2.5D Games - Game Sack

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to gamc this time we're talking about not 2D not 3D but 2.5d games and what is 2.5d you ask well let me tell you 2.5d is the effect of 3D all while everything's on a 2d plane oo wow like everything's playing 2D but the like the backgrounds and stuff are like at polygons and stuff yeah stuff like that and one of the examples I'm going to show today is just mindblowing one of them the other two no they kind of suck no anyway if you know you still don't understand what we're saying like we don't uh let's just go into the games [Music] themselves this is pandemonium developed by Toys for Bob published by Crystal Dynamics I'm playing the PlayStation version here but it was also released on the Saturn PC and yes even the end gaug this game plays like kenoa and in fact it was the main reason I bought it back in the day because I really like cloa even though this game came out first I never played it because just looking at the cover I had no interest plus the title pandemonium that does nothing to get me interested not that a game like this really needs a story but the girl Nikki takes a spell book from a drunk wizard her the jester fargus and his hand puppet Sid run to the rooftops here Nikki cast spells from the book and the last one that she cast summons a huge demon which is going to do massive damage so as you start the game you're going to really see that the story means absolutely nothing and you're here just for the platforming you can pick to play as either fargus the jester or Nikki they are different from each other so Choose Wisely actually you can switch between characters between levels if you want so being wise is only a suggestion you can be dumb if you want Nikki is the one that I like as she has a double jump that is very handy fargus has this cartwheel move that he does that kills enemies this is nice and all but it's no double jump so I'll always choose Nikki besides that each of them control the same in every level you can collect an icon which will allow you to throw Fireballs this is always great for killing enemies from a distance the problem is that once you take a hit you lose this ability it's annoying but it's no reason to kill yourself you still can jump on enemies which will kill them just as easily in general the game controls just fine I feel that the jump mechanic is a bit floaty but it's nothing that you can't get used to the more you play and as you play you collect these coins that are all over the level if you collect 300 of them you get an extra life this isn't a bad deal since it's not too difficult to die in this game if you collect 80% of the coins you get taken to a bonus level in this level you have to go as fast as you can I do okay until I reach these stupid boards in the middle of the path and then I get overtaken by this ring of fire and that ends the level for me there's another bonus level if you collect 95% of the coins but honestly who has time for that generally the game is pretty fun to play there seems to be more of an emphasis on platforming and enjoying the 2.5d level design than there is on killing enemies of course there's enemies in the game but they feel pretty spread out they all have patterns that they follow but they just don't seem to care that you're there until you interact with them hell just jump over them they won't care the graphics while not pretty these days still have a charm to them a 32-bit charm I guess you'd call it the same can be said about the music which feels very right for this game it's kind of ugly but it has an oral charm to it that brings back memories from this age in gaming you know the time when developers switched from Chip to the fullon CD [Music] audio the only true annoying sound that I don't like but I hear it more often than I want to is the sound when you die honestly I'd rather just have silence than hear this trombone or whatever it is there's not too many games that play like this out there so try it if you haven't it just might grow on you [Music] this is napple tale Aria and daydream for the Sega Dreamcast I originally bought this one not long after it was released because some of the magazines said good things about it and I heard some of the soundtrack which was really good so does it live up honestly there's just too much Japanese for an English player to figure out and I just don't want to use a guide through the entire thing the 2.5d sections look and sound fantastic though gameplay-wise they play okay you play as a girl with some giant windup thing stuck in her back I wonder if she' get along with the dude from Clockwork night anyway you run around collecting treasure and defeating enemies the game lets you move towards and away from the screen and because of this it can be kind of hard to judge depth at times but what really brings the game down is the 3D Hub world this is a town where you can pretty much wander wherever you want and there is a lot of text in this game even if it were in English it would be far too much text for this kind of game of course in order to access the 2.5d stages you have to do things in the 3D Hub world and because of this as well as the copious amounts of text most of the game seems to