25 Things Only Adults Notice In Marvel Movies

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did you ever watch a movie as a kid and have your parent laugh at something that you didn't get maybe you laughed along but weren't sure what the actual joke was this is awesome as we get older and watch movies we have started to notice more and more adult content that's peppered throughout popular films whether it's an old movie reference or an innuendo movies usually cater to multiple age groups and Marvel movies are no exception today we'll be looking at 25 things only adults notice in Marvel movies and we'll be covering everything from dirty jokes to deeper meanings and metaphors behind films what do you let it licky like that for gross let's kick it off with the whole created by the late great Stanley this mean green fightin machine first made his debut in 1962 as a comic character if you went on a coffee date with him he would say look for a green skinned muscular humanoid sporting a fetching pair of ripped purple pants if you were meeting his alter-ego Bruce Banner however you'd be on the lookout for a socially withdrawn physicist probably ordering some caffeine free beverage with a dairy alternative there are many iterations of the Hulk on screen you may know the Ed Norton version that came out in 2008 where Bruce Banner becomes the Hulk as a pawn in a military scheme for something called the super soldier program or you may know the Mark Ruffalo version that appears in Iron Man 3 and multiple Avengers movies if you're an older adult you may have even seen Lou Ferrigno play the character in the iconic 80s TV series and recognize the significance of his cameo in the 2008 movie as a security guard younger fans probably wouldn't know who Lou is but the cameo was just as special as Stan Lee's appearance in the Incredible Hulk when Black Panther came out it raised the bar for superhero movies not only was a jam-packed with some of the best action moments that we've seen in years but it also tackled bigger issues such as race relations in North America and as The New Yorker puts it it fuses the imaginary realm of the Marvel character with world history contemporary politics and specifically the experience of black people in the United States when you said you would take me to California for the first time I thought you meant Coachella well-child may just see to chawla being that all-powerful head of the nation of Wakanda an adult sees a character that's free of Western colonization a child may see a cast of characters who are diverse powerful and brilliant whereas an adult may shake their heads when they recognize that it took Marvel until 2018 to make a movie with a cast of mainly black actors we're just hoping that by the time the children watching Black Panther grow up movies like this will be normalized okay so we all know Loki is the quick-witted trickster he's the Asgardian god of mischief and often enemy of his adopted brother Thor despite all of his tomfoolery he's been known to be somewhat of an antihero I brought it as no return policy Omer cannot be ignored did you ever notice how he throws down Shakespearean insults as it turns out director Joss Whedon has a penchant for classic literature and thought it would sprinkle in some ancient jabs and Avengers after discussing how he's going to have Hawkeye off Black Widow he calls her a mewling Quinn this is my bog and even mewling quim not familiar with the term fair enough what may seem like a funny little word it actually is so appalling we can't even bring ourselves to give you the translation if you look it up that's your prerogative we just ask that you don't start throwing it around especially relating to women if you catch our drift in Captain America the First Avenger there is a reference that could be lost the average viewer but we my friends are anything but that there is a line spoke by the Red Skull that goes and to the untrained ear it's insignificant it's actually a nod to Indiana Jones so one influenced the other but the line itself refers to the part in Indiana Jones were Hitler searches for a religious relic when dealing with Tony Stark he'll be certain to hear some unsavory things come flying out of his mouth particularly in regards to women although he is a recovering playboy he still manages to let his true colors show peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy in Iron Man 2 Tony Stark Pepper Potts Justin Hammer and Christine Everhart are having a seemingly harmless conversation at a bar when things take a turn hammer boasts that Everhart is doing a big spread on him and Vanity Fair - which pepper pipes in well she did quite a spread on Tony last year without missing a beat Tony chimes N and she wrote a story as well while most people's eyes roll to the back of their heads at this line it sure doesn't stop Tony from spreading that famous stark love okay we can all agree that Avengers age of Ultron doesn't rank as number one in our lists of Marvel movies but there were still some funny moments that got us good Oh actually he's the boss I just pay for everything and design everything make him look cooler our favorite is the part when crew has some downtime and do what every Super Hero Squad does when they have a moment to breathe play