$255,000 - Blackjack Biggest Wins of 2021 - NeverSplit10s

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hey players Mr Blackjack here happy New Year I hope you're looking forward to 2022 it's going to be an amazing year because Mr Blackjack and online gambling are bringing you the Blackjack Academy video series which will help you become an expert on all things Blackjack and we've got the trailer coming right up all the best for 2022 roll the clip let's go Blackjack is one of the simplest card games you can learn but that doesn't mean it's easy to win the rules may be straightforward but if you want to beat the casino you need smarts the good news is you don't need to be a genius to master these skills every good blackjack player has three qualities perfect strategy solid bankroll management and Flawless card counting skills any player can learn these abilities Blackjack allowed me to travel all over the world I've won some huge hands lost a few as well I'm going to share with you everything I know to help you become a blackjack expert Master the fundamentals in blackjack and you're on your way to beating the odds foreign [Music] car and the block thank you come on nice so let's go three but um that's it okay too many come on and dealershow 17. there you go 19 stay 5 or 15. and double face up oh sick let's go 14 29. foreign stay forget nice oh come on 19. nice nice and nobody going to stay too many and dealerships 20. 14. split 11. oh purple double sick come on oh 17 stay nine double come on 20. oh sick and 11. ah double nice come on come on yes oh man that's huge wow all right good to go monies last uh nice it's a good one okay players I know that everybody knows that you double when you've gotten 11. but when you've got a 10 and the Dealer's got a five you also double down can't forget about the strategy card you can find it on eBay it's nice it's plastic you can put it right there at the casino and play with it refer to it make sure you are playing the best basic strategy that you can possibly play the link is on eBay 10. on a dealer five is a double down every single time this card is very easy to use the Dealer's card your card and this is what you do it's got all the edges all the ranges even the tight ones this is the math this is what you play back to the action let's go oh come on 16. come on no stays 20. come on get 12. stay 17 and 14 2 million and dealer shows 20. double double [Applause] oh uh stay come on oh wow foreign nice good to go oh that's a double nice 50. stay come on oh geez come on 11 no 12 oh 13. come on too many yes [Applause] all right good to go 18 19. nobody home stay stay level seven come on oh geez 20. nice 14. uh stay six fifteen come on 16. come on too many Beauty okay players we're in a really good spot here we've got 11 on a 2 and 11 on a two and I see a lot of people make this mistake they play scared they think if they double one then they're gonna save money and not double on the other that is the biggest mistake you can make you have to capitalize when the cards are more in your favor than the Dealer's card so 11 on a two you double it every single time that's the map that's what you do back to the action let's go foreign come on nice let's go well come on 18. good beautiful foreign [Music] split these all right 11. that's cool 24. nice 11. come on Big Card ah come on come on big bust too many yes that's huge thank you oh geez that's double oh geez uh stay come on 9 19. oh geez thank you foreign stay oh come on 14 too many nice [Music] blackjack 19. stay 15 too many beautiful nice 50. stay come on no come on 15 too many beautiful all right four split you're missing a thousand sir oh you are right [Music] oh come on ten oh double nice come on nine we're gonna hit that 19. oh beautiful um oh my next card five yeah 20. oh stay and stay come on come on Big Boss Big Ten oh what one no bueno what [Applause] that sucked all right good to go seven that's it ten oh Big Ten big Ace oh six split 11. double oh come on stay come on Big Ten two there it is yes foreign that's huge okay interesting spot here you've got 16 on a dealer 7 and 16 on a dealer seven some of you would be scared and you wouldn't hit that now this is the strategy and this is what you have to think of when you're in the situation the Dealer's got a seven you have to think there's a 10 underneath therefore that's 17. they're for both your hands of 16 are losing so what do you have to lose you may hit you may lose one you may hit you may lose both but you're already losing both in the first place so take your chance try to increase your odds of winning play the game play the game it's supposed to be played play the way it's supposed to be played play the way Mr Blackjack plays okay back to the action let's go too many sexy 90. Beauty stick come on 17. good let's go stay stay 12 14. come on 21. come on yes is it a good Blackjack it's a good blackjack three gets you 45 . eight I just hit big town you got yes 12 18. Beauty foreign this will be the last hand 20. stay hit many and the other shows 16 too many yes foreign [Music] nice all right 14. 