3 Disturbing True Ice Cream Truck Stories

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[Music] [Music] growing up in the suburbs one thing i always enjoyed in the summertime was the ice cream truck specifically mr softy as a very little kid any time i'd hear the song of the mr softy truck echoing through the streets i'd beg my mom for a few dollars and run outside to wave down the truck i remember one of the first times i was ever left home alone i was i think seven years old my mom was away somewhere and my dad was off that day he apparently entrusted me to be home alone for a few minutes while he ran to the store he was definitely the less responsible parent i was in the living room watching spongebob i'm pretty sure when i heard the familiar sound of the mr softy tune outside i rushed to the kitchen and climbed onto a chair to reach the little basket on the ledge that usually had stray dollars and coins inside i grabbed the dollar bill and some coins i couldn't tell you the exact amount obviously i ran outside to the street and waved the truck down just in time it pulled over and the oldish man came to the window asking what i wanted when i asked for a specialty cone he told me i was a little short with the money i had i believe i told him i didn't have any more money because my parents weren't home i distinctly remember him asking me you're home alone as if you were confirming it i said yes and he started acting all friendly and understanding he told me to come into the truck so that i could make my own ice cream cone i stepped into the truck and the man went and shut the door he told me to help myself to whatever ice cream i wanted he said he was going to show me how to be an ice cream man and he went to the driver's seat of the truck and started driving us somewhere my young innocent self thought this was all super exciting as i was pouring soft serve ice cream into a cone but i finished that cone and then started wondering where we were going as we had been driving for a while i went to the front of the truck to ask him and he asked me in a more stern voice than he'd been speaking in to please go stay in the back of the truck i listened to him my appetite for more ice cream was suddenly gone as it got more uncomfortable we went from a busy main road to a quiet residential road at some point i noticed the ice cream truck's music wasn't playing and he was driving rather fast the truck finally stopped in front of some abandoned looking building and he asked me to come follow him outside to the building but not before we heard it tapping on the door of the truck i heard a familiar concerned voice yelling through the crack of the door the man opened the door and my neighbor margie walked into the truck she saw me and came to grab me by the arm and pull me out of the truck she told me to wait in her car while she ran back to yell at the man i was extremely confused at first the man in the ice cream truck sped off down the street this was a time before cell phones she couldn't just call 9-1-1 right away she ran to the nearest house at first i was confused but obviously i know now she was asking for the owner's phone she called 9-1-1 and i'm sure she reported the suspicious ice cream truck and attempted kidnapping i don't remember the rest except telling margie my story her driving me home to be greeted by my dad and cop cars and then being told to go inside after telling a couple police officers what happened the exact ice cream truck was found i'm not sure how they did it maybe by investigating street camera footage and getting the plate number i was made to confirm the driver was in fact the man who took me into the truck he was sentenced to prison that's all my parents told me i don't think they know his name either that or they didn't want to give it to me definitely not a memory i like thinking back on up until i was 28 i used to live with my parents in camden maine a rural boat town they were hardly ever home because of work and just traveling a lot so i'd hold down the ford a lot my parents property is large and private so when they weren't home i'd often throw little parties this was one of those nights i had maybe 15 to 20 people over and we all hung out in the backyard it started around 6 p.m and people started leaving around 11 p.m by midnight everyone was gone and i was absolutely shot from a mixture of having been in the sun most of the day and then drinking since around six i changed and got into bed before i could even fall asleep though i heard something one would not expect to hear this late at night it was the sound of an ice cream truck only it was a tune i'd never heard before a kind of creepy sounding one the tune got louder until it seemed to be right outside i lay there waiting a minute or two for it to go away but when it didn't i finally got up and went to the window to look outside i couldn't see anything from my bedroom window so i went downstairs and looked out the living room window i could vaguely see what had to be an ice cream truck out on the lawn my heart started pounding the inside of my chest who was it why were they here what did they want i paced around the living room for a bit not knowing whether to call the police or my dad or just simply wait for them to leave the awful tune of the ice cream truck didn't stop though it grew sickening i ended up finally snapping and going out the front door to the porch there i could more clearly see the ice cream truck parked on our property like a little less than 100 feet away from the porch it was parked on the grass and it wasn't exactly a typical looking ice cream truck it was like a white van with ice cream pictures stamped or painted on it was a mix of confused and