3 New Reasons To Consume Medicinal Mushrooms — New Research with Adam Haritan

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hey everyone I'm Adam Harrison from learn your land and whenever I think of Medicine I don't think of doctors I don't think of pills and plastic orange bottles I don't think of Walgreens Rite Aid far more whenever I think of Medicine I think of plants I think of forests I think of trees and I especially think of mushrooms that grow on trees you know throughout history countless cultures have used mushrooms for thousands of years for both food and medicine and what's fascinating is that modern research continually unravels the important healing benefits of medicinal mushrooms in this video what I'd like to do for you is share with you three new pieces of important information on three separate species of medicinal mushrooms and if you're not familiar with medicinal mushrooms already hopefully this video will inspire you you stick by to the end of it you don't turn it off right now it'll inspire you to get out harvest these mushrooms and make them a part of your life you know if you're experiencing a certain health condition or several health conditions and you can't quite get a hold on them look into the medicinal mushrooms no they're not a cure for everything but you'll often find that these mushrooms can address certain conditions that you thought were unsolvable or at least they can help to unlock the door to allow new healing opportunities to enter your life and I may be speaking in vague terms right now and I get it you want to know exactly what these mushrooms can do for you well let's look into the research so in overarching commonality between medicinal mushrooms is that they possess anti-cancerous properties in this mushroom right here Ganoderma Sugoi the hemlock reishi mushroom is no exception you see a normal part of day-to-day living involves cellular proliferation this is when two cells are formed from one cell division cell reproduction it happens to all of us every single day no problem however when left unchecked when unregulated especially with mutated cells this can lead to cancer spread cancerous growths in her body so to inhibit the cellular proliferation is important to stop cancerous growths from spreading in our body a new study from 2015 has shown that a hot water extract from this mushroom so think of a tea or think of a decoction something that's very easy to make at home has the ability to inhibit cellular proliferation of human leukemia cells and human liver cancer cells and it works through two mechanisms one is Apatow sious and two is necrosis Apatow Sicilian death think of it like cell suicide it's considered a milder process to help eliminate dysfunctional or damaged cells compared to necrosis which is a form of cell injury that is usually caused by extracellular physical or chemical changes in this leads to inflammation whereas appetisers doesn't necessarily lead to inflammation but both of these are mechanisms behind inhibiting cellular proliferation of cancerous growths and it seems that a hot water extract a tear decoction from this mushroom Ganoderma sugai has the ability to do that with human leukemia cells and human liver cancer cells now the reishi mushroom Ganoderma sugah is one of my favorite mushrooms to seek out every June and July here in western Pennsylvania and if you're looking for this mushroom look at Fallen hemlock trees that's its substrate and if you're interested in learning more about this mushroom I created a detailed video on its identification and its medicinal properties and I'll link to that down below you can also find this mushroom in much smaller numbers this time of year I found a fresh fruiting body in December before but usually you'll find it in June and July this is a dual extracted tincture that I like to take every night before I go to bed so it has an ethanol extract which is an alcohol extract combined with the hot water extract so I'm probably getting some of those anti-cancer properties in here because there's a hot water extract in here this is very easy to make doesn't take too long and if you're interested in learning how to make your very own reishi mushroom dual extracted medicine I created a free guide to medicinal mushrooms which includes instructions on making dual extracted tinctures and decoctions and a whole lot more if you'd like to receive a copy of that shoot me an email at Adam at learn your landcom let me know that you watch this video maybe that you enjoyed it too hopefully let me know you'd like a copy of that guide and I can send it your way but again this mushroom has been shown to possess anti-cancer properties against human leukemia cells and human liver cancer cells the second piece of research that I'd like to discuss with you involves a closely related mushroom to Ganoderma su gay and this one's Ganoderma lucidum doesn't grow and fall on hemlock trees but it grows on hardwood trees and it's another reishi mushroom in fact it's the classic Ling Qi mushroom the one that's been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years now it may or may not be a North American species many people will tell you that it does grow here in the wild in North America I've been to several mushroom forays where it has been brought in to the identification table and supposedly labeled as Ganoderma lucidum however if you look at the research there hasn't been a reishi mushroom species fully sequence that proves to be getting mo lucidum now it's not to say it's not a great mushroom in fact it's a fantastic mushroom you just may not be able to find it in the wild but you may who really knows and what this new piece of research shows is that Ganoderma lucidum reishi or the link qi mushroom improves physical fitness and women suffering from fibromyalgia so fibromyalgia is condition characterized by pain by stiffness by tenderness all throughout the body it afflicts 5 million Americans 80 to 90 percent of them are women over the age of 18 not to say it doesn't afflict children or men but in the majority of cases it's women and the study showed that 6 grams a day so 3 grams twice a day dissolved in water for six weeks improves upper and lower body muscular strength improves