19th steak nice up or down Ah that's good nice let's go 13 too many foreign nice Jack for you 12. two minutes another race I'm not sure sure no bueno wow blackjack foreign 20. oh wow wow that was a no bueno okay interesting spot you've got two twos and the Dealer's got a four it's a great bus card might come easy to some of you but not everyone so two twos on a four it's a split you're gonna go ahead and split your twos on every bus card so two three four five or six and the Seven split twos against all of those let's see what happens let's go four foreign come on little nine five stay eleven Beauty let's go face up is good nice one and twelve stay and stay come on need a bus let's go oh come on I love it oh fourteen too many sick oh my God he had me sweating beautiful foreign that's nice well [Music] okay 12. that's it foreign [Music] 20. nice 11. sick 15. uh stay come on nine oh fifteen two beautiful [Music] foreign nice come on 15 too many beautiful eight een steaks and that's the stick come on oh 21 no bueno they stay stay and stay got it 14. ah jeez e [Music] foreign [Music] okay you're in a really good spot here you've got the 10 and the Dealer's got a four so the Dealer's got a bus card and you've got 10. so you go ahead and you double down you double down a 10 every single time the dealer has any card except for a 10 or an ace you always have to think that the dealer has a 10 behind the card he has and that he's gonna get a 10. so he's got a four it's gonna get a 10 14. it's gonna get another 10 24 that's a bust so you stay on anything over 12 but when you've got 10 you go ahead and you double that down unless the Dealer's showing a 10 or an ace let's see what happens let's go that's a double nice good morning Beauty come on 12 14. too many beautiful six what ten oh come on I love it oh okay 10 this time you got it sick 20 stay oh come on come on 16 too many oh man you just keep flipping cards get that ten except when you have 11. that's very scary yeah [Music] oh come on the bonus here no insurance 13 stay stay seven eighteen yes [Music] that's double um come on four ten no 12. come on fifteen too many sick is good 20. that's a stay nine Double Down come on five or fifteen fifteen come on two minutes [Music] foreign [Music] come on 18. oh 60. too many sick nice hand I really like those fives yeah nobody home that's just it painting today and that's it ah too many 20. no good no insurance nobody home 17. okay and we're getting better Taylor shows 19. yep um nice hit um we're gonna double here okay 19. nice go 19. 18. perfect foreign [Music] foreign stay ten double 19. nice come on come on too many sick it's gonna be the last hand 13. too many cheese face down come on come on come on Big Ten six you got it oh that's a good finish four six eight stop [Music] drinking all right burn turn good luck there's no way home eleventh I'd change please double [Music] all right um beautiful let's go good start [Music] nobody home 12. okay thanks that's good one next day come on come on 17 Again perfect yeah if you keep getting 17 it's gonna be perfect [Music] thanks 14. okay you're in a really good spot you've got two sevens and the Dealer's got a four the four is a really good bus card for the dealer so you're gonna head you're gonna split those sevens hopefully hit a four double down get a whole bunch of money in the pot you split the sevens anytime the deal is showing at two three four five six or seven usually it's all the way to the six but two sevens on a seven you're trying to get a ten get 17 at least match that deal at that point so Seven's on a four is a split and when the deal is showing a two to a seven you split those sevens let's get back to it let's go foreign [Music] oh that's huge [Music] no insurance [Music] come on Chase foreign too many come on nice hit come on heat perfect freaky Beauty nice 19. perfect nice nobody home mistake and double sick come on well 17. loving it you keep from 17. love it [Music] oh cheese [Music] um to put that extreme stay night Tuesday come on [Music] [Music] nice thank you and 11. I double the face up come on 16 too many sick [Music] nine double okay you've got a nine and the Dealer's got a five do not forget to double those nines you double the nines on a dealer five or six that's the kind of stuff you learn with the Blackjack strategy card brought to you by never split tens the link is below you can find them on eBay there's two versions there's a little one and a big one the big one's got a bonus on the back Casino table game strategy so if you want to learn about three card poker Caribbean poker ultimate old em and four card poker get yourself a strategy card it'll save you some money in the long run because it'll teach you the math and it'll make the game more enjoyable because you actually know how to play the game instead of sitting down and then just wasting your money not really knowing what you're doing doesn't guarantee you're gonna make a million bucks but it does guarantee that for blackjack you are going to play the best that you can possibly play and that you even out those odds with the casino as much as possible don't forget the casino always has an edge okay back to the action let's go 20 sick and through 13. that's a double two let's go oh sick come on beautiful Wow 14. Come on 17 sick love it 17. my new favorite number [Music] very nice 18. [Music] [Music] 20 stay 19 Stay Stay seven 12 15. come on beautiful beautiful jeez keep popping little cards stay safe oh come on 21 no [Music] sorry 11. okay big one now 19 stay 