27 Azure Release Pipeline - Add Servers to Deployment Groups with Agents, Install and Configure IIS

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this conference will now be recorded hey good morning uh so yesterday we seen uh what deployment group and also we also seen how to create a virtual mission right now we'll complete this setup today basically the Siri pipeline setup okay and and tomorrow onwards we'll get into some other configurations of this CD as well so for that let's go to our Azure cloud portal.azure.com as I mentioned yesterday I already created a three virtual missions okay there is no difference in the configuration what I showed yesterday it's the same configuration but to save the time I created in advance I mean login I created them and I kept them in uh I stopped them basically when you stop it basically you will have a less expenses when it is starting if it is taking 10 Rupees per hour if it is in the stopped mode it may take a 2 rupees per hour okay and go to the virtual machines you can see these are all the servers I created uh front-end server one QA front-end server to QA and content server one production so I basically create uh I'm going to demonstrate for two environments uh there will be minimum to your environment style in any company that's reason I taken two so more than one is anything multiple right okay so we will try to deploy our code to uh the two servers in the QA environment and one server in the production environment as well you can see all the details here I am using pay as you pay as you subscription means I am paying it for what I am using and uh the production server is in the product Resource Group uh as I told you this is only for a categorization purpose and building a reporting purposes basically nothing related to technology technical things okay and then the QA I have two servers qrg Resource Group all are in the East Us location I stopped them okay and all are with the same size this is what Etc are empty here but when I start it I will get a dynamic public IP address uh when I stop it it will go off uh if I have if I preserve this public IP address when I when I'm stopping the server light I have to pay extra that's why I'm not preserving this IP address okay now let's go and start it before uh while I am talking about some other Concepts these machines will get started and we need to do some configuration as well on the machines okay uh let me go ahead and start these servers one by one how do you started simply go to the machine okay you have all the options here start stop Etc etcetera delete and everything we will see all of these things this is what all you selected while you are creating the virtual machine you can cross check okay just start it is starting the virtual machine thank you so let me refresh here yeah it started basically let me start the other one on the left hand side click on start okay it is starting basically you can see the status it is starting let's go on to the production one as well it is stopped right as of now status click on start now if you read this it is starting okay while the machines are getting started uh let's go ahead and do some work basically let me go to the visual studio we have our project right our your Japanese project so in our master we have only one project you remember we added another project in the Devo Devo only okay in the master we have only one project that is a web basically and the associated unit test cases uh I don't want to again go on the merge all those things with full requests come down to master uh Master Etc that is one reason the other reason is we are doing this demo from the other organization where you don't have all the branches so request you already know so I don't want to do it again let me add one more project here okay I want multiple projects that's the reason okay so same asp.net go here I'll call it as a micro Services anything you can name anything but I just wanted to have some apis as well okay say create sorry new project people I did not read that one it's the same right C colon it is going to the same yeah services the project directory already exist in a project is it must be placed within us new folder of the same choose a different name or look it's already exist that's what it is saying let me undo this so let me explore this open folder in File Explorer yeah it is it's already there but it is not showing me here here it is not showing me why are there any pending changes in Explorer changes thing right no changes you can see the metal is still there let me delete this or else let me you can say there's nothing here let me delete this not sure what is happening hmm it's a very old one let me delete it okay will be API I don't want uh sister API okay web is the API projects in dot net okay let's go and uh create okay let me build it once build solution to ensure that uh there are no compilation issues here it's not your work okay because I need to add it for the demo I am adding it okay and uh let me run this I can okay so this is API project I made it as startup project that's why it has come up you can see the aps these are the apis available uh in that sample project basically okay so but let's not worry so why I'm showing you this when I deploy this you need to see the same thing on the servers as well the solution okay so now let me push it to our team Explorer changes you can see now the entire project has come new project guys I think we enabled continuous integration on the on this one right let me disable this okay uh what is that um.com online reservation system Pipelines go here and edit go to triggers okay it's not there okay manually created this right there before yesterday okay okay good uh let me go ahead and commit and push okay done so I have the project water required now let's