3 Dwarves Try to Hit Home Runs With Giant Bats... - Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer Monday

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welcome to multiplayer baseball version two we have done baseball multiplayer Monday a long long time ago before Pistons were a thing I believe and today we are gonna be doing version 2 which is gonna be a lot better because not only do we have to hit the ball off of a tee like we did previously but the ball is also going to be tossed in the air so this ball isn't gonna be tossed in the air we're just oh look at that that was amazing that was very nice and controlled yep oh I said nice and controlled hug nice and controlled oh that was a good no the garages wow we're the garage Wow okay are we sure we got to clean all this up you can't now why did the thing not stop stop to say stop stop the press the button alright we're just gonna go ahead and delete that alright well we'll clean all this up later but if you follow me out to the field here we can show you what we're actually gonna be dealing with now that we've given the the very accurate example of how baseball works so we are test we have 15 minutes to build a baseball bat capable of hitting this ball out of the air because that's already gets tossed in the air and you actually have to time your swing and hit it as far as you can down this line now we are going for both accuracy and distance so the further you get it down this line the better so if you hit it like a million miles off to the left it's really not gonna count for much distance so that doesn't really matter you really got to hit it straight all clear any questions comments concerns how do I get a homerun at that build build an amazing bat alright you got 15 minutes to build it you are allowed rustlers and glitches just don't do anything sneaky okay press your button when you're ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh there's the timer time to paint alright well I guess I'm going first this is my multiplayer baseball bat cricket so yeah I decided like well in the front it does but in the back you can see it's actually kind of curved like a baseball bat no it's yeah exactly like a cricket you know what you know what never mind okay alright so it's a little bit slow on the backswing but actually with an electric motor oh yeah yeah and then I just fell word swing like that and hopefully that's gonna give me a decent hitter just line that up behind this and yeah alright hold on hold on hold on and ya know were you trying to get hit ready three two one and it oh go home run Wow look at that alright who's next who's next Dierks well that's me so I did the genius thing of not using thrusters oh not using thrusters I'm what what is this even it's many bad I know what he's doing many double sided bats oh I think I see it's like a slot for the ball to fall into we take a lawnmower I mean we launch the ball first let me do it yeah and then a lawnmower blades this is gonna be interesting I wonder if it's really gonna be like straight that's gonna be interesting it's a unique concept whether it works I am Not sure they won't find open to it jerks it's gonna be super consistent alright con let's see what your genius solution to baseball lives like mine's the same as yeah I did yeah this looks awfully familiar listen guys I'm full of original content on my channel come check out calm slash con gaming okay I'm just gonna plug it up you know um it's you every oh I guess if you line it up okay it's a small bat but it it's nice just 10/10 bearings it lines up at the end of the coffee bar you know I just I swing that's oh yeah yeah why do you have some whatever it just makes it spin fast when it goes but then it also went back to its zero what are you sure you don't need to bring it back to zero because what is going on continuously why is this what is the point it's just being I don't know it's just so it's fast but if you said I could have used an immersion like strap man now I'm realizing it could've used an engine with a single bearing and a exact same thing but this is what I was why do you even need more than one bearing for the concept you have in the first place I don't know don't worry it doesn't matter its spins and it's gonna hit the ball that's all I care about at this point might at the ball or not all right I guess I just I don't understand what the point who wants to go first should I go determine the order by like rock paper scissors yeah let's do rock oh yeah it's handbook its handbook well tool no can't hammer is rock paper is handbook scissors is weld tool okay ready put them in your slots and then rock paper scissors oh oh well have wait do we all lose well I thought it was Rock Paper Scissors shoot not Rock Paper Scissors all right that was pretty confusing yeah okay someone else doing bad all right Rock Paper Scissors shoot oh you lose you lose all the way that means two glass means you guys pick we're going who's picking order okay I see yeah yeah yeah okay all right ready Rock Paper Scissors shoot Oh Rock Paper Scissors shoot oh I'm gonna go first you know I'm gonna first and then I'll let scrap man pick if he wants to go next order because I'm going less I will learn from