$29,000,000 Prize Pool at WPT World Championship Final Table

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has mentioned him and Frank fanare were both sub four big blinds at one point during nine-handed play so it's got to be thrilled to have navigated his way to four-handed player with 1.6 million locked up this is a fun spot chip leader out of the way yeah interesting to see how he navigates here he doesn't decide this is you know he might be opening all in with some of his range here for sure Queen 10 off suit probably a little bit too weak to take that approach but now Benny doesn't necessarily feel the need to avoid this confrontation as the player who covers now I don't know if 106 off is going to qualify but certainly he would have played a lot more hands in that situation than he would want to play against Elliott JC has closed that Gap magnificently now just five bigs less than Benny and wow I don't know what the money line was coming into this final table but I tell you this much don't think anyone expected the drama that kicked things off then he just open jamming the ace Jack for 50 effective into the field and Elliott hidone from Canada waking up with Kings just once he over he's really shifted Dynamic at this tables especially with Benny now having the chip leader on his left and then just loving life 194 million 296 million chips in play tired of sitting down at a poker table filled with Pros then come the WPT Global the online home of the World Poker Tour with a maximum of two pros at each table everyone has a chance to win we are leveling the playing field at WPT Global sign up today with this QR code or go the wptglobal.com YT and use bonus code yt-88 and will match your first deposit dollar for dollar foreign [Music] gonna be an interesting one for Adam here for sure I think some players would consider every option basically I think knowing how light Elliot's gonna be opening on the button having a suited King it's a reasonable idea to just say okay if you've got one of your inducing hands like let's run it I also think calling is totally fine he's got a suited hand he's getting a great price speaking of modern day coolers I have a feeling we're going to see chips fly here did not flush draw and they're continuing for sub 20 pot with his middle pair Elliot's going to be very confident he's not up against an ace here if Adam has an ace with this chip distribution he's just so likely to put it all in pre-flop and and hope for the fold so the ace it's almost like that card's not on the board uh the only relevant Factor here is that it's a club so it does check jam and action back on our chip leader he's gonna get a count from the dealer [Applause] 13-6 13.6 million may be somewhat concerned about his kicker problems yeah and and Adam's played tight at this final table so far and I know that's certainly giving him some pause but he does find the correct we want all the rail taking the peak over said rail to get a sweat of this one two cards to come 487 thousand dollar ladder between third and fourth if Elliot can just hold here be up to over 200 million in chips with three left okay so diamonds on the turn pairing the board and I'm looking for a king or a club to stay alive just know the rail is going to pop off if Elliot holds it and he does seven of Hearts run out handshakes all around and we lose Adam Adler in fourth place in this WPT World Championship to be going home with 1.6 million [Applause] and then there were three Kevin yeah not only three but as we pointed out with with JC kind of climbing the ranks during that four-handed play it's it's now Elliott again with all the chips and two players who are very close locked in vying for second place thank you this is the type of scenario that could go very quickly if Elliott gets the right cards but also there's on Pro just very likely to be a lot of all in confrontations between Elliot and super awesome something to remember very fun yeah [Music] um two hours into this last final table coverage I'm just happy that my kid got to see me play on YouTube it's exciting it's a fun day at the casino here so it was nice what were your expectations coming into this final table I was hoping to get three-handed and I had a pretty fair shot to get there lost the flip there and uh that's it you know try again next year the competition like you like this type what what is your feeling on competition at this level yeah all the guys are great man it's super fun to play with them and it's nice that uh they let amateurs come in and play the tournament just like me so it's a good experience what prompted you to come out here I like coming to the wind man it's uh just a beautiful casino to play at and uh high stakes tournaments like this and big fields and so it's exciting for me to get out and compete a little bit and have a nice time uh what is this does this change your uh change your thoughts on what you want to do with poker in the future like is this is this a catalyst for