3 HACKS to RUN DEEP in Small Stakes Tournaments [MTTs]

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hello everyone I'm Jonathan little I just returned from Vegas maybe my computer is not functioning properly turns out the audio was broken that's good we got to fix now today we're going to be discussing three hacks to run deep in multi-table tournaments hopefully sound will start working in just a second if it's there let me know realize that if you want to run deep in small sakes tournaments you have to have a few tricks and know how to get out of line and exploit your opponents to take advantage of whatever they do incorrectly what a lot of people think they should do is load up a GTO solver or GTO trainer play the GTO trainer all day learn to play GTO poker and then do that and that might be finding good against some of the best players in the world but it will leave a ton of money on the table against players who make all sorts of blunders you must get out of line in order to exploit the mistakes your opponents are going to make so in this webinar we're going to be discussing three hacks to help you run deep in those small Stakes tournaments first we're going to discuss some exploits to help you build a big stack early next we're going to discuss some big mistakes to avoid when playing on the bubble and we'll also discuss how to handle the pressure of being deep in a tournament when things may not be going your way because hate to break it to you you're not always gonna have a big stack and just absolutely crush your opponents so hack number one is to focus on playing pots in position against the weakest players at your table I see so many players who study game three optimal ranges like we have in the poker coaching app and then they use those ranges against the weakest players at the table early in a tournament and if that is your strategy hate to break it to you you are making huge mistakes because your opponent are not going to play anywhere near the game theory optimal strategy both pre- flop and post flop so logically what should you do if you think your opponent's going to let's say always stack off whenever they get top pair on the Flop what should that do to your pre- flop calling range in position well if they're just going to load their money in with top pair you should be playing a lot wider in position especially with hands that can beat top pair like suited connectors suited gappers Etc what should you do if you think your opponent's never going to forbat Bluff you meaning instead of taking the ace5 suited and some um some marginal hands like Ace jack off suit and throw in a forbit every once in a while what if they never do that well you should three bet a little bit more linearly cuz they're going to call your three bet with all sorts of marginal hands that should fold and when they do forb bet well you can just fold almost everything right so let's take a look at a few hands to illustrate this here we have 74 suited normally not such a great hand but here we are playing 250 big blinds deep facing a we have them tagged as a weak player but weak in this instance means um you know just not good quite often early in the tournament you may not know what your opponent's doing correctly either way if your opponent is overly weak and passive and they'll check fold too often this is a great spot to call because they're going to check fold the Flop too often if this is a player who will stack off with top pair every time this is a great spot to call and try to make two pair or flush or straight so either way against either of those types of players oh my God I almost knocked over this giant cup of water uh I'm getting excited over here against either of those types of players you should be playing this hand by calling you do not want a three bet cuz when you three bet if they're somewhat tight to begin with they are going to call or for bed and we're going to be in bad shape so this is a spot where we're just going to call and see the Flop big blind calls as well you will note when you do call the button the big blind's going to call a lot but that's fine because we have a hand that can make straight s flushes and two pair big blind checks King 74 we've got the two pair lowjack bets you may say what if we don't have two pair then we'd be in a tough spot not really call and try to improve in this scenario though especially given the flush draw and straight draw on the Flop even though the straight draw is kind of unlikely for the opponent we definitely want to put in a raise because if they have a king they're just going to load money in if they have a flush draw they're going to load money in or lease call so we want a raise kind of big notice they go 700 we're not making it 1,600 or 2,000 we're making it 2500 and if you told me you wanted to go even bigger because you thought this player would only continuation bet the Flop with something like a good pair or a good draw well then they're probably not going to fold so you might as well just make it bigger something like 3,000 would be fine they now re ra to 7,000 what should you do well in GTO world I imagine we're probably supposed to just call and try to keep them in with all their Bluffs the thing is though this player is not bluffing because