3 Great Motivations to Love the Lord - Paul Washer

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second Corinthians chapter 5 I noticed that some of you are still coming in and and and don't worry about that just just keep coming also I know that there are many of you that have children and things like that it's not going to bother me a bit if if they start crying a whole lot just take them out and then soon as they stop just bring them right back in we want them to be under the Word of God and I don't know really what you're expecting tonight I don't even know what I'm expecting I know this I want to move with a great deal of caution if if the Spirit of God is to bring revival it will not be because I have offered you some strange fire or I have kindled your emotions as a matter of fact the older that I am getting the more I am seeking purposefully not to Kindle the emotions of men the times the few times in my life that I have seen the Spirit of God come and do amazing things it was not because somehow I fired up the group or use some power of persuasion but it was the sovereign spirit it is in him that we ought to trust he knows what we need I walk up here tonight weak very weak in more ways than one but borrowing from an old preacher thinking over and over in my mind I believe in the Holy Spirit I believe in the Holy Spirit you are so precious to God those of you who belong to him there are so many things that he can and will do as I teach on the fear of the Lord tonight I'm not trying to get you or hurt you it's just that well it's not that I want so much for you it's that I want so much for you and me I need this probably more than you do Whitfield came to the United States and they asked him why are the churches so dead he said because the preachers are dead much of the malady in America it cannot be put on liberal politicians but upon my company my circle so I want us to look at the fear of the Lord and and here's what we're going to do some of you many of you are probably going to walk away from here very disappointed because I do not want to fire you up for 20 minutes and then you go home and tomorrow you're unchanged I want to teach you some things and because some of the things that I'm going to teach you are very very difficult and very controversial I'm going to be going to my notes and I'm going to be citing men so that you see this is not something that that I invented now pray for me that I will stick to this text that I will teach you the Word of God that you'll walk out of here knowing something you did not know but something that the Spirit of God has taught you in order to change you I want to be changed I am so sick and tired of conferences and big preachers and big ministries and all the things that go on I don't care about it at all I just want to be changed and I know that's in your heart some of you look at people like me and you look at us in a very very wrong way you think that we don't have problems like you we have every problem you have as a matter of fact one of the things that I have found most strengthens me to minister to God's people is that I have the same problems they have you're able to just walk on incredible Heights sometimes aren't you and yet other times you look worse than the most immature believer sometimes the beauty of Christ is just so manifested in your life you know that and sometimes your your horrid okay can we talk now that's me I don't want you to think something about me or my kind that's a lie I'm not going to scream at you that you need to get right with God and that you need to fear the Lord I need to fear the Lord I need to be right with God yes there's times when yeah I'm capable of jumping up on a park bench and preaching while everybody's throwing terrible things at me and saying worse things about me then I come home and I'm impatient with my wife what is that I would like to be changed it's so easy to look powerful in this pulpit I want to look powerful in the secret places and with the people who are closest to me not on YouTube in my home and so now that we realize that we're on the same plane here then let's talk about the ambition that we ought to have and the motivation for that ambition let's look in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 9 he says therefore we have as our ambition whether at home or absent to be pleasing to him for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one may be recompense for his deeds in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad therefore knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men but we are made manifest to God and I hope that we are made manifest also in your consciences we are not again commending ourselves to you but are giving you an occasion to be proud of us so that you will have an answer for those who take pride in appearance and not in heart for if we are beside ourselves it is for God and if we are of sound mind it is for you for the love of Christ controls us having concluded this that one died for all therefore all died and he died for all so that they who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who died and rose again on their behalf let's pray but let's play let's pray together while I'm praying just simply do not listen to what I'm saying the cry out to go him that it might be your ambition to be pleasing to his son and that he would teach you the proper motivation the things that you need and empower you so that you might live a life consistently with this as your ambition let's pray father I come before you in the name of your son with my brothers and sisters in Christ we have nothing we have no righteousness of our own we have no strength we have no integrity we have no loyalty we cling violently to Christ we looked Christ our salvation father we acknowledge before you is in Christ that we need him now as much for our sanctification as for our justification that we depend upon him we need you we need you to enlighten us we need you to in lumen our minds we need you to give us strength we need to be emboldened we need to be changed we need to be transformed we need all the fullness of God we desire greater and greater manifestations of the character of God in our lives greater and greater manifestations of the Spirit of God in our lives father in many ways we are so sick of our failures we don't want to be like we are Lord we want to be real we want this these things to be real in our lives we ask you Father to help us to put within us ever-increasing this desire this this passion to be pleasing to your son father we ask this in Jesus name Amen let's look at verse 9 therefore we also have as our ambition whether at home or absent to be pleasing to him here we have the ministers great ambition the Christians great ambition the Apostle Paul's great ambition now this is exceptionally important for all of us but particularly it is important for those of us who minister the gospel there are so many things that can pull at us so many things that can enter in and become competing loyalties in our heart that you and I need to study the Scriptures we need to seek Christ we need to cry out for a purity of heart that would have a singleness of mind that would have one sole ambition and that is to be pleasing to Jesus Christ if you had that if I had that absolutely everything else would fall in place in the Beatitudes do you remember what Jesus said blessed are what the pure in heart now many people think they have the idea of blessed are those with a heart as white as snow that's not the idea in the text but it's this blessed are those who have no competing loyalties in their heart but they have one single ambition and that is the kingdom of heaven and not the kingdom of heaven for the kingdom of heaven's sake but the kingdom of heaven for Christ's sake for him I'm not like that I look in the mirror of God's Word and I find all sorts of competing loyalties that I have to struggle against that I have to die to and I have discovered that I am unable to die to these things apart from renewing my mind in the Word of God apart from the power of the Holy Spirit apart from daily relying upon the power of Christ do you think that God uses a man because he's reached some level of purity in his heart that so far exceeds you that he has become a useful instrument well maybe in some man's case but not in mine I struggle with all sorts of competing loyalties in my heart but I do know they can be overcome by the renewing of my mind by a life of prayer and by fellowship with the godly to have one single motivation now I want you to look at the word for a moment ambition it actually comes from two Greek words that are put together Philo's which means love and team a which means honor now what does the word mean well literally it means to love honor