29 Creatures of Sonaria Tricks Every Player Should Know.

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have you ever seen someone pull an insanely hard move while making it look easy and thought how does he do it turns out it's easier to become that good than you think because for the past 4 weeks I studied the best players every move and gathered all the best tips tricks and knowledge they possess and today it's time to share it regardless of how good you are you most likely have had this situation like where's the hitbox well don't worry all you have to do is type this and you can see it some might even surprise you like The cyron Buffy lopi or even the vus all good players study their hitbox of their main creature just make sure to do it in a private server otherwise it doesn't work what you you still lost the next trick will prevent you from ever losing a battle again and it's on screen right now if you said sniff you are correct see by sniffing you can see what tis others are and whether you can take them or not green is smaller yellow is the same and red is a bigger tier you should pick battles with the same tier or lower most of the time in case you still want to fight something stronger than you but you don't want your creature to have this you can use the following trick all you have to do when you get low is menu don't worry you can still menu while it's moving even if it says this as an aquatic just click the menu button and keep darting you will menu after 10 seconds as a flyer just press F to Glide and wait for the same amount of time you should always know who or what you can possibly encounter whether that's in a Hunger Games or a regular survival but this is hard when you can't sniff anyone due to uh yeah luckily there's a trick that helps you with this just click packs and check the pack list to see what is around you just make sure to keep watching your back whilst you do this you might be using your Flyers wrong see you have two modes flying and gliding in flying you use stamina to fly and turn quicker in gliding you gain stamina by sacrificing speed and turn rate right well this might not be the case for most Flyers since they don't regain stamina to fix that use this plushy it adds Glide regeneration and flight speed now you can regain stamina whilst you're gliding the next trick gives you a slight but noticeable advantage in battles when you take off do it with gliding instead of normal flying it goes a lot quicker here's a comparison but there is more tricks to give you huge advantages see darting is one of the most overpowered abilities whether that's to let you manuals moving makes you faster or lets you jump out of the water to grab players but you might be using it wrong see sometimes you can't reach the higher places but if you chain two darts together you go way further so use this trick to reach the places you usually can't trick number nine Dart is not even close to being the strongest ability like did you know that this tiny thing can take down a corrup coros yeah all it has to do is bite it a few times then get hit by the coros run away and do it again this is all possible because of an ability called reflect it basically redirects the damage that someone does to you to themselves but in case this is not your play style there's more like this ability called area shock that lets you zap any creature out of the sky for an easy kill or even when you fight a creature with a lot of elment you can lose them all in the span of a second and that's all thanks to this ability called fortifying so know your abilities you can figure that out by clicking view creatures then clicking this green button anywhere on your screen then you can find everything you need to know the next trick makes the previous even better let's say you found an ability or a play style that you really like all you have to do to find creatures with that ability or play style is type it in this menu yeah the search system doesn't only work for creature names but also abilities effects and types trick number 11 let's say you find a creature with an ability you want you can easily make it overpowered by understanding the six pillars of dck all players know they exist but we'll skip over the real knowledge because they don't want to learn the first pillar lets you steal thousands of Health points just by doing one thing see every 15 seconds no matter what creature your health regenerates a set percentage the vix has a base 20% health regen but by adding two hard PES clean water and Mer you get over 125% instead so you have to kill it in 15 seconds otherwise unless you disable this from happening this is where the first pillar comes in bleed disables Health regeneration on top of that it deals a little damage this is why bleed is the first pillar and the best part is that you can get bleed by using a cat or a vampire plushy just make sure they don't have block bleed the second pillar is easier to understand since we understand the health regeneration there's another mechanic in the game that disables it with burn you remove 10% of Health regener ation with one stack so 10 disables it but on top of that it also deals 1% damage every 3 seconds at 21 burd and it gives ashy lungs which makes your stamina regen 20% slower you can get this by adding a Ember Spirit or Pig Lantern plushy the third pillar is one of the most misunderstood ones let's just get the fact out of the way that it does a little damage but that's not why you have it you have it because it reduces weight which doesn't sound that impressive until you understand this the more weight you have over someone the more damage and ailment you will inflict on them so do this enough and your little Cavo won't be even close to a challenge anymore there's no plushy for this but some creatures do have radiation or corrosion abilities the fourth pillar is really strong in another way most thing poison does a lot of damage but it's dangerous for another reason see it's true that it does a little damage but the true danger lies in it lowering Health regeneration and lowering stamina it doesn't sound