3 GREAT BBQ recipes to make INDOORS!! No grill required!! Winner Dinners 197

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we are nearing the end of spring we are heading into summer and summer means great barbecue but sometimes you may not want to grill out for barbecue you know you can make barbecue indoors too right in this video we're going to show you three different barbecue recipes that can be made indoors so if you don't have a grill it's no problem hey y'all I'm Mandy and this is Mandy in the making this first recipe are chicken thighs we are using boneless skinless chicken thighs and we're going to do baked barbecue so first we're going to preheat our oven to 425 and you need to line a large baking sheet with some aluminum fo and then put a metal rack over top of it let's start by making our sauce we're going to go over to the stove and use this saucepan heating it on low heat and adding all of our good ingredients first we're going to add in one cup of ketchup and I have to know Hines or hunts it I can't I can't do hunts it has to be hindes we need a half a cup of brown sugar you want a tablespoon and a half of unfiltered apple apple cider vinegar a couple of teaspoons of the dub sauce 1 teaspoon of garlic powder 1 teaspoon of onion powder 1 teaspoon of paprika and a couple of teaspoons of chili powder we're going to add in about a teaspoon of salt and about a/4 teaspoon of CRA freshly cracked black pepper so at this point you just want to whisk all of this together and if you're following the recipe that's all you do here but you know a lot of times we don't follow the recipe exactly like it says so we have a little secret ingredient going in we've got some Chipotle peppers and Adobo sauce Steven chopped these up this was his idea this is going to make this barbecue more of a Smoky Barbecue and that's just our preference so it's up to you you don't have to do this obviously but we're adding that in we're going to increase the heat to about medium just a little bit more we want this to come up to a simmer okay we have come up to a little simmer here so what we're going to do is just turn this back down to like medium low and what we're wanting to do is let the sugars dissolve so this will just take a few minutes but we're going to let this hang out here all of our sugars have dissolved y'all I just did a little taste test to this and it's amazing we need to reserve about 34 a cup of this for serving later so this is all we're going to need to toss our chicken this is going to be for serving so it looks like a lot it looks like it's not going to work out but it so we've got boneless skinless chicken thighs and I'm just going to just put a little bit of salt you're only going to do a total of about another teaspoon of salt we're just putting that on top let's throw these in here and we're going to Salt this other side okay now kind of awkward angle here we're going to put about half a cup of this in here and we're going to toss the chicken in it you don't want to use all of that because you are going to base your chicken about halfway through oh my gosh I wish I could smell this now let's take these and place them on the wire rack these are going in at 425 on this middle rack for about 15 minutes and then we will flip them and base them so we're going to take our remaining barbecue sauce and just come in and baste these and then we're going to flip them and base them again okay these are going back in for 15 more minutes it's been 15 more minutes our kitchen smells amazing we're going to switch this over to bro bro we turned it over to Bro going to be bring it we bro the last little bit of reserved sauce is going on and then we'll pop it under the broiler Broiler and just let it kind of crisp up there at the end for like four or 5 minutes and then we're done y'all oh man this chicken just falling apart is it yeah didn't need no knife didn't need no knife didn't need no knife all right here we go dip mine in the sauce wow oh man that is the best barbecue sauce I've ever had at home no doubt about that very smoky out of this world I don't think y'all understand no just how good this barbecue sauce is that chicken is so tender it is you won't get tender like this with with white meat I'm sorry to tell you no I know there's a lot of white meat fans out there I'm white meat Manan too white I'm a white meat fan too but you Ain not going to get tender no like this no that chipotle pepper that we put in there mhm takes this up several notches M sweet Savory Smoky and then I made some mac and cheese I've made it this way a couple of times now ever since I had that video on Vita cheese and we had some extra Vita in the house I've been making mac and cheese this way I will link the recipe below since I didn't show you but it is so good and it's so quick and easy so much better than just the boxed stuff making messes over here that was weird somebody slowed down in front of our house and then look you got some barbecue chicken for me this mac and cheese it comes together in like 20 minutes it's so fast perfect side with this as well mhm so you don't need a grill you can do this in your kitchen now Grom using your oven does heat up the kitchen but if you don't want to use if you don't have a grill or you don't want to go out and Grill this is a great option for our second barbecue that does not require a grill we're going to do pulled pork in the crock pot which I have shared recipes like this before but this one is a little unique and I thought we would give it a try this is called the best crop Rock pot pulled pork and we're going to stuff our pork with some garlic cloves sign me up let's do it okay to get started we're going to start on our dry rub I've got some brown sugar here we need about 1/3 a cup of that you know what hold let's get it bigger I always choose too small of a container it would have all fit but it would have been hard to mix it so there we go we need a couple of teaspoons of paprika we need some salt now we need a little bit of pepper let's mix that together you know what I wanted more paprika okay that's our dry rub let's set that to the side now we need four cloves of garlic and we're going to cut them into in half basically what's the best way to get into garlic I'm going to peel these oh I feel like I just crushed that all up I sure did sure did well I don't have to chop that one in half me and my Brute strength you know been working out how about muscles so we've got a pork this is a Boston butt it's about 3 and 1/2 lb you want 3 and 1/2 to 4 lb if possible we're going to cut slits into this and we're going to put our garlic in there it says 8 to 10 slits I Ain that fun okay I don't know if you think that's fun I do now we're going to take our dry rub and rub it all over okay I'm going to place this into our crock pot I'm going to face this side down so I can rub the dry rub on the other side now