28-Hours on Amtrak Cardinal: Chicago to NYC Epic Journey!

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[Music] hello and welcome to Chicago's Union Station today we're heading to New York City but this time we're taking the scenic route amtr Cardinal will be our ride for the next 28 hours taking us over 1100 M through the Appalachian Mountains and up the Northeast Corridor we've got quite the ride ahead of us so let's get started our adventure begins as many do here in the Midwest at Chicago's beautiful Union Station opened in 1925 Union Station is the fifth bus iest rail station in the United States serving over 2.3 million passengers in 2022 the station is also Amtrak's fourth busiest across the network in the busiest Amtrak station outside of the Northeast Corridor it is unfortunately a very cold and rainy midwest winter day so I'm quick to head back into the warmth of Union Station making our way into the west side of the station brings us into the Great Hall located at the center of the station head house the Great Hall spans an enormous 2097 2 2 ft with a 219 ft long barrel vaated Skylight 115 ft above the waiting room floor the hall is decked out in Holiday Decor wreaths ornaments and Bows dot the walls while light Christmas tunes Echo throughout the station the centerpiece of it all is the absolutely massive Christmas tree The 40ft Tall Tree is adorned with thousands of lights and hundreds of Railway themed ornaments the ornaments include the coast daylight Missouri Pacific Western Pacific Rock Island Rio Grand Pennsylvania Railroad Illinois Central and of course Amtrak among others while the main hall is open to all passengers Amtrak's Metropolitan Lounge is the best place to wait ahead of departure the lounge is located in the main passageway just off the Great Hall access to the lounge is complimentary to all sleeper and business class passengers and to Amtrak Select Plus and select executive rewards members complimentary snacks are laid out at the bar just beyond the entrance this colelection today includes various chips granola bars sweets and popcorn non-alcoholic beverages are also complimentary and includes sodas water juice hot coffee and tea although it isn't super flashy Chicago's Metropolitan Lounge offers some decent amenities including a business center luggage storage and showers of course there's plenty of comfortable seating too I always find that the upstairs portion of the lounge is the best place to wait fewer people choose to ascend the stairs which leads to a quieter more relaxing environment boarding for the Cardinal is called at 523 or about 30 minutes before departure waiting for us on track 28 is Amtrak's Cardinal on the tracks beside us are two of Amtrak Midwest inner city trains made up of a mish mash of amlet ones Horizons and the new Venture cars there are two sleepers on today's train both of which are the new view liner 2os the forward sleeper is a standard car but the sleeper will be staying car 509 is a combination sleeper baggage car ascending the steps we once again enter the world of Amtrak's new sleepers that feeling of first class washing over us as we climb aboard we'll be staying in room three the second room on the left in our home for the next 27 1/2 hours as we get situated Amtrak's Capital limited backs in ahead of its 6:40 p.m. departure despite the Cardinal leaving almost an hour ahead of it the capital limited will arrive in DC a full 5 hours and 45 minutes before the Cardinal it may be faster but it's not nearly as Scenic as the Cardinal the fact we'll see almost all day tomorrow while we wait for boarding to conclude let's take a quick look at our route over to NYC the Cardinal Begins by heading south out of Chicago quickly leaving Illinois for Indiana Indianapolis and Cincinnati come in the dead of night Sunrise meeting our train in Huntington West Virginia it's all Appalachians on day two our train twisting and turning through the New River Gorge once out of the mountains it's smooth sailing to Charlottesville and Washington DC where our train switches over from diesel to Electric the Cardinal then transforms into a high-speed Hotel our top speed now up to 125 as we head up the Northeast Corridor to New York City pulling into Penn Station at the end of the line we'll cover a total of 1,146 M on our ride over the next 2 days with a travel time of 27 hours and 45 minutes departure from Chicago is right on time our train rolling out of Union Station exactly at 5:55 p.m. the sun has long since set over the Midwest by the time we leave Chicago the lights of the windy city Illuminating The Horizon as we begin our ride East to see us off today is rail fan and fan of the channel miles jjic who stood out in the rain to get this unbelievable shot of our train in the Chicago skyline [Music] [Music] w absolutely massive shout out and thank you to miles for the spot and footage he was so courteous as to catch both the Cardinal and the Southwest Chief earlier in the day so we'll be seeing some more amazing footage from him in a future video thank you again miles for the footage and make sure to check him out at the link below our first meal on the Cardinal is dinner served about 30 minutes after leaving Chicago the three routes connecting Chicago to the east coast the Cardinal Lakeshore limited and Capitol Limited all currently serve Amtrak's flexible dining