that's not how weak players operate weak players straightforward players tight players what ever if they rera here you can be very sure that they have what do you think something like Ace King and better maybe king queen and better or a high Equity draw and probably not even a high Equity draw so I think we should just rip it in sounds crazy I know you may say what if they have pocket kings or sevens or fours well sevens and fours are really unlikely and you know there's only three combinations of Kings so there's five combinations of hands that beat us at this point there's six combinations of Aces so right there if they're not going to fold Aces we can just happily get it in and then there's 12 Ace Kings and maybe some King Queens so in this spot we are losing five times out of what 23 and I don't think anyone's folding Ace King here so this is a great great great great spot just to rip it in we do rip it in they call they have Aces we went a nice pot bottom two pair always loses online I don't think so that's not how math Works making it 3.5x is BET let's talk about something here when the opponent bets small on the Flop your ray should not be in an increment to his bet size it should be in an increment to the size of the pot notice in this spot if we call the pot goes up to 2,800 and then we are putting in 1,700 on top so it's like a 2/3 pot size raise if the opponent bet bigger we could make the same 2/3 pot size rays but it would be to a smaller amount in relation to their bets what if the opponent bet 100 or sorry 200 what if they bet 200 here would you want to raise to 3.5x to 700 right I mean that would be ridiculous because then your opponent's getting amazing odds so you're raising always in relation to the pot not in relation to the opponent's bet size and as they bet smaller typically your bet in relation to their bet size which is again not how you need to think about it will be much larger like if they made it two 200 here I would make it about the same two 2,000 2500 something like that and like I said I might even go bigger in this scenario yeah when the opponent makes it 7,000 here they have announced they love their hand and if they love their hand they're not folding so just rip it in get paid and yeah you're going to have to fade some outs they're going to have Aces or Ace King a lot or maybe some a flush draw so there you go let's take a look at another one ace 10 of Hearts loose weak player raises we have Ace 10 of hearts in the cut off 250 big blinds deep what should we [Music] do well this is an excellent spot to three bats now normally you would want to call this hand because you really don't want to three bet and then get four bets but if the opponent's raising too wide to begin with and they're not going to forb bet often enough this hand becomes very good to three bet because they're going to call with all sorts of weaker ax all sorts of suited connected hands maybe even off suit stuff like Jack 10 offit so this goes from being a spot where calling normally makes a whole lot of sense to a hand that you really want to be three betting just straight up for value and then if they four bet they're usually going to make it huge and you can just get out of the way like imagine we do make it 2,000 if it gets back to the opponent they make it 8,000 just fold you're gonna be against like Aces kings queens Ace King maybe Ace Queen you're super dominated so this becomes a very very good spot to three bats and you can make it a little bit bigger than the 3x because we are very deep stacked whenever you are deeper and deeper stacked you'll find that your three bet side should typically get a little bit bigger and bigger because you only be able to build a pot so you can stack your opponent when you feel inclined they do call Ace 106 pretty good flop they check definitely bet we go 1800 I could be convinced that bigger is better I mean look in this scenario the board is very draw heavy but we do block their a lot of their obvious continues right so I get the idea of betting small in the spot but if you put me in this scenario I'd probably go a little bit bigger like 2200 or 2500 something like that because there's lots of straights and flush draws that said whatever 1,00 is fine the opponent calls turns of five they check definitely keep betting definitely go big when they check and call the Flop bet they're going to have some sort of maid hand or Draw mid hands and draws both have lots of equity here so we want to bet big we go for more than the size of the pot now you may say if you go more than the size of the pot will that make your opponent fold out some of their top pairs well if they will then the overp pot's pretty terrible right if they will not though overp pot's good we just want to get as much money in the pot as possible okay um I will say that if I was in this scenario I probably would have just potted it roughly like 8,000 I think when you start going 10,000 especially if you throw in two 5,000 chips that may make some people deathly afraid because they realize oh my God the big chips are coming out I better get out of the way but if your opponent's not thinking like that at all as many players won't then yeah just bet as big as you reasonably can you may ask why are we betting so big don't