250 Important English Vocabulary Words with pictures

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Vanessa: What is the number one skill you need to express   yourself completely in English? It's vocabulary.  If you don't know the words, well, then you can't   say them, but I have some good news. Today,  you are going to expand your vocabulary so   that you can express yourself completely. Hi, I'm Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com.   Today, you are going to learn vocabulary words  through pictures. I've prepared over 60 images   from around the internet with 10 different  topics to help you never forget these wonderful   vocabulary words. And also to help you never  forget, I have created a free PDF worksheet just   for you with all of today's vocabulary words  and ideas and concepts that you are going to   learn in this important lesson. You can click the  link in the description to download the free PDF   worksheet today. All right, let's get started with  our first category and our first set of pictures.  Our first category is professions. These people  are receptionists. They work in customer service   or you can say they work in hospitality.  They might say, "I work the front desk at   the Hilton Hotel." I work the front desk  at... whatever the company is. This guy is   called a digital nomad. This means he can work  from anywhere. He might also be a freelancer   or an independent contractor so he can work  beside the pool in his sunglasses if he wants.  This person is a small business owner. She runs  a boutique. It looks like it sells clothes,   maybe some other beauty products, and she's  a small business owner. Other small business   owners might say, "I work for a startup." Or, "I'm  running a startup." This means it's a new company,   usually a tech company. Or a small business owner  might say, "I'm an entrepreneur." Or a fun word,   "I'm a solopreneur." This has to do with a  company that's generally run by just one person.  This person is an artist. There are  many different types of artists.   You could be a sculptor like this  person, or a designer, a painter,   or a musician. I'm sure there  are many other types of artists.  This person is a teacher. She teaches in  a classroom, but there are other types of   teachers as well. You might say, "I'm a coach,  I'm a professor, I'm a mentor, or I'm a guide."   This guy works in construction. He operates  heavy machinery. Heavy machinery might be   the cement truck that's in this picture,  it could be a forklift, but it has to do   with the type of work that he does. Other  types of people who work in construction   are electricians, architects, and plumbers. All right. Let's go to our next category,   which is clothing. The type of clothing that  this person is wearing, we might say they are   looking quite relaxed. They are wearing  athleisure. This is a mix of two words,   athletics and leisure. In the U.S., it's really  common and quite popular to where athleisure.   Even when you're not going to the gym, this might  just be the clothing that you wear. Other words   that we can use to talk about relaxed clothing  are slouchy, sloppy, grungy, disheveled. These   are all pretty negative words, but it's true that  sometimes when you're just hanging out at home,   you might wear some clothes that are sloppy.  You don't look too great, but it doesn't matter.  This person has a casual look. She's wearing jeans  and a sweater. We call this "everyday wear." Now,   this depends on where you live, what  is considered casual wear. In the U.S.,   it's jeans and a t-shirt, but maybe your country  generally has more formal clothes in daily life,   so it might be a nice sweater and some  jeans that fit. It looks like she's even   brushed her hair, but this is a casual look. Here, we have business casual. This is a common   expression that you'll hear in the workplace. The  dress code is business casual. You can see that   these people don't look overly formal. The man  is wearing jeans and a colored button up shirt,   and the woman here also has pants.  She has a somewhat business-like top,   but it's not too formal. Sometimes we call these  slacks. If they're black pants or something that's   not too casual, slacks. We also might say  a blazer. A blazer is a casual suit jacket   or we could say they are just well-dressed. Next, we have business formal. These people   definitely look more formally dressed and they  have a nice black coat on. Some terms that we   use in these situations are, "They are dressed  to impress." This means that they want to look   nice because they want to impress their clients,  their boss. Maybe they're trying to get a new job,   whatever it is, they are dressed to  impress. We also sometimes use the term,   "Dress for the job you want." This means maybe you  don't have the highest position in the company,   but if you dress smartly like this,  well, maybe you'll get a promotion.   