12. oh jeez should have stayed on eight brutal 21 no bueno you apparently should have stayed on eight yeah thanks for the advice I make sure I won't correct you then yeah right now please do 20 11 double oh gross stay come on Big Ten well come on too many all right here we go [Music] 21 and 6. yes yes guaranteed win over there 10. okay so come on oh geez eleven take two yeah face up come on speak ten there you go oh sick come on 13 50. come on beautiful beautiful foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice yeah 19. very nice let's go seven seven come on eleven let's go oh steak come on oh geez do I win one yeah quite the tower you got yeah [Music] 4 14. okay really interesting spot the deal's got a bus card he's got the three and you've got H3 but it is not a double you're only going to double the H3 on a dealer five or six okay very important always play the math and then move on okay let's get back to the action let's go 13. stay and come on 10 to 13. come on beautiful foreign [Music] wow wow foreign [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign upside down six perfect stay [Music] wow nice it's a good block finally she's two gets your three very nice 16. come on come on you got three there [Music] four okay really good spot the deal's got a bus card he's got a four and you've got two deuces you're gonna go ahead and split those Deuces anytime the dealer is showing a two all the way to a seven so dealer two three four five six seven you split those twos let's get back to the action let's see what happens let's go foreign [Music] come on come on come on come on sick [Music] 36. [Music] all right Blackjack sick good Blackjack it's a good holy geez why did I down that sick thing come on come on 17. very nice [Music] sick stay come on come on sick finish oh geez [Music] all right good luck nobody home tonight oh come on Big Time 26. nice day 20. good [Music] [Music] to double [Music] okay subscribe oh come on nice come on fifteen eight oh [Music] not making any money anywhere but we're not losing now that's right [Music] come on 20. nice um [Music] stay come on big bust come on beauty let's go foreign Ty [Music] stay and four two sevens we're gonna split them all right something to stay 17th stay come on thirteen four come on beautiful anyways stay stay come on oh geez come on one no bueno [Music] 19. stay nine [Music] eighteen seven Seventeen oh beautiful 19. come on 17. [Music] nobody at home 17 stay eleven double face down [Music] oh come on Big Ten sick foreign [Music] [Music] oh nobody home 11. okay you've gotten 11 and the dealers got a 10. 10 is a good card for the dealer I know but you've gotten 11. and the math says that you've got to hit those 11s because you're in a better position than him okay it's like when you're counting cards and you're in an advantageous position you're going to try and bet more so in the same principle that we're seeing here you've got 11 the Dealer's got a 10. you're in a better position to make more money therefore you go ahead and you double down it's not always popular but it is the math okay back to the action let's go please protecting all right double double face down oh beautiful 18. come on no [Music] thank you foreign all right gonna go nice nobody no stay stay come on and that's it [Music] important stay and double double up or down oh come on come on come on too many beautiful [Music] every time you take it up that's not a good card is that right oh wow [Music] that's good nobody home 18 uh stay and we're gonna hit the 16. two minutes come on 15 too many very nice oh come on turns this open no insurance [Music] come on nobody knows nine Tea Steak nice little nine eighteen stay come on 18. whoops [Music] [Music] blackjack no buenos [Music] okay you've got two fives and the Dealer's got a four I know the two fives are shiny you can split any pairs but you're never gonna do it because the two five equals ten they're for ten you're in a better position to double that than you are to split them that's what the math says that's what the Blackjack strategy card teaches you link on eBay okay back to the action let's go [Music] face down step [Music] s too many beautiful oh wow I love it tastes down okay [Music] come on no insurance nobody home 20. stay 20 stick come on 7 or 17. 17. nice 11. face down face Down's good yeah come on so 16. come on too many oh very nice good cards not for me 13. that's a hit 20. approved come on [Music] dealer had 17 in it nobody can huh yes 19 stay that's it 5 or 15. 14. come on ah 20. [Music] Beauty unexpected one okay you've got 16 on an eight and sometimes the Dealer's gonna say are you sure you want to stay he's gonna ask you are you sure if you're not playing by the book now take that hint okay take that hint he's trying to tell you something that you're about to do something stupid he doesn't have a crystal ball but he does know what the math is because he's seen it a million times and sometimes even Mr Blackjack forgets what to do on any given end so if he gives you a hint you take that into consideration you check yourself and then you do the right action according to the math you do the right action according to the math okay back to the action let's go 16. stay so sorry we're gonna hit that should have stayed for Steeler shows awesome [Music] double double