3 Idiots Get Fired in PowerWash Simulator

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i hired my two best friends sunday and sigils as my new power washer employees let's see if they have what it takes to help me become the ultimate power washer business on youtube if you guys enjoyed the video hit the little like button down below and if you guys want more beautiful content subscribe now let's see if we're gonna have to fire these idiots get off get off the van i'm get it steady get off the van get up come over here i did something on this side come here hold on up there did you right foot on here wait where's it right on the car this is our van we started a business together guys yeah why would we like that listen guys hit that like button or it's going to get erased hey stop it listen listen i'm here to teach you should you come to this side sub to what does it say i can't read it i i can't read anything listen all we got to do guys is use our power washers clean the van and then we're gonna take this van and we're gonna go to a special uh challenge mode that's gonna allow us to become the bestest and also what's really fun about this is you guys are earning me money yeah you guys don't get to keep that money that's all my money so yeah yeah get the power watching boys get the power you watch buy this game what are you yeah i'm gonna make you buy this game twice then sigils huh yeah that's very well i think we're ready to go no we're not we're at 32 percent clean we need to get the bar left you know since i'm a little bit better than you when i have skins on my weapons look at this check this out soap mode soap mode soap mode no soap please no i'm getting rid of the ganel ganel i'll get him you don't hurt him oh you can press two i got him change your nozzles yeah you could change your nozzles using e as well so or you could just like scroll wheel i think here for everyone yeah just go ahead look how do you use soap yeah so what you do is you go press e you go to your nozzle you use the blind vista 1500 soap nozzle that you guys totally don't have you pick cleaning liquid and then let's for example say we have glass cleaner do velocity one look how long it takes to clean look how long it's gonna take to clean this thing okay yeah yeah i like the brute force thing all right sigil since i'm the leader here you work on the wheels stop working on the body sunday night for the front what do you mean let me know i'm gonna do this part no no you're stop stop it stop it stop it stop stop get the water but i don't know your plan is do you get the wheels listen whoever does the best gets to be the leader in the next area we don't have to buy this game i'll let you guys refund it okay i'll make sure the video is under an hour so steven allows you to refund it okay what do you guys hate this game for it's great look at this i can kind of wheel this game that's a great game and the wheel's already done nobody's not look dude look look come over here look there's literally if you press tab you can see all the dirt on the car it's disgusting look at this thing no so look there's the hubcap and then there's the tire you idiot look the tire is still dirty look at this one prone mode top spray dude i am the best cleaner stop spraying me with the water see that's tired done okay you got to do the actual tires okay this isn't getting clean up here wait let me see oh yeah why are you playing a video game that makes us do a chore in real life i don't know i just thought it would be fun and funny listen it's worse than playing the way this works since this is metal it needs a special cleaner or you need a really high pressure one going really slow where is it uh metal cleaner so watch this it's gonna be instant it's gonna be oh yeah that's cheating yeah what do you mean it's cheating it's played by the rules what do you mean ever do this iron listen i would you don't think i would clean the car irl no you've never used a pressure washer in your life have you used a power washer in your i literally just did the other day yeah i prove it send footage right now you can't all live with the good i'm super imposed no you're i feel like i'm flying you're on top of the why can't i see my own legs you're literally on top of this house this is the worst business idea i've ever came up with i think i've seen some things in my day oh god what you've seen what what are you seeing then tell us tell us what you've seen what have you what have you seen a dirty car back up that's fine well you seen a dirty car uh the bumper's done we still got the body to work on what else are we missing oh if you press right click you don't have to click the oh wait are you right you're right the window 98 cleaned i see that boys we need all 99 no all of us at the window all of us at the same time come out the wall get the window you missed that tar get the windscreen central you are the worst person oh we have a to-do list bumper grill and wing mirror that's the wing mirror the other wing is like not even you know cause you're not using the right washer you stupid move out of my way yeah well that's what i'm here to teach you do you want to make money thanks do you want to make money yeah you said i don't get to keep the money so i'm not that excited no no you actually keep the money i was lying it was a joke oh okay then i'm just the bumper what's the bumper look like what's the bumper look like press tab on it let's see what it looks like it's under is it underneath where's the where's the dirt you guys see dirt on this thing negative i don't see it sorry your truck at your van is the bumper the front oh yeah oh see that was easy guys that was easy it's the end of the video you would say that right guys all right thanks for coming no it's not the end of the video guys we're going on to something way bigger way more challenging and you guys might hate me all right well i'm driving no i'm driving move all right so what i haven't told my good friends my good best friends and my new employees is that we're gonna get something special that's right everyone we're going to the special section and we're going to do um clean the mini golf course an entire mini golf course i'm going to make them clean it up and watch them pretty much rage quit it's going to be absolutely crazy and absolutely fun but let's do this thing all right boys your final project the mini golf course look how disgusting this thing is i even brought my ladder in us uh wait you