3 Amazing Ways to use Vellum & Pretty Flowers embossing folder

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hello and welcome back everyone we are going to try this again this is patti bennett and i am excited that you have joined me today we are live on friday june 11th for one of my weekly crafting videos i have been having a few issues with facebook lately and so i am going to see if this is a better signal and we're just going to keep our fingers crossed and we are going to hope that everything goes well i am so excited because this shimmer vellum is just amazing and i discovered that when i use my pretty flowers embossing folder and this vellum it makes amazing cards and then i just sort of went on and on and on from there so i have three super cool ideas to share with you today using this pretty flowers embossing folder it is absolutely gorgeous and it is only seven dollars and fifty cents so it might be the best seven dollars and fifty cents you ever spend with stampin up if you are a flower lover like i am all right so again welcome this is patti bennett and i share my stampin up projects here on my blog paddystamps.com so if you're new and you haven't joined me before when this video is done i hope that you'll hop over there to see what i have for you now the projects i show you today we have these three we plus we have two more will be on my blog tomorrow on june 12th and you may be watching this later so you know dates may not be as important but i just wanted to make sure that you knew where to find details and photos for these projects so let's see if you're joining me live just let me know i just am hoping fingers crossed toes crossed the whole bit that we keep a really good signal just please let me know if everything looks good and you can see everything okay welcome again let's get started and let's look at these amazing products i am so excited for today so in our stampin up catalog this is the catalog that started may 2021 you'll find all of the embossing folders on 154 to 155 the pretty flowers is just a standard embossing folder it's not one of the thick 3d folders it's just a regular folder right here only 750 i mean i just can't believe it it's just like like i said at the beginning the best 750 you're gonna spend because it is just stunning for flower lovers like me and then the shimmer vellum if you haven't found it is on page 135 right down here the description is up here it says 2021 2023 in color shimmer vellum so let's look at it i wanted to tell you that it does come in 12 by 12 and look at the shimmer so here is the evening evergreen and the soft succulent then let me sneak under here and get my five colors so then you can see here i hope can you see this shimmer oh my gosh it is so gorgeous it's beautiful so we have the fresh freesia pale papaya and polished pink that rounds out the five in colors oh my goodness it it's not glitter paper so not to be confused with glitter this is shimmer and it has to me all the benefits of glitter without any glitter coming off it's thin enough that you can die cut you can punch oh my gosh it's amazing and just in case you should want to use it without the shimmer all you do is turn it over and you have a matte side if you should want vellum in the in colors but you don't want the shimmer because you know maybe that would happen right so you have that option so that is the shimmer the shimmer vellum okay so now let's get back to the projects and our embossing folder and when you put a piece of this shimmer vellum in the embossing folder and you put it through your stamping cut and emboss machine look at this oh my gosh i know i can see in the live comments here that you are excited as excited about this as i am isn't it beautiful look how beautiful it almost i was telling my tammy i see you're on here i was telling my friend tammy this almost looks like it's just wet and drenched with some kind of shimmery glittery wonderfulness it's so pretty so i've got the fresh freesia the pale papaya and the polished pink that i made these cards with i mean can you see this is it so stunning on camera as it is in person give me a thumbs up or a heart if you can tell because oh my gosh like my heart is just racing because it's so pretty it's so gorgeous so let's look at the three cards yes okay i see thumbs up and hearts so i think you can see it i know it is so so so gorgeous right stunning that is the word christine stunning you are right so here are three versions sort of of the same card and we're gonna make one of these but what i decided to do was layer the same color shimmer vellum onto its matching color of cardstock so you can see that we have the freesia vellum onto the freesia cardstock same thing with pale papaya and same thing with polished pink and i just thought as a starting point let's just do that i know you could kind of mix and match you could put it onto white if you wanted to in fact let's just look at that and see if we were to put this on white let's look at what the difference would be really not a lot of difference right still just beautiful i actually think it accentuates it possibly a little more to put it on to the matching color but it would be perfectly fine if you wanted to put this on basic white if you did not have um the matching cardstock so that's definitely a possibility then what i did just because i made 75 of these for customer thank yous this week and i needed these to be kind of quick but also oh wow that's always my um goal when i make my customer thank you cards is that it is a wow but it's also um quick enough and easy enough because i can't you know spend like an hour per card so i took a strip one and a half by four and a quarter or four i did both of the expressions in ink