go ahead and uh do the reduce pipeline basically let me uh let me run this hopefully the code is here just let me check one more time yeah I have this micro Services okay now go to pipeline just run this uh one sec one one time run this okay so while this is going on let's go ahead and create a release pipeline okay click on religious new pipeline okay so we need to deploy to IIs right IIs many options are here right as Jason yesterday we are replying to our task is deploying our asp.net application to IIs so select is website deployment rest of the templates are for deploying databases as well which we don't use it mostly okay let's name it as a foreign quickly add it as I shown yesterday we go with the build type our artifacts are getting generated from build so we'll select the build okay let's quickly select the build pipeline name and say always take the latest version you can take a specific versions as well here but I always take the latest version you can give some Alias if you want okay that's it add it now get into this task this is where we stopped okay we need to have the deployment we need to have the target servers right that's the one and at that time we went to this deployment group option and we created a deployment group called The query okay but in this deployment group we don't have a any servers right if you go to the targets there are no servers in this deployment group so though I give a given a deployment group as a QA since there are no servers it cannot deploy to anywhere basically so we need to have the target servers in the deployment group so I created these machines right [Music] uh these two machines I will configure these two missions uh to be part of the deployment group QA so that means in my QA environment I have two servers for application deployment so first gets let's login to that one to configure This Server so let me close this first I will take my front end server one QA take this and to log in that uh use this IP address copy uh go to run say mstsc it is remote desktop basically so copy paste that IP address and then say connect guys if if you are in the login credential right if you are VM is a river server or your laptop anything is part of your company domain obviously you will give your domain slash your user ID right okay let us say you belong to TSS it might be TCS slash your user ID right because that is a domain that is the domain that you connected to since we are not connected to any domain we have to give like this uh dot slash and the user ID check this is my user ID I said I given again I am given my password I am just putting remember me option so that next time I don't need to use that so this is you know this scenario is when you are required to start from scratch means you are given a fresh server and started configuring your server as well for the deployments but most of the times uh you you already have the server setup and everything okay but you never know right there will be scenarios as well like this okay let it load let me log into other server as well front-end server to here this is one this is two okay and take me the let me take the IP address go to mstsc test it I'm using the same credentials for this one as well foreign let's log into the let's go to the other server okay let me collapse all these things 78 is already you can see the 78 right this is the first server okay so we need to have the prerequisites uh the prerequisite is the IIs right you need to have the IIs and dotnet framework and uh some website configured virtual application configured in your IAS these are the prerequisities for any deployment right let's go and check if the IIs is available you can go to run and then you can check for init MGR right inet MGR is the shortcut to open IIs you can see no results found means there is no IIs here okay even you can check there is no results okay that means you need to install the IIs as well and you need to install the dotnet framework as well okay so basically when you log into any server Windows Server 2019 anything this server manager will come basically I mean even if someone closes it you can go and search for Server manager it will come okay this is where uh you can see these features in the dashboard okay we have to go and add some roles and features see uh before you know 2016 versions etc etc you need to go and download IIs manual and install it I mean older versions but from the last five six years all those become part of your you know dashboards you can simply go and select and install it rest everything is taken care by your servers at least I mean background basically so let's go and create a ad roles and features next role based or feature based installation so it's so I'm going to install some features it will show all the servers uh basically uh you know our server administer will also create a pool of servers as well okay so I have only one server in this pool okay don't worry of the server Administration that's not your work okay you need to know your prerequisities only okay so in this list of available features select IIs gear web server IIs okay add feature I selected this web server is go to next and here I need to select.net framework as well okay so so we are using asp.net 4.7 which is the latest version and if you are having some older versions of dotnet as well uh to the uh I mean there is a pretty much possibility right you will have a legacy applications elsewhere which are running on the older versions if that is the case you need to select these things dotnet 3.5 if that is the case then 2.0 and 3.0 version dot NET Framework question applications also will work uh 2.0 3.0 means uh these versions you know released uh I guess in 2008 Etc okay 2007 2008 it's a pretty world okay but since it's our latest click on this asp.net 4.7 okay and