to be actuated or motivated by a love for honor to strive earnestly that you might gain honor now in the world that's exactly what it means but in the kingdom of heaven it means something else that you strive that you desire that with all your passion you labor for one thing in order to please Christ you see it really is a matter of the heart isn't it proverbs was right when it's a guard your heart it's the wellspring of life this is one of the reasons dear young Christian this is one of the reasons for separation we separate from things that are evil and that contaminate not so that we can boast about being holy but so that we can love Christ so that our heart will be pure enough to seek His will and desire to please him over all things now listen to a quote by Charles Hodge I'm gonna be quoting him a lot this evening here Paul intends to say now listen to this this is amazing here Paul intends to say that as ambitious men desire and strive after Fame so Christians long and labor to be acceptable to Christ love to him the desire to please him and to be pleasing to him animates their hearts and governs their lives and makes them do and suffer what heroes do for worldly glory years ago many many years ago a friend of mine brought me a tract was a plain simple tract and then I discovered that Leonard Ravenhill gave it to him to give to me so I now still have that track and the track basically said others can but you cannot and the point of this and especially young people listen to me you've grown up in a Christianity that's learned all these beautiful phrases like the supremacy of God and the glory of God and you've learned a lot of good theology but it's not filtering down to cause you to separate from your wicked culture you must learn separation I do not go places and I do not do certain things and I do not watch or listen to certain things why because I cannot be loyal to Christ a heart that contaminated cannot serve him young men why should you not look upon another woman why should you not look at indecent things television and media and all sorts of things one of the reasons of course first of all is for the glory of God but the second reason is this so that you might love your wife one day you see if you're looking at all these other things you will never have a pure enough heart to love one woman in the same way if you're going to be pleasing to Christ you must keep your heart pure and fight against the competing loyalties that are there we must be pleasing to Christ now what does it mean to be pleasing to Christ because look in verse nine it says whether we it says therefore we also have as our ambition whether at home or absent to be pleasing to Christ what does it mean to be pleasing to Christ well in verse 10 we get our answer for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad pleasing to Christ is defined in the context of good or bad to be pleasing to Christ what do we do we discover in God's Word what is bad and we run from it like the plague and we discover in God's Word what is good and we run to it for glory do you see that young people listen to me you're not going to be able to get on well in the Christian life if you don't take this attitude that's everything that is evil is the disease it is corrupt and it will corrupt you and it will hinder your life my lack of knowledge does not so much hinder my Christian walk but my lack of purity of hearts guard your heart guard your heart run from that which God determines is evil and run to that which he determines is good so basically what does it mean to be pleasing to Christ to discover the will of Christ and to do it now I want to read a text for you in Romans 12:2 and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what the will of God is that which is good and acceptable the word there is the same word in the Greek pleasing and perfect you were not born into this world with wisdom you were not born into the kingdom of heaven with a great deal of wisdom you do not know your left hand from your right hand though you have been given the Holy Spirit if you have been regenerated and the Holy Spirit teaches you he teaches you through the scriptures and what must you be doing you must be renewing your mind if someone tells me that I've got to have media in my church because culture needs media it still will not be in my church I am NOT called to conform to culture if you can't read then when you get saved I will teach you to read if you can't sit 25 35 40 an hour and a half good sermon then I will teach you how to do it you have got to learn you are the first generation young people who think that in order to reach your age you've got to become like your culture to be relevant in your culture you're the first Christian generation to believe that all other Christians said this to be effective in my culture I've got to be completely different than my culture biblical godly holiness simplicity that is why that is why you all your noise is so useless everything about you was taught you by someone you should not have been listening to I for many years I had a lot of hope the last 10 years looking at all the young men that were studying good theology and reading good books and going back to the old stuff I had a lot of hope that hope has been dashed against the rocks because I've realized it's it's gone to the head but they're still cool they're still worldly but they're basically saying look I can be worldly and theologically correct at the same time you can't be worldly and godly at the same time don't go to culture to find out what culture wants in order for you to be able to reach them go to scripture and say Jesus how do you want me to be how do you want me to talk how do you want me to walk how do you want me to dress what do you want my relationships like Jesus I submit to you my goal is to be pleasing to you to him to the wind with all your stuff every part of you belongs to him I love the puritans I love reading the parrot it doesn't mean I agree with everything the Puritans say but here's what I appreciate about the Puritans they honestly sought to ask the question how does God's Word apply to every aspect of my life but you know what's amazing you cross the board to people who are a little bit different than the Puritans but just as holy as the Puritans they ask the same question isn't amazing the godly voice had one thing in common what does Jesus want and then they didn't try to just figure it out using their own imagination or asking the world they went to Jesus and His Word and found the answer and to be pleasing to him to find out what he desires and then do it just just just do it Phillip Hughes writes this to be pleasing to be well pleasing to Christ is indeed the sum of all ambition which is truly Christian in a resting contrast to the ambition of this world it is centered not on self but on the Savior its goal is to please him Keith Greene wrote a song many years ago that I that I sadly sometimes repeat in prayer and it's this some of you older generation will remember it I seem to have a wealth of so many thoughts about myself we are a self-consumed people but we weren't made for self we were made for him sometimes I'll see I see a person the young person especially that that's come to know something of Christ and and and they're just so caught up in the things of the world and since I now have children that I love I don't I don't judge I think like I used to I'm not as quite as harsh I look at them almost as my children and I go oh if you only knew what you were doing what a rot your life is because you're all consumed with self you're all consumed with this world Jesus calls us to deny ourself to die to self why because he wants to leave us there no we died to self that we might have him that we might have him in the countries where we work around the world I find an amazing thing that wherever there is great poverty the church seems to be precious and simple every night there's church not because they have to go to church it's just they don't have anything else and I remember in Peru during the social unrest the war and everything every night we met why we were afraid we could die we had nothing he'd wait in line an hour to have to get a bag of rice we'd meet together and just sit and talk and everyone would talk about the things of God but as the war ended and prosperity came back into the country all of that began to dissipate and the church begin to look more and more like the church in America we so need to be his and to do everything we do for him and I assure you this is an extremely rare quality this listen to the Apostle Paul Paul says of Timothy in Philippians 2 20 and 21 for I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare for they all seek after their own interests not those of Christ Jesus that