we want to get called well the board is incredibly Dynamic meaning there are plenty of draws available that could easily improve to beat our hand at the moment and on top of that our hand is almost always the best hand at the moment anytime there is a straight Andor flush draw on the board but no straight or flush yet usually you want to be betting big with your hands that are almost always good but very vulnerable that'd be something like Ace Queen and better in this scenario because that hand is essentially well those hands are essentially always good so we go 10,000 they go all in take a second think about it what should we do what are our Bluffs on the turn I think we can Bluff with logical High Equity draws I'm probably not doing a whole lot of bluffing beyond that just because I don't think a lot of people are folding uh an ace would you still three betat over a weak players raise and cold callers um yeah you want to be really linear to be fair naturally you want to be really linear in that spot I will say as more and more people enter the pot especially if you think they're somewhere near reasonable you just should not get nearly as out of line but as they are weaker then yeah you can certainly three bet wider tuned in just in time to hear me say take a second and think about it classic JL yes take a second to think about it always take a second and think about it does this player have literally only sets some people do set of fives is pretty unlikely set of six is probably raises the Flop right aces in tens is pretty hard to have so I expect to see a whole lot of 65 Ace five maybe some draws like 87 to clubs Queen Jacka clubs stuff like this so yeah how do we do against that range we're crushing it I'm sure someone in the chat's going to say every time they have a flush draw they win two pair never wins online yes it does call it off we have the best hand by a mile a seven to Club so we have to fade a flush draw and we do sometimes we're lucky sometimes we fade the flush draw I do agree when the player jams they are going to have a lot of two pairs sets and flush draws the problem is it's really hard to have a set given they'll probably check raise a set of sixes on the Flop fives probably just folds to the Flop bat so like we just have the best sand always right so if you just have the best sand always you can't go around folding even though you will lose some portion of the time sometimes you're going to lose we had to fade some outs that time we did hack number two stop playing so tightly on the bubble many recreational players way overvalue cashing in tournaments and while there certainly are times where you do need to tighten up and collect the payout collect the free bubble money or the free P money in most situations the best players find this time of the tournament the bubble to put pressure on the weakest players who overvalue their menash a lot of players who get a decently big chip sack on the bubble think okay I'm in good shape I'm just going to hang out and collect my men cash it's free what could go wrong and to be fair they're going to collect that men cash pretty much every time but in exchange for collecting that Min cash pretty much every time they're giving up winning the tournament or getting a gigantic stack a whole lot of the time let's take a look at an example Ace five off suit in the hijack 25 big blinds deep some big Stacks fold over around us should we raise this cut off has 38 big blinds button has five small blind has 15 big blind has 20 well in this spot we are three off the money we're not actually in the money yet and we're not super duper close I mean look depends on many people in the field if if there's a 100 people who get paid then three off is pretty close if there's 15 people who get paid three off is actually kind of far right so definitely make sure you realize the scenario you're playing in if the player in the cut off likes to battle well definitely fold if you're going to raise this and get three bet a large chunk of the time then that's just terrible right but if your raise is going to get this cutoff player who probably thinks well may think you think they think that they just need to try to sneak in the money if that if you're just going to easily make them fold then you get to play against shorter sacks who should play very tightly this becomes a great spot to raise because even though we are not the big sack by any means we kind of get to act like the big stack in this hand if we men raise and the button goes all in we can easily call because he only has five big blinds if we raise and one of the other players go all in we can easily fold so this just an easy spot to fold on the bubble a as AF coli says yes that's what I'm trying to say all big Stacks are not necessarily going to try to be pushing you around that's especially true if Stacks are set up like they are here where the players who have folded have more chips than us because this player with the middle stack especially in small six games where the players are not paying attention to every single individual pot they may think okay I'm the middle stack on the bubble middle Stacks need to try to get in the money therefore I'm going to play tightly without realizing that once the big Stacks fold the cut