25 Subatomic Stories: What's smaller than quarks?

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The periodic table of chemistry embodies a  lot of knowledge of the field of chemistry.   It took a long time for chemists to understand  the table’s patterns. In modern particle physics,   the equivalent is the Standard Model,  which still has some unexplained features.   And that tale is the basis of this  week’s episode of Subatomic Stories.  The periodic table of chemistry was invented in  1869 by Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev. You   probably learned about it in chemistry class. The  table consists of rows and columns of elements.   Each column consists of elements with similar  chemical properties, and the mass of elements   was ordered, with lightest ones at the  top and heaviest ones at the bottom.  As an example, in the left-most column, we  have the alkalis, with hydrogen, lithium,   sodium, potassium, cesium, and so on.  They are all highly-reactive substances.   And over here on the right we have the noble  gasses, with helium, neon, argon, krypton, and   xenon. None of these elements react much at all. For about fifty years, scientists were aware of   the patterns, but didn’t understand them.  It took the theories of atomic and nuclear   physics to clear things up. We now know that  each column has similar reactive properties   because the elements in each column has a  similar configuration of outermost electrons.  For instance, the noble gasses all have a  filled orbital of electrons, with no space   to comfortably accept another electron. That’s  why they don’t react much. In contrast, the   alkalis all have an extra electron, which makes  them willing participants in chemical reactions.   You probably learned about all  of this in high school chemistry.  Elements at the top of columns are lighter,  because the bottom ones contain more protons   and neutrons. Thus, the reactivity of  columns is governed by atomic physics,   while the increase in the mass as one goes from  the top row to the bottom is explained by nuclear   physics. This was all clear by the mid-1920s. Now for particle physics, the situation is   similar to what it was during the first years  of the periodic table. We learned about the   smallest known building blocks of matter in  episodes 2, 3, and 4 of subatomic stories.   They are the quarks and leptons. As a reminder, there are six quarks,   with the names up, down, charm, strange, top  and bottom. There are three charged leptons,   named the electron, the muon, and the tau. And  then finally, there are the three neutrinos,   the electron-type, muon-type, and tau-type.  We ordinarily arrange them looking like this.  The first row of quarks all have electrical  charge of 2/3 that of the proton, or plus 2/3.   The second row of quarks have a charge of  1/3 that of an electron, or minus 1/3. The   row of charged leptons all have a charge of  minus 1. And the neutrinos are all neutral.  As you go from left to right in a row,  the various quarks or leptons get heavier,   except for maybe the neutrinos,  which have a complicated mass story.   The columns tell their own story. The left most  column are the building blocks of ordinary atoms.   The second and third columns are carbon copies  of column one, but the particles are unstable.   Particles in those columns are  not ordinarily found in nature.  Physicists call the columns “generations.” And,  the simple fact is that we don’t know why there   are multiple generations. We don’t know why the  quarks and leptons have the charges that they do.   But we can make an analogy to  the chemical periodic table and   say that the rows of the modern periodic  table are kind of “chemically similar,”   and that subsequent columns are heavier. But we don’t know why.  On the other hand, we can maybe look to  the chemical periodic table for hints.   For instance, in both cases – the increasing mass  and chemical reactivity – are caused by each atom   having an internal structure. Perhaps the same  thing is true in the quarks and leptons and the   rules that govern them are due to unknown rules  that govern the particles contained within them.  Scientists have a proposed name for the building  blocks of quarks and leptons and that name is   preons. Now before I say anything more, I should  tell you that there is exactly zero experimental   evidence for preons. We’ve looked. >>I’ve<<  looked. If quarks and leptons contain preons,   then the quarks and leptons will have a size.  And using data from the most powerful particle   accelerator on the planet, we’ve tried  to measure their size and found nothing.  