raise down face sounds good yeah okay oh come on let's go 13. stay come on 14th stay come on oh geez come on I need a lot oh that's not it come on no good anyway wow foreign nice finally twelve uh 1260. come on foreign [Music] beautiful stay come on 15 19. not bad Beauty [Music] okay you've got two sixes and the Dealer's got a five two sixes the six is a bad card I understand it is the worst card in the deck for the dealer however for you this could be an advantageous situation because the deal has got a five so you can turn that six into splits and into doubles therefore you're in a better position because the Dealer's got a great bus card for you so split those sixes on a five back to the action let's go let's go first I love it come on upper net down uh no let's go up let's go up oh come on 60. stay come on Big Ten Big Ten come on come on too many yes oh I needed that that's huge thing in total six thousand [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] nice come on three thirteen eighteen that's a good one that's right [Music] do you need to do anything no we're good okay all right good luck nice very nice stay that's a split come on split you got it stay come on no no 21 no bueno okay players as you can see you can play the best that you can possibly play you can play the math but sometimes the math does not always work out all you can do is keep playing consistently and as you know the math in the long run will even itself out so you can't get discouraged over one end you move on you play the math you keep it going let's go what a setup crazy nobody home 13. yeah go 18 20. nobody home stay stay oh come on 15 too many there we go oh three seemed yeah yeah 17. stay hit too many 10. 12 19. six six ahead okay 14 15 yes two ready yes stay come on 11. really 15. perfect that was a little scary yeah stay and hit 20 minutes yep 18. you come on 16. stay 20 steaks come on Seven Seventeen nice black beauty and give me 250. I'm gonna give you a thousand my 20th day two minutes nice let's go nobody home 16. ah nope we're gonna get that 21. beautiful stay come on to you man yes okay here is a perfect example of why you cannot stick on 16 when the Dealer's got a 10. as you can see five giving you 21. and the dealer flipped over 16. if you would not have taken your card he would have gotten it and he would have beat not only your 16 and but he would have also beat your 20 hand that you've got there so you always play the math you always play consistently and this is a perfect example of what can happen if you don't play the map however we did play the math therefore we came out on top for both hands as opposed to losing both hands and that is a 200 swing if you count the loss that you want to add okay back to the action let's go [Applause] 7 or 17. 19. 10. 17. 15 you stay so come on 7 14 too many yes 19. stay and double big Ace you got it oh sick come on 18. 13. come on 19. all right that works beautiful stay stay no no bueno oh wow [Music] go 17. stays well Big Boss yes foreign okay players interesting spot you've got Ace five on a dealer five what do you do do you hit d a double that's the kind of stuff that you're gonna learn with the Blackjack strategy card the Dealer's card to your card and this is exactly what you do the link is on eBay below it does not guarantee that you're gonna make a million bucks but it does guarantee that you are going to play the math and you are going to play the best that you can possibly play So Soft 16 you're gonna double down on a four five and six if the dealer has those cards you double down if not it's just a hit okay back to the action let's go double face up big five you got it oh sick let's go don't do it for 16 16. 18. beautiful I'm really gonna call it it's three calls now sick good to go nobody home oh that's it 13. 16. too man 18. stay come on too many there we go stay stay 13 18. foreign hey players for those of you who want to go a little bit more in depth than just the strategy card never split tens is put out an e-book for card counting learn Ace tracking high low counts and the value of the cards a little bit deeper in the math and a deeper understanding of the beautiful game of blackjack the link is below you'll find it on eBay it is an ebook accessible to all let's get back to the action let's go foreign 15. stay 4 14. nice come on 9 19. that's good as long as I win the double 13. that's a stay and this is a hit 20K beautiful 8 18. 6 or 16. hit 16 hit little one that is 20. beautiful stay stay ten 18. foreign seven eight een hits too many dealer shows for [Music] foreign good luck yeah I'm sure it's no insurance nobody home nice 12. 