27 Things Mechanics Don't Want You To Know

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the majority of us depend on our cars on a daily basis so we need them to be in tip-top shape so that we don't have any issues on the road particularly if you don't know much about cars we're by no means saying that every mechanic withholds things from you but there are a few that do and today you want to have a look at points that you should definitely be vigilant about it could save you tons of cash time and stress here are things mechanics don't want you to know hey guys this is American eye but we're getting ready for an amazing video right here on tall tank sit back relax and enjoy that video number 27 scared you unfortunately some mechanics like to scare you senseless and you feel like you need to leave your car with them or your own safety and other things might be a risk take a step back from the situation and remember that mechanics get paid for every little thing they do to your vehicle so if they're using scare tactics find another mikeg number 26 gravy on the side many mechanics claim to use special code names for more questionable repair practices let's call him Joe so that the words gravy work referred to billing a customer for more hours than the actual job took the average time you will be billed for is one point five to two hours whereas most of the jobs would take a minimum of thirty minutes number 25 it can wait till Monday no seriously never book your car and for a service on a Friday because the guys working on your car are also eager to get their weekend started so this means they tend to rush the job who knows what crucial elements they could have missed out due to beat in a hurry rather bring your car in on Monday where they will focus on it a little bit more with the problems at hand number 24 follow the instructions to carry out with our earlier point there is actually a labor guide they'll give you an idea of how long each job should take of course there can be the odds situation where things don't always go according to plan but on a whole another note this guy will be something useful number 23 flush it out the fact that you're told that you have to have coolant flushes and power steering flushes are all just gimmicks to try to get you to spend more money read your car's owner manual and see what they recommend most cars have fluid that can last a hundred thousand miles number 22 a costly affair but there are times that if you shop around you can get the same part at a much more affordable rate many garages earn a percentage of the parts they sell so they can up their prices in order to make more money if you do find cheaper products elsewhere and sure they're from a reputable seller and that your garage will install them for you number 21 check the qualifications being a mechanic is a great way to earn a city come and many people just do it on the side because they know cars always check that your mechanic has the right qualifications to complete his job otherwise it will end up costing you so much more down the line mechanics in the USA should have a National Institute for Automotive Association Service Excellence certification or American Automobile Association certification and there should be something similar to it in your country too just double check before leaving your car anywhere else number 20 worth a try there is something you can try at home if you want to get rid of a cardan before you head for expensive dent repairs try this little trick rub Vaseline or petroleum jelly on the soft side of a toilet plunger put it over the dent and unclog it as you would a toilet you may feel silly doing it but it could save you hundreds of dollars number 19 your guess is as good as mine a number of mechanics have come forward and set that opt in it's a guessing game on their part but after you've had your car for a few days and a problem persist you head back to get the mechanic again the mechanic has then ruled out option a and agains to work out an option B number 18 deal not be missed if there is a deal on tires that is literally too good to be true question-it ask the seller about the tire built date and also if there's a chance that you could possibly be receiving three year old tire treads which can be very risky especially with snow tires number 17 little white lies hopefully your mechanic is an honest one but sadly not all are often customers will have been told that their parts have been replaced when in actual fact they have it to ensure you're not caught in this trap ask your mechanic to give you back the part that they replace that way you're guaranteed that the job has been done light it up it can be scary when your engine light comes on as you get this sinking feeling that whatever is going to be wrong is gonna cost you an arm and a leg before you despair ensure that your gas cap is screwed on properly very often that is the cause of engine light popping on it would be rather upsetting if you spent time and money at the mechanic only to find out it was just a gas cap number 15 signing on the dotted line don't sign anything when you drop your car off at the mechanic buy a sign a blank authorization form you're giving the garage permission to go ahead and fix anything and everything when you get the authorization form make sure it clearly states what the problem is and the cost of the job number 14 heads up if a mechanic shows you a transmission pan with metal particles don't panic those shavings are actually normal and part of normal wear and tear you don't need to be spending any more money to repair that number 13 tricks of the trade there is debate about whether rotating your car tires is absolutely necessary assembly that tires wear evenly while others don't garages can charge as much as $50 for tire rotation and they often don't even do it so if your other believe that