impressive until your enemy has to runin away away and it can't Dart or fly and the best part is you can get it by using a haunt dragon or hard snake plushy the fifth pillar is one of the most overpowered ones no it doesn't do damage reduce stamina or health regen instead it makes your screen purple and it disables every ability except for your basic ones now you can't use area shock fortify or even reflect and the last fillar it's pretty good once you understand it first of all it makes you buy 2.5 % slower per stack it gives 10% more hunger and it makes Health regeneration 25% slower for them to get this pillar we need frostbite which you can get by using the tanon bom or Ginger Snapper plushy now I'm sure you can see why these six pillars are truly dangerous but it gets worse with trick number 12 see you're going to have to heal ilman off eventually so you can either stand still for a long time make it two times faster by sitting down or make it four times faster by laying down but 's a trap here you take a lot more damage when you sit and even worse you take the most damage when you lay down so use this to your advantage trick number 13 to prevent people from getting extra damage on you whilst you lay down use this when you lay down and someone comes towards you press r twice or the laying down button and you'll stand up much quicker even though you heal ailments quick with laying down there's a fast method that all good players use to get rid of them instantly remember this trick just click the the menu button and keep darting you will menu after 10 seconds there's a good reason to menu because if you do and you respawn all your ailments are gone just make sure to not get attacked or your cooldown timer gets reset trick 15 you can use the next trick to be harder to get hit before you even start playing you can click customize and you can make your creature hidden in two ways this is the first there is a creature hidden here the only downside is that you can't really move or the illusion is gone so there there's a better way of doing it which is this yeah you can still see it but it's a lot harder to spot whils moving there's four ways you can make your creature invisible first the Phantom material second glass third midnight wish although you need to paint your creature as bright as possible to make this work and the fourth is the force field material you can color them based on your surroundings to make it even better A lot of players use this but I still see some mistakes being made when straing make sure to only use it when moving side to side and backwards because it ruins your turn rate so please disable strafe to turn and move forward and enable strave when moving side to side and backwards I'm saying this because it's key information for trick 22 a lot of people tail bite bigger creatures to avoid being hit and it's sometimes impossible to hit them back which is quite annoying because you can lose track of when you strave too so when this happens to you move into a corner it gives them less space to maneuver trick 23 there's a ton of free Buffs around the map that most don't use for example example if you use the aggro animation for 10 seconds you get an attack buff do the same with cow animation and you'll get speed buff eat this type of food around the map and you get stamina Buffs drink clean water and you'll get stamina plus Health regeneration Buffs and if you eat the meat of players you kill you get grow boost trick 24 you can make your creature even stronger by getting creature trades they can add a lot more of what your creature need like bite cool down damage Health regeneration weight and so much more you can get them by reaching age 66 and H 100 match this with the previous trick and you will win most battles I've only seen two players use the next trick but it's overpowered see this creature is the key to being unbeatable it has 10,000 HP it makes enemies bite slower it barely takes damage it can heal and it has Keen Observer sounds good but it can be better if you exploit this see almost no one uses this creature because of the low damage but if you get a teammate with an Egen Warden or any creature they like and use a cupar as a meat Shield you are unbeatable it makes your enemies bite so much slower and your teammate can finish them all Trick 26 if you kill a photor it will drop this meat but what most people don't know is that you can actually eat this meat as a herb for and yes it does give you satiated trick 27 you can't die because of drowning see when you cross water this can happen that is because you have no stamina looks scary but it isn't because at some point you'll stop losing Health unless you go in the water and and lose all your oxygen in that case trick 28 usually when you buy a creature from the gcha this happens this animation is really painful but you can skip over this by clicking animation off and on top of that you can buy multiple at the same time trick 29 there's some overpowered things you can do if you combine abilities and plushies at the same time just take a look at this instead of swimming through the water like you usually do get a swamp plushy now when you get close to the water combine it with Ambush and you'll get this effect you can even stack it with some other debuffs like fear and coward and break the sound barrier and there's even more combination that can do much more now you might be wondering why I'm telling you all of this instead of keeping it for myself well it's quite simple I want our community to be the strongest in creatures of scaria so become a part of tsg and I'll give you all that you need and with that I suggest you to watch this video you might learn even more
Channel: FluffyTSG
Views: 83,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, creatures of sonaria, roblox creatures of sonaria, creatures of sonaria roblox, sonar studios, roblox sonar studios, sonar studios roblox, creature showcase, dragon showcase, showcase, dragons, creatures
Id: jdGnr5aSC3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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