is one of the most that's one of the hardest statements I believe I've ever read in the Bible from the Apostle Paul he's saying look all the other people even some that are working with me they're all concerned about their own interests but here's this Timothy he's outstanding why he's concerned about the things of God you see how the heart is more important having a true ambition for Christ is more important than gifts and talents and powers I mean when we look at Timothy we discover that he really didn't know how to run a church he was very very timid in his evangelism doesn't seem that he wanted to get out he was very afraid to suffer but Paul said I have no one like him why he had one ambition and that was to please Christ to pleased Christ young men that go into the ministry listen to me do you think that I do not know that many of you have heard me preach and that so many people think that if I come here I'm going to carry a revival in my pocket do you not know that it's a burden on me an ungodly fleshly burden that when I stand up here I know you're expecting me to be able to do something now that's not I'm not lamenting that I'm not saying Oh pitiful me that is a sign of sin and me what do I care what you think maybe the best thing that could happen here tonight is I totally fail and dumbfounded and cannot even preach so that you realize that God if he speaks through men it's only because he still speaks to rocks and donkeys that there are no men of God great men of God there are only pitiful weak useless tiny fearful men of a great merciful God but doesn't that give you hope so yeah see when you see that the man in the pulpit is quite like you you go well then he can use me grace grace grace grace jesus said to the Pharisees but they do all they do to be noticed by men that is a great temptation in the ministry oh you can get great fame in the ministry you can gain great wealth in the ministry you can take your vision and go around the world with it and maybe it's all rocked in the stomach of God and again let me say this I am so sick and tired of men and all their visions the only vision we ought to be having is Christ crucified resurrected and glorified standing at the right hand of the Father and just because some great big vision is being fulfilled in your life does not mean you're an obedient man your desire should be simply to obey Him to please him and nothing more and rest in that there is a celebrity ISM that even conferences like this can promote even though they do not want to there is a celebrity ISM that if you're a faithful pastor over a small flock you must be a failure because you're not in the conferences that's that's from hell it's damned table you desire ought to be to serve and please Christ philosophical question for you why would deity plant its most beautiful rose in a forest through which no man walks how can that flower glorify God if no man sees it well the glorifies God because God sees it twenty-four hours a day and rejoices in it and I've come to think that it's the jesters and the fools that get to come up forward and the most beautiful of God's men and women are hidden from everyone's sight I know that to be true many times I have preached and looked down on the front row several years ago it's preaching on the Old Testament I looked down on the front row and they're sitting the hebrew scholar dr. moogly are from India he has forgotten more about the Old Testament than I will ever know what am i doing up here no one knows his name and yet he knows more about Christ in the Old Testament than I will probably know in a thousand years your ambition is not to run some circuit or to get invited to a conference your ambition is to be pleasing to Christ and on Judgment Day the whole world is going to see such a flip-flop I'm terrified of Judgment Day in a healthy sorta way and will and we'll get to that I've put here if the fear of man is a snare the desire to please man is a prison from which there is no release our ambition should be to please Christ now in our ambition to please Christ there are three motivations and as I was studying this I just the wisdom of God's Word because when you talk about the fear of the Lord and judgments of the believer you can take a sincere godly believer who has a very timid heart and crush them into a thousand pieces so how do you teach this truth putting a proper fear into the hearts of the people without crushing people well I tell you how you do it you do expository preaching because it's all in the text everything is there Paul gives us three motivations for being ambitious - please Christ in the center of those three motivations is the fear of the Lord that we must all stand before the judgment throne of Christ so there it is but that's awesome reality that awesome truth is sandwiched between two things that are not buffers they're just beautiful I must have as my ambition to please the Lord I must have that ambition because I will stand before him on judgement day and be exposed but if I go a little earlier in the text I must have that ambition because I have a glorious future awaiting me in which I will be like Christ regardless of what happens on that day of judgment I am assured through faith in Christ I will be with him and then after him telling us about the judgment as we go further on in the text he tells us another motivation the love of Christ constrains us so see what we have believer is this what are we motivated by we're motivated by the fact that we are going to stand before Christ and we are going to be judged that is an honest and real motivation but we are not distraught nor are we crushed by this truth why because we are told beforehand that by faith in Christ we will be with him in glory and then we are told that it is the love of Christ Christ's love for us that ought to constantly be motivating us so now we're going to look at these three motivations but before I do I need to say something many of you are thinking hey he was supposed to preach on the fear of the Lord and evangelism well if you want me to preach on that you better give me another text because that's not what this text is teaching this is the text you gave me and what this text is teaching is this even though there is a secondary truth here that as a minister of the gospel I need to warn people of judgment that's only a secondary idea the primary idea is this as a minister of the gospel I need to be warned of judgment I need to make sure I'm preaching a true gospel I need to be sure that I am not compromising I need to be sure that I am NOT presenting myself before people as something I'm not because on the day of judgment I am going to be filleted and totally exposed before all of creation that's what the text means so let's look at it our first motivation to serve the Lord with all our heart and I want you to look at verse 9 let's look at verse 9 you see that first preposition there therefore it's very important he says therefore we also have as our ambition whether at home or absent to be pleasing to him so that therefore is connecting us to a motivation that precedes this verse 9 and what is that motivation if we go back to chapter 4 in chapter 5 this is what we see we see that Paul was motivated to please Christ because of future eschatological glory I had to put that in there so that you would think I was smart he was motivated because of what was coming for him what God had done for him in Christ he could suffer all sorts of things because he knew what did he know he knew that even if they took his body from him his body would be raised he would stand before Christ in glory he would be glorified and he would forever be with the Lord do you see what a wonder that is let's look in verse 7 of chapter 4 but we have as this we have this treasure in earthen vessel so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not of ourselves he's saying we week on the outside there's nothing really glorious about us we're like an old earthen vessel but inside of us there is the Gospel message and not only that he's going to tell us that inside of us is the indwelling Spirit of God and so he goes on in verse eight and he says and we are afflicted in every way but not crushed perplexed but not despairing persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body now in verse 14 he says this knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and present us with you verse 16 therefore we do not lose heart but though our outer man is decaying yet our inner man is being renewed day by day for momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison now here's some things that I want us to look at that are very very important first of all I do not like most songs that are written about heaven there I said it I just don't like them because they've