tire rotation is necessary then do the falling to ensure that it's done use a marker and write are are on your right rear tire and mark all your tires individually then you will know for sure if they've been moved and also remember that tires need rotated front to back and not side to side number 12 the right tools for the job mechanic should also definitely have a scan tool and an engine analyzer if you get to a garage and they don't you might want to try elsewhere those tools are essential in getting to the root of the problem quickly especially if you have a more modern vehicle if your vehicle is substantially older chances are you could still get away with the mechanic who doesn't have those tools number 11 get a second opinion just don't tell your mechanic that the only way you're gonna know if your mechanic is quoting fairly as identify the fault properly is by gaining a second opinion you could also do this if you suspect that your mechanic is not being entirely honest with you and same goes for the second opinion don't tell that mechanic that you already have a quote he doesn't need to know number 10 a little rust won't hurt it can be rather disconcerting when you hear that your brake pads start making a screeching sound don't panic often what makes those screeching noises is merely a little bit of rust on your brake pads the rust can easily be mood by yourself and there's plenty of YouTube video showing you how to do this you certainly do not require a whole set of new brake pads number nine dirty but clean we're aware that no garage can be completely spotless but you can see when a person takes pride in their work or they just don't care rather take your car to a place where there's been a little bit of order and cleanliness at least you'll feel better about leaving your car there number eight the best things in life are free opt-in garages advertise free inspections of your car and you decide to take advantage of an incredible offer or not just note it's never gonna be free the mechanics are definitely gonna find one or more problems with your car which you will probably end up paying for as they'll probably feel guilty for trying to score a freebie unless something is bothering you with your car just wait for your regular service number seven age-old trick this one I hope you never fall victim to you take your car in for a minor problem like an oil change or new tires the mechanic takes a few minutes to pursue your vehicle and comes back saying that you'll be needing a new X Y and C you might also say that he's not legally allowed to let you drive your car out of his garage no mechanic is allowed to keep your car hostage if there is a problem you can take your car and go and get that second opinion but no one is allowed to keep your keys and that's the law number six preventative measures some reports would suggest that rust-proof in your car causes more rust the vehicle rust on vehicles is often hard to avoid particularly older vehicles and those that spent a lot of time parked outside and not in a garage many might spend a small fortune trying to prevent rust from starting but some studies suggest that rust proofing will eventually be the more brush showing up ice and road salt have tendency to stick to rust-proof coating number five use a tissue here's something that mechanics don't want you to know and that's a stop wiping your boogers on the car seat one mechanic named Charles has a blog the humble mechanic and in it he writes people seem to like picking their nose and wiping it on the seat he adds that people can be rather grossed and the mechanics prefer to work in a car that's a little bit cleaner number four Joyride have you ever had this happen to you you know you dropped off your car for a little work and you're driving another vehicle and you could have sworn you just saw the ear artists drill past you the mechanic has just taken it out to go and get something from the grocery store pick up his kids from school or run errand smile and wave number three fooled you once some mechanics are really dishonest and they'll go through the trouble of planting antifreeze or oil either under your car or in the engine compartment they'll then tell you that you need to find where the leak is coming from and that's gonna cost you a pretty penny to find out what's wrong when in fact the whole time there was nothing wrong at all number two damage control over the years there have been many dodgy stories of mechanics damaging vehicles on purpose so the owner has to go back and pay for it slashing tires splitting hoses are all more common ways of doing it as you wouldn't notice it right away do your homework on the mechanic before you get there so you can have peace of mind that he or she can be trusted and number one fake it till you make it that's all very well but when it comes to tires that could potentially lose lives dishonest mechanics have been known to fake the treads on old tires so they look new on fake tires you can literally pull the tread away do a close inspection on your tires before leaving the shop counterfeit or illegal tires might also have misspelled names no packaging or paperwork be of a different shade or color and also feel a little bit flimsier Wow now what do you guys think of that video be sure to check out my channel American eye by checking out these links over here I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Talltanic
Views: 565,840
Rating: 3.7780735 out of 5
Keywords: 10 Secrets Your Car Mechanic Don't Want You To Know!, top 10, secrets, secret, flight, facts, airplane, don't want you to know, travel, you didn't know, list, top 5, airport, airline secrets, best kept secrets, company, hidden, flight attendant, أسرار, لا تريد أن تعرف, mechanics
Id: jV53Bu8AWRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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