menu this means there's no way to escape the prepackaged meals on route to the Northeast the Cardinal also lacks a dining car which means we'll be dining in our room throughout the duration of our journey Amtrak's flexible dining menu offers five options for lunch and dinner all of which come with a side salad a roll and either a brownie or buttercake for dessert for our first dinner on board I went with the beef burgundy which quickly comes delivered by our car attendant disassembling the package we find two boxes one of which contains our main course while the other holds the sides and drink deoiling our food reveals a very standard Amtrak meal starting with the sides the salad is fine the lettuce has that slight rubbery texture of over Refrigeration but I don't mind it too much the roll was good though and came pre-warmed with two units of butter our drink for tonight is a can of Coke spiked with a little something extra one alcoholic beverage is complimentary for sleeper passengers at dinner and I always take full advantage our main course the beef burgundy comes served in a red wine sauce with various veggies and mashed potatoes although it doesn't look the part the stew tastes great the sauce is Savory but lightly sweet and the beef is well seasoned some bits of meat are a little tough but most are tender and flavorful the mashed potatoes pair wonderfully with the beef especially when you get a spoonful of both mash and sauce the veggies are all well cooked but feel like a bit of an afterthought compared to the rest of the dish dessert for tonight is a chocolate chunk Brownie and of course it's delici ious I'd have to give dinner a 6 out of 10 while it's not traditional dining quality the beef burgundy is much better than I expected and most importantly it's very filling Illinois is long gone by the time we wrap up dinner we be in Indiana for a little under 7 hours 100% of which will be in darkness the Cardinal makes quick work of Lafayette and Crawfordsville the radiant lights of Indianapolis piercing through the Mist as we approach the station just prior to reaching the station we passed by the impressive 63,000 seat Lucas Oil Stadium proudly serving as the home of the Indianapolis Colts Indianapolis is the first smoke or fresh air break on the Cardinal to stop coming at around 11:49 p.m. our stop here is a little longer than most other fresh air stops the reason for which can be found at the front of our train as some of you may have noticed in miles's departure footage our train has two additional locomotives a baggage car and a super liner Diner at the front these cars and locomotives are destined for Amtrak's Beach Grove shop which is about 6 M southeast of the Station train now split the engineer climbs aboard lead p42 number 167 flips on the headlights and pulls away from the cardinal [Music] a quick look at our view liner 2 bag dorm and it's back on board ahead of our 1215 departure a refreshing shower is the perfect way to wrap up the day and at the end of the coach we find just that the liner 2 showers boast a completely open design the room reaching from floor to ceiling the spacious dry side features a large seat and a well-appointed vanity fresh towels are found on the seat and towel rack adjacent to the mirror an assortment of washcloths and toiletries are laid out on the counter though the ladder comprises only of bars of soap and six bottles of conditioner less than ideal for getting clean but it'll have to do the shower stall is separated by a frosted glass door adorned with a stylized p42 and the skyline of DC the spacious shower stall also extends the full height of the car however the shower head is still positioned just below my head which is annoying to work with but not unreasonable the temperature controls are easy to adjust and the water pressure is decent for a train for a quick clean up at the end of the day it's quite nice but the lack of shampoo and body wash only gets you so far returning to our roomat the seats have been converted into our bed for the night the bottom bunk is about 6 and 1/2 ft long or 1.98 m and stretches the entire length of the room at climbing up under the covers I have about an inch between myself and either wall unfortunately because the bottom bunk is from wall to wall my head sits directly under the forward headrest which can lead to some less than Pleasant mornings if you sit up too quickly for me though it's perfectly comfortable and with that it lights out on day one the sun hasn't even broken The Horizon when we awake on day two it's about 7:00 a.m. eastern time and not 5 minutes after waking up we pull to a stop in Huntington West Virginia 14 minutes ahead of schedule the cool air hits us as we step down off the train Huntington our first of four smoke stops on day two the Cardinal operates the shortest single level consist of any Amtrak long-distance service with the just two athlet coaches a cafe car and 1 and a half sleepers the maximum capacity of the Cardinal at any given point is only 162 passengers to add to the Cardinal's low capacity the train only runs three times per week Train 50 runs Tuesday Thursday and Saturday heading east while westbound train 51 runs Wednesday Friday and Sunday up front p42 DC number 5 takes charge of Train 50 much like her Brethren locomotive 5 Bears the Battle Scars of two decades of heavy use a well-deserved