26KG of MacBooks + iPads for $370USD - Can they be repaired?

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hi guys welcome back to the huge jeffries video in this video i'm going to be taking a look at a lot of broken apple macbooks and ipads weighing in at 26.2 kilos i'll be testing the devices i have purchased and assessing whether they can be repaired i paid a total of 370 us for the lot which is around 560 australian dollars if you've been following me on instagram you've probably already seen a sneak peek of a few of these devices starting things off i'll need to unpack all of the devices shout out to john from roadkill incorporated for hooking me up with these macbooks and ipads john buys hundreds of macbooks from recyclers in various states from working to completely destroy it he then attempts to repair as many as he can and prepare them for resale like me john supports rights repair and does his best to keep devices out of landfill in fact he turns many of the devices that can't be repaired into glitch art if you're interested in what john and his company is doing check out his youtube and other links down below after removing the bubble wrap we can begin pulling things out first is two bunches of 30 pin cables these look like they're off a commercial ipad charging rack so should be of high quality next is a first generation airport express which if you're unaware is like a router device there is also a whole heap of keyboard covers these don't really interest me too much but there was one in just about every color next up is an apple mac mini this appears to be one of the earlier models and it does have a slight bit of damage to the dvi connector next to come out is an apple ii floppy drive there's then a whole bunch of ipads before we can get the main attraction out of the box which of course is a huge stack of apple laptops pulling that out of the box we can place them down on the table and unwrap them so we can see everything we got it's good to see that john has very well wrapped these for their journey across the world from the united states all the way to me here in australia there is a wide variety of apple laptops in here from vintage power books first generation macbook air to devices like the retina macbook pro of course macbooks weren't the only thing included in this lot there's also various ipads one of which was already turned on these ipads range from the ipad 2 up to the ipad air with all the bubble wrap removed we can take a look at all the devices as a whole i received eight apple laptops five ipads and one desktop as well as a few accessories like john's roadkill incorporated stickers it's now time to test out what we got starting with this macbook pro this is the largest mac laptop ever made with a huge screen size of 43 centimeters or 17 inches few americans starting it up you can see it suffers a gpu fault which prevents it from booting into an os for the majority of the time however i did get it to boot into mac os 10.8 mountain lion as any professional laptop should it has a wide variety of ports including three usb type a but if that's not enough it also has an express card slot so you can add extra ports if you need no dongles needed with this macbook after some trial and error i got it to boot into mountain lion and you can see the battery has a whopping 1715 charge cycles although it's still scoring about 79 health i had the fans running at full speed to try and cool down the computer as much as possible as these machines tended to run quite hot apple said that this amd gpu in this 2011 model can produce stunning visuals so seeing this as a laptop geared towards video editors i decided to fire up imovie as i didn't have final cut pro installed there we can take full advantage of the amd graphics it appears i pushed it a little too hard with imovie as it freaked out and went black after closing the lid and reopening the display it lit right back up however it was unresponsive and began beeping so is any true it professional would do i turned it off and on again this time around we see some visual artifacts on the display indicating a gpu fault these unibody macbook pros with dedicated graphics from around 2008 to 2012 suffer from major gpu failures i believe this is caused by a poor heat pipe design and inadequate fan speeds resulting in the computer running too hot in most cases the gpu chip's solder joints become unattached due to excessive heat a lot of people attempt to repair this by baking the logic board in an oven or using a heat gun to reconnect the chip a lot of times this only proves a temporary fix however disabling the dedicated graphics removes the problem entirely moving along to our second laptop this is a retina macbook pro plugging in the charger and pressing the power button the device sprung into life however its internal display is entirely shattered and destroyed with a huge impact to the middle of the display and various parts of the display panel peeling away from the computer this macbook has seen better days even the apple logo on the back is cracked and pushed inside the macbook itself although it's suffered all of this damage on the outside it still seems to be functioning on the inside so we need to test this macbook out further and see if it actually is still working plugging in a hdmi cable i turned the macbook back on but unfortunately nothing appeared on the monitor so i needed to open up the macbook to diagnose it further removing the several pentalobe screws from the bottom of the laptop we can remove the bottom panel taking it off we get our first look inside the macbook well this is honestly truly shocking half the battery is missing various cables aren't plugged in and there appears to be a snapped off connector on the logic board not to mention the reason the hdmi output isn't functioning is because the interconnect cable connecting the logic board to the ports on the right hand side isn't even connected this time i'll use a mini display port to hdmi adapter and plug it into the left side of the laptop which is attached to the logic board connecting up the charger once again this time around we saw an output from the laptop i had it connected via usb to a hard drive running mac os 10.8 mountain lion you can see this is an early 2013 machine with eight gigs of ram while needing a lot of repair this laptop should prove a fun restoration project our next device has to be the most abused and saddest looking laptop i've ever come across it's trackpad and display glass is smashed beyond recognition the lid has major dents with the hinges loose and barely attached the palm rest has also been hit with something and even the keyboard has warped this damage appears to be out of rage and from various attacks i say this as the spacebar key has been broken into two pieces and taped back together at some point and if you're wondering what this laptop looks like on the inside well i was curious too so removing the phillips screws we can remove the back panel and see that it actually doesn't look too bad although the fan is stuck and it has no ram it appears to