off is the big stack in this hand right so they should be acting like the big sack they should be three betting you and the hijack a lot if you are to raise far too wide but a lot of people won't do that they will instead just think okay I'm a middle stack play tightly so this becomes a pretty reasonable spot to raise it up we raise it up big blind calls King Jack 2 they check should we bet I think this is a pretty reasonable spot to go for a small continuation back to get all their junk to fold we do go small 12 into 44 they call okay turns a seven they check should we keep [Music] bluffing well here's where it's important to note are there a lot of other short stacks in the tournament if there are a lot of short stacks in the tournament we are going to be tripling this off pretty much every time if there's only this one five big blind stack and then everybody else has 15 or 20 big blinds we have to be way more cautious because then the big blind is not under quite as much payout implication pressure right you may say is this even a good bluff hand don't you have better Bluffs I mean look if you think about it in spots like this we want to be betting with perhaps some high Equity draws that can bet and call it off but if you think about it there aren't really a lot of those you don't really want to be betting Queen 10 of hearts and then getting jammed that would be pretty bad um so what we're betting with some gut shots like Queen n offit does ace 10 want to bet if you bet Ace 10 and get jammed is pretty bad same thing for Ace Queen so I don't think we really want to be betting those so much unless we think we're just never going to get shoved so I think we want to be betting our kind of junky draws and then just like some really good like AI flush draws so I think this is a pretty good spot to find additional Bluffs at least more than you may think so additional Bluffs are essentially going to be hands with some out they don't mind Bing and folding and an ace in this spot is a pretty clean out right so we can probably get away with betting our very high Equity draws and then also some really junky draws Queen n 109 a high seems reasonable to me and this is a spot where we can overbluff a little bit because notice we do cover the opponent even if we do bluff it off and lose we'll still have four big Lins which is not a ton but maybe or maybe not we'll be able to sneak into the money we go for a medium bet they call rivers and Native Spades they check G do we go for it so in spots like this when the flush misses you really don't want to Bluff with your busted flush draws because when you have a busted flush draw it's way more likely your opponent has a maid hand like a king when the flush draw misses and when the straight draw misses it makes it way more likely the opponent is sitting there with a busted flush draw or a busted straight draw when we don't have any of those cards and notice we don't really block the FL well we don't block the flush and you know Ace 10 and and Ace Queen are somewhat likely but not a ton um we really don't want to block the queen in the 10 here right so this is a really good hand to Bluff with if we get here on the river I think this is a very very mandatory Bluff we'll put it all in and we will expect to have a lot of fold Equity they're going to call the king but I think they're going to fold everything else now I will say some players when they call the turn have literally a king or a high Equity draw the thing is though is that there's a lot of high Equity draws and they're going to fold to a shove right and on top of that we lose to some shoves this is a spot where we have a very easy Allin and this time they let us have it so you say if you don't have a busted flush draw Bluff look you want look okay the best hands to Bluff with are hands that either block the nuts but notice here you can't really block the nuts cuz what are the nuts like a king or Jack right you're not bluffing with a king or Jack so you want to block the nuts or you do not want to block the hands that your opponent will automatically fold which hands will the opponent automatically fold well they'll automatically fold ace high of Hearts Queen high of Hearts now look I realized we beat Queen high of Hearts but that doesn't matter so much this is a spot where if they have the ace or queen ey flush draw or any flush draw they're just going to fold especially to an all end if they even rivered an eight or somehow have a seven with like seven six of Hearts they're just going to fold on the bubble you know they're just not going to sit here and call it off with literal nothing they're not going to call off with literally nothing on the river when we have so many hands like Aces Kings Jacks Ace king king queen king Jack Etc right so this is a spot where I think we have a very very very easy all in what do most people do wrong in this hand though what do most people do wrong they don't even play it to begin with most people in this spot they just think all right I'm a middle stack I'm G to hang out I'm going to fold without recognizing the player in the cut off is often going to be too tight now again this is very player dependent this is very player dependent if the player in the cut off is going to be loose and splashy