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Channel: Price.com.hk 香港格價網
Views: 66,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pricehk, price.com.hk, 格價網, 2023消暑神器, 小暑, 消暑方法, Sony Reon Pocket 4, Sony reon pocket 3, TORRAS Coolify 2S, Thanko Neck Cooler Slim, 掛頸式冷暖氣機, 無線頸部冷卻器, 便攜冷氣機, 散熱扇, 泰國, 曼谷, Central world, bangkok, 泰國手信, 泰國上網卡, 海外婚禮, 止汗, Price歌儀, Price Pinky, Price karen, Unwire, Gadget Gang, Aisa Miles, 李玟, Threads, 曼谷自由行, 鋰電池, 鋰電池 行李限制, 散熱風扇, 散熱器, 散熱貼, 消費卷2023, 國泰, 智商稅
Id: GRmZXTpq0es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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