more tournaments what's going on uh yeah I might play a little bit more I mean I'm never going to be playing full-time or anything like that I'll play a couple tournaments a year and uh that's it you know I stay at home mostly with my family and come play cards when I can not the worst hourly Kevin I hope that looked like some brief confusion among the players about the dead small blind on that hand that left us with a cut off even though we're three-handed yeah back to normal now foreign and now still three-handed with a big blind ante so still just as much dead money to fight for certainly some of those short stack open all in type opportunities are going to be even more appealing than they were before because we're only we're only looking at button and small blind here and it's now 5 million every three hands 30 in blinds it's a ton to play for a tower of chips in front of our chip leader you're going 110 big lines 220 million big blind 2 mil Benny down to 20 bigs JC nursing around 18 if I'm not mistaken we'll see if Elliot's still going with the ne2 strategy from the small blind but don't think he's missed a raise yet he does decide oh and he avoids a big one there he does decide now that we're three-handed that he doesn't want to play every hand that's the first time which is reasonable that's that's the right way to think about it I think now it's we're getting a little more into that winner take all type scenario where there's Gary there's gonna be some fighting back for sure very scary stuff about timing JC the ace Queen of Spades in the big first time Elliot's folded and that sets up Ellie's just all business man I don't think I've heard him say a word over the last couple of days as we got down to nine-handed play it's just all business baby 4.1 million for first ever a time to be locked in Focus this is gonna be it Benny's still playing pretty tight in the big blind he even looked a little bit like not not so sure if I'm supposed to be playing this tight but we're gonna let you get away with this one and I'm sure it won't make him feel great to know that he was getting opened into by Clean six off suit 4 million JC going to come with men on the bottom four mil Benny Lancing over early enough to leave with that JC has now moved up to second in chips got a funny feeling that next year about 29 million might be tipped a lot of players that miss this one JC finds the jam blind for you blind and well hello cool let's run it to get us heads up JC is going to need to find an ace [Applause] [Music] you came into this final table with the overwhelming chip lead he's the only player at risk with five to come wheel JC asking for a will he did ask for the black four earlier on a little less confident than the black four too [Music] far both of these players careers wow Queen Jack 10 two diamonds top sets for Benny JC picking up an additional media out king would give him Broadway foreign no drama for this one Benny turning the Full House [Applause] fist bumps on the rail I think we just saw was that Chris Brewer coming over to give Benny a fist bump [Applause] CC down to two and a half bigs tired of sitting down at a poker table filled with Pros then come the WPT Global the online home of the World Poker Tour with a maximum of two pros at each table everyone has a chance to win we are leveling the playing field at WPT Global sign up today with this QR code or go to wptglobal.com YT and use bonus code yt88 and will match your first deposit dollar for dollar [Music] top set turning a full house blind view blinds so I think that tells I think that answer is my question about how he would approach the situation he knows the four Millions going in next hand he says let's run it just so it happens to have woken up 5.3 right ace King of Clubs how about that for a blind hand Kevin and it's a pretty interesting spot because I mean it's it's sort of in Benny and Elliot's best interest both to knock him out here collectively uh so not surprising to see Benny go with call kind of allowing Elliot the opportunity to call behind and Elliot's now faced with an interesting spot do I wanna do I want to isolate this pot do I want to put essentially put this in the blender thank you Alex JC with the blind jam on the button just so happens to have woken up with Ace King of Clubs Benny 18.5 flatting out the small and Elliot does decide to ISO so cards on their backs that is rough news for Benny potential triple spot for JC does have Elliot dominated get back up to nine big blinds JC hold here talk about drama final two and a half bigs wow wow Jack ten five two Spades one Club Elliot finds the three outer on the Flop but still two cards to come needs to dodge the seven outs twice now leaves us one card away be our third place finisher from our fourth elimination of the day yes heads up in this WPT World Championship it's the Queen of Clubs [Applause] okay JC okay thank you all right dude making sure the dealer understands it's like I won this one he doesn't look amused that man right there and really a painful one for Benny who called the 5 million there gets squeezed out of the pot and now watches his only real opponent you know for for the second place ladder triple up that felt real bad more than triple up uh reflecting upon my poor decision it's fine don't always have Queens though yeah have to agree with the players at the table but referring that Ace ace deuce open Jam for 20 big blinds seems like clearly the correct play to me yeah I just want to make sure how much you have uh yeah it's fine man I don't always have pocket Queens 18 in total worth no right 12 14. 