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[Music] welcome back to my kitchen we're in the kitchen today we're cooking some recipes for veganuary because I want to be there for you and help you out this month you don't have to go completely vegan you can try a few vegan meals this this month or do it some of the time do it during the daytime do it the weekends whatever you pref prer to get you eating more plants I'm all for so the first recipe we're going to be making is my 15minute stir fry noodles this is from my cookbook make it vegan which is out now I can't believe I can say that it's out now and this is a fail safe recipe that I've been making for years it basically explains to you how the basis of stir fry Works how you don't have to buy the packaged sauces you don't have to buy the packaged vegetables this will teach you how to make a stir fry so you can adapt it for the seasons and for your personal taste preferences and it's very very easy in this recipe I share how you can adapt it to make it a bit longer if you want to really sear off the tofu and make it golden brown or if you quite literally only have 15 minutes then it will only take you 15 minutes let's get cooking before we set our timer get your tofu and press it first if you haven't got one of these there's no problem but this is from tof fut I've had this I think since like 2017 or something you can get it on Amazon I'll link it if you don't have one of those then you can use some plates stacked up with some cookbooks or something heavy just to press out the majority of the liquid and I always do this I will start any recipe I have with tofu by pressing it to begin with and this is extra firm tofu not silken tofu but extra firm it's the one that you get in the chilled section in the supermarket start by chopping your veg I've got two pack [Applause] Choice and then I've got approximately 200 g of mushrooms these are all mixed mushrooms which which are my favorite try and grab them mixed mushrooms shitake mushrooms they just taste so much more [Music] delicious and then I've got one red chili you can add less chili if you're not a chili person the tofu's been in the press for maybe like 10 minutes and you can see all the liquid in there for the tofu I'm going to slice it down the middle in half and then into thirs and it can do this if you press it and that's just the liquid but don't worry about it like you're just cooking for yourself if you fried it and Cubed it beforehand it would keep it shape that might fall apart in the pan if you're doing the 15-minute version but that's okay these are the noodles I'm going to use but whatever noodles you use just follow the instructions these just take 5 minutes in a pan of boiling water and then to be dunked in some cold water and set aside sides so while our noodles are cooking we'll start with a little bit of oil you can use olive oil coconut oil whatever you like put it over medium to high heat let that heat up and just sort of glaze the pan and then we can first start with our chili around a thumb size amount of Ginger and life hack freeze your Ginger and use a micro plane so much simpler this has defrosted a bit cuz I've been filming but it is just so much [Music] quicker and then three garlic cloves I always use a minser like this it's just so much easier and just fry this for a couple of minutes another little cooking hack if you're afraid of your garlic burning or you tend to do that add the garlic with the oil so it won't burn easily now we can add in our veg I'm going to add in the mushrooms first and just toss them through and this is the beauty of this dish if you want to be perfect about it you can cook the mushrooms off make them reduce and you can Brown your tofu separately or you can just throw everything in and wait for it all to be cooked if you're feeling lazy or if you're new to cooking and this is when you can crank the heat up add in your tofu now I'm going to Chuck in some pack Choy Nestle them in there so that's 5 minutes on the timer since the noodles have gone in so I can drain and rinse those and the key here is you want to save a cup of noodle water so just get a mug set it aside drain your cooked noodles rinse them with cold water and then they're ready to use look how beautiful and brown that's looking oh spicy that's from putting it on a really high heat so everything can Brown really quickly now we can add in our flavor so we start with our sweetness I'm going to use a tablespoon of maple syrup a tablespoon of dark soy sauce for color and sweetness tablespoon of light soy sauce for saltiness sub these for tamari if you're gluten-free and some lime zest for that acidity I'm also going to squeeze in the lime juice as well and look how gorgeous that color is now now we can add our noodles to the pan along with our reserved noodle water just start with a little to begin with and if you want to try this method it does help because it makes your life so much easier to combine your dish look how good that looks now we can plate it up I love topping it with sesame seeds and a nice addition at the end if you fancy is a little drizzle of toasted sesame oil the little goes a long way [Music] I actually think that took slightly less than 15 minutes and I was filming and moving the camera around this is just so rapid the key is to just have it on a really high heat and keep tossing it so it goes Brown let's dig in in fact I'm going to save this one cuz this looks a bit prettier cuz I need to get some nice shots for