and badly then you should fold right this is why again you can't just like look at a GTO chart and do what GTO chart says or you know I see am adjusted GTO chart so um this is something a lot of people do wrong right off the bat a lot of people on the Flop they're like oh bad flop for me they could have a lot of good stuff here which you know they could but so could we they don't go for the small flop bet on the turn they think all right they called me they must have something and yeah they do but again this is a reasonable bluffing hand because I'm not sure we want to be betting stuff like marginal flush draws because if we bet marginal flush draws and get jammed we have to fold and that's terrible and um so we want to be betting like gut shots and ace high so here we have it gut shots and ace high and high Equity draws super high Equity draws and on the river we don't block the flush draw so seems like an easy spot to bet but this is a spot where I would have bet that a lot of people play every single Street differently and they leave a ton of money and opportunity on the table and yeah by playing this way sometimes you do go broke on the bubble but notice here when they fold we get 30 four big blinds back in our stack and then we can tangle with the big Stacks we can open a little bit wider perhaps and then we can you know continue to try to run up our stack hack number three is to never give up when you get down to a short stack I'm not going to name this player but there's this player who had good tournament results but every time he got down to about 10 big blinds he would get it all in with like literally any two cards thinking all right well I only have 10ig blinds be there after quadruple up or go go out and this player was a very good deep stacked player but a really really bad short stacked player that player is now broke despite the fact that they were a big winner 15 years ago to be fair a lot of people who are big Winners 15 years ago are now broke but um they were bad with a short stack and if you torure your money every time you get short well that's not going to work out for you if you want to go deep in tournaments you should always believe that you can spin up your short stack because that's often what you are going to need to do in order to win and I don't mean you should just get in there and gamble hard and try to spin it up I mean you should learn how to play good strong fundamentally sound short stack poker because I know for a fact a lot of you do not I've been posting some quizzes on Twitter recently and some of them are how do you play with short stacks for lack of better words they either play it way too tightly or way too Loosely or they just have big misconceptions they think okay 10 big blinds I have to go all in her fold no you don't have you studied the charts have you looked at good strong fundamentally sound poker realize that sometimes your 10 big blinds will quickly turn into 50 big blinds if you run hot and pick your spots well AF coli said he came back from 2.5 big blinds to get second place yesterday LOL yeah see this trophy here see this trophy i w it the other day in Las Vegas this is from a $25,000 buying tournament I even don't even remember how which I won 450k or something in this tournament on the bubble I lost the giant hand where I had a set I had Full House I had the bottom Full House against a better Full House in the spot where it was really really really hard for him to have a better Full House on the river he bet everything except for my last six big blinds and instead of putting it all in with what I thought was the best hand like 90% of the time I called on the off chance of my opponent did have the random Full House you know what they had they had the random Full House and I was down to six big blinds and from there I spun it up I want some hands I don't remember what hands I want whatever you got it all in it want some hands right and my six turned into eventually all of the chips and I won the tournament it happens actually can't see it back here this tournament at Mirage that I won at the very end of day one at the very end of day one I got all my money in with Ace King against tens and I lost except I had six big blinds I almost didn't even show up for day two because it was a Sunday and I wanted to play online poker but I showed up for day two thinking all right I'm going to rip it in give it to spend and I want all my allins then I want a million bucks you don't remember winning 450k I honestly don't remember how much money I win when I play poker because it just goes right into an account Vegas is great you can literally not touch a dollar the entire time you're there except for tipping money like I don't deal with any cash when I go there I I wire in the money go straight to the poker cage I show up sign a document they give me chips I win the tournament I sign a document it goes to the account it gets wired back home nice and easy so yeah I actually have no clue much I want on that tournament you can look it up there's a Nifty website called the global poker index you can search GPI Jonathan little or any poker player it will'll give you all sorts of stats so how do you pick your spots well you have to learn how to play good strong short stacked poker