15 okay team stay beautiful big town Big Ten twelve nine you got it yes let's go four or four team 19. ah you had to as you win one yeah 12. that's the steak that's the stick s with the aces 14. Big Ten too many yes let's go I'm just buy one off if we keep doing that that would be excellent just one over 22 every time yep with the aces nobody home 19th day and 14th a little seven nah 20. there you go come on no insurance no bueno wow okay hopefully we got that out yeah yeah no more Aces left in the okay players we've all been there you're sitting at the blackjack table and there's nothing you can do to actually change your luck it's going terrible the Dealer's putting 20s 20 ones he just keeps pulling amazing cards out of his you know what okay so there is something you can do you can leave you could change from betting two hands to one hand and you can drop your bet and start betting again once hands become a little bit more favorable okay that's the Mr Blackjack tips that's what we recommend back to the action let's go thank you funny nobody home stays 15. big bust too many yeah one over just like that down bed he asked for one over and that's what you get stay ing too many nice foreign [Music] that's good very good let it ride well stay and this is face down face down you got it Big Ten oh yeah very nice no sweat stay stay oh 19 ouch no bueno oh wow ouch she's set up I'm kidding okay players really interesting spot here you've got Ace eight giving you 19 and the deal is showing at 10. so we've been teaching you to think that there's a 10 behind the 10 giving the dealer 20 therefore you're 19 is technically losing against the 20. now that is absolutely true however you've got 19 doesn't necessarily mean the Dealer's got 20 and there are only two cards in the deck that can actually help you improve 19. the Ace of the two giving you 20 or 21. the odds of hitting those two cards out of the 13 cards that are in the deck are significantly less than if you just stayed and hopefully won that hand if the dealer doesn't have 20. okay that's the map let's see what happens let's go 19's this day we're gonna get this 17th stay well six Big Ten eighteen oh fourteen that's a stay just gonna hit this 10 12. come on beauty Beauty wow Stay Stay oh 19. stays um always getting in the middle of them jeez uh stay what's up 15 big too many nice oh geez now is it a good black yeah it's a good bow very nice fine gets you and I assume a Stay Stay 16 18. Beauty 14. say here too many two are nice have a nice beautiful steak 19 is good oh don't do it it's 16. 20. oh wow what a turn stay what's that nine nine seventeen ah nine that's it sixteen see ya too many take the six here okay too many and dealer shows 17. okay players nobody likes a commercial so we're gonna keep them short if you guys want a blackjack strategy card the link is below it's on eBay it's the best way to learn Blackjack strategy it's brought to you by never split tens it's the best way to support the channel it doesn't guarantee you're gonna make a million bucks but it does guarantee you're going to learn the math and you're going to play the best that you can possibly play if you guys want some merch hop over to the merch store the link is below we got some aprons we got some T-shirts we got some hoodies we got everything you want also on eBay Blackjack card counting book so if you guys are interested in that click on the link below it's going to teach you how low counts Ace trackings all that kind of stuff if you want a more in-depth view of the beautiful game of blackjack that is exactly where you're gonna find it last thing before we get back to it don't forget to like subscribe and if you so feel like it that was so good that was so good last thing do not forget to like this video subscribe if you're not a follower and we'll see you guys every Sunday back to the action let's go foreign yes you can turn 16 as often as you'd like sir yeah too many it's always candies stay oh wow of course yeah 13 16. too many big teneries stay come on 18 there we go what's up 18. [Music] today and stay 13. two minutes yeah stay and this is a doe face down geez come on eight or eighteen ouch come on hey yeah right no bueno oh what we built that up too you know no insurance certain disclosed nobody home 15 21. nice stay come on 6 or 16. 18. that's good yeah that's really good very good last name seven eleven got it up or down Up's good Big Ten you got it yes team well you went on the big one yeah 1500. foreign and good luck [Music] eleven that's a double all right ah come on get oh sick nice come on oh just Warner foreign come on um that's it that's a stay come on ouch foreign stay stay 20. wow change please 500. [Music] come on subject so two gets you three 18 stay 13 too many there we go let's go Blackjack and that's a good one sick come on come on 16 16 too many let's go thank you all right here we go five gets here 750 and 18. stay 10 no 14 16. come on too many yes eight okay interesting spot here you've got two fours and the Dealer's got a five you might not be sure when you're gonna split those fours that's why you refer to the Blackjack strategy card the Dealer's card your card and this is exactly what to do when you have this you never forget you always know how to play basic strategy and keep in mind it doesn't always work you're not guaranteed that you're gonna make a million bucks but you are guaranteed that you can play consistently and over time the math always works out so two fours you only split them against the five of six nothing else back to the action let's go foreign double face down all right got it and fine stick come on come on two yes too many oh sick that's huge foreign [Music] nice come on oh the best and the worst card 9 19. oh so all right [Applause] good to go 10. that's double nicely that's done nice come on 16 oh what no come on ouch 18. stay hit come on 19. nobody home double 19 17 stay 17. good no Buena jeez come on and it's a good Blackjack one gets you 15. hey players you're