So you're kind of putting yourself there in  that mental space, "I'm going to dress for   the job that I want, not for the job that I have." Some other fun expressions we use for these types   of clothing are a power suit. This is especially  used for women when you have a nice suit,   shirt, jacket, a nice colored shirt, and maybe  you are wearing suit pants. This could be a   power suit or a pantsuit where you have pants  and a jacket that match. And here as well,   almost all of these people are wearing a  button-down. We could say, "A button-down   shirt," but sometimes we say, "Oh, my button-down  is wrinkly. I need to iron it." Just button-down.  All right, the next people are wearing uniforms.  A lot of people wear uniforms. School children   wear uniforms. People who work in the hospital  wear a uniform. It's called scrubs. People who   work in the military wear a uniform, and a lot  of other professions wear uniforms as well.  Finally, in our clothing category, we have  formal attire. Usually when you go to a wedding,   you wear formal attire. The men are wearing suit  coats and ties or bow ties. And if everyone had   a black suit, we would call this a black-tie  affair. This is as formal as it gets. Here,   they're wearing gray suits. This was probably  something that the groom suggested for the men   to wear, but we sometimes say a black-tie  affair. This might be like the Met Gala. A   lot of celebrities are wearing black  suits. This is a black-tie affair.  Another fun idiom we use to talk about formal  dress is, "They are dressed to the nines." This   is the number nine, and it simply means they are  really dressed up. They are dressed formally.   Sometimes people dress up just for fun and we  might say, "I'm all dressed up with nowhere to   go." Okay, maybe you were just having fun and you  were dressing up at home, you could say, "I'm all   dressed up with nowhere to go. Does anyone  want to go somewhere?" This is an expression   you'll probably hear in movies or TV shows. All right, let's go to our next category, which   is hobbies or ways that we can describe ourself  based on our activities. Your hobby might be that   you like to create. There are lots of different  things that you can create. This guy looks like   he's creating some kind of media, possibly a  video. Maybe he is a content creator. That's   what we call people like me who make videos for  YouTube or maybe they take pictures for Instagram.   They're a content creator. But other things you  could create is you might knit, you might paint,   you might write, you might do crafts.  There's a lot of things that you can create.  This person likes to tinker. The expression  "to tinker" usually means that you're not a   professional, you're an amateur, but you still  love to make something better. Usually this   has to do with being a mechanic. Here, she's  working on a motorcycle. Restoring something,   fixing something. You're not creating something  where there was nothing before. Instead, there's   something that exists and you are trying to make  it better. So she is tinkering. Or maybe you are   adventurous, maybe you like to go on roadtrips  or you like to jet set around the world. You like   to go backpacking, try new foods, have exciting  experiences or climb giant rocks like this guy.  It's possible you are an animal lover. It's  possible that she just has a dog and she loves her   dog, but maybe you work with animals. You could  be an animal trainer. Maybe you have a hobby farm.   This means that it's not your career to have  chickens and cows and goats, but it's just for   fun. It's a hobby farm or maybe it's more serious  and you are a rancher. You have a lot of cows,   a lot of space, you might be a rancher. Or you  might try to rescue animals, so you might work   at an animal rescue center, or you can foster  animals. This is what my family did last month.   We fostered two little Lab puppies, and this  means that we temporarily had them for three   weeks until someone adopted them. We gave them a  good home for a few weeks until they could find   a home forever, and it's better than them staying  at the shelter. Maybe you're an animal lover.  This person is a foodie. This is a  very modern word, but you'll hear   this all the time. A foodie loves to try  new foods. They like to cook and eat food,   and maybe they even like to take pictures of their  food and share it, but foodies are people who love   every aspect of food and are adventurous eaters. This person, yes, she loves to read, but sometimes   we call people who really love reading a nerd. It  doesn't have to be a negative term. Some people   might feel it's a little negative, but for me,  I embrace it. I am a nerd. I love to read. There   are different types of nerds. Some people might be  more of a nerd when it comes to science fiction.   Maybe they really love comic books. There are  some people who really are obsessed with certain   games like Dungeons & Dragons is a very popular  game. In this game, you create stories and you   interact with other people. So someone might  say, "I am a nerd for Dungeons & Dragons."  This person loves sports. So here we have some  volleyball players. They are playing volleyball,   but you don't have to play a sport to be into  sports. You might just be a fan like this guy.   