3- Leaking between VRFs Using MP-BGP

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hi everyone we continue the vrf idea and before the start to our topic today I want to give you a quick overview or review about the last class so last class we create we create here vrf call a draft or 2 or r2 and another vrf they call r3 and r4 and for each vrf does PRF we are at and for each PRF I give or join one loopback interface which is loopback - and he look back three and here low back for and don't forgot as well we have a global route table which is router one which is the name for router and in this a global router table they have loopback one okay the goal for our class today it is how to do routing between different vrf in the same router this is they call a BRF leak or we are a flicking which is mean we can do routing or we can do communication communicate between vrf 2 and we are of 4 for example so v RF 2 can talk with the v RF 4 and maybe as well as v RF 2 can talk with the 3 and maybe 4 control with the - this is the first goal we need to achieve in this class and maybe the following the class we will do as well leaking as well as v RF and make connectivity between the v RF itself let's say for example v RF for can talk with the global we are or maybe we are of or global vrf or the default route table can talk with the vrf - this is the following key class which is the stage - if we can finish today the stage 1 which is the connection or linking between vrf alright let's show you which configure I have here show IP interface does the loopback interface in front of you here and you can see the loop back for go back just remember they look back number one it is under global routing table and two in the VR F 2 3 PR Fe 3 4 PR for show IP we are have we create the PRF as you can see here router to router 3 router for and I have I've got as well show IP route this is the global route table and I have show I P v RF r - this is the sorry show IP route v RF v RF r - this is the v RF to route table routing table here as you can see there is nothing on it and I've got as well after 3 or the RF 3 and we are for we are F 4 so now if I do ping for example between VR F 2 which is mean to door-to-door to to to talking with the 3 3 3 I can even put it the pink v RF r to our to do pink to the 3 3 3 the source 2 2 2 actually we don't really need to put it the source because each we are if they have single interface single IP address all should be done when the source but what he say and when I had enter here there is no complication between them because as I mentioned before this is totally different network totally different even virtual forwarding router so like a virtual router inside one single particular router it is divided to the four router or four virtual router table how can to do the routing between them the easiest ways way we have to use the BGP border gateway protocol and we will do routing between the V RF by using BGP family address the unique as we are off as I can show you here so I say conflict T here and I would say router bgp 1 2 3 4 so we can put it any number this is the autonomous system of course if you deal with the ebgp we have to follow the public autonomous system or even there is a range for the private autonomous system for BGP but the reason why I put it 1 2 3 4 because I will do routing between vrf 2 3 4 and later on again in the following class we do or we involve router 1 which is the globe or router table inside the BGP as well in order to make the connectivity or full connectivity between the VXR and the default or the global routing so 1 2 3 4 you can use any number of course in your side I will say here address family ipv4 of course we can do ipv6 even so I just put it here ipv4 vrf r2 so I start with the vrf r2 here so once when I had entered here say sorry we cannot do BGP if you don't have Rd route distinguisher which is help the router identify or recognize or figure out the the difference between the vrf so without Artie we can not do the connection or we can not do we cannot use the BGP routing or click between vrf is only this parameter we need do you need another thing else we will see we need another thing very important which is they call route target which is our t or our target export and import we will figure out how or what the benefit for route target later on but right now for Rd I guess you know because the router need to know the router or the vrf the name are to how to recognize to another view of how to do this is the how the router know this is router to this is your V RF or two and this is v RF R 3 R 4 and so on alright I get around in here so I just say exit from here then I go to configuration mode then I start to do our D I will say IP we all have our 2 for router 2 I start I just say Rd any question mark you can see this is the number you can put it at any mouth systems and another number this is 64-bit is this help or router to identify each v RF to another so I just say 2 to current question mark e : 2 2 or whatever any number you like but should be the same formula here so I go to there are 3 or the b RF III and i would say 3 3 1 3 3 as well and as well I go to therefore we are a 4 then I follow 4 4 4 4 let's check it out here show IP v RF you can see I have that number here let's back to the BG P coffee tea I will say your router bgp again 2 3 4 is already here router bgp already running a 10-mile system ok sorry I do the 1 2 3 4 I did 1 2 3 4 so I'll just keep with that this is interesting thing by the way each router with the catalyst router used the one bgp instance but I did some project before like with SR 1000 they can deal with the two Aniston's BGP that's why we see we see this message in in the simulation I use the Genesis 3 and I used iOS V ok anyway so I just say BGP 1 2 3 address family again ipv4 we can even deal with the C 6 IP v4 v RF this is for router 2 now you can see there is no error message because I have Rd so the router he no this router or this v RF r2 ok now how to do the network usually in the BGP we use the neighbor common with the leak v RF with the leaking v RF we don't need neighbor comment once when you put it address family ipv4 v RF r 2 or the day 4 v RF the BGP he know this network will be deal with with the rest which one is available in the same domain in the PGP 1 2 3 so what I'm gonna do here so I just put it here network I can put it by network to 2 2.0 then mask then enter again i will go to another address family I can do exit here