worried mostly worried saying it was an abnormal sight would be a gross understatement i stepped onto the grass with my bare feet and walked just a little closer to the van the headlights weren't on so when i got close enough i saw there was no one in the driver's seat when i got even closer i saw one of the sliding doors on the side was open i suddenly felt as though i could be jumped at any second i looked around me in a panic and then ran back inside the house and locked the door now i did call 9-1-1 and i asked them to please hurry the woman asked me to walk around the house and check to make sure everything was locked i started from the main floor and worked down to the dents of the back door and the glass panel in the back door was shattered it was unlocked and opened i whispered this to the 911 operator even though i was truly freaking out inside she told me to go to a room with a lockable door and wait there until officers arrived so i tiptoed to the nearest bathroom and locked the door the operator told me to stay on the line and be quiet a few moments later someone on the other side of the door tried turning the doorknob then they banged on the door three times the woman on the phone said quietly that she heard it and for me to remain quiet and calm then i heard the back door to the house slammed shut and half a minute later the tune of the ice cream truck slowly faded away as the van was driven off i told the woman that she said to wait until officers arrived they took a disgustingly long time to arrive i was waiting in that bathroom for another five minutes if they arrived in a timely manner they could have caught whoever was at my parents house instead all that happened was i got a police report my personal theory is the ice cream truck tune was supposed to be a distraction or something while one of the people and it broke into the house as i'm sure there were more than one person in that van i'm happy this happened to me when i was 23 and not say 10 years old because that would have traumatized me this happened a long time ago i was in the sixth grade people used to call me jimmy until around high school there was this ice cream truck that would always drive down my block once a day in the warmer months the driver got to know me on a more personal level he knew my name and i knew his bernard i'd go outside for ice cream so often that he'd slow down or sometimes even stop for a minute in front of my house waiting for me to come outside knowing i was a frequent customer anytime i'd buy ice cream from his truck i'd always get the same oreo ice cream cup he'd always stop and talk to me for a few minutes and sometimes he'd give me free ice cream there was this one friday though and i remember it was a friday because it was the start of the weekend that my parents were going away on this friday bernard once again passed my house and it was one of the days that i went outside to buy from him on this day though he gave it to me for free again and because of that i stuck around and chatted with him for a while he asked me how things were going and whatnot and i told him i was excited to have the house to myself for the weekend he was surprised that i would have the house to myself at such a young age he said i was lucky and to enjoy then he drove off and the truck eventually disappeared along with the music the rest of the story is the part that you may not even believe i stayed up late in my room because my parents weren't home i was playing video games on my computer when i heard the sound of bernard's ice cream truck it didn't start from the distance and slowly get louder now it literally seemed to turn on right outside my house i went to my window and saw the truck right outside playing the music at this late hour in the night past midnight it had to be bernard but what was he doing the music suddenly stopped and the truck's lights turned off i opened my window a crack just to listen for what might be going on just the sound of crickets until i saw bernard appear from the darkness quickly approaching my window yelling jimmy he stopped when his face basically banged into my window and he started telling me to come outside he told me i could get all the free ice cream i wanted but the way he was speaking it he seemed off he seemed like he was on something his movements were and sporadic he then tried pulling my window further open aggressively and i screamed and yanked it closed he started knocking on the window and i screamed and begged him to leave while i'm calling the cops when i said that he turned around and ran back to his truck the lights turned back on and he drove off into the night without the music playing i was so scared i didn't know what to do i didn't want to call my parents and i was scared to call the cops i just locked my bedroom door and tried to go to sleep but it was a long night before i fell asleep bernard never returned to my block after that but anytime i'd hear an ice cream truck passing by i'd get paranoid it was him [Music] foreign bye
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,472,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, true stories, horror stories, mr. nightmare, creepypasta, creepy stories, true horror stories, narration, horror, scary, disturbing, nightmarish, shocking, police stories, scary true date stories, disturbing date stories, computer virus horror stories, worst viruses, ice cream truck stories, scary ice cream truck, scary ice cream truck horror stories, true ice cream truck stories, creepy ice cream truck, ice cream truck midnight, ice cream truck night, ice cream
Id: q5bYHQjG9Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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