the mistakes of those who go before me [Laughter] from these designs that's sure you're completely different than my design so it doesn't really that's going the wrong way wait I built it in the wrong direction we got it I just got to put it Shh I'm a left-handed batter apparently I'm just gonna set this to 5 seconds that's good enough all right you guys ready I'm gonna do and just connect the button to your seat you know oh I can connect the button to my seat one second ground mechanics go a long long way guys we're gonna take the best of five attempts and whoever gets the best of their five attempts wins and we will color the balls so we know the difference all right yeah go for whatever you're ready oh yeah I'm so happy no idea okay I was a little late I understand at ivic now here we go number two actually moved I'm so excited Oh note that one doesn't count it hit the ground and it doesn't go down first all right crazy this is third shot yeah third shot Oh way late you're bound since are way better than your like I got one hit though I'm so happy of know I do have a hit you're on the board you're on the board yeah okay so that was three shots right yeah yeah you had that they're making this look harder than I thought it was gonna be I think my designs he's having the opposite effectively oh it is slightly we're deleting this one then stick it online oh yeah there you go and then just paint it here there we go that that big brain all right brain my cue plays right here boys yep look at that alright subscribe and you said d'oeuvres up next very nervous up next yep I am the big finale you know all the pressures gonna be on me work what are you doing okay where does your hammer go further than I don't want to talk about it alright shot number one yeah way way better yeah see you're lucky you don't even have to worry about timing like it just falls into your creation yeah let's do shot number two that is so close that other wanjin oh oh I don't know I don't know and might know I don't think it's oh wait oh wait yeah just okay just much further shot too well I gotta say this is a turning out to be better than I thought grabbing your your creation better pressure is gonna be on the pressure is gonna be on shot number three Durr put it right into let's do this just turns turns it on oh that wasn't no that's oh oh no no a little bit weak little weak shot number four here we go Oh terrible terrible yeah it did yeah looks like derf we have to count this wander it's the first of my shots that's beneath God you know I think I'm just gonna go for it I'm not gonna reweld it oh yeah I mean you already have a pretty you know turn it on right now I'd just like spin it into place with it turning oh yeah yeah all right why not yeah all right final shot let's do this oh boy ohh ohh it's so straight it is so straight straight oh it's not better it's not gonna be better though that is actually your second worst shot all right Wow look at that difference look that's like more than double rail exactly double actually that might be like that's really close to being twice Oh No maybe a less than double I don't know I don't know what I'm talking about it's somewhere around either above or below double all right you guys ready I am so nervous right now the time by Erica's swing number one no I want my victory swings I want my victory swings that was fun [Laughter] [Music] there we go shot number two victory shot whoo Oh way too late it doesn't matter but watch me not you like any more shots we weren't even close no if he misses every other side oh that one I do even by a mile it's coming back he's being mine dude you beat both of us with that shot really yes that horribly inaccurate shot you'd be all right number four there we go come on you got to get back out here man oh oh here we go that's pretty far out Oh man all right last shot there we go all right well I'm glad I got that first shot off because everything else like if that ball rolls back it's really late do you lose no I want to measure this feel free feel free I mean I want to go measure this oh are you going to beat mine with my own creation oh it's close it is so close no no no oh that thing is still rolling though you're within blocks you're within blocks of my first one and there yeah there is my shot whoo yeah we got to do an explosive for the celebration here we go big finale what wait what is happening all right oh oh wait I'm wasn't ready I wasn't ready I wasn't oh the first half oh yeah yeah oh yeah make sure you guys like subscribe and comment other suggest a smash that next round yeah and we'll see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 147,035
Rating: 4.9129381 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, family friendly, kid friendly, family friendly gaming, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic game, awesome creations, best scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic challenge, multiplayer monday, scrap mechanic baseball, home run derby, scrap mechanic home run derby, scrap mechanic home run, scrap mechanic tee ball, baseball home run derby, scrap mechanic sports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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