250 General Knowledge Trivia Quiz Questions ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿงช๐Ÿ๐ŸŒŽ

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hey hey monsters here's a fun 250 questions general knowledge quiz let's go what is the capital city of France Paris in which year did World War II end [Music] 1945 which planet is known as the red planet Mars who wrote the play Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare what is the largest mammal in the world blue whale what is the currency of Japan Yen which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun Japan what is the largest ocean on earth Pacific Ocean who painted the Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci what is the capital city of Australia Canberra in which year did the Titanic sink 1912 what is the main ingredient in guacamole avocado which gas do plants absorb during photosynthesis carbon dioxide who is known as the father of computers Charles babage what is the largest desert in the world [Music] Antarctic desert what is the currency of China Yuan who wrote the I Have a Dream speech Martin Luther King what is the chemical symbol for gold Au which planet is known as the blue planet Earth what is the world's longest river Nile River who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize Marie cury what is the capital city of Brazil Brazilia in which year did the United States declare independence 1776 which element has the chemical symbol o oxygen what is the name of this fruit lii which of the following is not a primary color [Music] orange which country is known as the land of the Midnight Sun Norway what is the currency of India [Music] rupee who is the first man to step on the Moon Neil Armstrong what is the largest organ in the human body [Music] skin which element is essential for human bone health calcium who painted star night [Music] Vincent vano what is the capital city of Canada Ottawa in which year did the Berlin Wall fall 1989 what is the smallest prime number two what does CPU stand for in Computing Central Processing Unit which gas makes up the majority of Earth's atmosphere nitrogen what is the largest bird in the world ostrich which country is known as the land of the Pharaohs [Music] Egypt who wrote The Great Gatsby Scott Fitzgerald what is the capital city of South Africa [Music] both in which year did the first man moon landing occur 1969 what is the largest island in the world [Music] Greenland who painted the Persistence of memory Salvador Dolly what is the main ingredient in hummus [Music] chickpeas what is the name of this currency euro what is the currency of Mexico peso who is known as the father of modern physics Isaac Newton what is the capital city of Argentina Buenos Aries in which year did the European Union or EU come into existence now 1993 what is the chemical symbol for water H2O which bird is often associated with delivering babies [Music] Stark what is the currency of Russia rubo which planet is known as the Earth's twin [Music] Venus what is the largest continent in the world Asia what is the name of this vegetable sweet potato what is the capital city of China Beijing in which year was the Titanic built [Music] 1909 what is the smallest planet in our solar system Mercury what is the freezing point of water in Fahrenheit 32ยฐ F what is the main ingredient in sushi rice what do you call a Turkish bath house hamam what is the currency of South Korea one how many Harry Potter films are there eight what is the capital city of Spain [Music] Madrid in which year did India get independence 1947 what is the chemical symbol for silver [Music] AG what is the capital of Brazil Brazilia what is the largest country in South America [Music] Brazil what is the currency of Switzerland Frank who discovered penicillin [Music] Alexander Fleming what is the capital city of Italy Rome in which year did Christopher Columbus reach the Americas 1492 what is the chemical symbol for iron F in which country was the Buddha born Nepal which city is also known as the city of canals Venice who is the first American in space Alan sheeper Jr what is the capital city of India New Deli in which year did World War I begin 1914 what is the largest planet in our solar system [Music] Jupiter in which city in the USA is Broadway located New York City what is the PowerHouse of the cell [Music] mitochondria what is the largest mammal on land elephant who painted the Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci which country's flag is this Slovakia what is the smallest bone in the human body stapes Who is credited with making the world's first car Carl BZ in which year did the Cold War end 1991 which mountain is the tallest on Earth above sea level Mount Everest which element has the chemical symbol K potassium who discovered the theory of evolution by natural selection Charles Darwin in what country was the company Nokia founded Finland who is the last profit in Islam [Music] Muhammad what is the smallest country in the world Vatican City who is the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates which gas gives soda its Fizz carbon dioxide what is the currency of South Africa [Music] Rand what is the name of this dinosaur triceratops what is the cap of Thailand Bangkok acrophobia is a fear of heights in which country did the Renaissance begin Italy what is the capital of Turkey anara what is the largest moon in our solar system gamed who was the first president of the United States George Washington what is the capital of Saudi Arabia rad which planet is known as the morning star or evening star [Music] Venus in what year did the Russian Revolution take place 1917 what is the capital of Indonesia [Music] Jakarta what does SD stand for in reference to SD cards secure digital what is the largest desert in Asia goby desert what is the name of the mountain range in South America Andes what is the capital of Sweden Stockholm what is the currency of Egypt pound who discovered the structure of DNA James Watson and Francis cck what is the national animal of Australia kangaroo which country is known as the land of the thunder dragon Bhutan taida muslin and charmo are types of Fabric in what year did the Industrial Revolution begin 1760 what is the capital of Peru [Music] Lima what is the largest bird of prey Condor what is the unit of electrical resistance [Music] oh in what year did The Great Fire of London occur 1666 what is the capital of Columbia [Music] boota in which city is the Coliseum located Rome what is the name of the rat in Ratatouille Remy who was the first woman in space Valentina Tereshkova what is the capital of New Zealand Wellington which sea will you find between mainland China and South Korea Yellow Sea which country is famous for its tulip fields Netherlands what is the largest moon in our solar system gamed who painted the Scream Edward Munch in which year did the American Civil War begin [Music] 1861 what is the currency of South sedan pound from which country does the dance flamco originate [Music] Spain what is the name of the tallest waterfall in the world Angel Falls what is the capital of Ethiopia Addis Ababa in which year did the Great Depression begin 1929 which of the following gemston will you only find in shades of blue and purple tanzanite what is the