3 Easy Step By Step Ways To Repair & Connect Copper Pipe!

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welcome to fall toolbox today I'm going to cover sweating pipe connecting your pipe together with solder and there are other ways to do this that are easier and I touch on that a little bit later this is one of the ways this is called the sharkbite fitting where you just push this in and this push fitting will lock in place you don't have to solder it or anything but you really want to know how to do it the conventional way and then you can always use these when you need them because there are other times that that I'll use these and they're very convenient but most of the time I want to sweat it myself and that's the best way to do it you want to learn how to do this alright I'm going to show you a good way to learn how to do it and to practice yourself before you start on your house that way you'll have it perfected it's really easy to do you're going to cover it right now this right here is propane I hardly ever use propane when I'm sweating pipe because it doesn't get as hot as map gas this is map gas and it does burn a lot hotter so you can sweat your pipe a lot faster this is very important you will need a lead-free solder when doing this it says plumbing so that's what you want you want it for pipe like this where you have drinking water in it you do not want to have lead in your water that's for sure okay this is a paste flux this flux right here you will put on the pipe prior to soldering and I'm going to show you in just a few minutes right here is a pipe cleaner this cleaner right here has little wire teeth so you can take your half-inch pipe on this one stick it in here and turn it a few times and you'll see how it gets really nice and polished that cleans it off so you can go ahead and solder now you pull this out and you have a wire brush to go inside the pipe to clean the insides of fittings or pipes like this okay that is just one type of cleaner this one is made for half inch pipes specifically this one right here is made for both 3/4 and 1/2 inch so you have your half inch outside and inside cleaner and the same here you have 3/4 if you don't use that you can use 400 grit sandpaper to clean this edge or you can use double zero steel wool even if you had something that was heavier than double zero it will work but I use double zero a lot and it cleans a pipe real easily now we're going to get into your pipe cutters here are two different types of pipe cutters I like to normally get a pipe cutter that has a blade on the bottom and I'll have one that has a blade on the top because if you get in a tight spot where you can't can't get your tool in there you can work one in and it cuts this half then you stick it on and this one will cut the other half so you can ream it around because sometimes you don't have enough room to bring this one all the way around that's why these little mini ones sometimes come in handy when you cut your pipe what you want to do is just snug it on there you don't want to push it until it starts biting into there because you'll you'll put this out around make it out around and then your fittings will never work so you just snug it and you'll turn it and each time you snug it you turn it you'll Snug it again just like that and it will go right through like butter if you have a good sharp blade this right here will get flared a little bit and pushed in you'll have a little bitty rim around here on the inside so you want to kind of read that out and smooth it out you don't want to go and solder one section here and then come back later and do this because this is going to transfer heat in here and melt this and that solder is going to cause you to leak because it's going to it's going to get melted again and probably have a pinhole in it you'll have a leak so make sure you hit this this this this all of these in one little section now if you have something further away that's fine after you clean the inside of one and the outside of the other to where they marry each other you'll want to put flux on there or you need to put Lux on there so there are different ways that you can apply it you can use any type of brush it doesn't matter but they give you brushes for this and you just take that and rub it on here all the way around okay now over here I'm going to do the same thing and put it on the inside but if you don't have a brush just use a q-tip or a stick doesn't matter anything that's clean that you can use to rub on there and I'll just use this to put it on the inside all right do not use your fingers because the oils in your fingers can cause contamination on the flux and you may not have a good solder I'm not saying it will mess it up every time but you could have a problem so you'd rather stay away from the oils on your fingers after you finish you can take your q-tip and discard it this right here you'll have to wipe down and put a little baggie because you want to keep it kind of clean all right here's what I do a lot of times I'll just put a rubber glove on and use my finger with the rubber glove to put this on and when I do that I can take and throw away these gloves I can just take it rub it in and put it on here saw it on my joint and when I'm done throw the glove away then I don't have to worry about keeping things like this in my toolbox where they can get everything has flux in it and it's all cleaned up and ready to go once I have flux on it I'm a little more cautious about setting this on the on the ground I'll just keep it up but prior to that I'm really not concerned I'll take my pipe cut it set it on the side even after I clean it it doesn't bother me but just make sure you don't have a lot of junk on it whenever I'm doing plumbing I keep some type of extinguisher or water with me where I can put it