$25 Vietnam Capsule Hotel

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A regular hotel in Vietnam costs $12

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/I_WOULD_NOT_EAT_THAT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

miss Saigon la la la la

miss Saigon la la la la

remember when cities were alive with people and shopping areas and malls?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/evenios πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thinker43 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
120 after 20 hours on the road 21 actually I'm in Saigon Vietnam most populous city I'm looking for a motorbike to take me to my capsule hotel I haven't seen a capsule hotel since I was in Japan many years ago so this will be interesting but first I have to find where I can I don't wanna have the last time I was there traffic was horrendous so I don't want to take these taxis I want to find the motorbike so I can weave my way past traffic [Applause] when everyone told me that it was supposed to be here but I don't see it so then we go back I'll turn the camera run so you can see things that are more interesting than my face you said motorbike yeah you have are you driving okay okay how much I go to movie ends how do you move en suite yes come Highline a good price for me I wonder city how much Bui vien Street but they can hide a thousand and 3000k that makes no sense in dome how much how much I don't understand you show me show me 120 risers twice to go right to the car alright I might as well take care it's not that bad are the five dollars but I think I don't know when I had a taxi last time I think I paid five dollars so again as you guys you know me I mean I yeah I can afford to pay five dollars for a motorbike but I feel in a bargaining mood and not in the mood for being ripped up so I'm either gonna take one of those taxis for five dollars or walked so wandered in here to avoid that in here to this mall and I found this man he's gonna be my driver for pretty much the same price as what a little bit of a discount he looks like a nice man so okay one person hundred I paid to you or him for you Wow you're the boss all right bye-bye where is your motorbike I'm expecting a Kawasaki set 900 whoa what a beast 150 hi it's a Honda under I need to wear a helmet too let's hope not for me ruin my beautiful hairdo a rather was this your wife Fatima happy man not wife all right we are ready to roll I am of course dead tired no sleep an airplane really looking forward to this sleeping in this capsule all right you're not feeling let's see if we can survive this fancier coupon this is how you know your innovation of the horns I'm wondering if this city has just developed a lot since I was here a year and a half ago or if it's just that I've been twice to India and I'm used to Leicester state of development and more dirt we'll see I'll revisit that thought a when I've been here for a week here we go Sunland okay son land looks fancy well I wasn't expecting this I was expecting a little backpacker in the shack with some chapel parts in the reception think it's here let's see if this is it or not hello I have a booking hello hello I have a book in here I think hold on hold on just me here we go I'll make a film about your hotel it's a camera it's a Sony yes yes why do you want to be camera man you can fill my ticket cannot see you cannot see what you're filming you have to go home and then you look and you're like wow that was good or wow that was horrible how much it's $350 between $15 and 250 a meal and maybe a me yeah expensive expensive it's too too much yeah but it has 4k there is even a little water park here Wow guess who's gonna try this slide tomorrow morning is m1 are usually hotel gyms are not very functional they're here they you can actually pack on some weights you well this is pretty good for a hotel gym then I regret not booking here for longer I booked here for two nights and then I'm moving I'm planning to spend this whole trip changing hotels I can show you guys different rules different prices you know see what you get for your money but okay we'll see des will see the pod or whatever I'm gonna the capsule I'm gonna sleep in first and then we'll make a decision but thus far I regret not cooking here for the whole the whole trip I'm so tired and so I guess tipsy from the mojito that I barely understand even when I talk nonetheless when other people talk I ready are we ready yes we're ready Wow you you're the you're a natural in front of the camera usually people are a bit camera shy but you're like are you ready you're you're you're playing to the crowd already yes buddy that is why I booked it so thank you this it's like space that's just my locker did you see how I was looking for that I was gonna go and buy that but perfect can I take them yes great number one how many people stay in each we did it fully eight four eight one two three four five six touch it eight eight fancy alright and shoes outside and how do okay do the Grand Tour and they think this is a crazy hotel huddle approves very nice man admitted right yes there's a lot of life so how I have a key card right it's an abandoned us [Music] and the same here did you don't get when you go out at the key outside for for the door okay so that's the key in there yes miss your room get it okay and then it looks well so I can keep can keep things inside and the safe is all right all right yeah thank you thank you very much yes I'll see you downstairs yeah 50 floor 40 and swimming pools let me go up and look is it open yes yeah it's 15 you very nice okay I'll take it off memory and films yeah so I have to yeah easy like that so fancy just one guy's and then and it's locked this one perfect perfect alright I think I get it let's see upstairs I was expecting your hotel to be small yeah I thought it was a small hotel you know three three spot in the three-star yes Hotel Sunland hello Oh kind over to open wide by one [Music] hello well it's quite the right to change from India am I saying it to wind it all for the camera so I'll see if see if I can end this vlog here okay we have no wind so this is I'm gonna check out the pool actually in the morning and then I'll end the vlog there right now I'm gonna go for a shower and maybe have another drink and then pass out it's been an eventful couple of days but this hotel is beyond all expectations so signing off for tonight look here interesting little tray non-smoking reading light wake up light well what do you guys think what am I paying here I'm paying $25 which in Vietnam you can get pretty good hotel rooms for 10 but I mean you this is for the experienced yeah how all this to get the japanese-style capsule hotel experience that even a little fire extinguisher in here which we're not gonna try right now but uh yeah only thing here is SOS the button headphone jack what I would like to do is turn off the air conditioner which I don't see any way to do that but all right I have towels so they provide everything here now it's find the time for that shower for the whole I guess it's almost 23 hours now being on the road no food no drinks apart from that little meal up the road so this is gonna be the greatest shower of all time signing off [Music] first night over and done with ten o'clock man I feel rough but well uh let me get some light in here before honesty's work come on come on mirror light come to Papa mirror are they are these is too much alright there we go good morning guys to the discerning eye you'll notice that this part you see me in right now is much bigger than the one I checked into yesterday I came home rather intoxicated to be honest at 2 o'clock last night and the reception started you know rummaging around with my passport and HTC you is this you I'm like yeah you know what do you want and and it turns out I paid for a double as you can see this is way more spacious it's much bigger this is four for two and it's been a mistake at my check-in so this one is $25 the other one I believe is 18 or something like that the other one was perfectly fine and functional this one is yeah I mean if you're alone you don't need this size apart but yeah now it's been sorted and it was quite a walk out and show you the swimming pool and so on but this room has five of these parts where's the other one I think I counted nine so I mean this one is more quiet it's been it was nice ok I've been more or less passed out so obviously in my sleep has been so so but I didn't I didn't wake up at any time during the night and you know it to be quite honest if I could live like this every every city that I that I go to I would prefer this over a hotel room any any anywhere so let's let's get a t-shirt on and then go and show you guys to pool right to write up the unlock door lock phones card what and then we open uh no II don't there's the website capsule hotel oh there we go we're good to go I must say I've felt better at better mornings more drinking tonight so the pool is up in the 12th floor I still have a bit there myself I don't even have a shorter swim so we're going to go to fix that later at the first vietnam market [Music] nice oh it's not not the most modern pool but it'll do so that's it signing off from the capsule hotel bye bye
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 19,022,598
Rating: 4.8357 out of 5
Keywords: Vietnam hotel, Capsule hotel Vietnam, cheap luxury hotel vietnam
Id: gyM6JW642Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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