guys are gonna get paid that's who oh you guys are just here here let me go ahead and put a little water in the plants no no we're no no we're not here to clean the plant here we're not gardeners no no no sigils look at the garden later look at the dirt that we have today i got the extendo arm oh you got the extender let me put the um ooh the long extension on there we go oh i got the extender and look at mine i got um yeah why do you have a skin yeah i i've been playing this game a little too much i'm sorry let me just go ahead and grab the press tab look what happens i turned mine into an smg oh it's so gross smg dude guys look at this bucket why is there why is this bucket here i'm cleaning the bucket the ball i'm cleaning the ball wait wait are you where where oh look at that clean it wait oh wait wait wait hold on check it out check this out check it out i think we can get it you think we can get a hole in one uh not one i'll be honest it's not working all right schedules you're bad you know what just because you have a bad attitude you're the leader tell us what to do where we going okay uh i want you guys to clean stuff okay what do you want me to clean tell me a good idea uh most of it don't you gotta tell me where to go okay okay i want you to go to heck no i want to go there tell me where to go that's toxic by the way yep uh what are you watching i want you to go to dairy queen get me a dairy queen and bring it back okay you really do need a queen don't you okay i'm gonna go get you a dairy queen oh wait hold on thanks that's impossible it's an impossible job to get you anything related to a woman what do you want me to do tell me what to clean give me an objective okay all right come with with me i'm with you i'm here with you i'm with you follow me i'm following this weird staircase of doom okay all right i'm up here i'm up the dirty stairs up here uh yep uh you see you see that part out there the want you to go out there and clean that this part the archway right over there no that's not cleaning i want an objective cleaners no no i want you to go i want an objective tell me what to clean do you want me to clean the cabinets archway you want me to clean it i want you to clean the dragon don't don't speak other words don't speak another word in this video until the dragon's cleaner i will fire you are you kidding me yeah you're dragging us down i'm not dragging anyone down this thing is disgusting and if you need me i'm gonna be playing golf no you can't be playing golf it's not lunch time you gotta you gotta do your work you gotta get a power watch no i'm practicing golf for lunch time sunday what are you working on over there by the way are you i'm trying to clean this thingy central you're gonna have to make sure he's actually working by the way he seems like the type did not know how to power watch in real life so it's a little weird he's definitely playing on fire still you know what what i'm saying i'm literally cleaning i'm using the prime vista i'm literally cleaning your stuff like what are you doing i just put on this stubby number multi-purpose look look look i literally cleaned this up here i'm hitting sniper shots right now are you snipe power washing that's not how power washing works my dad pulled off his thumb and we call him stubby nubby now oh well good job stubby dw stapleton i think they call that sigils in high school just cause he's like short you know oh yeah they call him stubby nubby who drew all over this dragon what the heck get out of here i'm literally cleaning this are you guys on this thing so just you're not helpful at all i never claimed to be you should have been dude i am one of the best power washers i've ever met refilling liquid i need oh okay i got a million guys you might want to use um the soap sometimes the soap is really good oh yeah oh yeah this drag is getting clean boy it's not getting clean it's really guys this is grimy this is real grimy yeah how about you clean it i just realized something um we can't leave until this whole park's done or we don't get paid wait really yeah we need we need to clean the entire thing uh i need to go check this out there's no chance you guys race quit this do you i need a sabbatical what it's how can you rage in such a calm and relaxing game have you met me yeah yeah could you be fair you raged in the most stupidest games all right the green one is almost done with the green one yeah let me see let me see let me take a look let me take a look let me see oh oh yeah that's looking good that's not bad you're not bad at this at all wow the fence is a little dirty but the night is really gross not done the night is disgusting sunday let me help let me help i literally let me help let me help the night's disgusting this is what you'll never be what a night or clean a shining armor ah both this mushroom is dirty too wait yeah dude the mushies everything is disgusting here dude we got so much money dude we're killing we have some okay i get 100 of this right uh you know 20. such decisions how much we get paid so oh none what would it be none so none of us get paid not even you you don't go i don't want anything i'm good thanks you just want to use my power watch with the boys where are you so what are you even working on i gotta i'm gonna find sizzles what are you working on i didn't even hear power washing over here what are you work he's not working on anything he's sleeping he's sigils what are you cleaning over here man uh you know just that dirty wall right there yeah you clean that that specific dirty wall over there well i cleaned this wall over here and i cleaned that one up there what is he doing buddy let me help you let me help you let me help you i don't know what you expected let me let me no i'm here for a man i'm here for let me let me let me help you bud let me hey let's go yeah you're getting it now all right you're getting a raise you're getting hurt honestly look what he's been up look behind you look everywhere look everywhere it's everywhere man it's up on the ceilings over there it's over here sigils you're fired no you're fired right no no you're fired you're in charge you tell us what to do hey what do you want us to work on what do you want us to work on oh right everywhere yep there's no integrity just i'm going back i'm going things need to be cleaned i just realized that is actually disgusting why it looks like he pooped down his like own tail ew do you not we really are cleaning out his