in an interesting spot you've got two eights and the Dealer's got a two two is a tricky card but you've got two shiny eights now the math says you're gonna split those eights against everything a ten an ace a two always split those eight if you want to be chicken you want to go ahead and surrender that is your business however players you gotta players know how to play they play the math back to the action let's go let's go ah come on 19. stay come on yes that's huge there we go double double nice 4 or 14 7 or 17 17. it's good [Applause] [Music] too many come on just there nice day 17. nice foreign big head 20. nice okay let's double face down double piece down you got it 17. come on sick oh man beautiful all right good to go that's a stay and 11. big card oh come on big bust come on too many yes wow beautiful Ace [Music] okay oh wow 12. stay come on routine too many nice oh that's huge Beauty nobody home stay yeah it's hard eight steak come on big seven foreign face down all right and 50. stay seven oh no oh come on tense Ah that's gross no bueno beautiful and it's a good black job so three get to you I'm 45. 15. Dean is a stay nice come on too many Beauty 11. double face up come on no yes stay come on 17. beautiful nope oh let's go double face down this one or yeah seven hit fourteen stay nine okay nine on a dealer six now that you've split your fours twice okay players you're an interesting spot you've got a nine on a dealer six and you've already split your fours twice it's not time to slow down you step on the gas you step on the gas every time it's favorable for you to get more money into the pot when you're in an advantageous situation nine on a dealer six double down every single time let's go stuff Okay so night nice stay come on come on yes [Music] Beauty [Music] foreign it's a good one I've got you seven five twenty stay eight twelve twenty one oh no wow [Applause] foreign stay we're gonna double here oh come on 20. Brutal would you like to keep that yeah or yeah we'll leave it okay we go come on make it a good decision which one stay hit stay come on 14 17. perfect you and this will be our last hand 18th stay and this is a double okay face up it's good come on 12 21. gross boy you know 100 than a 500. foreign turn good luck there's nobody home 11. I change please double [Music] all right um it's good uh stay come on 19. 13 17. beautiful let's go good start [Music] foreign again perfect yeah if you keep getting 17 it's gonna be perfect [Music] foreign [Music] oh that's huge [Music] intro if there's hope no insurance [Music] come on cheese foreign too many come on nice hit one hit perfect Beauty nice 19. perfect nice nobody home stay and double sick come on well 17. loving it you keep doing 17. love it [Music] oh cheese [Music] don't want this bonus much um [Music] come on [Music] [Music] nice thank you and 11. uh double the face up come on 16 too many sec [Music] nine double oh funny sick and 3-13 that's a double two let's go oh sick come on beautiful Wow Come on 17 sick love it 17. my new favorite number [Music] okay too many very nice [Music] 18. [Music] 20 stay thank you stay stay seven twelve fifteen come on beautiful beautiful Jesus keep popping little cards stay safe oh come on 21 no bueno [Music] sorry 11. okay big one now 19 stay 12. oh geez should have stayed on eight brutal 21 no bueno apparently you should have stayed on eight yeah thanks for the advice I make sure I won't correct you then yeah right now please do 20. eleven double double oh gross stay come on Big Ten well come on all right here we go stuff 21 and six yes yes okay guaranteed win over there let's put that 10. okay so come on oh geez eleven take two yeah face up come on it's Big Ten there you go oh sick come on 13 50. come on beautiful beautiful another one let's take and [Music] SEC saucer [Music] six yes [Music] nice kid 19. very nice let's go seven seven come on eleven let's go oh steak come on eight eighteen oh geez do I win one yeah but the tower you got yeah [Music] oh 13. stay and sick come on 10 13. come on beautiful [Music] foreign wow wow oh damn beautiful [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] no good stays come on too many sick upside down six perfect foreign [Music] nice it's a good block finally very nice staging 16. come on [Music] come on you got three there [Music] that's six four no 20 sick I'm 11. face down face down okay risky come on come on come on come on sick [Music] foreign come on 17. very nice [Music] foreign [Music] all right good luck [Music] oh geez okay no start I want to get one Blackjack sick twelve that was a hit 14 stay about five come on too many sick right back [Music] nice [Music] stay all right seven sixteen come on seven oh geez foreign stay stay come on [Music] it's a good one [Applause] stay stay [Music] come on too many let's go oh my goodness yes two gets into three nine and hit 16 gonna hit it okay beautiful come on sixteen two minutes nobody else face down and 10. 20. stay come on come on 16. 