mostly be there so installing some ram i'm going to test it out and see if it turns on connecting up a display output and a hard drive i could press the power button the fans immediately ramped up to 100 and the display somewhat lit up i got no output to an external monitor so this macbook is going to need some further investigation at some point i hope to be able to restore it but for now we're going to put it aside our next device is a macbook air this particular model is the first generation released all the way back in 2008 it's in pretty good shape although someone's clearly been inside it and not reinstalled the bottom case correctly whether you like it or not this macbook air pioneered the future of mac computers with one usb port no dvd drive non-upgradable ram and a slim design this is pretty close to what apple is releasing today the few ports it has are quite hard to access and the first generation magsafe charger doesn't actually connect properly so you need to have the laptop propped up at an angle i did reinstall mac os 107 line back onto the hard drive inside i had to clone an external disk as the internet recovery no longer works for some strange reason i should also mention the battery inside this laptop isn't functioning so that will need to be replaced i will open the laptop to fix up the bottom case that isn't aligned correctly although while i'm in here i'm going to take a look around at its internals you'll notice that this thing is rocking an ipod classic hard drive which is the same 80 gigabyte capacity if i'm reading that label correctly the macbook air has an 8 megabyte cache on that drive compared to the ipod's 2 megabytes how does that mean for performance well this thing is painfully slow even for 2008 standards i ran a benchmark on the hard drive and it scored a ridiculous 21 megabytes a second in comparison my 2010 mac pro with upgraded nvme drives scores a whopping 2 850 megabytes a second it may even be quicker to run this computer off of the usb port with one of the screw threads stripped i wasn't able to get one of the screws reinstalled taking a break from the laptops i'm going to move across to the ipads i received unfortunately all these ipads are activation locked which means they're only good for parts this is because they've come from various workplaces and such where employees have left their logins on the devices this is a huge issue affecting apple products and results in millions of working devices being destroyed we can move on to our next laptop this is the largest apple power book laptop ever made and compared to the smallest one they produced you can see just how huge this laptop is and of course this one is actually for the most part working in fact it can even run off of battery power and going into about this mac we can see this is the original 2003 machine with a one gigahertz power pc g4 and that battery i was talking about only has 90 charge cycles the only issue with this laptop is the sound it's a shame that the sound on this power book doesn't work as the device overall is an excellent addition to my collection i will be keeping it around and hopefully i can figure out what is going on with that sound it is time for another power book this one is from 2000 and looks significantly different from the power book g4s it is in a pretty rough and dirty condition although i can't wait to restore this up in another video it is missing a key and the dvd rom drive cover but it does overall still function the battery doesn't work so it needs to be connected to power constantly and that display has a real reddish tint to it which seems to get a little bit better as the device is powered up you can see this mac is still running mac os 9.2 and has 128 megabytes of ram in fact this has to be one of the coolest apple laptops i've ever seen as the keyboard can easily be removed to reveal the hard drive ram and airport card there are also two levers at the front which can remove the dvd rom drive and the battery what's epic about this is you can add two batteries or you can replace the dvd drive with a floppy drive the second last laptop we're gonna be taking a look at is this 2009 unibody macbook pro this is packing a 2.8 gigahertz intel core 2 duo as per the sticky note and 4 gigs of ram at first i wasn't able to get this mac to turn on at a closer inspection the battery pins were bent and shorted out so using a pair of tweezers i was able to straighten those out and reconnect the battery although the issues for this laptop didn't stop there i actually had major difficulty getting this computer to turn on i found that holding the power button and then connecting to magsafe charger allowed the computer to turn on after that had been done as long as it was connected to the charger it would turn on normally however while it was lighting up and detecting a hard drive on boot it would infinitely load until it randomly shut off i believe this is yet again another gpu issue i did remove the logic board to take a look at it i couldn't find any damage although we could get a good look at that heatsink design now i'm no engineer but that graphics chip on the end looks a little too far away from those heatsink fins and fans to be adequately cooled our last machine for this video is another retina macbook pro this is completely dead and although i did get it to briefly show it was charging it doesn't turn on and is catastrophically damaged beyond repair the screen is cracked the frame is bent the logic board has damaged components all over it and i only wanted this laptop to use a couple of donor components on my identical model macbook luckily the small little components i'm wanting for the audio amplifier are still good on this donor machine so there's not a whole lot i can do with this other than salvage a couple of board components three products i've yet to test is the mac mini airport express and apple ii floppy drive as they don't yet have the equipment to do so so this is it my new pile of various broken apple laptops these will make excellent restoration videos let me know down in the comments what you are looking forward to see being restored back into a functional state i would like to once again thank john for hooking me up with these devices to help bring some more macbook restoration videos to the channel and on that note this has been a huge jeffries video if you like what you saw hit that subscribe button and consider checking out the tech lot playlist for more videos just like this one and if you're looking for some helpful tips or what tools i use to repair devices be sure to check out my website link for which is down in the description that's all for this video and i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Hugh Jeffreys
Views: 821,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hugh, Jeffreys, Apple, iPhone, iPad, iPod, technology, repair, restore, macbook pro, macbook, LOT, tech LOT, macbook LOT, Mac LOT, iPad LOT, unboxing, unbox, right to repair
Id: DSkT17fAroA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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