let's take a look at two very common spots here we have 10 big blind pre- flop strategy okay here's the button raise first in range the dark red hands are going all in the light red hands are men raising you may say what men raising off of 10 big blinds well yes indeed notice something like at Jackson better Aces kings queens and Jacks likes to men ra a lot and then a few sporadic Bluffs like Queen five suited 10 six suited Queen n off suit King 8 off suit King seven off suit Jack n off suit King 10 suited you'll call off an all in against that though and you may [Music] say are you really bluffing with any of those hands and the answer is absolutely yes you need to know these charts you need to study these charts very well because by playing this way as opposed to all in fold you get to play a few extra hands profitably all these hands that are on the cusp that are mostly folding or raising or ra you know mixing folds and raises these are not really profitable to go all in but by men raising are absolute nuts you get to men raise a few Bluffs and that allows you to play a few more hands profitably than people who think poker is all in her fold when they get down to 10 big blinds okay let's take a look at this chart here 10 big blinds small blind rais for strategy so here everyone folds to you in the small blind what should you do well the hands in green limp and the hands in red go all in notice all these hands in green that are on the cus of playability now you certainly could just open shove some of them if you felt inclined if you were using a shove or fold only strategy but notice you get to play far more hands if you use a limping strategy and by playing more hands profitably you make more money in this spot than people who only go all in or fold what a lot of people do wrong here they don't limp stuff in this region the you know Queen 10 suited Jack n suited 109 suited and then if they get shoved on they fold it don't do that these hands are good enough all these hands up here are limping and then calling an Allin all these hands down here 10 two suited 82 suited 96 off suit Jack four off suit Etc these are bad these are going to limp and then fold if your opponent goes all in also notice the pretty wide Allin range right A lot of people don't go all in with all these hands they limp it they do something like raising who knows what they do but this is a spot where using this strategy is going to make you way more money than an Allin or fold strategy or a limp only strategy or just a raise razor fold strategy whatever using your options is very very valuable just because your shallow does not mean that you should be going all in or folding with any hand you want to play so those are three hacks to run deep in tournaments number one exploit the weak players by playing in position against them number two stop playing so tightly on the bubble number three never give up on your short stack and if you focus on these three things you will run deep in tournaments far more often see some of you are asking random questions over here I I'll answer those in a bit first though I have an exciting announcement to share with all of you we have a brand new coach at pokercoaching.com you know who it is he's my oldest friend from poker I went on my very first poker trip with him to Vienna Austria back when I was I think I was 20 it is my Uncle Shannon sha he is our newest poker coaching coach he is a veteran of Poker over $13 million in live tournament earnings and he has a ton of knowledge to share with all of you here's him winning one of these cups look at that he's kicking things off with a brand new series on how to crush every stage of of a poker tournament I learned a lot in this series and I'm sure you will too you cannot buy this series though it is not for sale as a lot of the content at pokercoaching.com the only way to get access to it is to become a poker coaching premium member unfortunately for you you can buy two months and get one free right now during the Spring sale check it out at pokercoaching.com sspring you will get full access to my uncle Shan sh brand new coach brand new coach brand new course on how to crush every stage of a tournament here's the course dominating the early stages deep stack tips for the early stages crushing the middle stages navigating the bubble and understanding ICM how to play by commanding the late stages of a tournament and crushing the final few tables and going for the win you can get full access to this right now at pokercoaching.com Spring also if you're a poker coaching PR member you get full access to my tournament master class this is a 40-hour long course this is not a course likees on a lot of other poker sites where it's a bunch of hour and a half long videos with no explanations about anything this is broken down into a ton of 10 minute or shorter videos with a quiz after each that way you have short bite-sized pieces of information you can consume and then test yourself so that you are sure you are fully learning the information so that you can get in there and implement it this is not a put this on at nighttime have a beer and pass out on the couch type of website I want you to get in there and engage and study we also have our Advanced tournament course featuring