balance and agility improves aerobic endurance and more in women suffering from fibromyalgia and they didn't really fully identify the mechanism behind it they think it might have something to do with antioxidants but they weren't fully sure now fibromyalgia may have an autoimmune component to it some research shows that fibromyalgia may be autoimmune in nature but it's not proven that it is if it is this would make sense because several medicinal mushrooms contain compounds known as beta glucans which help to modulate the immune system either stimulate or bring it back down and if fibromyalgia is an autoimmune condition that means the the immune system is working on overdrive it's too high it's too hot needs to be brought back down and perhaps the Ling Qi mushroom Ganoderma lucidum can help to bring this back down and to alleviate some of the pain and proof physical fitness and women suffering from fibromyalgia and here's what's great about Ling Qi one it's very easy to acquire you can order it online too it's very inexpensive as well and it's very easy to take three grams twice a day for six weeks improve physical fitness and women suffering from fibromyalgia so if you're not familiar this mushroom I encourage you to look into it's one of the first ones that I got to know and I started ordering it from bulk suppliers online and then I started harvesting my own Ganoderma su gay out in the wild but look into it and see if it may help you or someone that you know who is afflicted with fibromyalgia the third piece of research I'd like to discuss with you is great because it involves a very common mushroom one that many of us are very familiar with that's the classic oyster mushroom pleurotus Austria Attis it's something that's very common out in the wild especially this time of year and you can also find it cultivated you can find it at the grocery store now a brand new study found that in antimicrobial compound has been identified from the oyster mushroom from a hot water extract of the fruiting body so think of a tea or hot water decoction again something that's very easy for us to make at home and this antimicrobial compound is both antifungal and antibacterial the research shows that it's antibacterial against ecoli and Staphylococcus aureus and antifungal against Candida albicans Candida albicans is a fungus that normally resides in healthy levels in our gastrointestinal tract however overgrowth of this can lead to an undesirable condition known as candidiasis so this mushroom may have anti-candida properties it also is antifungal against a fungus known as Trico sporran which can lead to fungal skin infections so a hot water extract from the oyster mushroom possesses both antifungal and antibacterial properties against Candida against triger sporran against Staphylococcus aureus and against ecoli as well and again it's a hot water extract we can make this by making soups at home or we're making teas drying the mushroom first and making teas from it now the oyster mushroom is one of the easiest mushrooms to identify out in the wild pleurotus Austria Attis is one that you will usually find and fall through early winter however there are several species of oyster that you can find all year round this one the common oyster mushroom pleurotus Austria Addis is characterized by having white caps and they grow in shelf-like clusters on wood if you look on the underside there are gills that run down the cap and the caps almost end in a central stock but it's a very small stock sometimes you won't even find a stock at all the spore print of the oyster mushroom is white to a pale lilac but it's very easy to find and if you do find I encourage you to bring it home you could dry it out although most people usually cook it fresh but if you want to harvest it for these medicinal properties as depicted in these studies perhaps you would want to dry it out make teas from it or make soups from it as well and you can get some of these antimicrobial properties against Candida against Staphylococcus aureus again strike a sporran against ecoli as well and there we have it three new pieces of information documenting the important medicinal benefits of three species of mushrooms Ganoderma sue gay the hemlock reishi mushroom Ganoderma lucidum the link cheap reishi mushroom and pleurotus austria Addis the common oyster mushroom you know ever since incorporating mushrooms into my life several years ago I've noticed numerous benefits and many people might think that mushrooms can explain away everything in the history of the world and they're the cure for everything whether personal or global that they can explain away religions they're the reason for religions that they're the reason for existence and I may or may not fall into that camp however I certainly know one thing that I would not be Who I am today if it weren't for this special kingdom of life and I know that you can experience similar benefits if not more in your life if you just give it a shot you just give it a try what do you have to lose thanks so much for watching this video I really appreciate it if you could do two things for me that would mean the world to me number one if you could subscribe to my youtube channel by hitting subscribe down below that would be great to stay up to date with all the videos that I plan on releasing and number two if you could go to learn your landcom and join the community in the database of naturalist so you can stay up to date with nature walks in your area and see when I'm releasing new articles and new videos related to the beautiful flora fauna and of course the fungi of our beautiful earth thanks again for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Learn Your Land
Views: 82,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Medicinal Mushrooms, Mushrooms, Fungi, Paul Stamets, Gary Lincoff, Reishi, Oyster, Ganoderma tsugae, Ganoderma lucidum, Pleurotus ostreatus, Adam Haritan, Learn Your Land, Wild Foodism, Foraging Pittsburgh, Wild Food, Wild Edibles, Arthur Haines, David Wolfe, Daniel Vitalis, Medicinal Fungi, Western Pennsylvania (Location), Dual Extractions
Id: zPASC3P3nCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2015
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