Maybe this guy's athletic, maybe he's fit, I  don't know, but really he is into sports. So   you could be a sports player or a sports fan. All right, let's go to the next category, which   is celebrities and their looks. I guess I should  say not all of these people are celebrities.   I don't think she's a celebrity, but the term  we can use to talk about her is a lovely one,   "the girl next door." She probably doesn't live  next door to you, but this term has to do with   someone who is wholesome. Yes, they are pretty  or cute, but they are wholesome. They're not a   secret spy in the night. No, they're just  a wholesome person, unassuming, charming,   and you just love them because they're not  extremely special, but they're wonderful.  On the other hand, a wonderful term we can use  to talk about a different type of woman is a   bombshell. Here, this is a movie called Bombshell,  and it's featuring three blonde women. Now,   sometimes we use the term "bombshell" to talk  about someone who is stunningly beautiful. All   three of these women are stunningly beautiful, but  it's also a play on words because in this movie,   these journalists bring to light a shocking  scandal. So it's kind of like these bombshell,   beautiful women are also like a bomb  because they reveal something shocking   in this movie. But you might hear this term  used "bombshell" to refer to a beautiful woman.  Here, we have a lovely term, someone is  "curvy." So instead of saying she's not thin,   a really positive term that we can use is  she's curvy. Yes, not everyone is stick thin.   This is not an ideal for a lot of people. Maybe  that's your body naturally, but maybe it's not.   So I think nowadays, some celebrities who are  curvy, we call this having an hourglass shape,   are trying to embrace that. You can also say,  "She is full-figured." This means she's not   a stick. Instead, she has an hourglass  shape. She's full-figured, she's curvy.  And we could say, "Obama is charismatic."  Someone who's charismatic is charming. Usually,   they're also good looking. They're a  smooth talker and they're confident.   Someone who is charismatic. I think it's  a wonderful goal to try to be charismatic   in English. Express yourself  well, use all of these words.  Marilyn Monroe, we could say, "She is iconic."  We use this expression only for people who are   extremely well-known, especially for something  specific. So we could say, "Marilyn Monroe is an   iconic figure. She is best known for her hourglass  figure and her good looks." She was also a very   smart business woman and a very intelligent  person, but she's best known for her looks.  We talked about a lot of expressions  you can use for women, but for men,   you can use the term "chiseled." I wanted to  give you the original meaning of that. First,   here, you can see a statue, and it's kind of  funny because the statue is chiseling himself.   He is making something out of a piece of metal  or a piece of stone, and what that means when we   talk about someone is usually their face. When  we say someone is chiseled, that usually has to   do with their jaw line. So we could say, "He has  a chiseled jaw." And that's generally considered   something positive in Hollywood. Someone has a  chiseled jaw, and this is just a genetic feature.  All right, let's go to our next section where you  will be introduced to some heroes or inspiring   figures and some words we can use to describe  them. Do you know who this is? This is Marie   Curie. She is a famous scientist. She was the  first woman to win the Nobel Prize, the first   and only woman to win two Nobel prizes, and in  two different domains. She has completely changed   science. So we could say, "She is intelligent, she  was extremely focused, and she is a trailblazer."   This is a wonderful term for someone who was the  first in something. Other people who followed in   her footsteps had a little bit of an easier time  because she blazed the trail first. She was the   trailblazer, and then other people could follow. This is Mother Teresa. She set up soup kitchens,   she helped lepers, she helped the dying destitute.  She really had a heart for people who couldn't   give back to society. It didn't matter that she  couldn't receive anything, she wanted to give to   them. So we could say, "She is compassionate, she  is nurturing, she is kind. She has a kind heart."  Next, we have the Dalai Llama. The Dalai Llama  is the most famous Buddhist teacher in the world,   and he's widely respected for his commitment to  nonviolence and the cause of Tibetan freedom. So   we could say, "He is wise, he is patient, and  he is peaceful." Probably three things that   we could all do with a little bit more. This is Nelson Mandela. He is a South   African anti-apartheid activist, the most  well-known, and he was the first Black   head of state in South Africa. So we could  say, "He was powerful, he was a visionary,   he was courageous." Lovely expressions. And on the other side of the world, this was   Abraham Lincoln. He was a president in the U.S.  during the American Civil War. So it was a really   difficult time in the U.S. For a lot of people,  and he pushed to preserve the union. This is what   we call all of the United States. He wanted to  preserve the United States and abolish slavery.   