16. I just want to ship it in from the small wow JC with another spot yeah puts the chips in the middle Kevin has been non-stop action today lost track of how many all-ins we've had JC looking to go back to back just hold here it's been asking a 17 big one this time he said he doesn't want a wheel this time what do you want JC no it's not even calling cards [Music] dealer take a day off not straight for Elliott running clubs needed for JC feels ring asking for the five two so he has a chance at a chop Queen of Spades on the turn gonna settle this one gonna lose oh man JC Moosa in third place should be walking home with 2 million and 95 000 dollars for his efforts we are now heads up in this WPT World Championship feels like a needle's coming but I don't recall your rail all Rampages rail for that fact in the 25k being quite as rowdy when either of you wanna Park well In fairness we're playing at 2AM that's true nice sure and the uh the stage was a little smaller that's very true don't think we had as much seating I think we had about 12 chairs on each side of the table earlier on in the festival that 25k getting 108 Runners just to really send a message as to how epic this WPT Festival has been both players flopping top pair in their slimmed pot and right away you can see the change of pace right we're seeing a suited Ace limp the button and then E7 check in the big lines both players kind of recognizing that the pace of play has to change Benny doesn't really want to be all in pre-flop for 33 big blinds with this hand maybe with some off suit Aces but not with this one and it will be interesting to see if he decides to check raise this flop or check call I think both are very viable options he is coming for check raise at 6.5 million to go certainly heads up in in any heads-up scenario top pair is a really strong hand but because this went limp check pre-flop we start with 6 million in the pot and there's over 60 million behind over 10 to 1. so I do think we're gonna see some caution not necessarily just going to see betfed all in and snap call it off unless someone improves to two pair executive tool director not Savage calling the action four players on the live rail tricky turn spot for sure I think part of what Benny's going to be thinking about is okay if I bet here I get value from all the draws that just developed on this turn card but he also doesn't want to overplay his hand he has no kicker that plays anymore so he chops with every Ace he does decide just to check kind of a similar situation for Elliot honestly like he there's value to be had here but it's thin all right 19 million in the middle illustrates completing on this Queen of Clubs turn and they're reaching for chips it's just a classic set the price on the turn to knuckle back Rivers it does look like it for sure kind of challenging the idea that Benny would ever check a hand like two pair Plus on this card you know if he had Jack 9 10 8 King 10 like a lot of these hands probably just keep betting on the queen it really does look like Benny's either giving up maybe has a queen maybe has a weak Ace none of these hands really check raise against this kind of bet so he's just getting his value and especially on this River I'd be surprised to see anything other than uh Showdown here Jack of clubs making it official they are gonna chop this pot up at Showdown unless Elliot can get Benny off of a chop after having it knuckled to him on the turn and River definitely the type of play that you don't see as much these days but some players when they recognize okay you just have an ace here at best then just recognize it's kind of a free roll situation and just put all the chips in or put a big bed in and hope for the good result if he identifies this as a free role it it's a pretty cool play it's very unlikely that Benny check raises a jack on the Flop it has to be Jack nine probably tired of sitting down at a poker table filled with Pros then come the WPT Global the online home of the World Poker Tour with a maximum of two pros at each table everyone has a chance to win we are leveling the playing field at WPT Global sign up today with this QR code or go the wptglobal.com YT and use bonus code yt-88 and will match your first deposit dollar for dollar [Music] have to think that's what's going through his head right now is just like is there ever a situation where my hand's