20. oh come on no bueno cheese stay good sick come on Seven Seventeen let's go okay [Music] um that's a stick and this one we're gonna hit too many come on the other shows hey stay uh sorry stay Big Ten you got it beautiful too many [Music] Black Beauty gives a good black check that's a good Blackjack two gets you a three and fifteen ah a little good dealer shows 15 as well [Music] foreign come on 17 perfect back with the 17th that's good [Music] well again I do stay stay oh don't do it well come on too many oh thank you nice nice Ace [Music] good save yeah 18. stay and we're gonna hit that nah one too many come on eight eighteen foreign stay and stay go 13. come on eleven fourteen two minutes wow wow that's crazy come on what sick that's a good black guy sick 15 stay come on all right thank you good luck [Music] at home for parking yeah 18. stay oh eight too many come on and dealerships 13. oh [Music] yeah let's try it let's try it again come on Blackjack yes and a good blackjack s yeah me you know away 16. that's it 18 stay come on sixteen two Miami that's huge [Music] thank you [Music] stay stay 10 to 17. come on face up 17. just 17 stay come on 17 16. let's go too many nice foreign foreign stupid Ace wait 15. too many come on Taylor shows 18 underneath and this is a lot of pain [Music] nice very nice another seven six sixteen there you go hits 18. stay come on 19. [Music] burn card and good to go good luck [Music] no insurance sure this is open insurance is closed nobody home good okay good we got work to do 16. going to work come on I'll take an ace okay come on four or fourteen fourteen come on too many there we go too many staying on 17. 20. nope unfortunately 15 years and don't yeah she's four seven or Seventeen seventeen oh foreign much better okay thank you okay stay okay next one eleven here we go 20 2013 playing against the grain here uh we're gonna we're gonna hit gonna hit 50 hit too many okay come on two or twelve 12. sick beautiful look at all this bad play here perfect let's go foreign I think I took the juju out of the deck I hope so nobody home stay 16. yes too many 16 too many come on [Music] let's go your favorite number yeah [Music] next day hit too many 10 18. 16 Stay Stay come on 14 19. not bad way worse [Applause] everybody home stay here 15. 16. yep too many stupid Aces yep come on 19. lucky 10. not bad let's go a little six ah big nine eighteen nineteen stay okay 13th stay come on two minutes let's go to build my entire back stay eleven come on sixteen Big Boss nothing sick that's awesome [Applause] [Music] oh Stay Stay Seven Seventeen peace come on yes come on [Music] come on come on big bust 17. okay still getting in yep still make money no matter what there's the tents right stay stay Stein come on yes foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign face up come on oh girls come on Big Bus too many sick beautiful that's uh crazy man [Music] I love it when you win with 12. double down get 12. yes thank you 12. wow come on I need a nine you got it sick can I ask again one more nine any Nine's left yep are you serious let's go time 12. [Music] 18. perfect you need 21 to beat me sir that's unbelievable I actually I can't no one second it doesn't make any sense [Music] sir thank you that was all you you called it because you called it man all right good to go nobody home 14. 15 hit too many and 16 underneath yeah 20. nice that's a good flashlight here we go Stay Stay oh come on 18. good that was the last hand very good brand new shoe good luck foreign [Music] come on 12 20. oh bro you can't win the first animal there it is come on oh it's still High characters nine face up thank you stay come on 13 20. wow no good 13. Stay Stay come on fifteen two minutes sick come on foreign [Music] [Music] 16. okay each day come on 18. there we go Beauty [Music] face up not bad okay I'll take an eight yes six stay let's go we're not doing it let's go and this is 19. no it's good very nice come on it's a good one very nice four gets you six seven eight here do you change today come on 21 no bueno stay hit Oregon stay come on 17 no 11. come on 12 13. come on 17. perfect yeah until then [Music] another race come on face it down face down stay oh come on 19. let's go that was a good card yeah foreign [Music] stay stay no well come on 17 17 king of 17. okay uh steak stay come on oh no honey Splash sick there we go good to get to three again nineteen stay thirteen fourteen come on two sick there we go all right there we go nobody home talk yeah come on 12. 2 and 20 underneath uh no I'm good to go and I'm sure it's open no instructions okay not bad come on [Music] nine okay 19. nice uh that's a double let's go come on no 1.0 on either there we go [Music] you can't stay and that's a double all right oh come on oh geez that sucks come on [Music] stay six Rock six shows it's good that's good 10 12. 13 17. let's stay okay plus sick sick let's go let me guess yeah 450. I have a sick at 450. thank you you're welcome 7 or 17. double isn't it you change please and the 50s I'll take four quarters [Music] up or down down come on come on oh come on 10 or lower than it that's not uh that's not it no that was a nobody come on come on okay let's do it again I don't know let's see all right to me and you oh no oh no insurance is open no insurance nobody home 12. yeah 13. too many color s color up [Music] [Music] wow no bueno let's start foreign 6 or 16. it's a double double and double come on come on five or fifteen fifteen Big Ten too many yes are you sure about those bets sir up insurance is open no insurance nobody home I'm good 20. nice stay hit 50 kit stay come on nothing 3 or 13. 