you which you will have just seen boy oh boy this is going to become your favorite thing that you have in rotation all the time the washing up has been done I've got all my ingredients for my next recipe and this is one that I hope gets you into liking tofu these are my firecracker tofu nuggets hopefully this is a recipe that can kind of get you in the door and help you to eat vegan food that's comforting and that's you something you're used to and you're familiar with I have it in the book with salad and chips this evening we're going to eat these with some homemade wedges and peas with a delicious jesa yogurt and it's just comfort food at its best so I'm going to start with two blocks of tofu we're going to press these again as well um I'll just do them one after the other and we're going to prep all of our spices and bits [Applause] together so now our tofu is lovely and pressed I'm going to chop them into chunks kind of like we just did with the stir fry and you can do them as big or small as you like I do them around 2 cm just because by the time you've breaded them and fried them they do get a bit bigger so about that big but you can do them bigger if you want now we're going to get our three separate bowls for the bread crumbing the first Bowl Bowl we'll start with 5 tablespoon of flour half a cup of non-dairy milk it's about 125 mil which fun fact my cookbook comes with cup measurements grams and ounces just so that everyone can know what's happening and our spices I'm doing a teaspoon of kayenne a teaspoon of paprika a teaspoon of cumin teaspoon of garlic granules and then season with salt and pepper this is where you would adapt your personal flavoring preference you could do any spices that you enjoy and then mix that all together I definitely should have done a bigger bowl but hey ho to our second bowl We'll add 75 G of bread crumbs or this is around 3/4 of a cup a pinch of chili flakes and 3 teaspoons of sesame seeds and then 125 G or a cup of flour so we have our flour our flour and milk and seasoning mixture and our breadcrumbs and we just go from left to right and coat each breadcrumb you can try and have like one hand your wet hand one hand your dry hand first coat in your flour and I have actually got quite chunky breadcrumbs which will be quite [Music] fun [Music] now this does take some time so it's your chance to watch a bit of TV listen to some music chat with your partner that kind of thing and if you don't want it to take so long then make bigger tofu chunks now we're going to heat a generous amount of oil in our pan to deep fry about 2 cm deep and you just want to plop your little tofu nuggets in you can do this in batches and then keep them warm in the oven if you don't have a large frying pan look at that Sizzle so you want to cook these for about 5 to 10 minutes on medium to high heat as they start to look more Brown that's when you can turn them and you can start at the ones that you began with and just sort of test it out so if you rotate it and you think that that looks golden enough then you can carry on twirling them I think it could do it a little longer or you can go for one of the ones in the middles because those are going to be yeah it's pretty much there yeah I'm going to turn them I wish you could smell this it smells absolutely delicious can smell the paprika especially and look I'm not here to tell you that this is the healthiest thing on the planet I'm obviously deep frying tofu coated in breadcrumbs but life is about enjoying food you know and if you're going to do veganer and you're someone who eats meat then you need to invite some comfort Foods in into your life enjoy some tofu nuggets once in a while if that's what's going to encourage you to reduce your intake of animal products and it could just be that you swap this out once or twice a week for another meal and it just gives you that comfort and that deliciousness look at those golden nuggets we're going to enjoy these with a nice little yogurt dip and again this is the kind of thing that you can improvise you can make it how you like I'm going to do 4 tablespoons of coconut yogurt with some Harissa about two teaspoons and then mix that together and you're going to get a really delicious spicy well this is Rose Harissa you could make this um just with the yogurt and the lemon zest I'm put a bit of lemon zest in there just about half of the lemon popcorn [Music] chicken [Music] just look at this bowl of golden nuggets how good does that look this is why I say if I had a restaurant I would serve these if I was having friends over what a great little snack to have let's do the official taste test I've already had a few because I've been filming those little Clips they are so good oh my gosh and they're not overly spicy either you don't have to make them super spicy you can make them as spicy as you you enjoy but my goodness me really definitely make the yogurt dip it it just is it's perfect with it m and you could also add some extra like cracked black pepper on top and loose sea salt that would make it [Music] yummy we're at this end of the kitchen today because it is raining outside and it's very dark in this kitchen we are making pizza toast this is such an easy recipe I mean did you hear the crunch it's kind of a suggestion I wanted to put some recipes like this in the cookbook because realistically as much as a cookbook will have lots of recipes that take time and consideration for you to get the right right ingredients and follow it step by step I also