that's it here and then say next next in the web server there are many options available okay but these are the default things that we needed even when you log in you can see all these options right in the IIs default browsing directory browsing HTTP errors you see all these features in our IAS is I I show you I showed you in our the local laptop right so I'm not the uh see if it is a production server most of these things will be checked in basically because you need to have the tracing means what is happening Etc you need to have the logging all that stuff but I'm not doing any one of those things uh Dynamic content compression it is to improve the bandwidth performance Etc I I talked about it so in the security just select basic authentication uh Windows Authentication and then uh we are not going to use any one of this but I whatever you select here will be appeared in the authentication section of your IAS basically okay that then say you you expand this application development in this application development you need to select your asp.net 4.7 one more time this is prerequisites for your you know dotnet if it is not there then you will get an exception that's it sbi.net 4.7 okay you are all done basically now so you selected a web server IIs and then you selected a asp.net framework and inside that for application development whatever is required we got that one as well as we dotted 4.7 now you got all the requisities click on next install it it will take couple of minutes to complete it let it go let's go to other server from 78 let's go to 228. okay this is a fresh server right here also you will not see is you can check for it no results okay close this add rules and features next next now I'm not talking about all those things I will directly select all these things web server IIs add features next and then expand this.net framework 4.7 select sp.net 4.7 and then say next next and in this last page uh just for our understanding I am selecting some of this authentication mechanisms but we are not going to use any one of this okay and then under application development as I said select asp.net 4.7 because this is our version of framework that we are using for our development next and then install okay while it is going on let's switch back to the other server it might have been completed it's 228 let's go to it is still going up so I have the IIs setup ready once it is done after that I need to configure the server to be part of my deployment group so that my release pipeline can deploy the code to this IIs okay let's I you can see feature installation succeeded okay close this close this window as well now let's go and check the IIs init MJ now you see this you got it same thing right there is no difference you will have your server name under that uh you have the apples okay and then we have the default website as I shown it will not contain anything you can go and add your own websites as well and this is what you see there there will be no distance right okay now what I wanted to do let's go ahead and add a virtual application here to deploy our content okay so add virtual application I will give a name as uh [Music] so let's say we can give Roger needs physical path I don't have anything as of now what I do I'll just uh go and create an empty folder basically okay see colon and network www under www. I'll say let's use the same name everywhere to avoid configuration okay that's it it doesn't have anything okay and Apple you can select your default or classic or dot net 4.5 or you can create your own as well okay for the timing select this because we need an integrated mode if you don't want to use that because many people might be using it go to the application pool right click add Apple and if your name your and then yeah this is the version and in mode always should be integrated okay that's it if you want to now change if you want to map this app full with your Journeys you can map it from here itself so you can go to advanced settings uh I think I have to do from here okay sorry for that right click manage advanced yeah in this app pool install.net 4.5 you can select your own watch on this set okay so I have my website ready with IIs okay let's do the same thing on that server as well 228 see remember it doesn't matter how many servers you have in your environment all the servers should have the same configuration most of the times your deployment fails when you move from one environment to other one because of the configuration inconsistency when I started the session I give an introduction why we need devops Etc one of the issues is environment inconsistency means different servers will have a different configurations okay uh now go for inet MGR you have the is now ready here as well okay front end server too okay since we want to create a new app pool go ahead and create a apple say viewer Journeys yeah this is the dotnet integrated okay say now zero applications here now go here and create a new virtual application means selective Journeys map it to the physical path this is important create a new folder version is selected done now this is also configured now if you want to see the content there is nothing right go and explore it so here there is nothing because we haven't deployed anything okay we will deploy it uh using our CD pipeline okay now let me delete all this uh sorry close all these things okay this is our physical folder in 228 so my is setup and websites are set up uh let's go and explore it here as well let me close the IIs okay now I need to configure my deployment group basically so how do I do it first you know here let's go ahead and open Powershell Powershell so search for Powershell you will get this Powershell ISC select the windows Powershell option here and right click and run it as administrator the reason