13. come on two minutes yes foreign [Applause] State nice day oh come on thank you Stay Stay come on big tenth 18. foreign spot you've got two sevens on a dealer three now you're gonna head and you're gonna split those sevens every time the Dealer's got a bus card two through six but with the sevens you also add the seven as a split so two sevens on a seven is also a play now I'm gonna caveat this and I'm gonna say you're not gonna split those two sevens in case you're betting on a table with a crazy side bet option where if you get a third seven you get a massive hundred to one payout so in that instance you don't split those sevens you can go ahead and try and split this isn't one of those sessions but I wanted to educate you guys and if you are playing the side bet and the side bet is more valuable than your hand then you gotta make the math choice you got to make the wise decision okay back to the action let's go foot oh 14. stay 17. stay 10. double nice uh change places check change five Big Ten oh come on let's go Big Ten too many sick and 16 in total beautiful I'm not that's double ah come on Ah that's a double nice come on 16 Big Ten big tattoo yes foreign no insurance that was closed nobody home ten nice hit 19th state and 19th Day come on had to had to [Applause] 12. that's a stay and this is a split 11. okay nice come on oh fine come on Big Ten two yes [Applause] foreign [Music] State come on 13. 19. nice yep [Applause] foreign stay and stay 19. oh okay you've got two twos on a dealer five and we've learned what to do with the sevens well two twos on a dealer five is pretty much the same thing you're gonna split those you're gonna split those twos every time the Dealer's got a two all the way to six and you also add the seven into this equation so that's what the math says two twos on a dealer two three four five six or seven is a split okay back to the action let's go I think 10. Double Down come on Big Card big card yes huge six hit 60 stay 3 and 13. nice that's good 14. stay come on come on Big Time come on two yes yes sick hand second okay players if you know anyone who's going to Vegas who's going to play anytime soon make sure that they don't leave without getting their Blackjack strategy card okay it's extremely easy to use the Dealer's card your card and this is exactly what to do it doesn't guarantee that you're gonna win a million bucks but it does guarantee that you're gonna play the best that you can possibly play so the game is a lot better if you know what you're doing okay Blackjack on one side the large version has a whole bunch of table games so all those games that you're afraid of playing Caribbean poker three card poker four card poker the strategy chart is right here okay back to the action let's go foreign [Music] come on oh come on too many sick let's go [Applause] foreign wow okay stay stay eight fifteen come on too many nice foreign [Music] no good that's double double and this is a double come on yes come on do it everywhere [Music] Blackjack sick let's go Blackjack 10 guess yeah 15 13. hit too many damn dealer shows 10. 50 stay okay players you've got an eight and the Dealer's got a six you might think it's a really good bus card for the dealer and it's a good card for the dealer to have in order for you to double however the eight is not an excellent card for you or not an excellent total for you so you're not going to go ahead and double the a V8 is a hit every single time you never double the eight doesn't matter what the action is okay do what the math says that's you play and you play consistently okay back to the action let's go this day oh come on garbage [Applause] 16. that's a split split it out hey season stay 18 Again stay and stay okay there's a big ten twenty ouch no good come on come on let's get her back Big Ten oh buddy home yes four jeans uh no that's it [Music] dealership 16 20. nice nope needed that yes you did [Applause] foreign State and that's it 20s Day come on take 10 17. oh this will be the last hand nice Beauty [Music] oh no that's 16. and dealer shows hey players thank you for joining us today I hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you for being part of the never split tens community and being never split tens player if I can ask you something it's to smash that like button and if you're not a subscriber what are you waiting for hit that subscribe button so you don't miss any upcoming content so I'm going to leave you today may all your doubles bring tens and may the math always be on your side till next time let's go motion less [Music] [Music]
Channel: Never Split 10s
Views: 910,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackjack, casino, big win, gambling, table games, slotlady, easy money, quick money, high roller, card games, gamble, gambler, blackjack video, casino videos, huge win, fast money, games, hot girls, hot youtubers, hottest youtubers, blackjack videos, blackjack strategy, live blackjack stream, strategy, slot videos, casino live, bonus win, twitch, casino jackpot, lottery, slots, slot lady, Blackjack Tournament, apprenticeship, live gambling, las vegas casino, raja, roobet, highlights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 29sec (9689 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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