3 Annoying FAULTS on the Nintendo Switch & how to FIX them

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as for their today I'm going to show you a nice easy fix for a common fall that's gonna happen more and more as the Nintendo switches get older and that's this can you see there the kickstand not going back into place and what happens is then when you're using it it drops down and then it's more likely to come flying off because you end up hitting it against things because you're playing it like this and then what happens is your knees is against it or you hit it against a table and then it comes flying off yeah so you can see a lot of time is just gravity that does it or give it a little knock and it comes flying down what it should be like is it should click into place if you look at this one here listen it clicks in and now that's not going to come off unless you physically pull it out but what happens is as it starts getting looser and looser you didn't get into a habit of kind of flicking it and stuff with your little finger so it just makes it worse and worse but it's not a problem it's a really easy fix to do and anybody can do this we're just going to take it off completely so just use a bit of force and just pull it out and all we're gonna do is we're just gonna bend this back around a little bit more so you can just do it like this for a while don't go crazy and don't bend it in the middle there because we don't want it to be coming out from this bit here we still want it to be nice and flat here we just want to bend the end bit back in so you can just do it with your hand like that or again just put a bit of pressure down on the floor or a table or whatever you're on it's not rocket science you just need to bend it around a little bit more alright so we give that a go now so we're just going to line it up and now we're just going to click the top packet like so and now hopefully it shouldn't drop down any more yeah and you can hear it's now going to click into place again there we go so now it's not going to come down we physically have to put it down and it will still work just like the Kicks down should work which is not very well but you just about works I mean when you put it back up is now going to stay back up so as you can see a really easy fix for a problem that could be quite irritated I'll show you how you can fix this joy con fault so if we have a look here when we put it on normally the joy con should make a nice switch sound like so but when I put this one on you have a listen can you see it's not doing anything now it still work so we can still use it fine so what we're gonna do is we're just going to give it a clean with a good old toothbrush now you will find that cleaning most things with the two freshmen often help because what it's gonna be is gonna be dust and debris that's falling down and just blocking one or more of the contacts so if we have a look here there's two dots of contacts we've got our contacts at the bottom the droidcon and we've also got contacts down here as well so if I just show you if a torch you will just be able to see these ones here so in there you've got a series of pins you can just barely see some of the gold pin there's quite a few of them and I presume is just one or two of them that is responsible for that switch sound that goes in and also we've got more contacts down at the very bottom there you can just barely see the gold contacts just up against there so we're going to give it a real good clean just with a toothbrush to get all the debris and dirt out now I'm using a new toothbrush because if you use a used toothbrush then there's a chance that you could just make it much worse now we're going to give it a go and if it's not working we're going to try again right okay yeah there we go so now as it goes in you can see it's making a sound again so if you ever having problems with the connection of the joint cons just get a toothbrush and give those contacts are clean because it is possible for dust and debris to go down here because once it goes in there gravity is gonna take it in it's gonna be hard to come out and also with this one here you know if your hands are a bit dirty when you're playing it you are overtime gonna get debris up there as well I want to show you a fault that's occurring on this Nintendo switch on the right which I think it's going to be a common fault as these devices get older so let me show you check this out can you see how easy that comes off now normally you should have to press the button at the back here so if you have a look at here this Nintendo switch has been used properly and as you can see they're not hit enough because you have to press the button at the back to release the droidcon yeah and then if you don't press the button they don't come undone but on this one because it's had more wear and it hasn't been looked after properly because it's been played by younger kids you can see what's happening as soon as it goes on just come straight off and it isn't the Nintendo switch itself it is the joy cons so let me just swap them over so these gray ones work properly now check this out the red one on here I'm just gonna flick it now they do work if you listen yep they work fine but if I was to flick them check that out the blue ones a lot better than the red one but the blue one is still not the way it should be now why is this happening it's quite simple obviously these are built to a certain cost and the components inside understandably are going to be plastic now this isn't really Nintendo's fault because if these joy con