Some terms often associated with him are empathy.  He cared about those who were enslaved, integrity,   and honesty. Sometimes we even use the expression,  "Honest Abe." He is such an Honest Abe. "Oh, my   son's such an Honest Abe. He can't lie. Anytime  he lies, it's so obvious. He's an Honest Abe."  Finally, we have a mythical, or we should say  fictional person, but they were also real. This   is Rosie the Riveter. And during World War II,  you would have seen these posters all over the   U.S. and it was because a lot of men, almost all  of the young men were fighting in the war. So who   could do the men's jobs back in the U.S.? Well,  it was the women. So this was supposed to mobilize   women to go to factories, to work towards creating  and preserving what was left of the country while   the men were gone, and it was supposed to empower  women. In fact, my great-grandmother was one of   these women. She left her family and she went  to go work in the factories while all of the   men were gone during World War II. So we could  say that Rosie the Riveter embodies the idea of   someone who is strong, someone who's bold,  someone who is resilient. I love that word.  All right, let's go to our next category, which  is about money. Oh my, does this picture hurt your   heart? Burning money. Well, there are two idioms  that I'd like you to remember about this picture,   and it is, "To have money to burn." You could say,  "He got his first paycheck and now he has money to   burn." This means he really wants to spend all his  money, or you have money burning a hole in your   pocket. You just got paid and you're just feeling  like, "Oh, I need to spend that money. I need to   do something with it." You're not going to save  it. You're not going to give it away. Instead,   you just can't stop thinking about it. That  money is burning a hole in your pocket.  With this picture, I want you to learn  the expression, "All he sees are dollar   signs." This is someone who cannot stop  thinking about money. All he sees are   dollar signs. "How much was that? Oh, could  I buy that? Hmm, I wonder how much that was?   If I saved... " All they can think about is money. In this picture, you could say, this person has   a lot of money. They are a hotshot. They're  a high roller. They're a big spender. Most   normal people don't go around carrying this  much money, but a hot shot might do that.  On the other hand, if you have nothing in your  pockets, this type of image exactly means you   are broke. This doesn't mean that you broke a  bone. It means you have no money in your wallet.   You have empty pockets. Sometimes if someone  wants to say that they don't have any money,   all that they might do is this. They might  touch their pockets, maybe pretend to pull   them out. Say, "Sorry, I don't have any money."  It's kind of a classic symbol of I have no money.  Somebody who is a penny pincher. Do you  think that's a good thing or a bad thing?   Well, it all depends on how you say it.  If you say someone is a penny pincher,   usually it's not so positive. It means that  they're always trying to look for a shortcut,   ways to save money, but sometimes that means that  they are not very generous and they're just trying   to save money. Somebody like this can also be  called cheap. You don't want to be called cheap.   It's not positive. Or even worse than that is a  tightwad. "Oh, he's such a tightwad. Last year,   he gave me a pencil for Christmas." But if you are  careful with your money, you're not a tightwad,   you're not cheap, you're not a penny pincher,  but you don't spend money all over the place,   you can use a positive term. You are frugal. This  is the term that I like to think about for myself.   I try to be generous to other people, but I also  try to be frugal. I'm careful with my money.  All right, let's go to the next category,  which is the space around us. Oh my,   this room is cluttered. It's messy. It's a pigsty.  This refers to the place where pigs live. Pigs are   not known for being neat and tidy, so I'm sorry  if someone came into your house and said, "Oh my,   it's a pigsty in here." It's not a compliment. On the other hand, this person is neat, tidy,   organized, and a lovely advanced word is  meticulous. You can be meticulous about   your space. It's very organized. It's not  that this person has nothing in their house,   they have things here, but it's all organized.  But you can also be meticulous in your work.   This is a great word to use for a job  interview when you're describing your   work ethic. If you are detail-oriented, you  never forget little details, you could say,   "I am meticulous. You will never have to ask me  twice, and I will always try to do it exactly   right the first time." You are meticulous. Now, this picture, yes, there's a lot of things,   but the feel of this place is homey. Now,  when a place is homey, it means it's cozy,   it's intimate. It feels like somebody lives here.  It's well-decorated, but it just feels like home.  On the other hand, this place is  sparse, minimalistic, cold, and sterile.   