on top of our roast I've got some dub sauce you need about A4 a cup you're going to pour that all over the top now this is going to cook you can do it on low for 7 to 8 hours or actually I think it said low 5 to six um or on high which is what we're going to do cuz it's already afternoon I'm going to do this on high for 3 to 4 hours you could also do this in the instant pot for about 2 hours if you wanted to later today after we shred it we will be adding our barbecue sauce we're almost out of this honey hot by Kinders so I just picked up some of this Kinder Hickory brown sugar so we'll add that later on it has been right at 4 hours and I just tested or just checked the internal temperature it's right at 200 you want it to be between 195 and 25 in order for it to pull apart really well are you excited man yeah what is that face that's one them this is an intense work right here it's determination determination get this done all right so he's going to work on this and I'm going to grab our barbecue sauce so Steven very kindly pulled and then chopped up some of the bigger pieces so that is all kind of soaking up all those juices now we need to add in about a cup or so of barbecue sauce oh all right let's stir that around so we had a head of cabbage and we had some carrots so I made homemade colaw I think that's the very first time we've ever made truly homemade COA usually I just buy the klaw mix already pre-shredded at the store but since we had everything on hand we made everything here and I have to say it's delicious I'm about ready for some BB ke do it to it we put some Sriracha on top and we did toast our buns too so that is amazing spiciness of the sriracha sauce now that Smoky flavor the barbecue sauce there's a little vinegar action going on in there something that's got that I don't know it's got more of a authentic barbecue pulled pork flavor to it good and I got my have Mas SL on top that's right with a little bit of sriracha yes because it has that crispy Crunch and that mayonnaise flavor and everything well good amazing I like these bonus mhm we had some leftover mac and cheese from last night too so warmed that up oh that's so good that is the barbecue pulled pork flavor that you just M crave yeah it is and the bun being a little bit toasty MH and mac and cheese with barbecue is always a good idea all right it's like cheddar and pork man it just goes good this is as good as going out to the barbecue restaurant I know better cuz it's cheaper and you don't have to go anywhere yeah it is true man it's really good BC sandwich we have one more barbecue recipe to share with them tomorrow he knows what it is he's excited about it so we'll see you in just a second for another recipe welcome back to the third recipe it is like 1:45 in the afternoon and we are about to get started on some oven baked ribs we made these a long time ago on our Channel we're going to make them again today you can finish them off on the grill but you don't have to today we're not going to we're just going to finish them off under the broiler but we're changing things up today we're going to do a dry rub on them as well so let's get started first things first we are going to cook these low and slow in the oven at 275 so we got two racks of ribs from Sam's Club and we had Frozen them we thawed them out we're going to cook both of them today so that we have plenty of leftovers so this is both of them we just chopped them in half so we're going to start by making this dry rub he's going to add some brown sugar I think the recipe that we found online for this dry rub C for dark brown we just have light brown so we're going with it we need some garlic salt so that's what he's adding in here chili powder and we're doubling the recipe that we found since we have two racks of ribs so that's why we're adding so much I will of course link the recipe below to this dry rub we need some black pepper got some celery salt going in and cinnamon who knew so he's just going to mix that up before we rev it on our ribs we're just going to cover these he's going to rub that in and then once we get them good and coated they'll go over here onto a baking sheet we've got two baking sheets so we need to tightly cover these that way none of the steam is going to get out it's going to really just kind of steam inside of there and slow cook inside of there so just tightly cover it with aluminum poil all right these are going in the oven at 275 for 3 to 3 and 1/2 hours since we've got two different racks of them it's probably going to be closer to that 3 and 1/2 yeah somewhere around halfway you can just we can trade them out like switch them as far as their position in the oven yeah so these just came out of the oven they were in there about 3 and 1/2 hours about 2 hour mark Steven switched them like we mentioned um and now you can make your own barbecue sauce we've done that before you can make the barbecue sauce that we made for the chicken thighs the other night or you can just use your favorite barbecue sauce and just put it over top we're just going the easy route tonight just because but he's going to based these and we're going to put them under the broer so he just turned it over to broil there only going to bro for what maybe 5 to 10 minutes babe yeah something like that something like that and we'll just kind of keep an eye on them well would you look at that they all fit on one we could add them on one this whole time but that's all right this looks amazing they're about to go under the [Music] broiler bone is falling off that's what you want it is what you want all right we got some Co SL here so he can add that to his plate and then it's going to be time to eat M wow caramelized sugar M that is super good I mean it's cooked beautifully the Cinnamon's really coming out in here too does make a difference gives it more of a interesting sweet flavor to depth to it yeah M so tender yeah tender and juicy fall apart under that you can get this out of the oven Gracie Lou you want some of this honey did you find it it's right here there you go mhm say excuse me I want more why don't we do this more often what's wrong with us I don't know do you do indoor barbecue do you have a secret sauce that you have and or if you're looking forward to trying one of the three that we shared this week we really appreciate y'all being here we hope that you found some new recipes to try with your family and happy no grilling barbecue bye
Channel: Mandy in the Making
Views: 61,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandyinthemaking, easy recipes, beginner recipes, cooking video, how to cook, cooking channel, taste test, no grill, no grill bbq, bbq indoors, bbq recipe, baked bbq chicken thighs, crockpot pulled pork, oven baked ribs, recipe video, summer recipes
Id: 4Zj16Ydy-rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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