wanted some things in here that are just suggestions and realistic recipes that you'll eat for lunch every day but we've got a lovely loaf of bread that Alex baked look at this delicious bread and then I'm going to go for arter chokes olives some red onion and then maybe I'm not 100% sure yet maybe some spinach maybe some Tomatoes maybe some peppers I don't want to overfill it I think that's the key with pizza you don't want to overdo it in the cookbook I photographed it well I didn't photograph it CLA Winfield did and Lily Silverman um dressed it and styled it with vegan cheese I think there's red onion maybe mushrooms and red pepper in there so just whatever your favorite pizza toppings are I think my favorite pizza toppings are always arter chokes olives and red onion and I might throw a little bit of spinach in there for some color we're going to have some vegan cheese and toast it all up deliciously and honestly this is the best lunch if you just want something filling and Hearty and delicious and very very [Music] easy so we've got our bread Alex is going to have some too so I'm going to make his ones he's having tomato red onion and that's it butter your bread I'm using the nly vegan block this is by far my favorite vegan butter not only because of the taste but also the ingredients are slightly better so I think it's organic now I'm going to share with you a little hack you don't have to do this this is not in the cookbook because I wanted to make it the most accessible to everybody and not everyone can get vegan mayonnaise however if you can get your hands on vegan mayonnaise then a little hack for making Toasties really crisp up on the outside is to pop some mayonnaise on it you don't need a lot but it does does do something so now we've got our buttered bread you want to flip it round and now add Our tomato puree or tomato paste I think it's called in America you can add as much or as little as you like this is the equivalent of the Tomato base on a pizza but obviously Pata is runny so this works a little better seasoning and then this is one of the key things that's going to make it taste like pizza mixed herbs specifically things like oregano and basil but you can find Italian herb seasonings in most shops and then we can add our toppings so this one is going to be red onion or both of them are going to have red onion Alex's is having some tomato and then for mine I'm going for olives and then some arter chokes and then we're going to add some vegan cheese so this I think is from m& this one and I've also got this sheese grated mozzarella style I think it works really great if you mix up the vegan cheeses and then I have got some of this VI life mozzarella slices so I'm also going to pop those in there just for added measure and then in mine I'm also going to pop some spinach just on top and then we can put the lids on and now we can fry them up I'm going to fry this in a griddle pan you can use a toasting machine I think it tastes best this way and you literally just pop the sandwich in there and then turn it after maybe like 3 to 5 minutes and a little hat I will show you on how to make the cheese [Music] melt so it's been around 4ish minutes so I'm going to flip it and you can tell it's ready when it like slides off like that it will be a bit stuck cuz it'll still be a bit moist if it's not toasted look at that I'm going to show you my trick for making the vegan cheese melt this also works on normal cheese because there's so much heat being absorbed into the bread it really helps to do this method so all you need to do is splash some water and then pop the lid on and basically what this does is it will steam your toasty so that the heat can be spread throughout the [Music] pan oh my goodness this is like the dreamiest lunch ever trying three different cheeses as well really helps to make everything [Music] melt I just love this so much I mean did you hear the crunch well I hope you enjoyed those three easy vegan recipes for veganuary if you want more recipes because they are all in this book definitely go check out my book make it vegan it's out now I think if you're in the US and Canada it's out very soon but you can pre-order it to come it'll be out on the 16th of January this is the perfect book to begin veganuary with to eat more vegan food this year to eat more plant-based there's nothing crazy in here in terms of ingredients everything is easy to follow and it's probably going to be recipes that you'll make again and again and again because that was the inspiration for this book to make recipes that people will make again and again because these are ones that I do all the time and there's a variety of comfort Foods foods that you're familiar with new foods you maybe haven't tried before and just everything and I'm so proud of it and every every single recipe has a photograph which is really important to me so I'll leave a link below thank you for your support definitely tag me if you recreate any of these recipes or ones from my cookbook and I will see you in my next video lots of fun veganer content to come this month so make sure you're subscribed and hit that thumbs up button and give it a share if you like and I'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Madeleine Olivia
Views: 110,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madeleine olivia, home vlog, cornwall vlog, vegan recipes, madeleine olivia house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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