take place here sadly unfortunately I've never really been able to get very far even with a guide because I just get bored with it like I said the graphics look great and the music by yokoo is fantastic and quite different when it comes down to it I can't really recommend this game but I figured I'd show you all what it is and get some use out of my old [Music] purchase [Music] okay since that review ended quickly let's take a look at Yoshi's woolly World on the Wii U in this game everything exists as some sort of knitted yarn creation for absolutely no discernible reason but the evil yarn Bowser Minion or whatever it is turns all the yarn Yoshis into un knitted yarn then of course they get hidden all over the game for whatever reason the stories in the Mario Universe games have never been deep or even good but whatever it really doesn't matter you just know that you need to save the day the stage select takes place in kind of a simple 3ish world but the gamepl itself is strictly 2D it plays a lot like Yoshi's Island except with yarn instead of eggs and of course no baby Mario so right away you know that the game has a really good design you stun a need enemies and then crap out some yarn that's got to be pretty painful for the enemy don't you think you also commonly get yarn from boxes anyway your attacking is a cursor that moves around and then fires in the direction that it was pointed you use up one yarn turd each time you take a shot in this game you can also use the yarn to fill in blank areas to generate platforms and other ways to make it across the stage sometimes you poop out a really big yarn these bigger yarn turds are a lot more powerful as you might have guessed one thing that I really like is that there are a lot of hidden areas to find you unravel these by pulling on a stray thread which is a cool idea this game also has amiibo support hell yeah we were given some amiibos by a fan at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo in 2015 and honestly this is going to be my first time ever using an amiibo let's see what all the hype is about here goes okay I guess maybe we'll try this [Music] one wow the hype is real anyway before you start a level you're often able to choose a badge you can make the level easy here or maybe even cleared the course without even playing jeez personally I always play with no badge after a few levels you'll have to deal with an evil yarn boss like most Mario Universe games they die after only three hits some of them can be kind of tricky to figure out at first but once you know what needs to be done they're absurdly easy that's not necessarily a complaint because sometimes you'll still die trying to figure them out after levels and boss fights you can see messages from other players this guy must have had a really tough time with the world one boss there's also the occasional bonus game and lots of other things to add variety I like this the graphics are excellent and feature really detailed yarn textures it doesn't quite look real but it's pretty damn close and of course everything is extremely colorful that's one of the things I like about Nintendo they actually use color the music is well done and really nice some of it even quite catchy all right this is my biggest complaint it's time to lay it all down on the table and that complaint is is that some of the levels feel just a little too big you know I'm not even really sure if you can call that a complaint yeah whatever I definitely recommend this game I mean it's the Wii U and it's from Nintendo so if you have the console you probably already own the [Applause] game here's ultimate ghosts and goblins for the PSP developed by toast and released by Capcom after super Ghouls and ghost Capcom decided to make some side games these included gargoyles Quest 2 demon Crest and the less than average Maximo games on the PS2 in 2006 they thankfully went back to the roots of their franchise and released an allnew game and glorious 2.5d at the center of it all this is a great entry into the series there's a few odd things going on here but they're not bad additions they're just different firstly Arthur can now hang from Ledges of platforms and such it felt kind of strange at first but I did get used to it and also you don't have a double jump right away you get this nice little ability after beating the first boss all through the first stage there's icons that are just Out Of Reach and I'm thinking how in the hell do I get these things instead of giving you this ability right away you have to earn it probably the best part about this game is that in addition to the double jump you can shoot up and down as well it feels so good to do both of these so not only do you have to earn abilities you earn other things as well such as Shields and Magic I guess they figured a basic platformer couldn't make it in the gaming world of 2006 though they had to add things like this to give it some depth I guess it worked but for some reason I really didn't Venture into these subsc screens and mess around with them Arthur can also collect four different types of armor and shields these range from the basic type to other types that have an effect on your speed or attack power for example all I know is that when I'm