missed it not all of them there are some beautiful songs about heaven but they've missed it heaven is not heaven because of streets of gold and gates of pearl heaven is not heaven because of some utopia in which you have a perfect body and you're able to do everything that you want to do perfectly I mean think about it for a minute heaven eternity is a very long time anything that is finite is going to grow old it's it's going to wear itself out it's going to be boring you can only you can only swing on gates of pearl so many times before you don't want to do it anymore heaven is heaven because of the glory and the beauty of Christ he is infinite he's infinite do you understand what I'm saying even though you will be glorified you will not be infinite you will still be a finite creature in heaven is basically this you as a finite creature running through all of eternity like a madman chasing down the infinite glories of an infinite God manifested in the face and person of Christ to see that now herein lies the problem I don't want you to raise your hands don't you think about this how many of you have had let's say at least three years of expose Ettore preaching on the attributes of God how many of you had a year in which you've sat under expository preaching on the attributes of God how many of you have had six months or three months therein lies our problem instead of following Jonathan Edwards the church in America followed Benjamin Franklin instead of following the theology we followed pragmatism and so you have to get believers all souped up about heaven through different little methodologies and strategies and moving their emotion and dimming the lights and playing the music and pitching a fit on stage you know what your greatest need is a great ambition for Christ you know where that comes from one of the sources is this the knowledge that you will be with him but that means very little unless you know who he is our people are dull of heart because they know almost nothing of God because preachers rarely teach on the attributes of God are the glories of God in the face of Christ are the manifestations of God through the cross which was the greatest revelation of the glory of God that could ever be given do you know I just hate it you know preachers will look at a congregation say you need to love God more everyone in the congregation is beaten down but yes I know you want to throw off a sermon just stand up and ask him how because most won't be able to tell you you say I know I need to love God more I know that I hate myself because I do not love God more but what do I do I mean how does a man pick himself up by his bootstraps how do I make myself love God more well let me give you an illustration I love my wife of 19 years more than when I first met her and when I first saw her she was so beautiful I I just I passed out or something I think I hit a car I know I pulled out of a driveway and I backed into a car and had to fix it but I love her now so much why because I know more about her virtue now than I knew 19 years ago and it is that virtue that draws out of my out of my regenerate heart affection and that affection causes me to want to be with her and serve her I know her you know what the church's greatest need it's not to be hit over the head with you need to fear God more needs to be taught about the God they ought to fear you show them who God is and you won't have any problems with fear you show them who God is and who God is in Christ that's why coming up here I was just battling back and forth because I really didn't want to teach on this I wanted to teach on what I teach on all the time every time over and over again so many times that most people think I only have one sermon and that is Christ dying on a train because in that is manifested such glory I have spent the last 12 years of my life many times hours a day one thing looking at the cross it cannot be exhausted it will not be exhausted and the more I see the glory of God in the cross of Christ and the person of Christ the more my desire my ambition grows Christ do you know believer that God that christ i teach this to my boys we were studying this the other day we're studying the beauty of god that christ is so beautiful that if you were to catch a glimpse of him his beauty it would disintegrate your mind it would drive you mad it would kill you so that you will have to be supernaturally strengthened transformed to something of his glory for you to even begin to behold the foothills of his glory i was telling my boys i said you know when we go out camping or we're kayaking and the Sun comes up and you see all that red glow in the sky and the beauty I said Ian does sometimes it just takes your breath away because you had to had you go he says yes Christ glory and beauty is so great it would pulverize your heart that's what's waiting for me that's what's waiting for you CS Lewis said that if we could take a look into the future at the transformation that will occur in our life if we could see ourselves as we will be we would have a tendency to want to fall down and worship thinking we had come into contact with deity that is waiting for you and for me so when Paul talks about this this eternity he's not talking about some materialistic fundamental idea of heaven as a place with streets of gold and gates of pearl although I'm sure it has much more than that he is Christocentric you see he had a glimpse of that glory and he said I'm going I'm going to see him and I'm going to see him in his fullness and because of that all this affliction is nothing more than light momentary affliction what you need more than anything is a revelation of God in Christ I know that there are times and and and and this is in also the thing that God has given me at least for a time sometimes we have to stand up and we have to speak negatively about things that are wrong but that's not who we are as preachers we don't walk around just talking about everything that is wrong we talk about the glories of God let me give you an application for street preaching and for evangelism here I see so many street preachers and I applaud the fact that the God seems to be raising up street preachers but some of them I wish they would quit and work at Lowe's or Home Depot they're just angry people who want to hurt other people and call them names and film themselves while they're doing it so they can put it on youtube and then hope that somehow they'll be be known as a martyr how I would give to just walk around a corner and see a street preacher who was just telling people about how glorious Christ is he's just glorious oh if you could only see what I see oh if you'd only stop for a moment let me talk to you about the beauty of Christ about the beauty of God about what he has done and what he can do in your life believers you ought to be so excited about what's ahead of you it's just absolutely mind-boggling sometimes you just sit up at night and your brain is just going back and forth in your head will mind us because I had a lot of room in there it's just going back and forth and back and forth thinking I'm one day closer I mean I'm really going home I turned 50 a few weeks ago I know it's hard to believe I turned 50 a few weeks ago and I realized I'm on the other side and I'm not trying to slow it down because of Christ believers if you want to do something go home and study Christ cry out that God would show you Christ but he would show you what he's done and who he is and that will motivate you to want to be pleasing to him now Charles Hodge says this it is impossible that those who regard the presence of Christ or being with him as heaven now listen to them there regarding being with Christ as heaven it is impossible that those who regard the presence of Christ are being with him as heaven should not desire and labor to be pleasing to him by living in obedience to his commands now let's go to the second motivation and it's chapter 5 verse 10 the second motivation is that we must all stand before the judgment throne of Christ now before we get there I want to remind you the issue of the genuine believers placed before God was settled on Calvary you must hold this in attention now before I even get into this let me explain this when we're talking about the Trinity do you realize that there were heresies regarding the Trinity and they were committed by two sources there are heresies historical heresies regarding the Trinity which were invented by people seeking to deny the Trinity that's logical but the heresies also came from people who were trying to defend the Trinity because they were saying too much they were speaking where the Bible was silent let me give you an example if you've ever tried to explain the Trinity to someone by saying you know well the Trinity is