not chopping or winning here does knuckle it back after in his time they're gonna chop this one up I like Elliot taking his time there on the river just really thinking it through totally agree I think it's very easy to chalk up these situations as standard and just not really give it proper thought but I mean there's opportunity to make creative plays in spots like that if you're really confident in your rate of the situation you could just find like an all-in or something or not making sure that if I had a value bed or not I could have figured it out kind of like an honest answer yeah I was about to say it I wouldn't be given too much information away to my table mate when we're playing for 1.3 million but I do love the honesty of Canada's Elliot you don't can I have a water please water let's see open Rays and he yeah he brings him thank you again it's not clear to me what his button strategy looks like because he's been dealt a couple of pretty good hands on the button already still reasonable chance he's doing plenty of limping but pocket fives definitely good enough for go go good enough to go for value and even if he faced a three bet just a really strong pair in front of the fives bit distracted by the rail by the looks of things maybe some Friends making it late for the final table apparently picking up some equity on the turn in the form of a gut shot pocket fives of Benny's still good things you just joining us heads up for the WPT world championship title both these players guaranteed 2.8 million for their efforts eventual Champion will be walking home with a 4 million 146 000 dollars yeah career best score for both these players this hand here a really good example I think of that passive seeming play that's that's more common in a heads-up environment Benny deciding not to see about the Flop just because he has Showdown value he doesn't necessarily feel there's any advantage in a heads up raised pot and Elliot not bluffing with his gut shot just because he wants to play cautiously right like he it's not that hard to make a draw it's not that hard to have a weak hand that might Bluff but it's hard to make a strong hand so I think wisely choosing not to just throw blind aggression Benny's way just because he's Delta got shot right he he gives one off it's okay to give up a reasonable number of these pots doesn't mean that he's not fighting hard enough right yeah always easy critic if you will especially from the booth we can see the whole cards it's just something to wave the white flag with that nine High reminds me of those poker memes that go around every now and then I'm at bottom of range I have to Bluff no not for Elliot going with seven million out of position three and a half big blinds definitely looks like a good enough price for Elliot to continue these hands he has been limping I think he's limped every every opportunity So Far So the plan for sure is to you know fold some of those much weaker hands between six Suited absolutely good enough to call Benny I swing from the big to seven million of our first inflated pot of this heads up match 16 million out there and these are really the most like telling types of situations for how they're how these players are going to play their strategy these are very average Holdings for a situation like this King Hai has plenty of value here Queen high back door fluster has plenty of value here thank you I'm always curious if they're going to go with kind of like the floating approach or maybe maybe just sacrificing the pot that's not a crazy spot to raise either continuing for one third as you've already mentioned earlier with the back door Spades position is going to come with the float 27 million in the middle King High the queen High wow King of Hearts on the turn giving Benny top pair now really the only way Elliot gets into trouble if Benny decides to check but he is eyeing his stack a ton of value to be had right certainly I think the concern is if we if we check not only do we give flush draws a look at a free River because you know just like Elliot floats here with the three spades on the Flop he would float with almost any three hearts so you don't want to give those hands a free look especially Benny not having a heart in his hand although it wouldn't shock me to see him check occasionally with a hand like this and there's just a lot of ways Elliott can Bluff when one check too Benny firing twice just north of half caught saying a very natural River spr of less than one no dice this time but a nice start to this heads-up match for Benny chipping up nicely here a million in chips now now it really feels like we've got a heads up match on our hands 100 their clients plays 14.3 reducing the Gap quite significantly started off three to one chip definitely 87. thank you a long old ways to go actual 1.3 million heads-up match on a Tuesday evening so now we're seeing Benny open Rays with a pretty trashy hand you know like bottom bottom 20 or so so it does seem like at least