running around in my boxer shorts I'll take any armor I can get this leads me to mentioning the game's difficulty levels depending on what mode you choose different things will happen on the novice mode you have more lives your armor has a life meter you get knocked back less after being hit and your weapon is powered up when you come back to life standard mode only gives you two lives but your armor still has a meter and when you die you start off close to where you die if not right at that spot ultimate mode like the original games knocks your armor off after one hit and you restart from the beginning of the level when you die as if this game isn't hard enough as it is I'm just not a masochist so I won't ever be playing this game on Ultimate mode I really like that Arthur spawns close to the same spot when he dies in The easier modes there's not a huge break in the action and you can get right back to it and even with these helpful additions to the game is still very hard I've died tons of times there's enemies everywhere and hard jumps to make and you still have that bastard wizard guy around what humor he finds in turning you into other things I have no idea it's not funny at all I just love the graphics in this game the backgrounds are loaded with haunting imagery of death death and despair and I just love it there's so much detail in everything in this game that I just pause it sometimes to soak it in and enjoy the soundtrack is just as haunting as the graphics the first stage features a remix of the first stage music in previous games but the rest of the soundtrack is almost new you might hear some familiar notes here and there but it's just enough to bring back memories of music from the older games ultimately pun intended this is a great ghost and goblins game and if you still have your PSP I recommend a play through this is a great game for around Halloween time but it sucks to play in February [Music] though all right we're back Dave was ultimate Ghost and goblins the one that was supposedly mind-blowingly ultimate amazing no that is a good example but it's not mind-blowingly amazing which obviously is going to be coming up in the next segment so don't go anywhere all right all right well let's just get back into the [Applause] [Music] games yeah I'm going there let's look at Mighty number nine this is the PlayStation 4 version super long story short this game was crowdfunded a few years ago by kg inafune who's best known for his work on the Mega Man series people laughed it up hoping it would be a great Mega Man clone unfortunately inafune is more of a businessman than a creative individual and he made some Infamous blunders along the way like stating that the game is better than nothing and another such nonsense I don't think fans will be so trusting of his next venture anyway so how is the game itself well in my opinion it's a mixed bag you play as Beck yeah Beck you're on a mission to reacquire the mighty numbers 1 through eight as they've gone Rogue and are up to no good the game tries to be a spiritual successor to the Mega Man franchise first of all I got to say that Beck looks like an idiot when he runs anyway I wasn't one of the people who contributed to the crowdfunding I just pre-ordered the PS4 physical copy when it became available a couple of years ago on Amazon I never watched any video of the game in progress and I didn't even look closely at it or play it when I saw early builds at conventions people weren't being overly positive and I didn't want to be jaded when I found fin got the game myself I was really enjoying it I did my best to ignore the tutorial stuff and I figured most of it out on my own and honestly that's really the best way to play these types of games if you can tutorials can bite me you have a dash move that you pull off with a right shoulder button you can shoot enemies many times to destroy them but before they die they turn into a certain color and they're stunned if you dash into them you gain slightly increased Powers Plus it's quicker to do and far more fun when you fight something with a life meter you must Dash into them at certain points for the meter to remain depleted I really enjoyed it when I figured all this out on my own and if you've never seen anything from this game before well guess what I just ruin that experience for you you're welcome honestly you're going to be dashing all over the place in this game you can tell the designers really like this move and decided to make almost every platform only accessible via the dash that's pretty much okay as the stages are really really fun to play they're large and you will die but it's one of those games where you keep saying just one more time what I don't like however are the bosses they are completely unbalanced with the rest of the game and not really much fun to fight at all the just one more time style of play doesn't really apply here plus they look so unimpressive I assume that you get their weapons when you beat them but I'll be honest I haven't beaten a single boss yet believe me I've tried but they're just not interesting enough to fight when they're so unbalanced there are a few other things that I don't like such as when you get Frozen it takes far too much effort and