with their superhero tools shed off their capes and spandex get-ups the friends take turns trying to lift Thor's hammer again Tony Stark chimes in with another innuendo saying Clint you've had a tough week we won't hold it against you if you can't get it out this public roasting of Hawkeye is truly savage and he doesn't even have a comeback another reference that would be lost the young is the connection between Avengers and the movie Point Break your real blue flame special aren't you son young dumb and full of cookies I know for you youngsters who aren't familiar we'll fill you in Point Break came out in 1991 and was about an undercover cop who was trying to find out the identities of a group of high-level bank robbers definitely the film's title refers to the surfing term where a wave breaks as it hits a point of land and it starred actors Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze in Avengers Tony Stark refers to Thor as Point Break no hard feelings Point Break you got a mean swing the reason why this is significant is that Patrick Swayze played Bodie in the film and the two of them Sherri resemblance good catch in thor ragnarok thor can't get the Quinjet to activate and by saying Point Break it suddenly starts the system mu stock Point Break we just wish that Swayze was alive to laugh along with us thank you this next fact hopefully no child will get but we're guessing the film buffs nerds out there already know which let's be honest is probably at least half of you watching in Captain America the Winter Soldier Black Widow and FAL can join our hero to uncover a conspiracy within shield a certain point in the movie we believe that Nick Fury has died because that's what he wants us to think you need to keep both eyes the team visits his so-called grave and finds this biblical quote on the tombstone the path of the righteous man what's funny is this is the same thing samuel l.jackson character Jules Winnfield says in Quentin Tarantino's classic film Pulp Fiction the path of the righteous man is beset on all sides why we're hoping no kids get this reference is because whatever samuel l.jackson utters this line in the film it is followed shortly after by him killing someone in guardians of the galaxy Gamora tells quill that his ship is filthy - which he says she has no idea find a black light please look like a Jackson Pollock painting okay so first off unless you're a kid whose parents are art dealers in the Upper East Side chances are you don't yet know about the abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock who is known for taking an unstretched canvas on the floor and covering it with splatters of paint while on one hand quill is referencing one of his earth idols he's also pointing to the fact that there are probably some unsavory bodily fluids that were similarly splattered throughout the ship but frankly we don't want to know about you get issues quilt it's often the case that younger generations watch a movie and see a moment that they think is original but is actually a nod to another movie moment that they are not familiar with this is some familiar to you this may be the case and spider-man homecoming in it a reference is made from risky business the classic comedy starring Tom Cruise while you may not have seen the movie odds are you recognize more than you think does the image of Tom Cruise sliding into frame and socks at two Bob Seger's old time rock and roll ring a bell Hugh Grant does it in love actually and even Homer gives it a try in an episode of The Simpsons so in spider-man during the montage where Aunt May is preparing Peter for his homecoming dance Tom Allen steps in and adds to the tradition of giving a risky business a nod by doing his version of the slide out of every Marvel movie Thor takes the metal for finding more opportunities to lose his shirt than any other male lead yeah for a crazy homeless person he's pretty good even more than Star Trek's Captain Kirk who also seems more than a tad forgetful about keeping his clothes on what is it you hope to prove and tbh we're not complaining who doesn't want to see raw Norse God power glistening in the Sun muscles rippling what we'd like to congratulate Marvel on is the balance they have with sexualizing both males and females of course females have a dark history of being sexualized unfairly on screen but we're glad the tables are changing a bit now well it seems Chris Hemsworth is the new target and he is being a great sport about it adult fans are absolutely wild for him and are in no hurry to see him put his armor back on this next reference we're hoping everyone got because it has to do with Footloose one of the greatest dance movies ever made for those of you who are in the know it is without a doubt Kevin Bacon's greatest performance where he totally lets loose and cuts a rug and the first guardians of the galaxy movie it is blatantly referenced by quill when he is teaching Gamora about dancing he says on my planet there's a legend about people like you it's called Footloose and then it a great hero named Kevin Bacon teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that dancing is the greatest thing there is who put the sticks up their hands if you've seen the flick you'll know that quill puts his moves to work