like water because it's a liquid and it's a vapor and it's ice congratulations you're heretic that's modalism you can't do that that's a horrible thing to say that's not what and I know you're laughing because you've done it we all do so many stupid things and that's why when you see another believer do something stupid realize you've been there done that done it and got the t-shirt for it okay but when we come to the Trinity what do we see we see God is one that's what scripture affirms God is one there is not more than one God God is one and what else do we see in Scripture that there are three persons distinct persons of the same essence and equality the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit we know that it's true now when we try to put it together is when we get confused I do the same thing in sovereignty people say brother Paul do you actually believe that God has decreed everything before the foundation of the world yep so what I believe and I also believe I have not because I ask not and I can't put the two together I'm not called to I see the two things in Scripture and so I'm not I'm not called to live according to my system I'm called to live according to the evident truths of Scripture God is sovereign and I have not because I ask not now it's the same way when we come to judgment is the believer going to be judged by Christ and recompense for what he has done good or bad in the body yes has the believer been justified through faith and now he may say there is therefore no condemnation yes is he completely and entirely accepted in the beloved absolutely will he be judged absolutely I don't know how that goes but if I lose in either one of those I've denied the Scriptures now let's look at what we have here I want to read to you something I've written in our text Paul leaves behind the theme of future glory and turns to the solemn reality of future judgment his ambition to be pleasing is also the result of his knowing that his life and ministry would be manifested or exposed before the throne of Christ that he would be evaluated and that he would receive payback for what he had done whether good or bad I meant every word of that we're gonna see that it is in Scripture now I want to call in some scholars on this so that you see that I'm just not running like a rogue and inventing something Phillip Hughes writes love for the master because of his matchless love for us should be sufficient incentive for us to follow devotedly in his steps but there is further consideration to which the Apostle draws attention here namely that even for the Christians there will be a day of reckoning we must all apostles and the rest whether living or dead at Christ's coming be made manifest before the tribunal of Christ brothers this is true this is going to happen and it is such a solemn and magnificent event that it caused the Apostle Paul to live in healthy biblical godly fear of it now I want us to look at verse 10 for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one may be recompense for his deeds in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad I want us to look at three key words in verse 10 just for now the word all must and each one all will appear Oh every one of us the Apostles the church in Corinth the believers throughout all the ages and even unbelievers will stand before judgment it's all it's all inclusive no one will escape there will be no one to hide behind now look at the word must plumber writes this it is a divine decree which cannot be evaded you must you as a believer have an appointment in which you will stand before the very one from whom the entire universe will flee does that make you afraid according to the Apostle Paul it should and yet the same Apostle Paul gives us comfort he is able to make a stand now also we look at the word each or the phrase each one here in verse 10 this is very important Paul Barnett says this it is not a judgment in mass now what does he mean he has said that all will stand before the judgment seat of Christ but then he says it is not a judgment in mass we will not be merely judged collectively we will be judged individually every one of us by ourselves will stand before Christ we will be judged and we will or will not be recompense now when does it happen if you look in verse 10 we have two words that are very important the words appear and recompense appear and recompense both of these words are found in the eros tents and this is very important it indicates a single action let me just read this phrase it is a judgment at the end of the age that will determine once and for all our lot in eternity now with regard to the believer we're not talking about the difference between condemnation and salvation but eternity will be affected by what you do as a believer here on earth you will stand on that great day before the judgment throne of Christ now here it's called the Bema of Christ what is a Bheema in the earliest stages the Bema was simply a step and then it became known as a platform or a judgement bench upon which a Roman official would either stand or sit and from there with all power at least in the context of humanity the context of men he would declare judgment upon those who stood before him now Paul Barnett writes the imagery used here is that of a forensic process that means a legal process whereby the Roman governor sat on his tribunal to hear the accusation and defense of an accused person standing before him if he judged the accused person guilty the governor would order immediate punishment now again he's writing in the context of the Roman Empire but I want you to see something for the believer we're not talking about immediate punishment we're not talking about condemnation we are justified by faith but we are talking about something aren't we something is going to happen on that day in which you as a Christian are going to be recompense in a way different from all your other others and sisters in Christ or you are going to suffer loss in a manner different than all your brothers and sisters in Christ you will be judged that is a solemn truth I only hope that the Spirit of God will impress it upon your heart that it might be solemn to you I am warning you a fearful day is coming and no I cannot fit it perfectly into my systemic but neither can the New Testament scholars I've studied we have to hold this in attention now let's go on what will happen and for those of you who are ministers I want you to take particular caution here I want you to really listen because of all the things that I studied to prepare for this message this shook me up and and kept me for a couple of days very solemn quiet what will happen if you look here in verse 10 it says we must all appear the word appear here is planet au and it's the translation of it is is it just doesn't do it justice when you read that we must all up here you're probably thinking we must all be present or we must all be there but that's not the idea the idea is this that we must all be exposed we must all be made manifest that on that day and another thing that's very very important this is a passive tense the verb is and so it means we will all be made manifest it's something that God is going to do to you God is going to make you manifest God is going to reveal to you and to everybody else and to himself what he already knew everything about you now for the minister maybe you'll understand now something of my introduction as a minister I would rather that my congregation know the truth about me than for me to hide things from them with the pretense of trying to look like something I'm not I do not get up in front of a congregation and share all my sins or confess all my sins that would be unwise I don't tell everybody everything I'm battling with that would be unwise but as a minister I must not live with the pretense I must work and labor that people not think too much of me they should hopefully see of us ministers that we are genuine that we are sincere that we that we are without hypocrisy that we truly want to be like Christ but that's all that they should see they should not believe a lie about us because what a great shame it will be for us on that day when it's exposed and everyone sees what we really are that's why I do not like the language great man of God even used for a Ravenhill because there are no great men of God I find not one in the scriptures except for the man the one man Christ Jesus Yahweh's only had one servant Jehovah's only had one witness and it was his son he's the only covenant keeper the rest of us were saved by him and that is all now young men listen to me don't you walk out of here though saying well you know these ministers these older men brother Paul you know they they do all this stuff too but God still uses them no that's not