2nd French Valley Airport Fatal Crash 8 July 2023

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breaking sad news out of the French Valley Airport Murrieta California where a second plane crash this week has claimed at this very same airport has claimed six more lives here's what we know so far from the aviation safety Network a July 2023 assessing a 550 citation to owner operator Prestige Worldwide flights LLC six fatalities six occupants near the French Valley Airport Marietta California departure airport was Las Vegas a Cessna 550 citation 2 crashed during a go round off of Runway 3-6 actually they were approaching Runway one eight in foggy weather near French Valley Airport Murrieta California all six occupants died and the aircraft was destroyed looking at some still pictures from the KTLA 5 news report as of today the weather is clear at Marietta the aircraft ended up just to the left of the runway one eight and burned burned nearly an acre of brush but during the rescue recovery phase you can see the airport was very fogged in here's some pics from a little bit later in the morning but the fog beginning to lift this is the Marine layer coming in from the coast the aircraft departed Las Vegas about 3 15 or so in the morning and the Crash occurred about 4 15 in the morning the aircraft involved November 819 kilo Romeo a 1978 model Cessna Citation but refurbished according to this website in 2016. looking at the preliminary adsb data from FlightAware it looks like the flight did attempt an approach and performed a successful missed approach and came back in for a second approach with the aircraft crashed the last data point shows the aircraft at a GPS altitude of 1700 feet just short of the runway one eight French Valley Airport is an uncontrolled airport located up in the hills here North of San Diego and Temecula at the 1350 foot elevation it appears that they were attempting to fly the Arnav GPS Runway one eight instrument approach into French Valley which has minimums depending on which category of approach he was flying here down to about 1600 feet at the very lowest the last GPS altitude data point showed 1700 which would coincide with the approach minimums for the approach but these minimums the minimum weather required to fly this approach is either one and three-quarter miles visibility for the lnav vdap or 7 8 of a mile for the lpv approach preliminary look at those initial photographs of the weather at the time of the rescue looks like the weather may very well have been below those minimums and may very well explain why the pilot had to do a missed approach on the first on the first go so looking at the weather at or near the time of the accident looks to me like this was either a c fit controlled flight into terrain or a loss of control of the aircraft on the second missed approach that led to this accident the previous accident here at French Valley involved a Cessna 172 a dad taking up his three children and had some kind of a loss of control of the aircraft on departure which killed the dad the children did survive and there's some question as to whether the dad even had his pilot's license it's the busiest time of the year for flying right now FlightAware is recording record amount of numbers of flights going on worldwide warm up here in the Charlotte affiliate office heading off to Dublin fly safe see you here thank you so much for your support
Channel: blancolirio
Views: 232,350
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Id: 1aOTxVfZfgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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