retirement awaits the P 42s locomotive slated to be swapped by the new ALC 42s later in 2024 behind locomotive 5 are the two aforementioned coach cars designated a fleet 2os these coaches are the long-distance version of the inner city ample ones behind those are the cafe car and then there's the sleepers two Vier 2 coaches make up the sleeping segment of the Cardinal with a total of 16 rooms two bedrooms in a single accessible bedroom and here's our room but from outside as we wait in the cool West Virginia morning our sleeper attendant takes our breakfast order I opted for the buttermilk pancakes and a cup of coffee to start my day with departure time fast approaching we Ascend the steps for the real start of day two our attendant is quick to bring breakfast our meal arriving just as we depart Huntington the pancake are light and sweet and genuinely tasty the pork sausage is fine the reheating process only got them just past room temperature and they're a little chewier than desirable but it's fine for a quick meal as far as breakfasts go it's a 4 out of 10 a minor step up from the last time we had the flex pancakes but in retrospect I rated them too high to begin with while Amtrak's flexible breakfast may not have been great a much better alternative is today's sponsor magic spoon magic spoon is cereal re invented it's the same great taste you remember from your childhood but enhanced with grown-up ingredients who knew that wholesome ingredients could be so tasty magic spoon cereals are high protein keto friendly gluten-free grain-free soy free and naturally flavored magic spoons variety packs come with four delicious flavors frosted fruity peanut butter and my personal favorite cocoa with zero sugar 14 g of protein and 5 G of net carbs in each serving magic spoon is a great way to start the day click the link below to grab a variety pack and try it today and be sure to use the promo code lonar trip at checkout for $5 off any order or go to magicpoopcannon docomo trip to save $5 today thanks to Magic spoon for sponsoring today's video one cup of coffee is great but two is always better the self-service station has been cut from the dorm bag car so we'll have to use the one in the other sleeper located between the bedrooms and rooms the drink station offers passengers complimentary ice bottles of water and hot coffee a nice bonus on today's train are two bottles of juice one orange and one cranberry setting a top the ice maker now fully caffeinated it's time for a tour of our V liner 2 bag dorm sleeping car V liner two bag dorms include nine room Mets two bathrooms and a shower all conveniently arranged along a central Corridor a departure from the white plastic walls of the view liner ones The View liner 2os feature a welcoming wood veneer imparting a sense of warmth and coziness to each car lights alternate down the corridor a room number and attendant alert light situated above each doorway odd rooms are located on the left with even on the right room one is reserved for the car attendant a small storage area with a trash can found opposite rooms 2 through 9 take up the majority of the space the eight rooms broken up only by a wall integrated trash can and storage area at the end of the corridor are the two bathrooms shower and door to the luggage area the luggage area is smaller than I had anticipated with racks for around 30 to 40 suitcases the racks are angled towards the walls to keep the luggage in place with a folding mechanism to keep them out of the way when not in use the sleeping accommodations have also been enhanced with the second iteration of Amtrak's view liner each room at includes two windows to the Center Hall the Amtrak logo at top the smaller of which is a nice touch sliding open the door is practically effortless revealing our 3ftx 6t cabin Amtrak advertises the roomat as having enough space for two adults though it can definitely get a bit cramped with two people the typical blue am track fabric is gone from the view liner 2 and its place a textured burgundy and maroon mikette on the seats and armrests the walls have also received a slight color change their Hue leaning more towards cream than white two windows provide Scenic views from anywhere in the cabin the upper allowing the top bunk to see outside while in bed stepping inside we Slide the door shut the lock mechanism not quite cooperating with one hand curtains extend to cover the internal Windows ensuring privacy while in transit in their daytime configuration rooms include two very comfortable seats a top which is each passenger's pillow the forward seat on today's train is the captain's chair of the roomette it includes an extra 4 to 5 in of width and armrests on both sides the width difference is immediately apparent when the seats are converted to their overnight configuration both seats reclin using the bar beneath the seat the bed conversion lever found beside it above the captain's chair are a suite of lighting and room controls both seats include a bright LED reading light and aerial light with the forward seat also including an attendant call button and the PA control the PA switch is just an on or off with no volume control on or off is usually all the adjustment I anyways so no issues there next to the seat passengers will find two of the four outlets in a fan operated through a dial for precise control over