28 minutes of pure Sadhguru's wisdom -A refresh button for your life

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see the nature of this life is such you have only that which you abandoned the nature of life even the phenomena around you is like this for example right now this looks black not because it is black simply because it's refusing to reflect light that's why it looks black this looks red not because it's red it holds back all the other dimensions of the color reflecting only red so what it throws out becomes its quality this is the nature of existence here what you try to be you will not be that what you just throw out that becomes you isn't it if you throw money around people think you're rich yes if you hold it people think you're maybe you don't have anything isn't it so what comes out of you is what is yours in a way so when you say mind or being mindful i do not know much about it but i believe people are trying to think themselves into this moment be in the moment be in the moment where why are you trying to be in the moment be somewhere else and show me hello can you be somewhere else no you're anyway here so why are you trying to be here so what you're saying is don't think it took millions of years of evolution to get you to this level of cerebral capability but now you want to give it up the two basic qualities which sets us apart from every other creature is we have a very vivid sense of memory everything that happens we remember this is why our experiences become our knowledge and we have a fantastic sense of imagination we can imagine something which is not yet and work towards creating it these are the only two things people are suffering this is only two things what happened 10 years ago they can still suffer this does not mean they're suffering life they're suffering their memory what may happen day after tomorrow they're already suffering this does not mean they're suffering life they're just suffering their imagination their suffering their memory and imagination two basic faculties which set us apart from every other creature you are ruining evolutionary process you want to go back you want to go back because you looked at monkeys jumping around happily on the trees so you think it is a better way to live but evolution gone wasted this is a much bigger possibility a possibility unrealized is always a big problem any possibility if you don't realize what is the possibility and grasp it all possibilities look like problems isn't it right now that's a human problem so you don't have to be mindful you should be mindless right now you may be giving all kinds of context to your life but essentially what you call as my life right now is just a certain combination of time and energy yes as you sit here time is rolling away for all of us can you roll it back you're an engineer can you roll it back yesterday was not fruitful so i'll roll it back can you it's rolling away for all of us as we sit here what is ticking away here is not the clock what is ticking away is our life isn't it since we came and sat here you're half an hour closer to your grave it doesn't matter how young you are you are getting there isn't it yes sir no so it's a certain amount of time and that time nobody can manage because it rolls at the same pace for everybody you do something you don't do anything you sleep you're awake you're happy you're unhappy do whatever the hell you want it just keeps rolling mercilessly isn't it so there is energy that you call as life this you can pitch it at different levels if you are like this if you're like this 24 hours feel like 1000 years but have you seen on a certain day you're very happy 24 hours poof went off like a moment yes or no so time is a very relative experience in individual subjective experiences if you're joyful if you live hundred years it feels like a few moments it's gone only miserable people will have a long life because if you're miserable you'll always feel life is too long that you will want to cut it short but if you're joyful the possibility that a human being holds before you look around it's over really but what possibility this carries so what you need to manage is your energies because life is a certain amount of energy it's not limitless but it can be enhanced if you function at one level of energy what you do in 10 years time if you function at a different level of energy the same thing you can do in one year's time so if both people live for 100 years in terms of impact and profoundness of experience one has lived for a thousand years another is lived for 100 miserable years so this is all you can do you may think right now engineer this one that one these are all limited contacts you're setting for yourself fundamentally as a life it's just time and energy isn't it the question is what you make out of it do you want to make something out of it there's no compulsion you have to make something out of it when i say making something out of it is not a social phenomena i'm talking what should you become in the society that's not what i'm talking fundamentally you have come here in terms of life is you want to experience life question is how profoundly i want all of you to look at this do you believe you can enhance life by lowering your faculties hello if you want to enhance this life you must super enhance your faculties that's the only and only way you can enhance this life you cannot lower lower your faculties and think your life is getting enhanced what kind of stupidity is that simply because it makes you a little like this i can make you feel like this all the time how's that no substance i am always like this only look at my eyes i'm stoned yeah never touch a substance but fully stoned all the time because i want you to understand this the greatest chemical factory on the planet is here if you are a good manager of this you can create any experience that you want from within and also heighten your faculties if you are having an experience even to experience that your faculty should be heightened isn't it is this the great greatest chemical factor on the planet most sophisticated do you agree with me are they chemical engineers so i am asking how are you managing your system what have you done we gave you such a sophisticated machine have you read the user's manual at least no blindly do this and then you think pumping something is going to make this better no believe me the only and only way you can enhance this life is that your faculties are super bright the way you see the way you hear the way you smell the way you test and the way you touch if this is enhanced is life enhanced in many ways there are much more to it but i'm saying from what you know from your experience suppose you could see twice better than somebody who's sitting next to you is your life enhanced if you could taste better than other people is life enhanced if you could feel better is it life enhanced if you could hear better is life enhanced on this level you understand this but there are many other dimensions of