Sometimes this type of decor, it's not really  even decor, but this type of architecture is   popular online because I think people see  pictures of this and they think, "Oh, it's   so simple. You don't have to clean anything." But  would you want to live in a place like this? No,   I'd much rather live in a place like this. The final expression and picture we're going   to use to talk about space is open, spacious.  It is even sprawling. Sprawling has to do with   a big space, and we might even say  that this room, here's the kitchen,   you can see the living room in the distance,  it flows. So the house flows from one room to   the next. You don't have to open a door, close  a door, go down a hallway. It just easily flows   from one room to the next. It's very airy. All right, let's go to the next category,   which is holidays. Holidays are usually family  oriented. You might spend time with your family   because you have deep family values. And if  you enjoy spending time with your family,   you might say, "We are close-knit, so I can't  wait to spend time together during the holidays."  This picture has to do with spending time with  friends. You can say, "We're going to chill. We're   going to hang out. We're going to get together."  Sometimes instead of saying Thanksgiving in the   U.S., we use the term Friendsgiving. This  is especially true if you can't go home to   your family during the Thanksgiving holiday,  you might hear people use this expression,   Friendsgiving. Sometimes we even say that close  friends are the family you choose. So you can't   choose who your family is, but you might say  if you have some really close, special friends,   "They are the family I chose." So they're just  like your family, but you could choose them.  Here, we have someone who is not going  away on vacation. Instead, what is this   guy doing? He is having a staycation. This is  a mix between two words to stay and vacation,   but it means he's not going to leave the house,  he's not working. and he's not going to school.   He's just chilling on the couch with a book,  some coffee. He's having a staycation. So   you could say, "He's chilling at home, he's  taking it easy, or he's just doing nothing."  Here, we have a lovely Christmas picture, lovely  winter picture. Some expressions we use when we   think about pictures like this is, "I'll be home  for the holidays." It has this warm feeling inside   that you've been far away from home, far away  from your family, but during the holiday season,   and maybe in your country, Christmas is not the  big holiday, it might be another big holiday,   but you might say, "I can't wait to be home for  the holidays." Sometimes we sing I'll Be Home for   Christmas. It's a popular Christmas song, and this  picture is exactly a winter wonderland. Where I   live, it doesn't look like this. Maybe two days  out of each winter, there is a snow like this,   but it would certainly be nice to visit. Let's talk about some traditions that happen   on holidays. In the U.S., a popular holiday is  Halloween, and we carve pumpkins. We also write   letters to Santa. At Christmas, children love to  write letters to Santa and tell him what they hope   to get for Christmas. And usually the night before  Christmas, so on Christmas Eve, children make   cookies and set a glass of milk beside the chimney  because that's where Santa comes down, and in the   morning, the cookies and the milk are mysteriously  gone because Santa has come to eat them.  A very popular tradition for almost every holiday  is that you cook special dishes and you eat them   together. This looks like Thanksgiving because I  see a wonderful Turkey in the middle of the table,   but I imagine whatever holidays are popular  in your country, you cook special dishes.  All right, let's go to the next category, which  is shopping. This lady is window shopping. When   she leaves home, she might tell her husband,  "Hey, I'm just going to look. I'm just going   window shopping. I'm just going to look." Now, this guy, he looks like he's looking   for something specific, so he could say, "I'm  looking for a specific vitamin. Excuse me,   I'm looking for this vitamin. Could you help me  find it?" Or we can often use a fun verb, "To   peruse the shelves." This means maybe something's  tricky to find, so he has to look on each shelf,   he is perusing the shelves. And maybe really  he's not looking for a specific vitamin or   something specific, he could just say, "Ah, I'm  just looking. Thanks." Maybe he's just browsing,   just checking out the options. He could use  that expression. "I'm just looking. Thanks."  Now, this person is in the dressing room.  Sometimes these are called fitting rooms.   So you might ask someone at a clothing store,  "Excuse me, can I have a fitting room please?" Or,   "Can I have a dressing room? Where are your  dressing rooms? Where are your fitting rooms?"   She is trying something on. That's what you do  in the store. It's quite common in the U.S. to   be able to try something on before you buy it. Here, we have a little kid shopper, and there's   a couple different terms that we can use to  talk about that yellow thing. It could be a   grocery cart. That's what I call it, a cart,  but you could also call it a shopping cart,   a buggy, or if you're carrying, it's just a  basket. I need to get a basket because I don't   have to get many items, but it looks like this  little kid is pushing around a shopping cart.  