currency of Nigeria naira who is known as the father of geometry uid which of the following is produced by the white blood cells antibodies what is the largest volcano in the world maaa the appendix is attached to the large intestine who discovered the laws of motion and gravity Isaac Newton what is the largest country in the world by land area [Music] Russia what is the largest desert in Africa Sahara Desert who painted The Girl With a Pearl Earring Johannes verm what is the capital of Ukraine Kev which gas is known as Laughing Gas nitrous oxide who wrote The Three Musketeers Alexander Dumas what is the capital of Myanmar [Music] Napa what type of acid is stomic acid hydrochloric acid what is the smallest prime number greater than 10 11 who wrote The Hunchback of notra dam Victor Hugo what is the currency of Thailand bot what is the capital of Chile Santiago in which sports is Tiger Woods a star athlete golf what is the currency of Sweden [Music] cronar what term is used to refer to an infant kangaroo Joey what is the capital of Malaysia quala lumur what is the capital of Finland Helsinki what was the first successful vaccine developed for small poox what is the longest wall in the world the Great Wall of China in which year was the Eiffel Tower completed 1889 approximately how many neurons does the human brain have 86 billion how many elements are there in the periodic table 118 what is the speed of light approximately 299,792,458 2 km/s in Motorsport which flag would be used to indicate a hazard on the track yellow flag how many circles are there in the Olympic flag [Music] five from which country was the Statue of Liberty a gift to the United States France what percentage of the Earth's atmosphere is composed of nitrogen [Music] 78% what is the largest coral reef system in the world Great Barrier Reef what is the longest river in South America [Music] Amazon River what gas makes balloons float helium in what year was the United Nations founded 1945 how many times does the human heart beat per day on average 100,000 times in which year was the Hubble Space Telescope launched 1990 when was the Roman Coliseum completed 8080 how many paintings did Vincent van go sell during his lifetime one in which year was the American Declaration of Independence signed 1776 which Waterway connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Panama Canal which insect is responsible for spreading yellow fever [Music] mosquitoes what is the fastest land animal cheetah what body of water is between Africa and the Arabian peninsula Red Sea which of the Seven Wonders is the oldest Great Pyramid of Giza what is the name of Peter Pan's fairy sidekick Tinker Bell which ocean is the smallest and shallowest Arctic Ocean in which year were the first modern Olympic Games held in Athens 1896 how many bones does the human body have 206 what is the maximum number of Spectators the Coliseum in Rome could hold 880,000 who was the first person to reach the South Pole roel dominon what was Iran formerly known as Persia what is the fastest bird parag Falcon what is the longest recorded time between two twins being born 90 days what is the currency of Australia Australian dollar during construction when did the Leaning Tower of Pisa start tilting 12th century what is the largest enclosed inland body of water Caspian Sea when was the first successful human heart transplant performed 1967 in which country is the Anor watt Temple complex located [Music] Cambodia which is the largest land animal African elephant which is the saltiest body of water in the world World Dead Sea what was the first artificial satellite launched by the Soviet Union Sputnik one how many years did the longest war in history last between Spain and the Moors 781 years which is the largest volcano in our solar system Olympus Mons can the human liver regenerate itself yes which organ removes excess water Ura and waste products from the blood kidney what is the unique combination of the Great Sphinx of Giza pharoh's head and Lion's body why can people easily float on the surface of the Dead Sea hi saltiness which state is known as the sunshine state in the USA Florida when was the word hello first used as a telephone greeting [Music] 1800s which is the largest diamond ever discovered cullin in Diamond what is the currency of Sweden [Music] Swedish Crona who was the first man to walk on the Moon Neil Armstrong what is the color of the maple leaf on the Canadian FL [Music] red which body of water is located between Palestine and Jordan Dead Sea how many many zeros are there in one billion nine when was the first successful open heart surgery performed 1893 what is the currency of Saudi Arabia Saudi RI how long did the shortest war in history between Britain and zenbar last 38 minutes which is the longest river in Europe vulga River in which country did the tradition of exchanging wedding rings originate ancient Egypt what was Pluto reclassified as in 2006 dwarf planet which country is the largest producer of tea [Music] China what is the square root of 144 12 what is the largest lake in Africa Lake Victoria which European Union country has the largest population Germany what does the FBI stand for Federal Bureau of Investigation what is the largest desert in the world Antarctica What can you measure with a pluviometer rainfall what is the coldest temperature ever recorded on earth 89.2 C who is this famous person Nelson Mandela who is the longest reigning monarch in British history Queen Elizabeth the second what is the most common name for the helex big toe when was the first successful airplane flight conducted by the right Brothers 1903 what name is given to an adult female sheep you what is the primary composition of the Earth's core iron and nickel which is the fastest fish sailfish how many stripes are there on the United States flag [Music] 13 what is the oldest known city in the world Jericho which country is famous for introducing the sauna [Music] Finland can honeybees recognize human faces yes when was the first ever successful colored photograph taken 1861 which chest piece can only move diagonally Bishop what is the national flower of India Lotus where is the world's largest volcano Mauna laa located Hawaii which metal is liquid at room temperature Mercury what are bananas classified as berries how many continents are there in the world seven what is the name of the river that flows through London [Music] temps in what year did World War II end 1945 how many did you get comment down below and make sure to like And subscribe
Channel: Quiz Monster
Views: 40,774
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Keywords: quiz monster, Trivia Questions, Geography Quiz, general knowledge quiz, general knowledge quiz hard, general knowledge questions, general knowledge, general knowledge quiz multiple choice, general knowledge 2023, gk questions and answers, trivia quiz general knowledge, 250 general knowledge, general knowledge quiz 100 questions, general knowledge quiz 250 questions, general knowledge quiz with answers, general knowledge quiz easy, general knowledge quiz hard history
Id: qP5JiX-tyZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 22sec (4042 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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