I am doing it run it as administer because I am going to run the scripts which requires Administration access because it will change some of the configurations on your server basically okay I've opened that Powershell vendor now you don't need to know the power shell for the time being okay go to deployment group so in the details section uh uh say you remember when we when we come here you will get this script isn't it okay all you need to do is you need to add a personal access token as well to this as I said and copy the script this is one way by some reason if you don't find this what you can do you go to the targets there are no targets you can click on register as well okay again the same window will come okay all you need to do select the Windows operating system because we are going to add our Windows server to this deployment group okay use personal access token copy script to board okay now there are no targets here right you can see now let's go ahead 78 machine right click simply right click it will be pasted here okay it will contain all the information what is to be done in order to make this server part of our deployment group you can see our uh our organization URL and then the personal access token that is generated here you can see okay and what software to be downloaded here and to to get installed Etc okay let's click on this I just pressed enter it may take a minute or so this single script is going to make all the firewall changes required and attach this system with our deployment group in the release by Azure devops basically all those things will be done so if this is not the case what happens Unity of the server administrator to make a server changes like a firewall settings Etc you need to have the network administrator to allow the force between the Azure devops platform and your server all these things have to be done which takes weeks and weeks as well okay it is saying hey enter deployment group tax for agent that is a different concept I am not doing it now press enter for no I am pressing enter user account to use for the service press enter for NT Authority slash system see uh there should be some account that to manage your services on the server right either you can use your administrator credit initials or this is the system uh system user ID basically this contains the least privileges see the principle in any the principle of Securities you know use a least privileged account for your servers so that if something happens someone hacks it uh your account they cannot do much on your system when you use a least privileged account this is a least privileged account entry other artists listing I press enter to use this and this is common for any software okay you install any software we use we do the same thing and again uh I got one more question enter whether to prevent service start immediately after configuration is finished it is asking hey do you would you like to restart your machine after this configuration is done press enter for now I don't need it okay but best practice in our windows or you know in any server configuration right restart it but that's okay I am doing demo it will matter it will not hamper okay because I know it basically okay now the server is configured to be part of my deployment group let's let me minimize this and close this one I can refresh Let me refresh it then you will see you see now you can see the front end server one which is part of now your QA deployment group see now how how I am syncing how I am in sync in Azure devops portal sorry Azure portal as well I created a resource group called qarg and added that server to that group basically here also I'm using the same terminology so that we know basically what servers are in what environment you don't need to maintain any Excel sheets here okay now if you go to the details okay you go to the targets uh you can see nothing is deployed at okay I want to add one more server basically okay that is content server 2. if you click on deployment tool so basically when you come to the deployment group this is where you go basically I have keyword deployment group I have one server which is online nothing is repaired so far I want to add one more server go to QA environment or QA deployment group again click on register okay click on use personal access token copy this script and then go to our next server 1390 a 228 place value open Powershell with administrator permissions right click on as administrator once it is available simply right click in this window you get all these required information what you got with press enter [Music] so from weeks time to minutes of time basically to configure a server uh to be attached to your CD pipeline service basically I'm not adding any deployment groups press enter for no use a anti Authority system I am fine with this press enter now it is saying you want to restart your machine no press enter that's it now let me minimize this minimize This Server close this window now you see front-end server 2 is also added no deployment set go to home page here now you see two servers online nothing is Multiplied to two servers so that's how you can create a deployment groups and add servers to your deployment group now I have deployment group ready okay with two servers go here our release pipeline okay you already selected here QA okay and there are no other deployment groups here okay and you can rename this one as well I mean this this agent deployment group name I'll say deployment if you want means to just give a meaningful name basically you can see this changes here okay foreign targets to deploy in parallel a you can deploy to multiple machines in the same time so we selected it it's all about performance okay uh maximum number of Targets in parallel etcetera uh right now it is I selected multiple