees hoarded treasures were seen grazing on miles on end the precious ancient mountains rose beautifully and were interpersed throughout the land the sun made sure that the fruit of the land was was luscious it was beautiful to the mouth and nourishing to the body it was indeed as such the land inspired by the spirit that god had described to his son moses and now to joshua oh my dear friends even when you read the text the bible itself it tells you what kind of land was this one deuteronomy 6 verse 10 and 11 a land with great and goodly cities which thou build us not and houses full of good things which thou fill us not determine eight verse eight and nine a land of wheat and bali and vines and fig trees and pomegranates and olive oil and honey a land where thou shalt eat bread without scarceness thou shalt not lack anything in it the land whose stones are iron and out of whose heels thou mayest dig brass determine eight verse seven it is a land of living water a land of brooks of water a land of fountains and land where depths that spring out of valleys and hills and hills are found oh the last one deuteronomy 11 25 it is a land of promised victory there shall no man be able to stand before you on zida figurine si [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] peace [Music] musa [Music] [Music] the chin of israel stepped into river jordan the time for stepping forward in faith had come the ark of the covenant led the way and the priest approached the raging flow followed by millions and of loud steps of ship and goats and cattle and all the children of israel they dipped their feet into the river a dusty feet met friends at furious waters the current suddenly stopped hallelujah to that they walked halfway over the jordan and stood in the bed of the river as the people crossed on dry land as they crossed my dear friend the jordan they waved goodbye to the years of wandering in the desert and said hello to the land that with milk and honey and when they had all crossed jordan jordan rolled as before overflowing its banks oh my dear friends yes the condition of the canaanites in the land they were dangerous they were deadly and dangerous but remember the captain of the lord's army was with them they were not alone yet they were fearful demoralized and demotivated but let me tell you something the fact that the lord was with them the lord had carried them for so many eons and so many times they drew strength from that and joshua did not waste time there were three or four things that were important that needed to be done as soon as they crossed the jordan river number one remember many of those who left egypt perished on the road and knew children were born and these were not circumcised so the first thing that was done was a circumcision of the people of god circumcision remember was a sign of the covenant was the means of becoming identified with the covenant promises of god to abram and to his descendants the nation of israel and such as such it was a sign of faith in what god would do through his people number two as soon as they cross the river as soon as they were circumcised they observed the passover remember by taking the passover israel was to relieve their deliverance out of egypt by the blood of the lamb but as which circumcision these two was related to the land as observing the passover in egypt protected them from the destroying angel it also assured them of two more things so likewise the crossing of the river would be followed by the defeat of the canaanites remembering the past became an excellent preparation of faith for the test of the future number three they did eat of the purchase of the land when the enemies ran away they began to eat of the lair of the food of the land of egypt the wheat the barley the fig trees and olive oil honey and the pomegranate pomegranates number four the ceasing of the manna now that they had crossed over now that they began to eat of the fruit of their land their manner ceased for 39 years and 11 months it fell except on sabbath for even the manner kept the sabbath the seventh day of the week all through the wilderness and on stepping on canaan's shores the minor the manner finally ceased oh my dear friends my bible says for they did eat of the of the old coin of the land corn of the land found in the storehouses of the inhabitants who had fled into jericho god would not be political of his favors nor expose them to contempt by giving them superfluously when ordinary means were available and were sufficient food was no longer going to be fall from the sky as they did before they would now have to work for it this was god's way of maturing israel this was time for israel to own up and to grow and to grow up the innovation is bad out of this dissatisfaction or change this time it was change all my dear friends coming to us now while ultimately we look forward to a better country god would love us to begin to enjoy canaan land here on earth if we are to find rest and glory we must accept and find christ who is our rest and peace here here and now if we have to be freed from wandering in the wilderness of our desert lives we must cease from looking everywhere in this world but we must focus and look toward christ who gives us rest from our wanderings before we get to the land of our eternal rest from wilderness wanderings if we are to enter his rest then we must enter his rest now if we are going to taste the living waters of the heavenly canaan we must be filled with the living waters of the holy spirit here and now if we are to have victory then we must continue to have victory now through prayer and fasting seeking the lord with all the commitment we can be able to find if we are to spend eternity with christ abiding in his presence we must begin here and now to abide in the vine jesus christ if there is going to be the absence of tribulation then we must be sheltered in christ today for safe landing on those beautiful shores if christ will be our beloved in glory he must be our beloved now we must find our completion our satisfaction our redemption and our rest in him here and now if one day we will pass through the clouds we must go through our red seas and face our color collides in the name of jesus now oh but my dear friends there is a future canaan which is coming as soon as we step into that beautiful show we too will eat of the fruit this time not of the earthly canaan but the fruit of the heavenly canaan the servant of the lord says we are pilgrims and strangers on this earth looking for a city which had foundations whose builder and maker is god the path in which we travel is narrow and calls for self-denial and self-sacrifice we meet with trial and conflict here but god has not left us to travel without help our pathway to the heavenly canaan is bordered with fair flowers of promise they blossom all along the way sending forth their rich fragrance like the flowers in the gardens of this earth can i tell you something my dear friends i think enough is enough we have suffered long enough and continue to do so even today we have gone hungry for too long we have had enough terror and fear we have suffered the indignity of death that is that is enough now we have been trapped hopelessly numerous times and now as we have set our food in glory this has must cease to bother us while