3 Emerging-Markets Funds to Consider

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Emerging Markets have been some of the worst performers over the past decade China's restrictions on businesses plus Commodities Corrections have led to pretty weak returns compared with those of the developed world but these things go in Cycles so it's possibly things will turn around and Emerging Markets will be the leaders over the next decade I've got three ideas for investing in Emerging Markets the first two are funds I actually own so you know my money is where my mouth is first is gqg Partners Emerging Markets Equity run by Rajiv Jain who's one of the best investors around he's won our manager over the Year award by consistently producing appealing risk-adjusted returns Jane looks for companies with strong balance sheets and industries with good growth prospects that strategy seems to have kept the fun away from many of the landmines in Emerging Markets we recently upgraded the fund to gold and as I mentioned I own this one should we label companies as Emerging Markets based on their location of their headquarters or on their revenues American funds in the world says the answer is revenues thus the look for companies with most of their sales and Emerging Markets regardless of location of their headquarters the nice thing about that is you get a little added stability thanks to better accounting standards and rule of law in developed markets but you're still tapping growth potential of Emerging Markets American Funds has a deep team of managers and analysts to find good opportunities across the world I own this fund and I know you can find share classes that don't charge a front load finally Matthew's Asia dividend is back in our medalist ranks after a manager change brought the fund back to its roots as a dividend Focus strategy Robert Horrocks and Kenny Lowe are giving the fund its old profile of defense and income by investing in dividend paying stocks convertible bonds and preferreds it's a formula that gave the fun an attractive profile until it's straight from that construction but now it's back and we rate the fund silver
Channel: Morningstar, Inc.
Views: 1,211
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Keywords: emerging markets, emerging markets explained, mutual funds, etf vs mutual funds, mutual funds for beginners, index funds vs mutual funds, investing in mutual funds
Id: jA4XrP4oUIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 16sec (136 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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