3 Levels Of Melodies - NOOB vs PRO vs GOD

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in this video we'll be making three levels of melodies from noob to pro to and at the end of the video we'll compare how this melody sounds like in a song so yeah let's start with the noob before we make a new melody we need the chords that sounds like this [Music] what i used to do when i was a new was to just play around until it sounded good because i didn't know any music theory but if you're an advanced noob you know that you can make it mouldy by just playing the notes within your chords so let's make it melody by just using the chord notes [Music] to spice this up a little bit more we could add a little rhythm variation like this [Music] and yeah now we just copy this first bar across the entire chord progression and boom we just made a melody but if we want to spice up this basic melody a bit more we need variations all we really need to do is maybe change a note here at the second bar and a note here at the fourth bar [Music] and we got some variation and lastly when i was a noob and wanted to be really creative i used to switch up the rhythm of the chords like this [Applause] [Music] that's now is that make your pro moldy and one way that i like to write melodies is to make the chords and bass first and then make a melody on top of it so let's take the same bass and chords as the new melody but add a catchy rhythm to it [Music] and this sounds like trash so let's add some swing and move the third in the chords up an octave and move some bass notes up an octave as well so writing a great melody with this foundation is going to be pretty easy and when we create this melody we can for example use the third and fifth in the chords because they are almost always going to sound good and the third and fifth are just the third and fifth note in the scale from the first note of your chord so this would be the first and this would be the second third fourth fifth i think you get it so when we make this melody we can just follow the catchy rhythm we made with the chords and we can also just start with the fifth and build upon that so let's do that [Music] and now we can just copy this first bar to the rest of the bars and if you remember now we just need variation so let's start by making the second bar more interesting we could just switch up one note but that would be boring what i tend to do is just switch up the pitch on almost all the notes in the second bar but i also make sure the rhythm is the same and it's like you know melodically similar [Music] and yeah this sounds very good and at the fourth bar which is the final bar we need to climax the melody so one way to make this part really awesome is to make it sound like a ladder so we could make it go from high to low in pitch like this or you can do the opposite like this both ways would work but i like this one the most and yeah let's add an extra octa to the melody and we're done also if you enjoyed the video feel free to like and subscribe [Music] okay so let's try make a god level melody for this level i just figured we could make it melody as complex as possible so to step up from the pro we can add more harmonies more rhythm variations between the bass chords and the melody and a counter melody so let's first start by making the main melody [Music] so for this melody i figured we could make a little bit of a crazy structure you know so instead of adding variations to the second and fourth bar we will add variations to the first and third bars so i'm just going to add variation to the third bar and we will achieve that [Music] and it sounds like this and now for the counter melody it's important in my opinion at least that it has contrast to the main melody so i figured we can make a counter melody that's lower in speed and higher in pitch compared to the main melody so yeah let's do it and for the chords we could just have four different chords repeat like in the pro melody but since this is the god level i figured we we can't do that so i tried my best to just make each chord more harmonically interesting by making slight variations on the chord's voicings and it sounded like this and i almost forgot we also obviously need to add this note to the melody for some extra spice [Music] now we just add another octa to it and add a baseline and we're done [Music] and now you've heard all these melodies on the piano which sounds really boring so let's make a final comparison where we listen how this melody sounds like in a song and by the way if you want to learn how to produce electronic music in seven days check out on your course you'll get over 35 premium quality videos and daily exercises and cheat sheets and also answers to your questions in the videos and much more click the link in the disc click the link in the description to check it out yeah bye [Music] you
Channel: Memphy
Views: 1,668,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fl studio, tutorial, fl studio 20, how to make melodies, how to make melodies in fl studio, how to write melodies, melodies, advanced melodies, advanced melody tutorial, melody tutorial, music production
Id: OiKQtep-qHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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