airf flow above that are the room light controls and electronic thermostat the ceiling light stretches the entire length of the cabin a blue NightLight situated in the center the electronic thermostat is an awesome addition to these coaches it allows for actual control over the room temperature unlik like the traditional dials provided in few liner 1es or super liners and unlike our ride on the Lakeshore limited a couple months ago this one is actually working coat hooks and Hangers are found on the wall beside the thermostat the Buckle keeping my jacket from swinging around while on the move the room's trash can is situated in the compartment adjacent to the main seat the rearward facing half of the room at while relative ly similar includes the stairs to the upper bunk the vanity and most importantly the sink in order to fit the stairs and sink the rearward seat has been trimmed down and the inner armrest removed the same area and reading light are found above though the fan has also been cut to save space along the window sill passengers will find everything in twos two cup holders two armrest and two AC vents the armrests are comfortable but it's interesting to see that the one for the wider seat has clearly been used more than the other the two cup holders are perfectly sized for a plastic water bottle or a cup of coffee but do little to hold larger cups in place each vent is controlled by a tab extending out from the window sill the friction of which is able to hold the vent in any desired position the only thing not in twos along the window is the table which pulls up and folds out over both seats it's quite large with more than enough space to get some work done or Dine comfortably with another passenger the sink stairs and vanity are the most interesting features of any view liner roomette starting up top the vanity includes a mirror light mirror and towel ring with washcloths and soap on the counter below below the counter are the sink two remaining Outlets the second of two mirror light switches and the cup dispenser which unfortunately is empty sliding the latch over releases the sink allowing the Basin to fold down onto the upper stair the Basin is quite large with enough space for both of my hands both hot and cold water taps are built into the wall the drain for the Basin located in the well beneath unlike the view liner one VI liner 2 room Mets do not include an on Suite toilet instead view liner 2s offer two communal restrooms at the end of each car for roomat passengers the removal decision was met with mixed praise I personally appreciate the removal of the in room toilet as sleeping next to one is not pleasant though I know that other passengers have advocated in favor of the on Suite option the area where the toilet would be located has been repurposed for storage offering ample space for large backpacks or smaller suitcases the space between the stairs can also serve as storage for medium-sized personal belongings although the two seats are great for daytime cruising a second passenger needs a place to sleep overnight up above the seating area we find the answer the second bunk twisting the handle releases the bed which slides down and locks into place in its lowered position the top bunk sits just below the upper window the bed frame including a similar cutout to the width difference in the seats below the bed is actually a bed and not just a mattress topper with proper sheets in a blanket and air vent reading light and attendant call Button are all found near the head of the bed smaller personal belongings can be stored in the mesh pocket or hung from the coat hooks on the wall while we're up here we get a great look at the massive storage area the luggage hold overhangs the central hallway and is easily large enough for my standard carryon bag with plenty of room to spare of course if you're traveling with more or larger baggage then there's always the option to check your bags to your final destination the roomette while compact is an excellent choice for solo Travelers or Duos seeking a more budget friendly option The View liner 2 enhances this already outstanding Choice by incorporating modern features and amenities solidifying its position as one of the most Pleasant travel experiences available in the eastern United States if you're enjoying our ride on amtr Cardinal why not hit that subscribe button it's totally free and it really helps support the Channel if you want to go the extra mile with your support then check out the Channel's patreon or become a channel member if you two want your name in the video or just want to support the channel in more ways than one then head on over to the links in the description below through most of West Virginia the tracks are at the mercy of Mother Nature in her waterways it starts with the Cana river which soon transitions to the New River as we head east the first bit of these Waterway views are on the opposite side as our room so the vestibule between cars is where I ended up enjoying the views our passing of the hawk nest Dam means we've officially entered the New River Gorge National Park we cross over to the North Bank via the cno's New River Bridge the pretty views now return to the side of our roomette ATT tributary to the Cana River the New River Flows 320 Mi through North Carolina Virginia and West Virginia the waters have since