This man is carrying a pile of some large items.  We use the term "stocking up" or "stockpiling"   because he is getting a lot or a big quantity  of things. This happened a lot during COVID,   and it also happens whenever there's a  big storm. People will go to the store   and they will stockpile toilet paper, bread, those  essential items. They will stockpile those items.   Sometimes a negative word we use to talk about  that is "to stash" those items. So during COVID,   some people bought so many rolls of toilet  paper, they had a stash of toilet paper,   and it meant that other people didn't have enough,  and this caused a crisis in some places. So maybe   don't stockpile too many things, just enough. All right, let's go to our final category, which   are movies and books. This picture represents  action movies. In action movies, there are often   high-speed chases, explosions, fight scenes.  Some popular action movies are Indiana Jones,   Rocky movies, Mission Impossible movies, James  Bond movies. Also, you might watch a thriller.   This is a clip or a scene from the movie Memento,  and I don't really enjoy many stressful movies,   but I really enjoyed the movie Memento. I highly  recommend it. These types of thriller movies are   suspenseful, they're nail-biters. You're biting  your nails because you want to know what's going   to happen. Maybe they're hair-raising, "Oh, that  movie was so hair-raising. Every moment I thought   something crazy was going to happen. It's very  suspenseful." And there's often a cliff-hanger   at key moments. A cliff-hanger means that  you think something's going to happen,   and then boom, they cut to another scene. So  you are left waiting what's going to happen.  Another type of this more, not stressful, but  suspenseful movie is a fun term called whodunit.   Now, this means who did it. But we often combine  this into one rather casual expression, whodunit.   So we could say, "Murder on the Orient Express is  a whodunit." So you want to find out who did the   murder, who did the bad thing. It's a whodunit.  We can also call these murder mysteries. They're   page-turners. They have plot twists. I couldn't  put it down because I just kept reading it. I   couldn't put it down. I highly recommend reading  this book, Murder on the Orient Express. This is   the movie version. I think the book version by  Agatha Christie is even better. But some common   whodunit authors or classic authors, for example,  are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He wrote the Sherlock   Holmes series, and Agatha Christie who wrote  this. They are the classic whodunit authors.  Finally, we have, talking about the word classic,  classic movies. These are movies that are   culturally significant. To use a term we talked  about before, they are iconic, they are timeless,   they are a must-see. So this is from Forrest Gump.  It is a timeless movie. It is an iconic movie,   and we could say it's a classic. Other classic  movies are the Star Wars series, The Shawshank   Redemption movie, iconic Gump, The Godfather  series. These are classic movies that you have   to see in order to understand more about a culture  and just to be a well-rounded movie watcher.  Here, we have our final expression, which is  a "RomCom." This stands for romantic comedy,   and these have lots of love and lots of laughs.  Usually, the theme of these movies is that   true love will win in the end. And if you are  having a sad day, having a hard time, sometimes   watching a RomCom can pick up your spirits. So how did you do? Did you enjoy this lesson   learning important daily life vocabulary  through pictures? I hope so. Don't forget   to download the free PDF worksheet with all  of this lesson's vocabulary, ideas, concepts,   everything that you need to express yourself  completely. You can click on the link in the   description to download that free worksheet today. Well, thank you so much for learning English with   me, and I'll see you again next Friday for a  new lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye.  But wait, do you want more? I recommend watching  this video next. You will learn 250 more important   vocabulary words with pictures, including which  famous movie and book character is a goody two   shoes. Do you know this expression? Well, watch  the video to find out, and I'll see you there.
Channel: Speak English With Vanessa
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Keywords: learn english, english conversation, speak english, english pronunciation, speak english with vanessa, Speak English With Vanessa, english with vanessa, native english teacher, american english, phrasal verbs, fast english, how to speak english, real english conversation, daily english vocabulary, english vocabulary lesson, english vocabulary practice, english words with pictures
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Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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