2600+ 2v2 TBC Priest Mage / Rogue (NA LADDER)

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my numbing yes question i'm pushing in like a black around morning breeze cheap looks good he can die he's going to banish maybe i'm trying to keep watch me catch me he can't give management yeah i should be financially i have belt out of this can i use belt [Applause] fk gotta go [Music] yeah i'm getting purged though let's purge i gotta run contact again but impressed with that we'll see he stopped kicking me never over and over he's down the street okay bro yep hey nice keep pumping and pumping dpp i will i gotta cheat the trick i get the shield look at the shows i tricked the blind i can feel really soon when we win the game okay [Music] he has well he as well i like it blanket blanket [Applause] i babysit our babysitter all right careful man virginia hit the rank on that version i have to put the dough so he clogs vanish i'm priest maybe yeah i'm trying to get in come on with you now i got blind sugar there i love freestyle freestyle please [Music] he's going to try to purge me your run come pops i'm pushing i think i want to eat but i'm scared i shouldn't reward i'm slow and slow i took this ouch i could make it here now let's get a thought i can't get the thought racing this way i need to get out of here how to drink it sheep nova can i feel breeze it's one of me i need to make distance there yeah yeah i need to make some distance i i'm going to pull back i'm going to pull back can benefit but impress as well i guess thank you bro i'm trying to go on a train yeah come on that you mentioned right uh no manager right now but i'm gonna keep him priestess um i hit him i i don't have a trinket but i can go in if you want street freeze he doesn't see that yes i'm still going to burn that burn that bring that brooks that means okay i can't keep wrong burn freeze burn freeze evo oh my god oh my god tornado back into me not good not good not good episode cps fear rogue can you feel rug i need to blink keep broke keep rocky brookie bro i'm gonna spell it i'm seeing him i'm fear careful i have the lock burn yeah it's fine she broke i'm gonna get tonight i'll leave it on me post your peeler maybe pick me yeah no no no no i just blinked [Music] i will this i have a trigger still i gotta do that much to this guy i get brace okay yeah yeah all you are you are you i drink i drink i drink a drink make this big this big yeah where's the statue have the most damages too let's have a iq okay maybe i get the show you get out of his ground spanish i got a shield kind of shield does it damage this damage it's fine it's fine oh she you're lying i bet myself she broke for a second no no just the damage okay okay he stopped he tried to stop kicking me so good so good so good let your wounds fall slow i'm talking letting him get over yourself god dawg i can't fear off just kill just here just kill that much damage i resist resist resist resist versus okay maybe that dude [Music] pump i'm trying to light the mage kenny's getting not drinking no chicken kill him kill him here is this watch it here i know i'm just much in here i'm gonna cheat i'm gonna sheep i know you're on the sheet he's gonna shoot me again i need you to get that i gotta figure out here get me happy straight you have to choose trick like that she imagined you mentioned okay okay [Music] i'm in a minute yes by big good [Music] come back you are oh careful what's that don't drink it carrot chip shot nice nighttime [Applause] [Music] i don't know myself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] different mage [Music] the ship as well as well i'm getting it they it up or they then dollars [Music] i might get him out this thing he jumped i think i think they go underneath yeah then they go underneath this team up didn't see him at all i'll open instant cheap shot like a robot they're going to be this game yeah i'm lying in the mage yep shattering are your paints up i give you oh i have to cloak [Music] um [Music] oh so what do you want me to do don't drink it yeah just let me trigger first and i'll i'll try to imagine the blind and i'll stop everything where do you think he's on [Music] what's up what's being called what's up ryan cheap shot man i'll trigger this i got that overall how do you get anybody nice i said yes it's fine as i use myself before he connects he blinked into the thing i gotta get it i saw broke i didn't get it i saw him though i am blind i kill kill you good oh yeah i was i was aware of the reception so i just literally use a global instant yup how did you get did you resist cheat shot i'm gonna push one and it's five okay yeah it's five now he's gonna push he pushes player two yeah i'll stop aiming shut up i'm pushing back i i jumped by jordan i bought him maybe he jumped he fell he fell i have the eye right now i gotta come on i got it you want to die i'm gonna get the contract i'll just switch over yeah i'm just kidding i can't i can keep roll maybe keep it hard to get the bolt and that's it oh my god bro i was not wearing a paper trinket [Music] holy keep track of anybody yes yes i'm coming trying to get your face right oh from here yeah that's clean [Music] stopped that wants me to get this done daddy throw me i blink i actually broke she broke she broke she broke yeah he managed to finish it i pulled him am i blocking me my blocking i got a fair role maybe nova nova nova look i'm gonna give you ps okay okay okay lock on lock on my phone no vanishes no cloak okay yeah i want to come out wait want to heal good that's your favorite went so hard so hard so hard so hard nice and sms i'm blinded full i'm blindfolded good good good back [Applause] innervates all right snap i snap i snap bring damage steal i die folks try dot missiles infinite maybe couch [Applause] the future no trinket in the game and the game in the game and the game [Applause] yes me we can win we can win we go in damn it for sick i i think it's intervene okay okay we can win taxes druid here tax the druid here attacks the druid here he has no no mobility no mobility i'm doing that much yeah getting the hearts i actually need to drink bro you keep you keep okay i'm so dead okay i'm gonna keep i'm not gonna go for a kill damn just keep just say manna drink i'm getting put on here i kept druid okay come on we can go higher i have my most damage have double that okay i'm going now going now going now i'm going to knock my mountain up can i change the dreidel get that get that yeah yeah touch me i like them i blanket them okay i'm gonna do that much skill kill you you guys get it get it [Applause] okay i could fear it get here come here when when when the game win the game oh my god i was room right there that was literally all i had you
Channel: Hozitojones
Views: 5,367
Rating: 4.8297873 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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