out any kind of embers out if I have something like that especially when I'm working in a wall now when I'm working in the wall I always have a heat shield I keep sheets of a galvanized sheet metal and this right here is 26 gauge so I could take that and put it between two studs and kind of bend it a little bit and it flexes on those studs and that way I keep all the heat away from the wood or insulation or anything like that so always use the heat shield when you're working in a wall on the fire department I've seen some really bad fires from plumbers that have made the mistake of not using the heat shield causing embers to go down in the wall they close everything up and that night we have a rule in fire so make sure you you're safe before you do this this right here is a great little torch and I use it for all my plumbing because I have a trigger right here that I pull and it lights only when I pull the trigger so it goes out when I'm finished with it I not only like it for plumbing I use it for fireworks as well because I can just light the kid's fireworks and step back and I don't have to worry about keeping a flame on all the time all right right here when I saw it or this I'm going to take and heat up the top and I'll show you after I heat up the top I'll take my solder and put on the bottom and let it pull the heats going to pull the solder to the top I don't go all the way around it over and over because that that doesn't work you can wind up having a bad seat I'm going to heat it up at the joint right here not on the pipe so then I'll just touch it from the back you'll know when it's hot enough there you go once you're done take a little wet rag and wipe it down I'm gonna heat it from here and showed you see if pulling right there that's it all you want to see is that little silver ring you don't want to hold blob down on here you I want to give you options so I'm going to show you this kind of fitting right here this is a pre soldered fitting okay you can find these at the hardware stores they already have solder in there so all you need to do is clean this end flux it slip this on and heat it up and you'll see the ring come around here when it's when it gets hot enough you don't even have to heat it up much you'll see that Sauder star coming through there it is that's it you can see the solder it came through all the way around this is definitely your easiest connector to use anyone can do plumbing when you use this all you do is clean the end of your pipe off slide it in there and it locks in place if you look right here you'll see little teeth and these little teeth are angled backwards so when you shove the pipe in there it can't pull back out it's sealed really tight and then it can still spin so you can swivel this in different directions great little feature on these things now they give you a tool to remove it now not all of them have the tool in there if not you have to buy it for like a dollar or so and they're in the same section in the plumbing section you'll take this tool and you'll slip it on the pipe and push it in it does not work as well as they say it does it'll take it off but you really have to push on it pretty hard it's not something that you can just take off in a tight space or at least not with this tool I just take it push it in now what you want to do is Mark you take this and you set it down where you need it to go and you mark it and that way you know you're getting it all the way in you want to make sure that this goes all the way in to lock it properly if you just have it on the edge and you think you have it in all the way it's not going to seal tight to get this off you really have to push on it so you'll have to get this tight and squeeze them really tight to each other to pull it it doesn't come off very easily you see how the solder covered all the way through in there that's when you know it's sealed right once you wipe it down go with a rag you'll want to take some Emery cloth or sandpaper that's what I like to use when I I'm cleaning this part off and just clean it real good you'll still see the silver on there that's okay I had some tubing and some clamps so I'll rig this up now my hose is connected and I'm going to turn this part on you saw it pressurize just now all of this is drip dry you can see this is how you know that it works so that's how you can check yourself and on these fittings I showed you how you can take them apart if you have any leaks at all in here you come back and do it again but if you follow my instructions you're not going to have any problems well that's it for now and I hope you found this helpful you can see sweating pipe is really not difficult and there are a lot of other ways to even make it easier than this I'm going to touch on that and some later videos my next video I have I'm going to put in this description box down below the link so you can click on it and see how I actually made all of this fit into a wall because I had to solder some pipe in the wall where I had a leak and you can see all the precautions that you have and a couple of stumbling blocks that I come across but I fixed no big deal check out Paul's toolbox all my archive videos if you found this helpful hit like and I'll see you on the next project
Channel: Paul Ricalde
Views: 1,783,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: push fit copper connectors, shark bite fittings, pro line fittings, how to sweat pipe, how to solder copper pipe, how to solder copper tubing, copper pipe, repair leaky pipes, fix bad copper pipe, repair copper pipe, fix leak in wall, fix leaking pipes, several ways to connect pipe, several waays to connect copper pipe, how to sweat copper pipe, how to connect copper tubing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2015
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