that's why it is giving me this option guys I don't have a credits Etc here as well so that's the reason I cannot make it you know uh I cannot give it more than that it will go in sequence basically deployment to all the servers okay obviously timeout is something it is a traditional thing uh if you when you click on uh uh deploy uh okay what happens uh if it takes more time then you have to fail the build due to I mean reasons can be anything right your network issues or anything so if you say one minute then obviously it will wait for one minute and uh it will fail the bit okay and go to the artifacts download this is the artifact we selected in our box basically in the pipeline right whatever the one you selected here will be shown here so it is showing me all the article that you see in the drop folder these are all the artifacts I have so I have Micro services and I have your Journeys website as well okay because in my solution I have two projects okay two projects that's the reason two zip files okay but I am not going to use microservices.g to deploy to my server right I'm going to use your Journeys web.c because this contains my front end code but I will configure it in the different task okay so this is a regular one run this task only when all previous jobs have I as I told each and every task will have this option okay now go to IIs web manage you will have a two tasks like this IIs web app manage under is web app reply guys I am using it from the template but I will I will recreate from scratch as well to deploy our micro Services project as well okay for the time being I am using as is so the task name is is web app manage it's already IIs is already there what is the configuration name basically this is now grading because it is inheriting these details from the a top actually from the parent I said here and it is is configuration type that's the reason it is the change if you want to change it you can click on this bangle symbol if you see this is linked to your configuration type what you've done here basically if you whatever you change here it will be updated here okay and action also it is earlier it is used to allow me here as well to change it I think now it is disabled if you want to change it you have to go to your parent a stage and then change it basically okay and then website name you give whatever you want or you can go with the default website that is also configured here on the top here now the physical path you see as I told you the default is uh www that's why it is already taken it is taking system drive because you never know right whether it can be C driver it can be easier that's the reason it has used system type variable basically but our ultimately our okay and this is the one we selected in our is configuration as well when you created that virtual application okay uh guys I created the application pool manually right if you want to create application pool on the from this uh pipeline as well you can create it create or update Apple configure authentication Etc we'll do it tomorrow these kind of things okay but today we will go with the basic things and these are this is all what you see in our IAS settings because these are all is tasks I'm not doing any additional commands here and control options output variables is there for every uh now task this is a management related task for the is now this is a deployment related task for your IIs that's the reason you see is web app deploy you have the default website now you need to give the virtual application name what you created there give adjectives reverse goodness this is the virtual application name we created right you can see description here as well okay and then here it is showing you know what is which package you want to deploy it is giving start.chip now I have many zip files here right because I have more than one project you need to select your whatever you want to deploy click this click this click it I want to deploy my your journey Square into my virtual application in that website default website that's it guys I am not going to talk about these things file Transformations Etc this I will do it uh tomorrow again okay that's it here let me save this okay now what is going to happen my configuration is completed okay basic configuration now if I go and click on create release okay the expectation is that the the artifacts in your immersion is web.zip should be copied to your uh you know your Journeys folder under www and both of the servers okay and your application should be up and running after that copy and some some I mean some of the activities that your task will take care of okay that's one click on create release so you will get this kind of window which to which stage you want to start from I have QA the moment I selected here you can see the stages for a trigger this is a manual trigger the stage is displayed here and this is what you selected this is the latest version uh you know after your build pipeline so you can go and check your build pipeline as well right click on this build pipeline it's just 30 31 minutes ago it is done right so whatever you see here is what you see there basically this is the latest version you see 2021 10 20 that one right the same version you see okay say you can give some description whoever is triggering this will deploying Chinese that whatever I mean some meaningful description click on create so this is a manual one right we triggered it manually release one has been created click on this release one see we created a release basically but we did not trigger the deployment this is manual that's the reason when you click on the create release it will create the release but it will not deploy you need to go and click on the deploy but if it is completely automated you don't need to do this one for the timing