carved this unbelievable Gorge through the Appalachian Mountains the peaks of which stretch high above the railway the New River Gorge Bridge is the next major landmark visible from the Cardinal standing at an impressive 876 ft tall the bridge carries US Highway 19 3,30 ft over the New River that's 276 M tall and 923 and and2 M long for metric users when it was constructed in 1974 its 1700 ft or 518 M long support structure was the world's longest single Arch Bridge a title which it held for 26 years the New River begins to pick up some impressive Rapids the farther east we get whitewater rafting is a welcome tourist attraction along the New River the upper river features easygoing up to class three Rapids while the lower portion includes the biggest of the big with Rapids ranging from class three to class 5 as pretty as the New River Gorge is supposed to be the winter weather and Barren trees means it's pretty much nothing but Brown and gray a splash of yellow comes as we pull into Thurman West Virginia Thurman much like many of the stations in rural West Virginia is one of Amtrak's least used stations in 2022 Thurman serves just 382 passengers were a little over one a day what's funny is that despite serving 382 passengers per year Therman only has a total population of five residents it's also the smallest town in the state of West Virginia in the early 1900s Thurman prospered off of the coal mining in the New River Gorge its population peaking around 460 people in the 1930s outside our window the beautiful views of the the New River continue our train winding away through the mountains the tracks leave the New River to ascend into the mountains the distant Peaks obscured in the low hanging clouds on its Ascent the Cardinal crosses into Virginia state number 6 of 10 by the time the tracks level off again it's time for the Cardinal to make another Smoke Stop the first of three in Virginia Clifton Forge is where we find ourselves the town of only 3,555 people a quiet place to step out and stretch our legs Clifton Forge isn't normally a fresh air break but with a few extra minutes to burn the crew allows us to spend some time outside ah it's all right climbing back aboard it's time for lunch gent as with our two previous meals lunch comes delivered to our room inside the bag we find our M aide salad roll and buttercake for dessert for the main course I went with the chicken parmesan which comes with breaded chicken Linguini broccoli and a helping of marinara sauce and parmesan cheese it's fine for a reheated meal the chicken is a little dry and tough in Parts but the flavor is good the Linguini has unfortunately gone hard in spots and the sauce dehydrated a bit both byproducts of the reheating process the side salad and roll are what you'd expect and the buttercake is a delicious way to wrap up the meal despite my mild praise I'd have to say this is a 4 and 1/2 out of 10 it's not great for a sleeper meal but it definitely could have been worse as mentioned in our room tour V2 room Mets do not feature onsite toilets instead two communal facilities can be found at the end of each coach each bathroom is is very clean and spacious the Zink works well with both hot and cold taps with a bottle of soap and towels found nearby beside the sink is a cup dispenser and two 120 volt Outlets the layout of the bathroom also helps this facility stand out from the usual Amtrak bathrooms the toilet is angled towards the far corner of the room which provides significantly more space compared to the typical arrangement on approach to Stanton Virginia the Cardinal Glides past the waiting cars of the Virginia Scenic Railroad maybe someday we'll be back to ride on them but for us in the Cardinal they're just another passing site Stanton isn't normally a fresh air break but we're about 20 minutes ahead of schedule today which is plenty of time to get out and have a look around standon station has an impressive curve our locomotive and Lead cars well out of sight at the front of the platform the rain continues to fall as we enjoy our time outside admiring the Sleek sides of the vi liner twos manufactured by Spanish company CAF Viner 2's entered service in 2015 beginning with the baggage cars and ending with the sleepers Amtrak ordered a total of 55 baggage cars 25 diners 25 sleepers and 25 bag dorms the order was later adjusted to 10 bag dorms and 70 baggage cars ascending the stairs to the lead sleeper we can take a quick look at the cafe car on the Cardinal Amtrak's amlet 2 Cafe cars are a little different than their amlet ones the luggage racks have been removed from above the seats and each half of the car includes a couple of tables for dining passengers Amtrak's Cafe cars offer a variety of snacks drinks and and larger food items for purchase all at a fairly reasonable price tucked away at the end of the car is a phone booth the space now used as a conductor's office with everyone back on board our train sets off once again between Stanton and Charlottesville the fog sets in our train slowing to let Freight traffic pass this unfortunately means that despite our early running into Stanton we'll be behind schedule from here on out the late night in Indie and early morning in Huntington are finally taking their toll on me by this point in the day with two perfectly good beds right next to me I took a quick nap to recharge ahead of