designer paper and i put that onto the on top of the vellum and then i just decorated in different ways so let's look at how i did that i want to show you one of these and we'll just make it together we have the pale papaya embossed vellum again with the pretty flowers embossing folder and then we have the pale papaya cardstock so you can see how it just accentuates as you start to put it on the same color isn't it gorgeous we have that strip of expressions in ink my mind went blank for half a second excuse me expressions in ink designer paper and i picked it because it picks up the colors here that we're using that's why i selected that and then our cute little die cut is from the encircled in friendship bundle so there is a stamp set and a die set that go together it's this die right here die cut in basic white so that is what i used for my greeting and for some of them i used other greetings for the one we're going to do today that looks like this i pulled this greeting out of encircled in friendship and it says just a note to let you know that someone thought of you today i thought that was really nice it could be sympathy it can just be an everyday card it can be you know whatever you'd like now i want to show you tips for adhering and i was delighted that the seal and the seal plus don't really show through this vellum especially when it's embossed now i think possibly that when it's um not embossed it might show a little more but when it's embossed really this doesn't even show so what i did was i wanted to tack down those top corners you saw me put little spots there and then since i knew that i was going to cover this i put two lines of adhesive under there just in case it does show then it would be covered up but like i said i was really delighted that really it didn't show like i'll show you can can you see the like i can't see it right i i think it's wonderful wonderful that it doesn't show so so fun let's see oh um who is this susan is asking missed the beginning what's the embossing folder it's called pretty flowers this is what it looks like i'll show you again just real quickly in the catalog page 155 it's right here and it's not a 3d folder it's just a regular embossing folder it's number 155428 and it's only 750 in the us and then susan if you missed it we're using the shimmer vellum right here page 135 and it's in the five in colors i always kind of feel like i'm on qvc or something when i'm giving all that shopping info so here we have the embellishment and like i said i pulled out that sweet stamp that says just a note to let you know you were thought of today and you can either use a matching color of ink like here i matched the polished pink to the polished pink here i used the freesia ink with the freesia but here i thought let's kind of pull in some of the pink so i used the polish pink so you can do whatever you'd like as far as stamping your greeting i think because when we put this here see how the pink is going to show that could actually be pink and freesia but i think i'm going to go ahead and use the pink nothing complicated about this we're just going to i don't really know if this has a up and a down we're just going to stamp right in the middle of that circle and because this is part of the bundle it was made to do that so it fits perfectly yes country floral louise exactly and i actually pulled out that embossing folder because it is very similar to this one and i i will have another post at another time with this um a comparison with the um country floral and this one so we're just going to put that on there oh and okay i i was talking and i forgot to say i love the foam adhesive sheet so i just cut that into squares and i put a little square of it behind there i just personally i like that better than um a whole bunch of dimensionals so that's just my preference and then to embellish i thought we would color these are the elegant faceted gems and i've used different colors of stampin excuse me yeah stampin blends so you kind of have to go a shade darker if you use pale papaya stampin blends on any kind of gems it's really really light so i actually pulled out the dark calypso coral and that's what i've colored these with but look it actually looks like pale papaya doesn't it so we're going to put a couple of these pretty gems on here and just decorate quickly with that and i think that looks lovely isn't that sweet so easy so quick and that's the kind of the system that i used for these cards um this is from the expressions in ink as are these flowers so you can kind of dress it up you can put extra layers you can just simply do this and make it uh beautiful but yet not as complicated so there you go thank you oh you like these i'm gonna very quickly scroll back to see if there were any questions then we're going to move on to our next two cards um yes so debbie is saying is the shimmery vellum kind of like shimmery white cardstock but it's vellum similar except this is much thinner than cardstock this is just a vellum weight so similar but um light lighter in weight thinner yeah i guess that's the way to say it yes exactly uh jennifer was just saying so much detail for a regular embossing folder that's not a 3d folder i know i know it's beautiful it's amazing okay so i don't think i missed any other questions however i've noticed sometimes i do miss comments if you had a question for me i'm going to ask for questions at the end when i share something really kind of fun about my dad i have something to show you that is about my dad so i'm going to share that at the end and if you have questions i'll be sure to ask again for those all right so now we're going to leave the world of shimmery vellum i know i know we are going to just look at how