straps were put on correctly every single time then it's not gonna cause premature wear on it so for example you've got the minus to the minus and then you plug them on slide them on that way around and with this one it should be the plus to the plus but the problem is people are in a hurry to do it they're not looking at it properly they're thinking and talking about something else and they put them on the wrong way and then what happens is when you keep on doing this so it is fine it gets to the stage where you can just pull them off and it doesn't really cause any hardship that's on the wrong way but it's going to cause hardship long-term because if you look very closely in here we have a little catch that moves in and out when we press this button so you can just see that catch moving and it's only made out of a stick and what happens is you cause we're on that so let me just show you this diagram here this is what it should look like that plastic should be here and it's on a spring and it goes down when you press the button and then the metal part here so basically this part of the Nintendo switch this bit here this is where the joy Kahn's these are the tracks that they run on and there's a little gap here and this is where this part here sits so that sits in here like this and it's nice and locked into place then you press the button and it allows you to then move the droidcon off but when you don't press the button there's a stop on it so when you put on one that works properly you can only move it about a millimeter you see there there's movement off a millimeter yep that's because you've got that part there at the back there going into this bit here but what's happening on the forty toy cons is that over time this corner has become worn and worn and worn and worn and it's ended up like this so the metal track is hittin it and instead of stopping dead because it's like hitting a wall it's not it's hitting it and it's bouncing over ever-so-slightly which is already causing this to go down because there's quite a bit of pressure on that when you whack that joique on on or pull it up and then it's causing this to go down move up here and it's as it's going over it's pushing it down so it's making it easier and easier now you might think well what difference does it make who cares well it does make a difference because if you imagine now that you were playing this most people do hold it most people hold it like so but younger children might hold it like that well you might not have a good grip of the actual switch because you're holding it here and you can see what happens you're playing it for example you look you can see how easy it comes off now imagine if the blue one gets this looseness the red one you can be holding it like this and in theory it's just going to go and it's just gonna drop out yeah right now it's not happening on the blue one because it's not that loose but the red one's very loose and if they were both like that you can see now I'm even struggling to hold it just with the weight of the switch look yeah so that's why it's so important to make sure that you put these on correctly I'm hoping that if Nintendo when they come to release the next version or if they redesign the joy con I'm hoping that that little plastic insert that if that could be made out of metal then it's not gonna wear the same as it's gonna wear when it's plastic now I've had a look of taking this apart and looked into it there isn't enough plastic there for me to sand it down because what I thought is I could just sand it down here so sound along the dotted line here and then it would have a stop to go against but there's not enough plastic to do that because the main problem is it's not just a stop it's now actually starting to just bypass it completely because it's getting worn so much is actually wearing on this bit here so it's getting smaller and smaller also I thought maybe if there was a way that you could possibly adjust this here now if you were to pull this out ever so slightly it does make it harder for the droidcon to get on but then it's actually annoying taking the Joye cons on and off so it still doesn't lock into place it just makes it more stiff but I suppose if you've made it stiff there's less chance then off it dropping off but at the same time it's irritating every time you put it on so basically the point of the video is just to make sure that if you're letting your younger children play with this or if you're lending it out to other members of the family or friends and stuff you really need to stress the importance of making sure that the plus goes with the plus and the minus goes with the minus because when you constantly put these on wrong that's what's causing the premature wear to this thing on the inside here you so I hope you enjoyed the video and hopefully you won't end up like me with joy cons that are soon to become useless so please give it a thumbs up if you liked the video and please subscribe for more how-to videos take care bye now
Channel: My Mate VINCE
Views: 8,996,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faults on the nintendo switch, loose kickstand on the nintendo switch, loose joy con on the nintendo switch, joy con not charging, joycon not syncing, joycon not making the connection click, how to fix faults on the nintendo switch, easy fixes for the nintendo switch, how to fix a loose kick stand on the nintendo switch, how to fix a loose joy con on the nintendo switch
Id: zlq5EsWbGWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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