some of the absolute Crushers we have Brock Wilson Jonathan jaffy myself Justin SBA Matt Affleck and Rampage poker he's learning he's doing his best but once you go through the tournament Master Class the advanced tournament course is for you we also have a brand new series called the hero's journey featuring myself and Slick Rick he decided a few months ago he really wanted to devote his life to Poker he sent me an email said will you coach me I like this story I read every support email that comes through by the way I said sure I said I will Coach you for an hour every week when our schedules line up for a year if you devote yourself to Poker and we will see how it goes so far over the first few months he's up about 880,000 bucks in cash games he won a World Series circuit ring he almost won another one he is absolutely smashing it and you can go through all of our private coaching sessions on pokercoaching.com in the heroes Journey we have a ton of other content including how giraffe ganger won $2.8 million and what I think is the biggest online poker tournament ever he won it from his barn congrats to him we have crushing high stakes poker with Brock Wilson he is a Super Genius he gets in there and wins we also have how to run deep in large field tournaments on season two featuring Aram zoian and how to [ __ ] with Brock and Rampage we're doing our best to make Rampage go to Poker he tries his best he loves to Bluff so much but we're getting in there and we are doing our best to coach him notice we've only discussed tournament content in this video we have a lot of cash game content too though we're not going to discuss it if you like turn uh cash content we have a ton on pokercoaching.com featuring many of the absolute best players in the world so make sure you check that out also if you join right now at pokercoaching.com Spring you will get a free subscription to Poker go I love watching the content on poker go it's fun it's engaging it's entertaining and you can learn a lot you can also watch myself and all the poker coaching coaches battling it out on a regular basis in the poker Go studio I'm actually going to be there in April playing their next tournament series you can go back and watch my two wins from the last uh the last series the poker go cup so make sure you do that if you sign up right now at pokercoaching.com Spring you get a free subscription to that so check it out right now at pokercoaching.com spash Spring to get one month for free when you buy two is Lexi G Ma's new book good for tournaments it is make sure you check it out with the timy blind stack isn't it usually better to shove a hand that you would limp and call with because of some fold Equity nope follow the charts you got a final two tables World Series circum 13 left you have 630k blinds 40 40 20 so 20 40 under the gun raises to 110 you have Queens you shove he calls with H9 easy all in what's the problem if you buy membership how many live sessions per month uh we have a Content calendar in poker coaching.com featuring the upcoming webinars I'm not sure exactly what we have scheduled but I do some live content each month I know Tristan Wade does as well few other coaches get in there and make live content some of the a lot of the content is recorded though to be fair because I realize I got to work around coaches schedules especially a few of them who live overseas like draft ganger so check it out there's new content uploaded all the time can you make a fastfold cash game strategy Play Good strong GTO poker and adjust logically but we do have some cash game content on the site uh check it out we have a lot of content by Brad Wilson he gets in there and battles online against very tough players and you know he he has some smaller Stakes content as well so make sure you check it out how do you play a lot when you have to work and wake up early every day you got to make time when you can nights and weekends are going to be your friend I suppose maybe weekends to be fair look if you work 5 days a week you get two days off I realize you can only play so much in a day but I mean two 14 hour days seems reasonable to me if you really really really want to devote your life to Poker especially if you don't have any other free time also you can spend a lot of time during the week studying whenever you don't have so much time to actually go play that way whenever you do go to play You're Ready poker coaching has changed your game Big Time glad to hear it Sam that's exactly what we're going for worth every penny for anyone wondering I want to make you a really good deal if you do not like pokercoaching.com after you sign up send me an email at support at poker coaching.com I'll give you a refund I'll give you all of your money back if you do not like it because if I do not help you improve your poker skills if you do not like the content I have done a poor job and I do not want or deserve your money how about that anybody playing the circuit event in Calgary and May I do not know Hershey says you're John little trained great glad to hear it hope you're crushing it when does it s end go to pokercoaching.com Spring I think it says that Jonathan jaffy does a great job on cash and tournament content yeah look Jonathan jaffy is as far as I know a