this looks with regular vellum because it's absolutely gorgeous on regular vellum and same idea where i used that die cut and a stamp that fits in there and layered it onto an in color isn't it beautiful and super simple so let's just quickly compare here's the freesia vellum on freesia cardstock and here's the regular cardstock weight vellum on freesia you still get the beautiful tone of color but it's just not quite as vibrant in color so this is something that you can totally do if you don't have this vellum yet you can just use the regular vellum and emboss and then embellish however you would like so that is idea number two with the pretty flowers embossing folder and vellum so that is just a regular vellum let me just grab a whole piece of that that's not embossed because you might not be familiar with oh that's a window sheet hang on i'm so sorry here we are cardstock vellum i was like why does that feel so different so here's cardstock vellum and it's just you can see that you can barely see through it it's a thicker weight vellum i cut it into the four by five and a quarter and ran it through the embossing folder and there you go yes exactly patty she says this folder makes a really fast card but in addition to fast don't you think stunning i mean i do i think this is completely amazing so that's idea number two now we're going to kind of build on this and wait till you see this i am so excited to show you this i hope this looks as beautiful on the camera as it does in person because it is gorgeous in person oh my goodness does this can does this show does it does it look pretty oh i see okay i see some hearts i see some thumbs up yes tammy great for a wedding or anniversary card exactly i want to show you how quick and easy this is because you might be thinking oh my goodness i'm you know i might need like a lot of time or a lot of talent to do that but you don't you don't you don't you don't so here is the embossed cardstock vellum we're gonna flip it over and we are going to work on the back okay let me see if i put it well i don't know if that'll help or not well well you kind of have to trust me it's hard to see a little bit when you flip it over but here's what we're going to do we are going to grab some ink pads and some blending brushes and we're just going to tap tap tap and you know when i use my blending brushes i kind of just like to do it on my scrap paper first just to make sure like i didn't have a super dark blob because right that would be like uh oh hang on let me see hang on one second i'm wondering if we put this on a darker color yes okay perfect now you can see it because otherwise you're going to think like how does she even know what she's doing how does she know where to color but now you can see okay so i picked a flower and i just went around in a circle that's all there is to that so easy doesn't require a lot of talent or time or whatever then i'm going to grab daffodil delight and the blending brush that i use for yellow okay we'll just move on to another one look how easy i mean is that just like oh my goodness way too easy now you would not want to ruin a nice piece of card stock by you know going off the edge and doing this i've just got it on here so that you can see it a little bit better okay just a little disclaimer there so i went around and my three colors of pads and brushes for this were rich razzleberry polished pink and daffodil delight you can pick whatever colors you like this can be any combination of colors but for the leaves i thought uh oh i don't think i'm gonna have a lot of luck with a blending brush and trying to do those leaves so i just turned to my stampin blends markers i actually liked the lighter color better for this and i found it fairly easy just to stay within the lines and that embossed area really actually kind of helps you so quickly just went around and you can see i'm not being super precise and taking a lot of time it doesn't take a lot of time and then if i found a smaller flower and i was maybe worried that i wasn't going to be able to get you know right into that area with a blending brush again just grab this is flirty flamingo and you can just color in if you need to color a smaller area and then when you flip it over it doesn't really show a lot until you grab your basic white cardstock and you layer it on there and then as you can see when you're done look at that so amazing and it's just so quick and easy it's so pretty isn't it oh thanks louise she said great tip she's gonna try that the blends oh the gre sorry granny apple green and flirty flamingo were the two that i put on there yeah so those were the two so i filled in a couple of the smaller flowers with daffodil delight blends i did all the leaves with the granny apple green and the rest of them were the blending brushes with those three ink pads that i showed you so what do you think do you love this i think this is so cool so cool i just love this so let's just do a fast recap then so first we did shimmer vellum with the pretty flowers embossing folder so here's what it looks like straight out of the folder and then we put it onto the matching color of cardstock and then we just embossed regular cardstock vellum layered it onto a color and made a card very quick and simple does not have to be complicated then we used that same embossed cardstock vellum and we grabbed blending brushes and colored the back to get this one so those are my three ways to use vellum and the pretty flowers embossing folder oh i love it i am so excited about today i'm just if if you're finding me for the first time you might be like oh my gosh this woman she's kind of crazy excited but i am and do you know what in less than two weeks i will be celebrating 26 years