what I'm saying you probably do a whole bunch of stuff that I know I can't do you probably have a whole bunch of supposed freedoms in Christ that I don't have young man listen to me I've used this illustration a million times but that's okay no violin is playing his last concert young man walked up to him and said sir I'd give my life to play like you and the old man looked at him and said son I have given my life to play like me if you want God's hand upon you you must be a rare bird in this world you must separate and listen to me all these young guys thinking they got to look like the world to be relevant to the world when I worked for three years on the street ministry in Fort Worth Dallas I looked like what I was I was an inner city Metro big gigantic place and all I was was a Illinois plow boy with cloth converse all-stars on who didn't know anything about being cool and you know what none of those people on the street cared what they cared about was preaching the gospel to them trying to keep them out of jail feeding them when they were hungry they didn't care whether or not I had mousse in my hair and a 60 dollar pair of glasses and a tattoo on my arm and holes in my jeans I didn't need that and neither did David Wilkerson stop being cool you just look ridiculous it's it's it's true that's why I said it let's let's go on I want us to look at some things that expositors greet New Testament it says the authorized version word appear weakens the force of the word the Day of Judgment is to be a day when men's characters shall be made known to the world now listen to this is very very good made known to the world made known to themselves do you know there are many things about me I do not know did you know that there are many sins and many wrong things about me that even you can see that I can't see on the day of judgment there's going to be a great revelation not just of the things I've possibly hidden but the things I didn't even know about but the things that God always knew that is why my dear friend we should say O Lord in though in the heart of Jeremiah examine me David examined me Lord and here's the wonderful thing it is so wonderful to be examined and even exposed by someone who shed his own blood for you I don't have fear of being exposed before him one time I was getting ready to preach I was very very young and I was like 27 years old I'd get gonna preach and Ian Murray and other people were in the audience some of my heroes I mean he knew Martyn lloyd-jones and people I was just scared to death and someone said to me why are you shaking so bad I said what are you talking about Ian Murray's out there and Mark Devers out there and this guy's out there and I'm going to go preach and they said this is what they said well you shouldn't fear men you preached before God I said I know but God's a lot more merciful than men are he doesn't pick you apart he opens you and fillets you to take the poison out Shannon and I were praying before their meeting in and just God just seemed to overwhelm us with the idea of when we have nothing but Christ nothing but Christ but when you're laying there before the Lord and you realize that here you are that your best deeds everything else would only lead to your condemnation and your open and filleted before him and you know though that Christ has done it all it's like being wrapped up in a warm blanket in the midst of a storm it's wonderful to have him clean you have him clean you let us do it now brethren brethren let's do it now let's allow him to expose us now let's be in his His Word it is a mirror you ladies would know this better than we would you look in that mirror you adjust yourself I have a wife and the daughter and they adjust themselves in the mirror they're always looking in the mirror to find out what's out of place but that's what we should be doing with the word Lord show me now Philip Hughes writes to be made manifest means not just to appear but to be laid bare stripped of every outward facade of respectability pastor preacher they sought to make us free facades for size they're so dangerous façades sent the Pharisees to hell façades you can't be a broken man with a facade that's why church young people is so important real biblical church is so important and that's why iron sharpening iron and that's why brothers and sisters admonishing one another and being open to rebuke this is God's Way of allowing us to deal with things these things now church discipline is not some horrible thing is a gift from God to deal with these things now he says and openly revealed in the full and true reality of one's character all our hypocrisy Zand concealments all our secret intimate sins of thought and deed will be open to the scrutiny of Christ a few weeks ago I had to take my car for inspection and so I go to there and and I put my car to the people and I say okay inspect it and put the sticker on they said be ready in a couple hours I go back a couple hours it's not ready they found all kinds of things wrong I had to pay a couple hundred dollars and then I go back and they get in my car and I Drive at home and something just told me hey you know do the blinkers and go see if they work well I go do the blinkers blinkers don't work nothing works and I'm like they've done something bad here and so I go back and I pull in and I say this is not working at all that's why I brought it here it's supposed to be inspected with a state sticker and this is supposed to happen and it's not happening and I can tell that there's dust around this encasing you haven't even taken it off and then they knew they'd been caught and then I said would you would you help me on this and fix my car and the guy goes what I said would you would you help me and fix my car he goes and they start fixing the car and after they got done I said you know what I thank you so much you've been so helpful in fixing my car what do I owe you and that guys were standing there the owners and they're like one of them goes how can you say that I mean how can you be this way now you're all thinking man he is so wonderful all right but here's why I'm telling this so I impressed everybody I was a light in the darkness I was showing mercy everywhere patience and kindness I get in my car and I Drive home and all I could tell you was that impressed upon my mind were just images of when I was impatient with my wife or I was struggling because my son couldn't get a math problem while I was homeschooling yeah and God's going look at you look at you if you cannot be this in the secret place and in the closest relationships then don't shine anywhere else do you see but that's good is it that good because then I get to repent and I get to be healed and I get to go home and ask my wife forgive me you see that we should invite that the wounds of a friend and there's no friend like Jesus now we go on why will we be judged and this is really the difficult part of the text so that we can be recompense for what we did the phrase that each one may be recompense tis translated from the Greek word comeso which is middle voice it's best translated this way that we will receive back or receive back what is our own every individual Christian is judged so that every individual Christian might receive back what is due him according to his deeds as a Christian now that's what the text says how we put it together we must be very very careful very careful but it is what the text says now I'm going to have to skip over a lot of things to get to to get to the end here but I want to bring up a point that's very very important note notice that he says the things that have been done in the body now this is very important it reminds me of what Paul is telling us in Romans chapter 12:1 and 2 about offering our bodies as living sacrifices we have such a disconnect in America like when I do people ask me what is repentance brother Paul and they say what's did I say what's to change your mind they say well that's kind of superficial I say you don't understand what the mind is the mind is the control center of everything you are it is the control center of your intellect your will your emotions it determines everything you change that mind everything else changes I'll give you a perfect example the Apostle Paul he thought that Jesus was the greatest blasphemer who ever lived and he thought that all of the Christians ought to be killed or at least thrown in prison he has an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus and he changed his mind he he realized that the one he thought was a blasphemer was the long-awaited Messiah and the very son of God and he realized that the ones he were persecuting as a sect were actually the true Israel of God and what did he do he's sitting there in the darkness just totally and completely disintegrated