human faculties if you enhance this if you sit here you will be blissed out simply sitting here you wouldn't want to touch any damn thing because just sitting here is the greatest experience of your life so about what is the end game if you had everything what would you want if you had everything that you can ever dream of everything is right here what would you want you must think isn't it i won't supply you with an answer if you do not invest that much thought into your life into your life that means you're super short-sighted hello always being half alive is torture this is the torture that a large segment of humanity is going through right now because they're half alive only one part of them has become alive only their physicality and mentality has become alive the rest of it is yet to become alive half alive people will suffer everything they will suffer ignorance they will suffer education they will suffer poverty they will suffer affluence they will suffer being alone they will suffer being in a relationship if they are not married they suffer if they're married [Music] they if they don't have children they suffer that as if children if they are there they can come and bite you they do no children what are you suffering but that also they suffer just show me one thing that human beings are not suffering right now just show me one aspect of life that human beings are not suffering right now they're suffering just about anything not just life they're even suffering death before it happens he's thinking of building a pyramid for himself that which is in that which is not everything they suffer this is not you are not suffering loneliness you are not suffering company you are not suffering money you are not suffering poverty what your suffering is you're half alive you're desperately trying to make yourself fully alive through money through drink in so many ways you're somehow trying to make yourself fully alive which is yet to happen fully here and there you feel a burst of aliveness but again it abstain so when people are constantly half alive pleasure becomes an important part of your life very important part of your life without it you cannot exist pleasure becomes paramount in your life when you're only half alive when physicality is all that you know pleasure becomes of immense importance in your life if you become fully alive you will become so blissful joyful ecstatic without reason bursts of ecstasy without within you without any reason it's almost embarrassing [Music] now the thought of pleasure just evaporates looking for a drink looking for some kind of pleasurable thing just evaporates out of your mind because you're fully alive when you're fully alive pleasure disappears when you're half dead pleasure is an important important thing if you just believe something hard and fast because either you're born into that culture or somebody has really worked upon you or some other compulsion has made you take to it the moment you believe this is it then there's no need for your mind mind is a tool for exploration not for drawing conclusions unfortunately most people are using their mind to draw conclusions this mind is not about drawing conclusions this is a tool for exploration that you can continue to look at life in deeper and deeper ways in more profound ways of experience and knowing that's the significance of the mind if you had to just draw conclusions you don't need such a complex structure of mind you don't need it now the disease of doubt and suspicion you try to fix it with faith now you just have to refine your logic you have to refine the nature of your mind that you need to understand that there is a way to be in this world without taking any position that's why the posters yoga postures you understand to twist yourself this way that way because to understand that i don't want to take any particular position in my life i'm not stuck this way or that way i am want to know life from every possible direction every possibility that this life is i wish to know when i'm alive so if that has to happen you need a flexible mind a mind that has not taken positions the mind does not does not believe or disbelieve something see do not think disbelief is an option belief and disbelief are not two different things they are positive belief or negative belief that's all they are two different ways of believing belief belief and disbelief so we are not talking about faith versus atheism belief versus disbelief now we are talking about why can't you learn to not take a position of anything right now to conduct a particular activity we take positions but there is no need to take positions to live to be alive here if you want to know life you should not take any position or any opinion about anything the moment you form an opinion that means you are not open to anything else isn't it whether it's about a person or yourself or about the life around you you don't form any kind of opinion or conclusion conclusion means death yes life means no conclusion you're looking instead of sharpening your vision you're drawing a conclusion because conclusion brings a certain certainty it brings a certain confidence the moment you believe something you're confident confidence without clarity is a disaster it's better to see clearly rather than just believe something if you believe something it gives you confidence and sometimes it works unfortunately we've been talking about this all the way along even if you want to cross a street what you need is clarity of vision not confidence confidence can kill the traffic is not much it works that's a whole problem with it yes the traffic is not much and it's not fast then it works and now you think it works you apply it everywhere you will get hit so you don't need confidence if you just give up your need for confidence you're okay being here not knowing anything actually you don't know nothing please look at this you really don't know anything about the nature of this existence isn't it yes or no you don't know when this entire solar system is going to fall apart maybe it's tomorrow morning do you know do you know whether it is going to fall apart tomorrow morning or not do you know you don't know when you'll fall dead you don't know when it's going to happen but it's all right but if you are that kind of a mind which is looking for faith you know everything not just here beyond death where you will go what kind of accommodations you will get there you know the works this kind of knowing is what needs to go uh an ignorance which is aware and acknowledged by yourself that i'm ignorant is a far more powerful and profound state than a knowledge that you have concluded about you have conclusions about everything and everybody just try this one simple sadhana in your life all of you whatever conclusions you have about yourself about the people around you about the situations around you just give it up tonight tomorrow morning just wake up and look at everything fresh just do this every day at least see if you can maintain this for