time to unfreeze yourself and it gets really aggravating also I can't shoot up down or even duck but that's a nasty limitation that Mega Man games have always had I'm guessing that the fans love it but hey that's just the way the game works so I'm not going to hold it against it the visuals honestly while Pleasant kind of remind me of something we might see on the Nintendo GameCube in fact I bet the original Xbox could do visuals very close to this even in high definition now I'm not saying that every game on the PS4 needs to look like it couldn't have been done on any other system but it does kind of look like they use some lowbudget tools tools to build this one that said this is really only a minor gripe for me but it needs to be said however I've heard that other versions especially the Wii U have major problems with slowdown and the frame rate not good the bigger aesthetic gripe is definitely the sound first the music the music was always my favorite part of many Mega Man games the music in this game while not ear grading or anything is just average it has absolutely no personality next are the voices you have a team of NPCs helping you out and like most games since the invention of optical dis media there's tons upon tons of radio chatter and they talk about things that don't matter at all things that a 2-year-old would figure out Beck the Airship is losing altitude please abandon it immediately why do developers keep thinking that their games need stuff like this it's a waste of money in my opinion anyway you can change the voice language or silence the volume but you can't turn off the text boxes that pop up and sometimes these boxes can even get in the way and block what you need to see in order to advance and you can't dismiss them why do NPCs always have to be so chatty just shut up and let me play nobody cares about you overall I don't think the game is as bad as people might let on to be but thanks to the unbalanced bosses it's no Masterpiece either it's also a great example of what not to do if you have a crowdfunded project okay let's try this again after all Revenge the dish that Ser for oh you aren't bir are you here let me put a M on [Music] it this is puppeter for the PlayStation 3 developed by Sony's Japan studio and released in 2013 being a modern title this this game came with no instruction manual and I really hate that instead you have an option before launching the game to view the digital version this is so annoying and it's just one more step before companies go totally digital so the game is basically you playing as a puppeteer controlling a puppet in a puppet show again being a modern game there's tons of story here and this game is loaded with cut scenes and truly awesome voice acting by all the actors here in a nutshell you're out to collect the pieces of moonstone which were stolen by the moon bear he gave them to his 12 generals and you must defeat them all you do this with a pair of scissors that you use for a weapon you also must rescue The Souls of other kids that were turned into puppets just like the character you control right away the character that you control gets his head chopped off this is interesting because as you play the game you can acquire different heads not only do some of them look cool but they do cool things if you have the right head in certain situations you can use its ability which will change things in the background or you can get taken away to a bonus stage I really like the aspect of having different heads in this game each one has its own animation and they're really fun to watch you can only hold three heads at any moment but you can switch between them at any time even during cutcenes there's always going to be things that you can't do because you don't have the right head but that's where the replayability comes in once you get the correct head you can go back and replay a certain level so not only do you control the puppet but you also control this floating cat called yinyang his whole deal is that he can find hidden things all throughout each level and he gives you advice which is sometimes useful and sometimes not eventually he gets swapped out by a girl that you rescue called Pina Who is the princess of the sun she does the same thing that the cat did by the horns and one right I've got to say that from the moment I started playing this game it felt very special and I felt like a lot of hard work went into making this title graphically is so realistic to a puppet show that even now I just sit and eye at what I'm seeing the screen has the outline of the stage and curtain foregrounds drop and backgrounds come in just like a real puppet show and they have that feel of a handmade set each background has so much detail that I just want to play each level multiple times so I can soak everything in same goes for all the characters on screen each one is loaded with detail and your character really looks like it was carved out of a block of wood and his movements match that fing perfectly and just like at a puppet show there's audience reaction when something happens on screen that they like it's really cool to hear them ooh and ah and laugh like here when you have yinyang mess with his shield on the wall and you see this little