and ends up saving the world with an unforgettable dance-off when Deadpool came out it raised the bar for what was acceptable comedy for superhero movies without a doubt it had the most outwardly shocking comedy and we were simultaneously appalled and delighted by it one of our top picks happens in the first film after Deadpool gets cuffed by Colossus and decided his best plan of escape is to cut his own hand thankfully he has these very handy ability to regenerate himself so was able to regrow his lost digits the trouble is it takes a while and starts off looking very small like a creepy baby back at his apartment Wilson says I bet it feels huge in this hand just one of the many adult references that make up around 90% of the film in Marvel's debut film Iron Man Tony Stark is placed in a number of awkward scenarios that have a squirming though the character himself is without a doubt very captivating to watch all that was momentarily forgotten during the scene where he is taking a photo with some army men in Afghanistan and says the cringe-worthy line I don't want to see the Sun in my face [ __ ] my space for you Jen's II and Jen elf was watching my space was a social media platform popular in 2005 this definitely dates the film and to a younger viewer the line would be totally lost on him I mean Facebook's already passed a hearing the word myspace induces full-body chills for those of you who don't know Stanley was comic book royalty he was responsible for co-creating superheroes like Iron Man's spider-man black panther daredevil Doctor Strange and ant-man if you can name a superhero chances are Stanley at a hand and giving it life it is MCU tradition for Lee to have a cameo in every new movie in Avengers he says the famous line superheroes in New York and an Iron Man 3 li portrays a beauty pageant judge however the first MCU cameo he made was definitely an odd choice an Iron Man he portrayed a knockoff Hugh Hefner a great effort well it was a bit unsettling to see him in the position of the original Playboy himself we're still happy to open the door to some of the best cameos in movie history I've got so many more stories to tell the MCU wardrobe department sneaks in all kinds of cultural references that hold a great deal of weight in Florida Rockwood Hulk turns back into Bruce Banner Thor against him Tony Stark's shirt to wear which has an image of Duran Duran on it fans have suggested that it could foreshadow Hulk battling with Benner Eastwood because of the band's hit song hungry like the wolf in the Avengers Stark's sports yet another band team but this time it's Black Sabbath the band released a song called Iron Man about a man who travels into the future and sees the apocalypse but a claim that they didn't know of the superhero prior to writing the song another metaphor that is hopefully lost on viewers is that the Netflix series Jessica Jones is just one big metaphor for abusive relationships to be my slave when we first started watching we were excited to see a woman whose power was just super strength we liked the sarcastic character and were eager to see where the show would take us it wasn't until the evil villain kilgrave was introduced that we felt a familiar sinking feeling in our stomach but she was essentially running from emotional and physical abuse occasionally I give a damn and killgrave knows it well kilgrave possesses actual mind-control powers what he is doing is not that uncommon and skin Napoleon says affection but that can be remedied he targets her low self-esteem isolates her and exercises psychological abuse to the point where she's dehumanized killgrave also plays the victim I wanted you to love me like most abusers he acts as if he's the one that's being hurt perpetuating the abuse towards Jessica for us it's the scariest superhero story out there okay can we talk about Chris Pratt's body transformation because we're still not over it for fans of Parks and Recreation you met Chris Pratt playing the lovable Andy resistive who was just an average lovable guy who certainly didn't have a six-pack when Pratt accepted the role of star-lord for guardians of the galaxy everything changed we have no idea what exercise regime he was on but whatever it was it worked and we got to see the result we obviously have to bring up the scene where the guardians are imprisoned and get hosed down we know for sure there had to have been at least a few single parents who came with their kids to this movie for that moment alone Chris Pratt if you're watching he always is we just want to congratulate you for all the hard work that must have gone into making yourself a personified Greek statue Marvel loves their innuendos if you were to take a drink every time a character used an innuendo we swear by about halfway through any Marvel film you'd be slaying guardians of the galaxy is certainly no exception in the second film our favorite is nebula and her fruit when she goes to eat a piece of fruit everyone tells her it isn't ripe I'm hungry you say that it's not ripe yet it's not right during an escape she finally gets her yarrow fruit and it's still not light it's not right once decoded we think this innuendo was saying that nebula herself represents the fruit and she has not yet fit for how should we put this adult