butthole oh look there's feet prints i'm gonna fix it yeah clean the feet prints dude it's not like we're gonna make more with our dirty bodies there i fixed it look what'd you put you wouldn't know dude are we just graffiting at this point no i wrote i wrote what it is i'm gonna clean this chat i don't fix it you gotta write chests on it i'm not gonna write chest on a chest i'm gonna clean it so it's not disgusting this is our job this is no we're label makers dude wait are we actually not power watch like yeah we're label washers oh we're label washers well i don't like putting labels on things so oh yeah but your girlfriend knows what does that mean what does that mean what is that tell me what that means what who just completed something we actually put work in oh no way it's hard at work look i labeled this over here you know what we'll leave that that could stay everything else goes but that could stay i like what this is the worst thing that allows us to be able to write in the dirt this is disgusting you may be spending 25 to be in your video yeah it's not like you've never done that before i always gift you the game that's not true i always give you the game okay what game did you have to buy i don't know remember yeah i'm busy i'm trying to clean this thing can you clean something and not writing your name completing and complaining and always i'm going to play golf watch ready yeah go ahead let's see golf here we go how are you going to go wing it's going it's going towards the hole it's almost there bounce off the wall holy one because it's all clean wait over here i hate it it came down the tail thank you it's in there hole in one why is this thing not cleaned yet hold on i've been cleaning i'm gonna do this one now sigils come play this one with me come on yeah i said just go play a game with it while i actually do the work here it's fine okay i want to do the work i hit it it's going over the hump are you what are you guys humping hitting the wall oh it bounced off that wall oh okay that's pretty good going this way it bounced off that wall what are you wait wait is he about to is he about to what's going on hold on you got to get it you got to get it it's going it just went under how was the chestnut clean right there and then it hit this wall yeah uh-huh then you need to keep it over i cleaned dude i almost got a hole in one though look at that let me clean the snake real quick oh my gosh nice enough aim to hit this shot get the snake get the state guys get the steak get the steak get the take the steak support the idea it could be worse it could be surgical simulator again you guys remember that true as well you remember that remember as a dabbing with dead body parts there's a little bit more tamer a little bit more i found this one that's a sprayer i'm just gonna spray everything do you even know what cleaning what if i use soap no yeah no yeah soap is really good so use your prime vista nozzle and then get like multi-purpose or stone cleaners so stone cleaner is good for like these walls where it says butt i'm just spraying it no don't mess with the butt get rid of all the sigils ones though that's for sure yeah don't mess up the box i'm not gonna mess up the butt do you think i'm a guy that will mess up butts yeah kinda sleeping on the job apparently no i'm trying to read about my nozzles dude you're trying to figure out what's the best nozzle for you what's i don't understand i don't do this it's so gross look look at the color of this wall compared to this wall it's so gross you don't know how possible give me the rust cleaner you don't have rust cleaner uh i have oh i actually don't we only have multi-purpose you have to use the multi-purpose one what is it uh multi-purposes they're just what do you have terrible aim what are you doing oh dude i'm you're terrible you'll never make a shot like that says you i'll dunk on you right now don't call me 1v1 me right now let's go just did dude i'm trying oh he's on his head is it oh on the bottom too on the bottom it's on the bottom little pieces at the bottom you see these people still not dinging well look for the dirt you dingle it's on the bottom from the bottom this place looks like trash we've gotten like nothing you've done a good job you think so are the outside all clean you think you guys you think we did a good job you think we can yeah we can move on is that what you think oh the next video no no there's something bigger or better than this next what do you mean no you guys used to wait to clean this one first though no thanks let's clean the entirety of this before we can move on to the next one and then there's another one after that and then another one i'm going to be can zod do it for me and then no i'm calling in my understanding then there's another one after that so i'd rather study i'm gonna leave it up to you okay signals we could go do another bigger one or begin the video now oh we can end the video now sunday you're the leader do you want to end the video now no i want to clean this entire place all right we're cleaning it let's do it he said it sorry being sarcastic no i was being serious what no but i guess we're i guess we're cleaning the entire thing now here we go we're taking no we're cleaning it we got it i'm actually kind of getting into it now so kind of enjoyable right i'm literally jumping around you're not are you not even cleaning you're the boss you tell us what to stop i don't care are you saying you have enough footage yeah oh plenty oh well then i'm all that foreign wait no you wouldn't you wouldn't dare you wouldn't leave a job unclean you wouldn't leave a job like that he's gonna quit isn't he he's a quitter you don't have what it takes okay yeah so he had what it takes oh yeah this looks good though you know it's not bad it's not bad wait for part two for when we actually clean it what has happened i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you guys want us to do this again and finish off this incredible project and watch sigils rage and study cry on the inside hit the like button subscribe you guys are new here i'll see you guys in the next one bye everybody
Channel: Biffle
Views: 218,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffle, ssundee, sigils, powerwash, pwerwashing, power washing, satisfying, powerwashing simulator, sim game, sim, simulator game
Id: 5SzzMYygSa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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