puppet inside trying to hide I love hearing the audience's reaction this happens quite a bit and it never gets old and of course the soundtrack is worthy of the game I can almost imagine a symphony pit filled with musicians playing while the action unfolds on stage in all honesty this is one of my favorite PS3 titles so much love went into this title and it shows through and through if you haven't played this game then I beg you to play it it's a title that every gamer should experience and it can be had brand new for under $20 play it and let me know what you think I see we've upgraded to dinosaurs a Triceratops oh yes cter found himself a stride that Triceratops second only to the t-rexx on the dinosaur top 40 have you got your ends and your means mixed up because in the end you need to rescue me and that means you have to hurry you see what I did there how about some G Darius on the original PlayStation developed by Tio and published by THQ and of course the G in G darus stands for 2.5d horizontal shooter with lots of Robo Fish anyway who says 2.5d games have to be Platformers this game is a pretty good followup to darus giden which I reviewed a little while back on the Saturn if you're familiar at all with Darius the basic core of the game works the same grab different colored icons to power up your main gun missiles and even get a shield but what sets this one apart is that you have a stock of capture balls at the bottom of the screen you can shoot these out in order to capture your enemies and have them fight alongside you this builds upon the concept introduced in darus guide and definitely improves upon it of course each different enemy that you capture will result in a different kind of attack some can even be used as Shields these guys will fight alongside you until they get destroyed the stage ends or you press the button again and blow them up which coincidentally is your bomb attack if you shoot more than one capture ball out at a time you might even be able to capture more than one enemy you can even capture bigger enemies but they need to be worn down before you capture them like all Darius games you choose your next zone between stages however this one also lets you choose your route Midway through some stages just stay on the top or the bottom of the screen when you see this line to determine where you fly next the boss fights here are longer and more memorable than a lot of Darius games oh did I say bosses I'm sorry I meant huge battleshit and honestly some of them will even get kind of boring to fight because they just take so long but most of them are just the right length two players can even play at once but I don't recommend it because a Slowdown even in single player mode can get pretty severe the graphics go in and out and all over the place while the game playay is of course strictly 2D hell this game is king of distracting backgrounds still it looks fairly good for its time and it's not super grainy like a lot of PlayStation games are the sounds are okay but what's weird is the music it's not always there it'll be playing then it'll fade away for 20 seconds and then slowly fade back in and there's next to no music at all in stage one at first I thought maybe my PlayStation was messed up but no that's just how the game is the music is okay at best and nowhere near as good as Darius giden still all in all it's a really fun game to play and the choices give it a lot of replayability and if you like Darius games you should definitely have this [Music] one [Music] [Music] all right there you guys have it lots of great examples of 2.5d games not 3D not 2D 2.5 because there's got to be a middle ground everywhere that there has to be and these games just prove that so what was your favorite game that you covered I I don't know wow that's probably Yoshi's woolly world to be honest awesome so I mean that's pretty good I'm really happy to hear that so and then of course your ultimate game yes with puppeteer of course I hope you guys have all played that I I actually have it and I still haven't played it holy crap man you're in for a great time that's all I can say part of my backlog so so you were going to see it again yeah no no but yeah um anyway what are some of your favorite 2.5d games let us know and if you guys like this and we have enough good suggestions maybe we'll cover it again in the mean in the meantime thank you for watching [Music] gamesack I'll get you n not if I have anything to do with a Mega Man Joe dude Joe what are you doing I'm playing with amiibos what the hell does it look like yeah you're playing with toys I get it but yeah these aren't for outside the game they're for inside the game like you're an adult and you're playing with these things what the hell's wrong with you God I'm here to take over the entire galaxy oh no it's Boba Fett transform [Music]
Channel: Game Sack
Views: 282,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sega, nintendo, turbografx, pc, engine, gameplay, video, games, retro, genesis, snes, nes, master, system, pandemonium, g darius, napple tale, puppeteer, ultimate ghosts n goblins, virtual hydlide
Id: 5hakGt3GEeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2016
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