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[Applause] all right ladies and gentlemen it's time for our last series of day number three and what some may consider the main event update today eg take it on e-hum this is gonna be awesome [Applause] and now they're going to start their siege up at top here behind them though enough magic damage to push them back two heroes down from evil geniuses and has three versus five commences his london buys his way back into this game eg gonna need a miracle here sumail still has a lot of damage on his side but ehome just marching down and eg might just not have the bodies to do this the ice block is up now the jump forward old chicken he goes through his eye hopefully be able to stop that pesky disruption but four staff gives some space oh he goes they take out old chicken the beastmaster said old chicken's still alive though juggernaut is good to go he's going to be able to take that medley rex range racks up next melee already down ice blast coming in hit this range rack that's going to be me guys that they just killed [Applause] gonna be incredibly satisfied but they want to keep pushing forward they know that this void in this axe can't help out if they can catch the male or ppt there's gonna be another hero with no fight back the disruption saved from zai can they get ppd out he gets a four step away but no the extra damage comes out from the warlock it's a fatal pause eliminate 10 points incoming but evil geniuses will stand strong for now against democracy they're all waiting for this right now eight more seconds for isis ice they start going for those tier and now he's gonna run himself away is you know how are you feeling with uh being with the team now as a unit it's super good for the team actually you get the communication you can talk with them you can do whatever and it's not just a game it's like they become your friends and that's the thing [Applause] this moonlight shadow we're level 25 now on the murano this is why summoners can just continuously spam this and that's the real adder on the front line oh right behind attack but that's why it's good fortifications it's delayed as much as they possibly can and now the jump out hex the boy in the bubble thompson able to be protected once again challenge very very low on mata they have a lovely army he'll change the life with anna [Applause] [Music] og are just trying to delay lgd for the moment five heroes around the bubble is there protecting the melee practice thunder switches back at the full health but the damages [Music] very visible got a very very low life miranda the og they can't find the target over he's got the grip [Music] [Applause] now on the run they tried to go for the gg push they didn't get much more than this and now look at them go bt falling into the stun they almost done nailed chalice maybe not x is up charles still on the run the moonlight shadow it's like it never ends it's the same with the donkey from xerox this guy's an nba all-star looking for the killer to chalice another tv coming forward look shot from flying gets involved in the fight but thompson will arrive hexing up onto fy the leap out the feature is available is there a follow-up dobson is there they push forward they get the control and they're bringing fy down lgd with four heroes who do not have five back rg they are gonna push there's no buybacks left on either team i do think only samsung has his it's getting nervous there is a clue thompson tops into xerox this sounds like a brand of victory they're coming through the mirror taking the tier three towers now the tables are turned og are going for the tier charles of their defense they will be up in just a second the fortification it buys time for the hex is there from chalice but now here comes anna he's on the front lines jirax leaping forward all he has to do is create space for og to do it to get to the grand final of t.i.a tip him up it goes to three [Music] in one phrase what would it be keep it positive good words hi thanks eric thanks [Music] [Applause] so and where do you go the beast master once again tp towards the top lane but look at furnace pro they're coming out they're wanting to actually counter that's blip push but like it he's right behind them maybe they know there they know the lyca wolves get scattered out at least but like an inching forward rowing for the prey this time it was a distraction play that was on purpose mind control wanted them to try to captain [Music] but the damage is too much but back up to the top back to the right there's no modifications to the cover and bkt will run away for team liquid they've done the damage they've got the mangas but [Applause] randy's and pasha will add the pressure down the mid lane the ping is coming for the tier four towers that's from liquid to defend the tower miracle oh how much damage secured him 102 minutes in miracle has the exorcism but it's only going to last a little bit longer they have the damage [Applause] it has been a marathon [Music]
Channel: RAGE4DOTA
Views: 96,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Justwant2playagame, dota 2, dota, miracle-, highlights, gameplay, justwanplayagame, 9k, 9kmmr, m-god, miracle 10k mmr, 10k mmr, 10k, 10kmmr, miracle 10k, miracle 10000, miracle 10000 mmr, miracle amer al barkawi, miracle dota 2, miracle dota, miracle sf dota 2, miracle sf juke, miracle invoker, nigma miracle, nigma miracle invoker, nigma miracle support, nigma, og, topson, sumail, w33, gh-god, gh, nigma gh, arteezy, abed, team og, team nigma, team eg, matumbaman, zai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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