ghost on social media he does not really put himself out there but I've known Jonathan jaffy for a long time I actually beat him heads up for the second time I won a million dollars one of those trophies buried back there it looks like a globe I beat him heads up he's a very cool guy to play with very cool guy to interact with we became friends he has a good attitude a lot of people who lose to you heads up for a $500,000 difference may not have a good attitude after it and to be fair when I was a young stupid kid maybe I wouldn't if who knows but Jonathan jaffy is a cool guy has a great attitude he's fun he's engaging and um I think he's probably the best poker player in the world or at least way up there in terms of best poker players in the world and he's happy to help at poker coaching.com I mean you just playing the Triton tournaments in South Korea he made some number of final tables and he was wearing the poker coaching hat getting in there battling hard and you know that's good that's what we're going for he has amazing content both on cash games and tournaments I watch every single thing that he puts out because I think he's amazing played 4,000 hands of cash online on Sunday and lost nine buyin played your normal game which usually wins is this normal for online nine bayin is not all that much if you are playing relatively High variance games with a relatively low win rate which is often what you'll be looking at when you're playing online so uh yeah I would say that that h i mean it happens it happens nine bin is not a lot if you play 4,000 hands nine bin is normal I would ask if like did you play a session that was overly long maybe you were fatigued towards the end were you playing too many tables were these fastfold games where you know the G The Edge should be small to begin with there's a lot of reasons why you could have a grand down swing but look nine bons is nothing uh let's see you're looking forward to getting back to studying will we do a meet and greet with the students this year at the World Series almost certainly for the last few years at the World Series I bought poker coaching members breakfast who were there it's been a lot of fun I think last year we had two breakfast and the year before we had two breakfast I'm always happy to do that it's good to hang out meet each other and have fun before a tournament what's worse going all in pre- flop a lot or folding a lot both are bad learn to play good strong fundamental sound poker your implementable strategy is good for helping understanding ranges and combos yeah I mean look at the end of the day you can observe as much content on poker Theory and strategy as you want but being able to implement it is vitally important especially if you don't have a good strong framework in place yet for why you should do what you should do in most common spots you're just going to be guessing even if you watch a lot of best players discuss their thought processes for random hands which is like what a lot of content is on the internet you're not going to have a good framework and in the tournament and cash game master classes at pokercoaching.com we give you a good strong framework so that you will know how to make the best or second best play in all the common scenarios that you will likely be in you're in the big blind with two big lines stack on the stone bubble get look down at Aces there's a shove and an over shove and two calls before it's your turn should you call or fold you should fold and get in the money for free annoying but yes if you're ever in that spot it's probably not a real spot when you win a tournament what's your favorite thing to eat after I usually um have the bad food after I lose a tournament whenever I lose a tournament if I feel especially gluttonous I will have spaghetti and cheesecake and Cabernet after I win a tournament I usually go to sleep because I'm usually tired 3 to three in the last three days final tabling nice work all because of Poker coaching well because of you and your good work glad to hear it completely change your game and Outlook that is exactly what we're going for all right that's going me it for today hope you enjoyed today's video hope you enjoyed the three hacks and I hope if you sign up to pokercoaching.com Spring you enjoy Shannon Shores brand new series how to crush every stage of the tournament what I want all of you poker coaching members to do actually is go there and watch it and send me an email with feedback let me know what you like what don't like we're always trying to improve for all of you and I'm always trying to hire the absolute best players in the world who I know have good poker Minds that can teach things to help you improve your poker skills so that's that good luck in your games have fun make the most of your opportunities again you can get two months well buy two months get one for free in the spring sale right now at pokercoaching.com Spring thanks for being here good luck I'll talk to you next time
Channel: Jonathan Little - Poker Coaching
Views: 27,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: peaNZxiE_rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 28sec (2608 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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