as a stampin up demonstrator and i am still this excited about new products so i have a pretty high excitement level for stampin up and stampin up products uh susan is asking what die this i was showing earlier is the encircled in friendship bundle with the encircled in beauty die and it's this one right here with the basic white card stock and i also used some of the greetings or the messages from this bundle as well yay so thank you oh thank you kind of you oh don't let me forget i have something special to show you about my dad so if you um are are done you're you know you're happy with seeing these projects and you don't have any questions about the projects i will let you go and you don't have to stick around for this but i just wanted to show you what is in this special box if you're interested in seeing it i shared it with my love to stamp group team of demonstrators this week and they said oh you should share that with on your next live with your customers yay so let's see oh um oh you're welcome paddy is enjoying the versatility of this folder thank you for your nice words thank you hi morel from the netherlands oh great question christine is asking do i keep a blending brush for every color hang on let me grab my holder let's see if i can fit it in the screen i know it's kind of big this is the holder that i have from stampin storage and you can see there's a couple that don't have color yet but basically what i do is i have a color a brush for almost um every color it's more like color family so like lighter blues darker blues lighter greens darker greens um the kind of the cajun craze colors the lighter oranges that's how i do it i don't have 50 or 60 brushes i think that folder is let's see five one two three four five that's 25 in that holder and if i need more i will get more but for now 25 was working really well for me yeah so that's how i do that any other questions before i move on to what's in the cute little red box by the way do you have a favorite let me know the colored vellum with blending brushes the shimmer vellum or the plain vellum cardstock let me know what you like best i'm curious i am curious to know yeah it is a nice way to start summer isn't it very summery it's kind of transitioning spring to summer exactly i like that holly likes the shimmer vellum martha does too kathy likes yeah they're all great but shimmer vellum is her favorite carol likes the shimmer vellum gail likes them all that's a good answer gail yes shimmer vellum i think that's a winner isn't it i really do oh thank you denise likes how i colored the clear vellum thank you diantha so sweet of you thanks jessica all righty so um i'm just i want to show you this because this is really interesting those of you who have followed me for a while you know that my dad was quite ill and in the hospital for a while and he did pass away at the end of march when my brother went through his things his possessions he set aside a few things he thought i would like and he set aside this box this was from when my parents lived in japan in the late 50s right before i was born they lived in japan my dad was in the army corps of engineers in japan rebuilding bridges and highways and they loved and embraced the japanese culture we had a lot of things in our home that were had a japanese influence like geisha dolls and kimonos and um the tea sets you know the hot tea lots of different things hot sake too should say that my dad liked that but look at this i just have to show you so my dad's name was jim and one of his nicknames was jimbo this is a stamp this is jade and look it's jimbo in japanese and in english and i think this kind of a logo and stamp is called a chop i've heard that and i'm i'm pretty sure that's what it's called and look at this this ink i believe is an oil-based paint it's still wet it still works but i just sort of had to giggle that before i was even born my dad had a stamp and now 61 years later well 63 years later since they lived in japan now i have his stamp isn't that kind of fun yes kimberly thanks i it's called a chop yeah i i had read that so yeah fun isn't it and so i think i'm going to try that out with some stampin up ink and stamp it and i just thought that was really fun that one of my demonstrators commented how life comes for full circle and i thought that was so appropriate so yes that is special very special just something kind of um unique yes and i am a stamper louise you are right my dad's first stamp right kathy yes full circle martha exactly well thank you all for joining me thank you for letting me share that special little story thank you for your enthusiasm about the pretty flower embossing folder and the gorgeous in color shimmer vellum and different ways to use the folder and the vellum thanks for joining me i'm i'm really excited that you find me here on fridays or maybe you're watching a replay that's awesome as well i will see you again next week and in the meantime have a wonderful weekend and a safe week and have fun stamping if you have time to do that i will see you soon bye
Channel: Patty Bennett
Views: 5,621
Rating: 4.973856 out of 5
Keywords: stampin up demonstrator, cards, stamps, rubber stamps, stamping, technique, patty bennett, pattystamps, yttap, stampin up, diy, handmade, hobby, how to, paper, crafts, paper crafting, craft tips, craft supplies, creative, maker, card making, online craft supplies, craft tutorial, rubber stamping, create, stampin up blogger, how to make cards, handmade cards, how to make handmade cards, cardmaking, card making supplies, papercrafting, shimmer vellum, vellum, pretty flowers, embossing folder
Id: ioFFfFf0JqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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