for this stack depth his overwhelming strategy is to is to open Reyes Elliott correctly deducing that even Jack five offsuit is strong enough to defend in the big blinds when there's a big blind ante and he's only raising the minimum uh we're gonna play a lot of hands in the big blind seven Deuce two-tone expect to see Benny continue with I mean is is Benny just playing uh 100 stabbing range on a lot of these ball textures with range yeah he certainly doesn't have to I mean we we did even see him check behind on King 6-3 although he had some Showdown value there but it wouldn't surprise me at all here he has the Jack which is actually some relevant interaction I mean for for wide ranges just having three to a straight is relevant enough interaction to maybe tip the scales for him to to bet the Flop there but I I think especially seeing him bet 6 million into into 10 I think we'd see him check sometimes as well with weekends yeah three million for Benny 104 million for Elliot to apologize 203 million for earlier Benny definitely looked like he was considering there if his hand was strong enough to raise for value or if he just wants to check maybe a little bit concerned about the Trap limp eventually coming right I mean this is now four or five limps in a row he's thinking okay at some point he's going to limp a strong hand I don't necessarily want to walk into it with the Raves to be seeing two very different strategies being played on the bottom Elliot limping with 100 of hands thus far Benny playing more aggressively with not only top of range but we also just saw the the bottom parts of Annie's Rangers turns an open Ender there is a card in the deck Kevin that would give Benny a full double one would assume in the way this hands played out yeah this this hand that he's floated on the Flop Queen Jack is deceptively strong on on the 8-6 deuce he's got a lot of clean top hair outs he's got the clean nut straight draw on the nine or the ten and now he's getting into a situation where I have to think he wants to continue this hand although it's it's interest it will be interesting to see if he decides to play it aggressively try and maybe fold Elliot off of his like 8X thinner value bets or if he just calls again recognizing that he's ahead of most of the Bluffs they're continuing for 80 on this nine of diamonds turn pressure on exactly these types of Holdings and certainly this might not look like a clear continue to Benny I mean the nine is going to complete a lot of his true draws on the Flop like a lot of his gut shots so it doesn't exactly look like a card that Elliot's gonna play too aggressively right it doesn't look like the most advantageous spot to keep bluffing Elliot of course has a perfect hand for it thank you really taking his time on this transport you can understand why 1.3 million on the line the entire poker World watching as well this one through all the options on the table for this one Kevin I really do think so although it certainly feels like oh I was I was tempted to say that he's thought this long he doesn't look like he wants to fold yeah here here comes the check race with the three and a half X check raise check called flop now check raising turn 46 million in the middle action back on Elliot with his open Ender and this is a nasty spot I mean an open Ender is usually too good of a draw and heads up to fold to one raise but there's the real chance that he's just drawing dead here like he's up against 10-7 for Value he's up against seven five for Value there's there's no guarantee that his draw is live at all and as he pointed out here even though Benny's bluffing half of his outs are a disaster it makes the call Kevin looks like he sees some opportunity to maybe Bluff on a diamond maybe Bluff on like a a three even six million in the middle and it's the clean five of clubs and of course there's the opportunity to make the best straight in the spot where Benny is going to be hard-pressed not to Bluff PR less than 1 66 million in the middle Elliot with the second Arts surely and he hasn't checked Ray's turn to give up Rivers as well with the four liner on board wow Kevin this could be it snap call from Elliot and we have ourselves a WPT World Championship champion and just like that you hear Matt Savage right now [Applause] so that he's made a straight and it's all over and just like that Kevin rabachow we have ourselves our WPT World Championship Champion it is Canada's Elliot oh my God for four million 146 000 from us here in the booth it's been an absolute pleasure WPT [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you
Channel: World Poker Tour
Views: 669,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021 poker, poker 2021, high stakes poker, cash game, tournament, texas holdem, wsop, world series of poker, dougpolkpoker, doug polk, daniel negreanu, brad owen, dnegreanu, andrew neeme
Id: 2pkSuPha2Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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