3 Easy Sheet Pan Dinners To Feed The Whole Family | You Can Cook That | Allrecipes.com

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sheet pans are the solution to simple suppers and we have a great formula that you can adapt to countless recipes we're going to start with the easy meaty sheet pan dinner i've started by lining my sheet tray with foil you don't have to do this but this really makes cleanup a breeze you almost have no dishes to do some people might question parchment paper or foil you almost always are going to use foil in a sheet pan dinner versus parchment paper parchment prevents browning from happening and most of these sheet tray meals are so delicious because of that caramelization that you get in the oven so if you have parchment down that's not likely to happen potatoes are a very popular item to add to a sheet pan dinner because they can withstand longer cook times and higher temperatures and they tend to cook about the same time as your main item so almost always include them our formula begins with about a pound of a starchy vegetable and then about two cups to three cups of a non-starchy vegetable our formula includes basic seasoning just olive oil salt and pepper have you noticed i have not dirtied any mixing bowls next component of our formula is about one and a half pounds of boneless meat although i do think you can put bone in meat here as well in this case i've got some boneless skinless chicken thighs i love using chicken thighs on sheet pan dinners because again they can withstand the longer cook times and now this is ready for the oven we are going to bake this at 425 degrees another tip when your sheet pan cooking is that you generally want to keep your oven at a higher temperature at least 400 or so if you're adding a green vegetable or something more delicate just be mindful of how long they take to cook and add it to the sheet tray when you've got about that much time left in the cooking process these go back to the oven for about 10 more minutes and dinner served look at that looks like a healthy dinner but we're not done yet now comes the time for our final element of our formula for this dinner in particular we just simply used a basic seasoning of salt and pepper so i'm going to add additional flavoring by serving it with some pesto fresh lemon and basil this final step can be whatever you like it's just a way to finish off the dish and add some freshness to it there are so many elements to this full dinner you've got your meat your veggies and a finishing sauce and i didn't dirty any other dishes i'm going to show you that formula on a whole nother recipe i'm going to make sheet pan fajitas with a larger cut of meat we're going to do a whole flank steak with all the fixings step one line your tray with foil you don't have to do this step if you like scrubbing dishes my starch for this recipe lies in the tortillas which come at the end so i'm going to add double the amount of non-starchy vegetables so we have our peppers and onions going right on the tray i like to start by tossing the veggies in the oil and seasonings because that also helps grease the pan then scatter the peppers and onions around to make room for the steak then i've got one and a half pounds of flank steak that i'm adding so this still goes with our formula of one and a half pounds of boneless meat this time it's just not in small pieces let me tell you why this recipe is so good because normally when you make fajitas you are standing over a stove sauteing things grease is splattering everywhere and you actually have to you know be on call the whole recipe with fajita's sheet pan style you just pop them in the oven and get ready for dinner this one's ready for the oven 450 degrees for about 10 to 15 minutes and we will have fajitas look at this it smells so good wish you could smell that but by not touching this during the cooking process we were able to get that good golden brown on those peppers and onions the same way as if we had sauteed them in that hot skillet so now what is key before we finish this one off is to let this meat rest for about 10 minutes then we'll give it the finishing touch based on our formula in this case i'm really just going to add a squeeze of fresh lime juice and then serve it up this is when she pan dinners come in handy for a party this is a great way to feed a crowd without having to dirty up your kitchen it's almost like a snack dinner we don't need no stinking skillet you know what we call that the perfect bite seafood dinners are also great prepared on a sheet tray this is my recipe for everything bagel salmon with sweet potatoes and broccoli i love that this recipe really only needs two sweet potatoes to feed at least four people fish doesn't take long to cook so all we're doing here is just giving our vegetables a head start i'm going to cook these for about five to 10 minutes and then we'll add our salmon while our potatoes cook i'm going to prep the other ingredients then we're going to add to that sheet pan i just take a bag of broccoli florets toss them with a little olive oil salt and pepper and add it straight to the pan the broccoli is going to take about the same time as the fish so i can add those two things together for the salmon i'm going to create a little mustard glaze with just dijon mustard honey and cayenne pepper all right my potatoes have been going about 10 minutes i'm gonna scoot them to one side and add my broccoli and salmon the salmon flavor really is not going to seep over into your veggies but if you're worried about that you could create a little separate foil pouch for the salmon now i'm just going to brush on that mustard glaze and sprinkle it with my everything bagel seasoning dinner's coming together okay going in all right our salmon is almost done and for that finishing touch remember i said you could add cheese or fresh herbs or citrus i'm going to take that same sauce we glazed the fish with add a little soy sauce to that and then drizzle it over our veggies it's going to create the perfect bite dinner is served look at that this looks so good if i must say so myself for more ideas like this follow me on instagram this is where i created this perfectly cooked salmon is one of the easiest things to cook on a sheet pan it cooks perfectly every time there is a lot of flavor going on in here y'all gotta try this one i've created these three dinners on a sheet pan and the same time it takes to make one on a stove top you've got to try some of these and just wait till you see how easy the cleanup is i hope that i have taught you how to use a sheet pan to solve your dinner problems and i really love hearing what you guys have to say so let me know what you want to see me make next now remember if you like washing dishes skip the foil but this is what i like to do and that's how to wash the dishes josh remember that day i wore my house shoes to work no it was today
Channel: Allrecipes
Views: 29,419
Rating: 4.9730458 out of 5
Keywords: sheet pan, sheet pan dinner, easy dinners, dinners for the whole family, one pan meals, one pan dinners, easy recipes, easy dinner recipes, family recipes, sheet pan fajitas, shareable dinners, seafood sheet pan dinner, how to make dinner on a sheet pan, seafood dinner recipes, potatoes, steak, fajitas, chicken, chicken dinner, You Can Cook That, Allrecipes, kitchen tips, tips, tricks, food, cooking, cooking techniques, recipes, recipe, allrecipes.com
Id: Xc0zGodMRk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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