25 Things The President Of The US Can’t Actually Do

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change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time we are the ones we've been waiting for we are the change that we seek Barack Obama I'm Mike with lists 25 and here are 25 things the President of the US can't actually do 25 interpret laws or the Constitution does the First Amendment cover free speech on the internet or no that judgment is not up to the president it's actually up to the Supreme Court this is the highest court in the land as the name implies and it has the final say on interpreting what a law means the president has no say in these judgments 24 choose members of the Supreme Court on their own the Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment meaning that once appointed a judge is in for the rest of his or her life unless they choose to retire having to replace members is a somewhat rare but serious matter has the whole position longer than the president while the President does have the job of nominating someone that nomination has to be approved through the Senate and they have the power to reject it 23 legalize medical marijuana in order for this to happen marijuana would have to be reclassified by the DEA from a schedule 1 to a schedule 2 drug the DEA recently confirmed they won't be doing that any time in 2016 states still have the power to allow marijuana for medical and recreational use on a state-by-state basis 22 legalize / criminalize abortion or any other controversial medical procedure choices for things like abortion and medically assisted suicide for terminally ill patients rests with individual states not the Oval Office 21 halt deportations or grant amnesty to all illegal immigrants President Obama himself has tried to place a temporary ban on deportations of illegal immigrants living in the u.s. via executive order and it was blocked by the Supreme Court 20 freely open borders laws passed as far back as 1921 limit the number of immigrants legally allowed into the u.s. each year the president along with Congress determines the maximum number of refugees fleeing four nations allowed in each year 19 take away social security payments some candidates may propose laws to increase payments or tax them differently but these are all a part of a budget that must be passed by Congress Americans pay into the system and when they retire they get a monthly stipend period there's lots of talk about Social Security running out but when that's projected to happen in 2037 it merely means that current payments will be reduced by around 10 percent and there's still lots of time for Congress to pass budgets that will make up that difference 18 drive despite being one of the most powerful people in the world sitting and former presidents are strongly discouraged from driving by the Secret Service and when they do get the keys it's only in very controlled situations like a golf course 17 repeal or enforce Common Core or any other federal standard for education states have an individual right to adopt or reject any federal education guidelines like No Child Left Behind or Common Core while this may affect any federal funding they receive each individual state has the right to opt in to federal standards or keep their own 16 completely forgive student loan debt even Obama's loan forgiveness program requires most people to make 10 to 20 years worth of monthly payments before forgiving the debt and that's if you qualify student debt isn't just going to magically poof away regardless of who's elected in November 15 use an iPhone President Obama went on Jimmy Kimmel in 2015 and explained that he still uses a blackberry because the president can't use any phone that contains a recording device 14 earn income outside of government salary any investments a president has goes into a blind trust until he or she leaves office 13 break the law the president is subject to the laws of the land such as not lying under oath like the average citizen should he or she break those laws the house has the right to vote for impeachment and the Senate has the right to try those cases like a court 12 add or reduce welfare programs welfare reform of any kind has to be passed either as a law or as part of a budget meaning it must go through Congress first while the president can and often does propose these laws he or she alone cannot enact or enforce them 11 use executive orders to do whatever they want in the 1950s President Truman tried to take control of the nation's steel mills to prevent a strike the Supreme Court determined that the president lacked the authority to seize control of the u.s. steel industry if the president oversteps his or her bounds of power the people or Congress have a right to petition the Supreme Court to make a ruling on the executive order in question 10 seize all firearms in the possession of private citizens a lot of buzz is going around about which candidate is pro or anti Second Amendment or about new gun control the president cannot seize anyone's firearms even during a nationwide state of emergency without legal reason or cause 9 making gay marriage illegal again in June of 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is a constitutional right in order for it to change there would need to be a challenge in lower courts bumped up to the Supreme Court once again to another ruling with different members eight shut down the government the government shutdown in October 2013 was the result of a republican-controlled house and a Democratic controlled Senate being unable to agree on a budget the president did not and could not initiate it or end it 7 in that trade policy while there is a fast track for the president to write trade policy it still must be passed through Congress fast-tracking simply means Congress cannot amend they must vote yay or nay 6 authorize additional funding for NASA while the president can propose acts and budgets and talk about the u.s. goals for space travel the power of NASA funding lies ultimately with Congress as do all budgetary issues 5 repeal the Affordable Care Act or enact anything in its place since the Affordable Care Act is already a law any changes would have to be proposed as a bill which would then have to be passed through Congress for formerly declare war that power actually rests with Congress and Congress alone it is not shared with the president though the sitting president must sign the declaration of war three change the tax code tax reform that changed the federal tax code for individuals or businesses has to go through Congress before becoming a law even then it can be years before it takes effect to alter or amend the Constitution our Constitution can only be changed via a constitutional amendment which can be initiated by a state or by Congress but must then have a two-thirds vote in Congress before going on to the States at which point it must have three-fourths of the states agree on the proposed amendment in other words the majority of elected representatives at a federal and state level must agree and pass the amendment so far this has only happened seven times one change things on a local level if you care about local taxes your Police Department how the school district is run what green initiatives are happening in your own area or drug legalization you'll want to make sure you vote down ballot because the more local the issue the further down the ballot your city's Chief of Police head of the school board or statewide greed energy laws may affect your day-to-day life just as much if not more than who's elected as president so it's worth taking the time to educate yourself on local elections enjoying our lists be sure to click that subscribe button in the top right corner so you don't miss out on new ones every Monday through Friday share them with your friends and help us consistently conciliate curiosity and if you want even more lists check out these two videos here or just head to our website at lists pond5.com [Music]
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Views: 1,202,037
Rating: 4.6508374 out of 5
Keywords: List25, 25 things the president of the us can't actually do, congress, federal, laws, legal, POTUS, president, President of the United State of America, President of the US, senate, state, States, Supreme Court, us congress, us senate, US supreme court
Id: 9X_1_R5syBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2016
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