the first one hour after you're awake you will see it will take lots of work you understand it'll take lots of work 24 hours of the day to look at everything fresh if you're looking at everything fresh you will not miss a single possibility everything is alive to you where people see nothing you will see all kinds of things where people see problems you will see possibilities in life but the moment you conclude if you make conclusions and you concretize it and then you get it endorsed by heaven then you're calling that faith ignorance endorsed by a great authority will not become truth this is the biggest problem that people think authority is truth now truth is the only authority in the creation in this existence right now there is no experience of life largely you're just a bundle of thought emotion ideas opinions and prejudices your psychological drama is being mistaken for life your psychological drama we can all sit in the same place and each one of us can have something different going in our minds right now yes or no so obviously what's happening in your mind is your psychological reality it's not existential it has no existential basis it is in this sense people are telling you be in the moment because there is no basis to your psychological reality you can make up whatever you want or in other words your creation your petty creation has become larger than the magnificent creation of the creator so spiritual process means you set this anomaly right you understand your psychological reality is something that you're making up i'm not saying you should not make it up you can but you must be able to switch it off when you don't want the problem is it's just on 24 hours so it looks like that is the reality it is not the reality you just making it up yes or no the made up world has become larger than the real world just to correct this is spiritual process you understand what is real and what is made up this means you're spiritual if you can identify what is existentially true and what is not true you will navigate navigate your way through life effortlessly isn't it if your mind your body takes instructions from you being peaceful and joyful is not even an issue is it an issue if your body and mind is taking instructions from you is it an issue is it even a consideration do you have to even bother about it how to be peaceful how to be joyful there's no such thing this is coming from a very unnatural situation because made up world has become larger than the real world what's happening on your phone has become bigger than the cosmos isn't it [Music] so spiritual process does not mean he's not prescribing how you should be be whichever way you want you like misery do it what's my problem if you're enjoying misery what is my problem i will not tell you be joyful you like to be miserable i appreciate that but if you had a choice would you choose misery no maybe once in a way you like to read a tragedy or watch a tragedy that is somebody else suffering not you isn't it you may want to watch a tragic movie or a drama but you don't want a tragedy in your life isn't it so i trust your judgment on these things so spiritual process means that you read the user's manual you know exactly how this works this happened to gautama the buddha you heard of gautama the buddha because of some astrological prediction that his father heard that he may either become a great emperor or a great sage and he wanted him to become a great emperor he protected this boy and put him in a separate palace where it's all luxury everything that you can dream of everything there god i'm married to a very pretty young woman everything on no he should not see any suffering but one day he just went out he saw one old man and he asked why is this guy like this uh you know his chauffeur his shopper or his chariot driver said oh everybody becomes like that after a certain time he said what me i'm a young prince will i become like that hey yeah everybody will become like that it shook him then he saw a man who's suffering with some kind of disease ailment so why is that guy like that said it'll happen to a lot of people who it will hit there is no prediction anybody can become ill most people think it happens to other people no it can happen to us hello and then this he saw a funeral a dead body so what is that he said that is inevitable everybody will die do you also know you will also die no because most people believe other people die no intellectually they know but they think they are forever no you must be conscious you are mortal mortal means you have a limited amount of time and energy if you're always conscious about this how would you organize your time and energy you decide if you're conscious about it if you think you're a superhuman being you are not going to die other people will die all the best it will come you can realize this on your death bed and i see people may think this is extreme but you must go and volunteer in a hospice or in a hospital wards where people die and you must see it's very important very very important only then you become sensitive to life life becomes super valuable because you know it's a limited amount of time if you watch this unfortunately today in the world over 80 percent of the people when they last moment when it comes when they die they're not fearful they're not in pain they're not in something else they're just bewildered a look of bewilderment comes because all their life they just lived their thought and emotion they never lived a life this is important you must understand there is a psychological reality in your head and there is an existential reality which is life most people are mistaking their psychological reality to be existential your thought and emotion has become more significant in the cosmos isn't it hello huh what you think what nonsense you think and feel has it become more important than a universe or no this means you are making your creation more significant than the larger creation this means you must suffer if you don't suffer i'll be disappointed yes i will be because if you live if ignorance doesn't make you suffer then what then what's the use of me because it takes a lot to come out of the trap what is the use of somebody striving to come out of the trap of ignorance when people can live wonderfully in their ignorance what is the point what is the use of knowledge what is the use of knowing what is the use of enlightenment what is the use of realization if people can live absolutely blissfully in their ignorance what is the point when you're ignorant you must suffer and i want you to know the greatest evil right now on the planet is not evil its ignorance
Channel: Smarter By The Day
Views: 509,101
Rating: 4.8296885 out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru talk, advice, speech, motivational, inspiratioinal, yoga, spirituality, joy, happiness, success, human mind, failure, sadhguru 2021
Id: 5s1i3sazRmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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