let's go and click on the deploy okay bye man you can see all the information here as well what is there okay work items if you Associated any work items we did not associate we did all that stuff in the you know other organization project we don't since we don't have parallel jobs we came here okay just click on the deploy the moment you deploy you can see the logs as well click on the logs it's happening obviously two servers that are there in my q a group that's the reason it is showing two icons here you can see front-end server one front end server two okay and both are in progress if you want to see the further logs uh next level of locks click click on this any one of this click now you see oh looks like the servers can be I mean deployment can be parallel to the servers okay but the if you have different jobs it cannot be done okay now in both of the servers the deployment is happening you see and in the server 2 as well oh it's successful both are successful all the tasks are executed okay if you want to see in one case go to release one Qs exterior go to Locks this is obviously if you have 10 servers it will show 10 icons if something is fair it will show you fail based color to succeeded zero file 100 fast if you want to see the logs you can come and see these locks okay now let's go and check uh 78 you can see the code here you see just now it is deployed earlier it was empty right you can see this is a U.S timing that's the reason it is showing uh this one you can see the clock here the code is uh you know deployed here or tickets okay let's go and check open in is foreign website your Journeys let's go and check our stuff basically browse uh I have this Internet Explorer right by default Internet Explorer will comes when this is a hectic basically okay I have to say all this ask me later uh this is a problem in IIs good that I hit him it only asked me a couple of times you see the web UI is uh deployed here guys you can access this uh from your laptop as well because I'm using public IP address for This Server right 13 I I should be able to access it from outside as well 39 okay then yes I can copy this IP address if you have one right copy this IP address go here this is a public IP address it should be available here so this is from my laptop because my server is having the public IP address I can access it from outside basically okay and this is 78 right and the other one is uh 228. okay let me copy that uh content server qa2 take this uh IP address copy this open another window HTTP colon your Journeys is our our website name right sorry our application name under default website if you have [Music] is completed right so this also should come basically you got it so to both of the servers the code or the artifacts have been deployed using the deployment group option now the bit now you understand it doesn't matter how many servers are there in your environment simply add all the servers to your deployment group uh by giving up specific name you have 100 servers in QA environment create a QR deployment group add all the servers to your you know QA environment and in your release pipeline all you need to do is mentioning your sorry edit this mentioning your deployment group here that's it so before this deployment group what what used to happen we used to command specify the IP addresses individually iPad one two three four like that many of the times what happens we miss sum are we uh are we Pro we we do a misplacement of the servers sometimes you may give a Dev servers as well in the queue because you have to take it from some Excel sheet from emails Etc now everything is visual so someone can come and verify what are all the servers in the QA environment and are all those part of a QA deployment group or not all these things are now online everything is visualized basically here okay so this so what scenario we covered now we have a n number of servers in a given environment in our case it is a q environment and we deployed our our web application into all of those servers there is a scenario one the scenario two is hey if when you develop some application it's not just a web application right you will have your apis as well you will have some you know some middleware components as well there might be a number of projects and they are not run from the same server right they will run on different different servers see ideally in any company we will deploy all the front-end code in one server we will deploy the apis and the defense servers okay and even for front-end servers you will have the load balancer because if one server goes down other server will serve the purposes basically I mean user request okay we're not going to the load balancer concept because we are into devops right now I am going for another uh scenario the scenario two is hey I have two different applications in my two different projects in my application one is a apis project which basically contains all the list of apis uh that will be consumed by your front-end application right so this is a typical one right I mean wherever you go you will have the apis so you have a with front end replied in one server and uh apis ziplining other server and obviously they will communicate with each other right now I want to do it in one release itself I want to deploy my front end code into server one uh I want to deploy apis into server too but how do I specify you might have a you know again as I said you might have a 10 servers or 20 servers in your environment right and how people uh need to make I mean used to maintain they've opened that Excel front-end server one frontenders server two etc etc if this is for a front-end deployment where I mean web deployment they will keep they will name it as a web they will have another column uh and if it is API they will tag it