his reality is disintegrated he realizes that he was wrong in absolutely everything and what happened he rose up he was baptized he ate something and he started preaching his entire life was different it's the same way he's saying here we're not talking about what you feel like in your heart we're not talking about the good things you thought about doing we're not talking about good intentions we're not talking about hallelujahs we're talking about what you actually did and did not do in the body now Charles Hodge writes this is the rule according to which the retribution zuv the final judgment are to be administered Philip use the declaration of Christ's judgement seat is not the ultimate sentence of salvation or damnation for it is the redeemed alone who stand before it and they're doing so results either on one hand in their hearing the Lord's well done and the receiving of a reward or on the other hand in their suffering loss that is that is through failing to receive the reward this is true listen to me this is not taught today because it is difficult to understand and we never want to indicate to any believer that their standing before God is determined by anything other than the perfect work of Christ yet at the same time Paul said he feared because he knew he would stand before Christ he would be exposed and he would be recompense how much of what we have done is going to burn why are you alive my greatest fear for my children other than not knowing Christ is that they'll waste their life young person listen to me I have no regrets about the things I have given to Jesus Christ but I have all sorts of regrets about the things I have kept for myself people say to me well you don't have to suffer in America then choose to suffer in America you don't have to go without then choose to go without some things did the believer starving to death and dying and being persecuted and rotting in prisons around the world might be helped what are we doing what are we doing because that is what will be or will not be rewarded now I want to hold on to some truths here first of all believers are justified and reconciled to God in Christ and Christ alone secondly believers will be judged according to their works romans two six through 11 Romans 14:10 first Corinthians 14 13 Ephesians 6 8 Colossians 3:25 Matthew 16:27 first Peter 1:17 revelation two twenty three twenty twelve twenty two twelve Paul Barnett writes this though we may have a problem with this tension they were clearly reconcilable in the mind of Paul hold these things in a proper biblical tension but any comments it is not necessary for us to seek a formal reconciliation of this verse with Paul's teaching that the faithful are accepted in Christ Jesus we can feel that both must be true and if the doctrine of justification freely by God's grace is that which has been preached to sinful men the doctrine of exact retribution taught in this passage has as it has as its main interest and importance for Christians Cristo mocker the famous reformed commentary writer he says this each individual appears in court and hears the verdict based on one's conduct on earth when the Lord returns all works whether good or bad will be revealed at that time he assigns recompense to each individual for deeds performed through the instrumentality of the body while one is on the earth Jesus says behold I am coming quickly my reward is with me and I will give to everyone according to what he has done next the judgment is not to be meant or taught as a cloud for the believer or to cloud his future blessing it but blessedness but to act as a stimulus as a strong stimulus to dethrone the most high-handed of human ambitions and listen to that again the judgment is not meant to cloud the believers prospect of future blessedness but to act as a stimulus a strong stimulus to dethrone the most high-handed human ambitions high-handed ambitions any ambition that is not an ambition ambition to please Christ is high-handed it's an offense against the throne of God now believers I have written here do not face condemnation at the tribunal of Christ but they do face self-revelation evaluation and recompense now I know we have gone on let me finish up this last part please just bear with me I want to give special attention here in verse 11 therefore knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade me Paul when he refers to the fear of the Lord what is he talking about in this context and you have to determine meaning not by just word studies that's extremely dangerous you determine meaning by context especially in Hebrew but also in Greek what is the context the fear of the Lord refers to the solemn weight that rested upon Paul's life because he knew that he would stand before the judgment seat of Christ be exposed for what he was and be recompense for what he did now he says because of this he persuades men now here's the idea I want to go back to primary and secondary idea most people think the primary idea is this since as a preacher I know that all of you are going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ I'm going to tell you get ready and in evangelism I'm going to tell you be warned now that's biblical that's true but the primary emphasis in this text is about face Paul saying because I know as a minister I'm going to stand before the judgment throne of Christ I'm going to tell you the truth I'm not going to compromise but now here this also I'm not going to manipulate you I'm not going to pull you here and there with false fire I'm not going to play on your emotions I'm not going to guilt you into things I'm not going to condemn you into my vision I'm going to speak the truth to you I am going to persuade you now the act of persuading was really big in Paul's ministry in acts 18 4 and he was reasoning in the synagogue every sabbath and trying to persuade jews and greeks act 9x19 8 and he entered the synagogue and continued speaking out boldly for three months reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God X 1926 and you see in here that not only in Ephesus but almost in all of Asia this Paul has persuaded and turned away a considerable number of people X 26 28 and Agrippa replied to Paul in a short time will you persuade me to be a Christian it just goes on and on one of my favorite passages although it's a different word pas-de-calais Oh in Greek in 2nd Corinthians 5:20 therefore we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were intriguing through us we beg you on behalf of Christ be reconciled to God now if I am a gospel minister I make a universal call of the gospel to absolutely everyone I desire for everyone to be saved I tell everyone they can be saved because anyone who comes can be saved and I beg and plead with men I would want to follow the whitfill of Edwards and Baxter and and whitfill and Spurgeon and Martyn lloyd-jones and the Wesley's and the raven hills that would plead with men to come to Christ and to even warn them judgment is coming yet in this text the announcement that judgment is coming is for me and it's for those of us who preach now I want to read to you Paul knowing the fear of judgment sought to persuade men with truth even though it might cost him their affections and caused him great hardship he knew that he himself must stand before Christ be exposed and recompense therefore he sought to carry out his ministry in complete submission to the will of Christ Paul was always conscious of his responsibility as a steward to not only act but also to speak according to the will of Christ now I'm gonna read a few scholars on this matter Paul himself has a deep consciousness of the awe which should be inspired in the heart of every servant who will be required to give an account of his stewardship to his master the recollection of this fact fills him with a wholesome reverence for his divine master and causes him to treat the ministry which has been entrusted to him with the utmost seriousness now my favorite Tasker writes Paul's primary work is to persuade men of the truth of the gospel listen to this and had he not continually walked in the fear of the Lord he might have yielded to the temptation to curry favor with his hearers by whittling down his message to suit their tastes but the knowledge that his inter most motives were fully known to God to whom alone he was responsible and that they would stand the test of his scrutiny acted as a brake upon the natural desire to please others freed him from paralyzing inhibitions and removed the undue sensitivity he might otherwise have felt when subjected to the unjust criticism of others someone asked me one time they said you know how do you you know you just got through preaching and half the people in this building want to kill you how I mean how do you do that I said