then address family now we are a for router 3 then enter I can do very simple comment here like a redistribution connected so of course in this vrf just pay attention in this point because this point is very important that we RF router 3 as you can see here the VR of they have only one interface which is the loop 3 that's why when I put it redistribution connected exactly the same comment exactly like I deploy or I configure or I advertisement their network 3.3 door 3.0 to the bgp domain so redistribution conducted is good and don't misunderstand that this comment may be redistribution every connected in that guy no this comment is help or redistribute any connected in that vrf in particular vrf is not in all the altar so I just say enter here I can even go to the vr4 then I put it's the same redistribution connected so either way you can put it to the specific network then or you can put at redistribution connected of course after this comments let's see the router table here show IP route table vrf - sorry again we are fr2 okay so nothing appear here nothing I don't have anything new even router 3 here I don't have anything here so why where is the BGP why the BGP doesn't war ok here we need the mechanism for route target route target import and export so I would say conflict II IP v RF r2 we have some comment they call route target here question mark I have import I have export and they have both ok so and they have another subject here for another type of target bless focusing to the three rows and export import right this is very important topic so just pay attention with me to understand the story behind the export and except for example in our example we have router to let's say talking with router 3 for example and router 2 they have for example one to network and router three they have to network as well so I do bgp between them here BGP but that BGP cannot work if you don't turn on the policy for the route target actually this route target is even sent through this the community extended they call community extended ok what the idea behind that ok pay attention with me here router 2 for example they have route target import and drought target export ok so the number for import will be 3 3 for example so means I say 2 router 2 please import or accept or allow any router coming from this number 3 3 actually should be righted like this okay so if rotor 3 here they have a same export numbers or router 3 here they have RT export which is a 3 3 ok for example so means the the router 3 export the routing this is to network will be export to anyone they have the import number which is the same marching ok so 3 3 with the x4 here you can see 3 3 so router 2 he will get at the network from router 3 here after the BGP configuration okay how about the export I guess when you get the idea for import and export here it is it is same actually it is via vs. it's the same same meaning here so let's say router 2 for example they have export export to - okay quick one - two for example okay so in that Network there is another network here or another router for here router for or vrf for they have our T the RT import to to to to mean v RF for will be import the router from router - okay import from router - and router - will be export this route or whatever routing they have here export to anyone they say import the same value number or match number so make it simple here we will see in the configuration here so the simple way later on maybe I have one a class to play in this value but let me make it simple here I say IP v RF PRF in front of you IP we are of our - I would say route target both export/import okay export import for example one two three or let's say 2 3 4 because I need to talk to 3 4 I mean v RF 2 3 4 both then I will go as well - router 3 and I will say same command both and router for ok I will say as well both now mean everybody can talk with each other let me show you here exit show run in the Shorin here the broad target will be very clear here you can see here the route argued show you here you can see here there our target here for example if router router to hear they have export this number okay so mean router for if they have a BGP they have imported same number that's mean of course they will collect the routing from router to and via vs. as well means router for also will be advertisement they are route to the router to base to walk based base to what base to the export same number and this guy they have import same number okay so this is like make simple same number but later on we play with the number and we will see the policy cool so after those or after this configuration here let's say let me just check right now show IP route VR fr2 venturi you can see the BGP is come up here and this is register hidden route routing table for VR fr2 from router 3 and from router for of course because all the three vrf is scary the same router target import and export by using the comment both how about router 3 router 3 we can see here you can see router 3 even or I call it router 3 it is VR Fe 3 you can see here is can communicate with the 2 and with 4 as well so how about akhtar 4 or a PRF for you can see as well they have also food connectivity with me with VRS so if I say now think 2 or ping from v RF are 2 2 3 3 3 of course I have reply even if I do source again I have one source already so doesn't matter here then after that I go to I check router 2 can reach to the router for as well done and he ping gobble here so how about ping from VR fr4 okay to the two to two as well I have reply and for example our three or VR fifty can reach to the two to even can reach to the for four so this is mean full connectivity or leaking between walk between bgp or using bgp between vrf but finally how about the globe or our table so let's see this comment here show show IP route okay show IP route table actually is not participate in the routing right now even when you see the BGP here I cannot do anything you can see your pink - the - - - I don't need vrf comment - - to the source it is 1 1 1 the pingas doesn't work because there is no routing or there is no any protocol help the global raw table communicate with the vrf I hope this information is good for you we will talking about leaking between global route table with the vrf in next class
Channel: VPC Network
Views: 10,410
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Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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