what will be another late night by the time I'm back awake the sun has long since left the sky outside the lights of Co pepper Virginia shine through the Mist in our time of sleep we missed the pen ultimate fresh air stop in Charlottesville but that's no worry as we'll be stopping in DC in about an hour and 45 minutes dinner is the next course of action for our final meal on board the Cardinal I went with the chicken enchiladas which again came with a side salad roll and a brownie the enchiladas taste great especially for a prepackaged meal the Mexican spices of the ranero sauce are flavorful and the chicken is well seasoned the beans and corn are also nice adding some different flavors beyond the enchiladas themselves The Roasted jalapeno is a nice touch too bringing some heat and a bit of smoke to the dish overall I was once again pleased by this dish and I'll give it a 6 out of 10 definitely not a bad choice given the options it's fairly slow going into Washington DC outside the Washington Metro whizzes past our train forced to wait for a green signal ahead after a quick stop in Alexandria we cross over the pomac river and into the tunnels of Union Station emerging from the tunnels beneath DC our train comes to a stop for the fourth and final Smoke Stop of to this is also where the coolest part of the journey happens the engine swap DC is the southern Terminus for Amtrak's Northeast Corridor the electrified Mainline running from here to New York City and up to Boston Amtrak trains running on the Northeast Corridor are operated by Electric Motive Power this means we must Bid Farewell to our p42 in favor of a seaman ACS 64 despite the cold and rainy weather the crew gets to work uncoupling locomotive five from the Cardinal while we wait the Train on the adjacent platform pulls away revealing behind it one of Amtrak's new ALC 42 locomotives this is my first time seeing an ALC 42 here at Union Station the locomotives used to haul the capital Limited and silver Services out of Washington DC lying in weight on the far tracks are five electric ACS 64s now decoupled locomotive 5 pulls forward to finalize the disconnect the engine then pulling clear to make way for our electric [Music] locomotive [Music] in the meantime our train is left without head-end power this means minimal lighting and more importantly no power to the septic system which in turn means no bathrooms while the change is taking place with locomotive 5 now well on its way to the ivy City maintenance facility two ACS 64s begin backing their way down Track 23 615 will be our Motive Power from here to New York the lead ACS 64 of this approaching pair to be disconnected after the swap is complete complete 615 stops just shy of the Cardinal allowing the crew to perform one final check before coupling [Music] on with our train now under electric power we can climb back aboard and continue our ride to New York City the rain continues to fall as we pull out of DC beginning our run on the Northeast Corridor reaching the Northeast Corridor comes with the added benefit of increased speeds from here to New York we'll be cruising in our hotel room at 125 5 mph although it's difficult to see we soon reach 125 the occasional street lights darting past the window the only indication of our speed the Cardinal makes quick stops in Baltimore Wilmington and Philadelphia each separated by a quick burst of triple digigit speeds it's all high speed through New Jersey our train stopping only in Trenton and Newark before crossing the portal bridge and dipping into the tunnels below the Hudson River the lights of Penn Station break the darkness our train arriving on platform 6 28 hours and 39 minutes after departing Chicago grabbing our bags we can head out onto the platforms of New York City with one final goodbye to our sleeper and locomotive it's time to bring today's video to a close if you made it to the end I just want to say thank you sharing Journeys like these are my favorite so it's always a great feeling when people will stick around until the end anyways next week we'll be back in Canada to ride on vr's Renaissance coaches from Quebec to Montreal if you're new around here I would really appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button down below it's totally free and it really helps support the channel another huge thank you to my loyal patrons and members y'all are amazing and your incredible generosity is greatly appreciated if you two want your name in the video or just want to support the channel in more ways than one then head on over to the links in the description below but anyways that's all I have for today thanks for riding with me and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Lonestar Trip Reports
Views: 66,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amtrak Cardinal, Chicago to New York City, Train journey, Long distance train travel, Cross-country train trip, Train adventure, Train travel experience, Amtrak experience, Train trip vlog, Railroad travel, Traveling by train, Train travel tips, Train travel documentary, Passenger train journey, Train ride across America, Train journey vlog, Viewliner 2, Amtrak, Amtrak Trains, amtrak sleeper car tour, amtrak passenger trains, amtrak roomette, Viewliner II
Id: VU6Qgz8VBMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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