first of all I live in the reality that when Jesus was persecuted his persecutors were never right I can't say that about mine sometimes those who disagree with me and criticize me they are right I have to learn from them we're not perfect man and even our enemies can be used by God to teach us something we need to know that's one thing the second thing is this and this is true I told him I'm probably the one of the most frightful and insecure human beings you've ever met and I said but two things happen one sometimes I feel like Jeremiah that God played a trick on me I know I've got a preach and I know I've got to say something that's going to make a lot of people mad and I'm terrified I'm so nauseous when I'm in the back I don't even know what to do but when I turn around and look at them it's like God just infused my backbone was steel and I'm afraid of nothing and then when I finished the sermon all the steel is gone and I'm afraid again and I walk down from the pulpit terrified at what I've just done but here's something I learned a long time ago let's say I'm the biggest coward in this room okay and you bring up a 90-pound weakling up on the platform and you say Paul fight it and I go no way I'm scared my knees are knocking I won't fight him but there's a way that you can get me to fight it you bring a 7-foot tall 600-pound man of solid muscle who's a mixed martial artist and you say Paul you either fight the 90-pound weakling or you fight this guy I'm gonna jump on that 90-pound weakling like a rat on a cheeto I'm gonna fight him well you're that 90-pound weakling do you see that you see young Ben listen to me do you think courage means that you've got this John Wayne this about you that would be in the flesh I know a man I can't even tell you where he works he is a highly honored scholar in the Middle East the most one of those brilliant men I know he is called upon to do things so dangerous and yet even to do the simplest task he gets so afraid he almost throws up God always uses mice so the courage doesn't come from the fact that there's some John Wayne backbone in the preacher it comes from a knowledge of I've got to fight somebody and if I have to choose between God and all of humanity I'm fighting humanity because if all of humanity and all the demons of Hell and everything that ever was and is and will be amassed themselves together in a great army to come against the throne of Christ it would be like a tiny net beating its head against the world of granite so if you have to fight someone you don't want to fight him and this was the thing that Paul knew he had a healthy fear healthy fear but now I'm going to close with the last motivation here and we won't spend much time on it we've kind of touched on it Paul was ambitious - please Christ why because of the future glory that awaited him because of the reality also of the judgment throne of Christ but also verse 14 for the love of Christ controls us having concluded this that one died for all therefore all died and he died for all so that they who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who died and rose again on their behalf I didn't bring it with me because it's too long but on this text I would encourage every one of you to read Charles Hodge second Corinthians Charles Hodge Geneva series produced by banner truth read what he says about this text he says that the controlling factor in any Christians life is the love of Christ now what I want you to see here is very very important this is a subjective genitive and it's not an objective genitive and this is very important Paul is not saying that his love for Christ constrained him pushed him on and motivated him he's not saying that at all he says Christ's love for me motivates me to give my life away to live the selfless life it is the love of Christ for me that's what I so appreciate about the Apostle John he doesn't say the one who loved Jesus he says the one whom Jesus loved sometimes when they're songs like that one song oh how I love Jesus I turned it around oh how Jesus loves me because when I look in the mirror I don't see a whole lot to sing about my love I see a very feeble thing but the power of his love for the believer is absolutely phenomenal it is that the thing that will most empower you believer is to become convinced that his is a perfect love a settled love in heaven which shall not be moved that even when he disciplines he disciplines in love all that he does he does in love his disposition toward you shall not changed it was fixed on Calvary it is the most powerful thing you do not have to move an inch to the left or an inch to the right to be any more or any less loved that is why not only the attributes of God but the love of God manifested in the cross of Christ is the thing you must know give your life to studying the gospel that's what I hate about the American contemporary gospel and hate for me is not a strong enough word I hate when the cross of my lord is dumbed down to four laws or five things God wants you to know I hate it when a romantic gospel is preached by a preacher who talks about the the thorns on his brow in the nails in his and feet and the spear at his side he gets all the people weeping but does not explain to them the true pain of the cross is that he bore our sin and the Father in heaven crushed him under the full force of his wrath because the greatest theological problem in all the Bible is that if God is just he cannot forgive you and the only way a just God can forgive wicked men is for his justice to first be satisfied because he cannot contradict his attributes do you know I preached that and I have Christians thirty years Christians for thirty years come to me crying said never never heard that in my life that's why America is in the way it is because no one understands that gospel because no one's preaching in this romantic soupy martyrdom type of thing that is preached and sung about no it was a deep chested and a broad shouldered Christ who went to the Train and was and was judged damned crushed by his father in our law place when it is finished the payment was finished justice was satisfied the wrath of God was appeased and now a holy God can take up to himself in unholy man because he's been sanctified by the blood of Christ and a just judge can forgive the iniquity of the criminal because it's been paid you see it is it is studying this gospel listen to me I am NOT they I am NOT a I'm not a person who dots eyes and crosses T's I'm not pretty I'm not neat and almost anything I do in my religion just a wild boar who got saved what controls me is this I am a man imprisoned by what the love of Christ for me and if it wasn't for that strong medicine I would vote from the store all it is he loves me he died for me in that there is no condemnation and that's what I want I want you to be not I don't want you to be living under this fear of judgement I don't want you to be living under comparing yourself to other people and other ministers and other piety and other thing no I want you to just look to Jesus and keep your eyes there and study him and learn him and if you are a preacher if you are a pastor lock yourself in the study go down like in the book of Job where people do not go carry a light with you and mine the treasures of the beauties of Christ and bring them forward on Sunday morning for God's people then you won't have to manipulate them emotionally and other things you won't have to coerce them with condemnation you put Christ before them and if their heart has truly been regenerated their affections will flow towards them and drive them like madmen to serve Him it's Christ it's Christ Christ Christ Christ what is saying what I say now when I look up in the face of my judge I will find an elder brother and a friend whatever happens on that day oh how Paul feared it whatever happens from that day I fear it and I don't and I can't explain how those two things go together I fear it and I don't he is such wonderful Saviour it's just wonderful it's pitiful to preach I hate preaching it's just such a failure it just never works you can't explain that you can't explain how wonderful he is you just just might as well everybody go home and just that is the pain of preaching you do all that you can do and you've done nothing because of who he is he loves you he loves you god bless you have a good night think on these things and beware that the devil does not steal them from your home
Channel: HeartCry Missionary Society
Views: 34,317
Rating: 4.8629131 out of 5
Keywords: paul washer, heartcry, missions, gospel, jesus christ
Id: jGVac4Cx98E
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Length: 99min 57sec (5997 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2012
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