as a API like that and they do it manually all these things but here you have that luxury of having it automated here what I'm going to mention now I'm going to use this tax option you if you remember when I'm deploying the you know when I'm running the deployment group script and the server as well it asked me a tax option I did not give any tags now I am going to give a tax here saying that front end server one is for web okay content server 2 is for API so like this if I have 100 servers Okay click on save this place once you do it now I am giving tags to each and every server saying that hey in my deployment group these five servers are for the front ends front-end code these five servers as per the API code Etc and if you have any other categories you can go and tag them like that okay guys I need out so far before I continue foreign okay so let's get into our what is this front-end server too what is the IP address it's a 228 right let's log into 228. go to is MGR so right now you have your Journeys right let me go ahead and do add application API is also web right it is accessible over internet right API your Journeys select physical path 9 Network www click API that's it say I want to deploy API code into only to this front-end server to into this API but for the demonstration purpose to show you the difference I am going to create the same thing on the other server as well in 78 server as well go to 78 server here right click add application API it is to differentiate because you need to know that you know whether it is working as per expectation or not okay your tax basically your Journeys www dot click on FBI okay okay okay let's go and explore this one so that you see that content right now this is empty right this is empty go to 70 from 78 go to 228 Here Also let's go here explore here also it is empty it is 220x server okay now the expectation is that I have given this uh you know tax basically okay based on the tax my code will be deployed okay go to release pipeline now if I go and say uh okay actually I need to go ahead and add one more agent here so deployment agent okay web deployment right similarly I have to add another deployment groups job here click on here add a deployment group job and I name it as a API okay and I select the deployment group Q wave only but here you see now two matching targets available earlier this I mean if you go here earlier it was not showing like this okay what I'm going to mention here in this web deployment group in this configuration I give the tag as a web-based okay and if I go to API job I give a tag as a API the moment I mentioned you see here you can see one matching Targets in QR deployment group here also when a given web no matching term means I given a wrong name basically what is that here only right well why are you showing no matching targets it's secure only right okay one target matching Target now it is changed I think it is slow in rendering the content one matching Target okay that means whenever I deploy the code the though there are two servers in this create deployment group but it identifies the tag as web the code of this your Journeys will be deployed to only front-end server one where because it is tagged as well it will not deploy uh to front-end server to basically I will demonstrate that tomorrow because we already ate uh in eight five we'll continue this scenario tomorrow as well how you can deploy uh your different projects into different servers in the same deployment Group by using tax basically okay this is a very useful one now for any company or for any project basically easy to manage so for today I will stop it here this scenario will continue tomorrow with some other Advanced options guys any doubts no no no no so as I told you I'm using my own money that's the reason what I'm going to do I'm going to stop all these servers before I you know go for that so I'm saying public IP address will be lost if this VM is saved I say hey do you want to preserve I will preserve this IP address like this otherwise I'll say cancel stop it I don't want to preserve it okay because it cost me public IP address each and everything is a cost here basically okay stop the server one as well okay and stop the server so for now if we stop the server it means it was not being in use and you won't be charged right yeah no no we will be charged for the storage Etc because it is stopped but still you are having this image somewhere else on the server right I mean and Azure Cloud only for that purpose it will be charged but CPU memory Etc that will not be used uh that's the reason yeah your cost will come down let us say when I created yesterday you show us are at 6 rupees 75 per per hour right then it will become probably a 50 paise per hour because you are using it only for storage I mean you will not get into that that granular level of details but you will get the reduced price okay okay thank you now you see everything is stopped you see I did not preserve the IP address it is gone as well okay but uh in general you have to preserve the public IP address because on this IP address many other dependencies might be running right okay okay guys that's it for today we'll continue tomorrow with a any other things okay okay thank you thank you hey please stop me if you are having any doubts any time okay now we see two servers offline it is showing the status as well you see because I stopped both of the servers in this clear group it knows that basically it will do the status checks as well okay okay thank you guys
Channel: Purnachandra Kanamarlapudi
Views: 2,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x9oUvE5FSjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 28sec (3808 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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