bedroom activity huh another old school reference an iron man is too the big lebowski before Jeff Bridges was Obadiah Stane he was the dude dude here a totally iconic character that is mistaken for a millionaire and who just wants to bowl his life away because it came out in 1998 chances are that not all young uns watching Ironman will have seen the film if you're watching and you're one of those people please put it at the top of your list so back to iron man during the scene where we see stains computer screen we get a peek at the content which shows the dialogue from The Big Lebowski on top of that we learned that stains sent his weapons to a ship called the MSC Lebowski and who can forget the callback when stark refers to Thora's Lebowski an endgame another example of some movie cross-pollination is between marvels ant-man in the wasp and the matrix one obvious connection between the two is that actor Laurence Fishburne is cast in both films in ant-man he plays Bill Foster also known as Goliath a professor who used to work alongside Hank Pym he is able to increase size and mass to massive proportions and of course in the matrix he is Morpheus you think that's air you're breathing now interestingly the creators of the Matrix franchise asked that Fishburne bases performance off of a character named Goliath but from a book by Neil Gaiman but that's not the only connector an ant-man in the wasp there is a scene where we see Fishburne in his class and behind him you can spot the very formula for the matrix math equation sneaky stuff Captain America Civil War is a flurry of activity there is so much action flying across the screen that at times it's hard to distinguish who's who in the mad rush it's such a visual feast that you probably didn't notice a giant blue red and white stare car in the background this piece of machinery is significant because it's from the set of Arrested Development I'm used to a car with some stairs the TV show the directors Anthony and Joe Russo worked on they thought it would be a nice memento of their humble beginnings and we have to agree now though we would have never known if they hadn't told us when Avengers infinity war came out Marvel celebrated the fact that it made around two hundred and fifty million dollars just for the opening weekend alone instead of basking in that glory they instead decided to keep up their momentum and released the trailer for ant-man and the wasp just days after in it we see Scott Lang played by Paul Rudd pairs up with hope Van Dyne played by Evangeline Lilly to check some serious tiny BOTS in addition there is a conversation that happens between ant-man and Goliath where they discuss who is bigger how big did you get my record 21 feet where Sir an every adult watching this got a couple chuckles out of this and we'll let you decide in the comments who you think wins there were a number of things that almost ruined age of Ultron it always comes back to stark well we all know he speaks without thinking there was a moment where he might have gone too far remember a mid battle when he's looking for Bruce Banner into Black Widow and says Romanoff you and banner better not be playing hide the zucchini for us it totally bumped us from the viewing experience and instead took us to an unfortunate place where we were forced to picture Hulk without his ripped pants and frankly we weren't amused in our opinion what Hulk and Black Widow do with their private time should not be brought to the battlefield before James Gunn directed guardians of the galaxy he was responsible for giving a life to a little movie called slither coming out in 2006 this science fiction horror film followed an extraterrestrial parasite coming to earth and finding its way to a town called Wheel Z in South Carolina there it finds a host in the form of a man named grant and takes over his body in mind effectively controlling his entire being and further wreaking havoc on the small town well it did horribly at the box office it has since become a cult classic if we were to boil it down to a sentence we would say the movie is about the world's most invasive case of parasitic slugs now how does this relate to the Guardians glad you asked in the movie gun features those same slugs in one of the collectors display cases on top of that both films star Michael Rooker only this time he isn't chocked full of alien larva thank you for joining us on this wild adventure is there anything that we missed any dirty jokes that were so under the radar that even we the experts didn't pick him up any subtle references that slipped past us let us know in the comments below and we will be sure to remedy our mistake in a future video speaking of make sure to subscribe in order to never miss another post by us again see you next time [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,284,211
Rating: 4.2566361 out of 5
Keywords: Avengers, Black Panther, Stan Lee, Marvel, MCU, Thor, The Hulk, Captain Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Point Break, Thor: Ragnarok, Captain America, Pulp Fiction, Jessica Jones, Risky Business, Footloose, Deadpool, Ant-Man, The Wasp, ScreenRant, Screen Rant
Id: nAKB-XAzYqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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