our bodies have all along been battered by sickness and disease now we are no longer in pain because we have stepped on those shows here we have been filled with unbelief and disobedience and now we see everything clearly for we praise god for his unceasing messes when we finally step on those beautiful shores we shall completely have been separated from the sins of the flesh that made us so weak susceptible and vulnerable as recorded in galatians 5 5 19 there will be no more immorality there will be no more impurity there will be no more sensuality there will be no more idolatry there will be no more sorcery there will be no more enmities there will be no more strife there will be no more jealousies there will be no more outburst of anger there will be no more dissensions there will be no more affections there will be no more ending drunkenness every threatening evil shall have been wiped out the shout of war shall never be heard ever again we shall throw our swords away for there is no need to be at war there no need for battles no warriors over there for our eternal peace will be inaugurated and perpetuated there no more blood to be absorbed by the land and our planes because of conflicts will be a thing of the past all normal hills and cities filled with robbers for there will be no lack and disparities there no inhabitants with chariots of iron for every man made warring tool shall have been subjected to fire we are continuously in god's holy territory and this is so eternal no more defeat dreams and hopes because we are in the presence of the desire of all ages no more digging of grapes because we are in the presence of immorality elizabeth elise is [Music] lego [Music] me [Music] [Laughter] see [Music] i am [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] say said [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] [Music] what a day it will be when we wake up in glory in the presence of jehovah himself for in his presence there is fullness of joy at his right hand our pleasures forevermore dear friends when we are in that land we will be surrounded by abundance and affluence there will be light ten times more than we have today as this light will be emanating from the eternal three flooding the city of the saints there will be blissful and rhapsodic activities that keep us fully satisfied there will be ample spiritual gratification and fulfillment there will be no more will be no more worried by the elements that many at times leave us reeling on the brink of homelessness and many times leave us in poverty for in the presence of deity there is always composure and compactness we will no longer feel shepherd less for we have touched the eternal green pastures forever no more tears to dim our eyes because just the beholding of christ our savior the tears that have accumulated and what he does over years will be forever wiped away in the land [Music] oh god shall [Music] is [Music] [Music] is all the light and there is [Music] [Music] is [Music] because heaven is known as the habitation of god's holiness god's perfectness will be greatly appreciated the holiness of angels will be evident that glorification of the saints will be completed there will be total rest from all the toils all the trials all the conflicts all the persecutions all the outworkings of human depravity there the wicked sees from troubling and there the weary are always at rest there we find our permanent residency heaven will be eternally permanent he who he who overcomes i will make him a pillar in the temple of my god and he shall go out no more and i will write on him the name of my god and the name of the city of my god the new jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from my god and i will write on him my new name revelation 3 verse 12. what a gift will be ours with its beauties and riches and glory what a gift will be heaven no eye has sinned nor ear has heard and no mind has imagined what god has prepared for those who love him revelation 2 verse 7 to him that overcometh i will give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of paradise here ellen white one was taken to gloucester was taken to glory she saw the tree of life and the throne of god out of the throne came the pure river of water and on the other side of the river was the tree of life on one side of the river was a trunk of a tree and a trunk on the other side of the river both of pure transparent gold at first she says i thought i saw two trees i looked again and saw that they were united at the top in one tree so it was the tree of life on the other side of the river of life its branches bowed down to the place where we stood and the fruit was glorious it looked like gold mixed with silver my dear friends just as the children of israel at from the tree of the earthly canaan we too shall eat from the tree of life in the heavenly canaan it will not be long praise god it will not be long for there is coming a day when my savior i shall see oh there is coming a day [Music] i shall see there are no more clouds [Music] [Music] glorious day that will be i shall see when i look upon his face and when he takes me by his hand [Music] listen [Music] no more sickness [Music] with the one who died for me the glorious day [Laughter] i shall see and when i look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] which you will eat of the fruit of the heavenly canaan time is passing soon into eternity and we will soon be enveloped by the eternal bliss we can count on god's promises of his own coming there is sweet music in the air already passing above our heads i can hear the great trumpet sounding heralding the coming of our king i can hear the angels gathering to carry christ to come and come and claim his own fellow said genus lift up your heads and behold your king shout aloud joyfully for he that promised to come is even at the doors trials and troubles will soon be a thing of the past distresses and sadness will soon make room for eternal gladness death will soon be cancelled and replaced with eternal life for at the appearing of our great god this mortal body shall put on immortality fellow strangers to this earth sing a joyful song for your majestic king is here bow down before him and worship him that made the heavens and the earth bless his name and lift him up rejoice in him and continue to praise his name lean on him honor the king trust in his goodness trust and adore him for we too are about to eat of the fruit of the heavenly canaan not too long from now we will cry out oh beulah land sweet beulah land there is [Music] has passed away [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] see you at the 2022 cup meeting if not see you at the table as we eat of the fruit of the heavenly canaan not too long from now god bless you this committing is now officially closed [Music] our fathers [Music] which i didn't have [Music] kingdom come [Music] i will be [Music] in here gave us this day our daily bread and forgive us as [Music] and lead us not into temptations [Music] glory words oh [Music] [Music] yes
Channel: TOC Media SDA
Views: 1,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u4d0g9XdbfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 55sec (3715 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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