Finding nothing doesn’t mean that quarks and  leptons have no size. It means that they are   smaller than the smallest thing your instrument  can see. And the best instruments available   to modern science can see things about one ten  thousandth the size of a proton. So, if quarks and   leptons have a size, they’re smaller than that. The preon idea is not super popular in the   scientific community, but if you’re interested  in learning more about it, I wrote an article   about it in Scientific American quite a few  years ago. I put a link in the description.  But even if preons are crazy, there’s still the  question of why there are three generations.   And, before you ask, it appears to be only three.   Back in the early 1990s, scientist showed  that there were only three different types   of neutrinos and, since each generation  seems to have a neutrino, that’s why we   think there might be only three generations. It’s all very mysterious. Nobody understands   why there are three generations.  I certainly don’t. I wish I did,   because this particular mystery bugs me a lot.  For me, it’s a spectacular outstanding question.  Speaking of spectacular questions, let’s see  what questions our viewers have for us today.  Man, there were soooo many good questions  this week. I couldn’t get to all of them.   But I did pick a bunch, so let’s jump right  into them. Mark Sakowski asks about the cosmic   microwave background radiation. He thought  it was due to photons from the plasma of the   early universe and not gamma rays emitted by the  matter/antimatter annihilation. Hi Mark. Good   news. You’re right. But so am I. So, naturally,  that means that the answer is complicated.  The matter/antimatter annihilation emitted gamma  rays which then heated up the remaining matter.   That matter absorbed the gamma ray photons  and re-emitted them at different wavelengths.   The process repeated itself over and over and  the situation was compounded by the fact that   the universe was expanding. The CMB photons are  from the plasma that existed about 400,000 years   after the Big Bang, but their origin was from the  original gamma rays. So that’s the connection.  MKSense J points out that positrons are emitted in  certain forms of radioactive decay and positrons   are antimatter. Hi MKSense. Yep. That’s right. And  antimatter is made in particle accelerators too.   It’s not that antimatter doesn’t exist. After  all, we’ve discovered it and we know a great deal   about its properties. It’s that the primordial  antimatter has disappeared. That’s the mystery.  Brent Jacobs asks what it is that dark energy  is repelling – matter or the fabric of space.   Hi Jacob. Actually, there’s no huge difference.  Einstein’s theory of relativity says that matter   and energy are tightly linked to space and time.  Change one and you change the other. However,   I would say that dark energy is simply stretching  space, which moves matter. Dark energy isn’t   like a force field that pushes matter apart in  the sense that would be natural to imagine it.  The EyesofNye asks about experiments looking  for dark matter and future plans. Hi Eyes. There   have been tons of experiments, mostly buried  deep underground to shield from radiation and   also chilled to slow the motions of atoms in  the detector. The idea is that dark matter   would pass through the detector and occasionally  crash into an atom in the detector. Researchers   would look for the atoms to move. That’s how it  works. And there have been dozens of efforts.  Nothing has worked so far, but there are some high  precision dark matter experiments on the horizon,   like LUX-Zeppelin, to be conducted in South  Dakota, Super CDMS, to be conducted in Canada,   XENON 1T in Italy, and PANDA-X II in China. Dark  matter can run, but it can’t hide. We’ll crack   this nut one day in the not >>too<< far future. Squirrel ASMR notes that I am charming,   funny and smart. Mom…is that you? Will Pittenger asks if inhabitants   of an antimatter universe would call the stuff  they’re made from as “matter.” Hi Will. Yes,   they would. Or, more likely, they’d call it  snorf-fluff or something, because…you know…they   probably wouldn’t speak English. But which is  called matter, and which is called antimatter   is simply a matter of convention. Except, of  course, we call the dominant form “Matter.”  Betaneptune notes an incongruity between people  who say the universe is infinite in extent   and that it was a singularity in the past.  Hi Beta. Yep. It’s true. And you’re in luck,   as I’m going to talk about that in more detail  in the next video. But the short answer is that   people are sloppy. It’s the >>visible<<  universe that was small or a singularity.   That is true, even if the universe as a whole is  infinite. Wait until next week for more insights.  Blackmark 52 asks if a question in the last  video was handled a bit too cavalierly,   with an amusing reference to Sith Lord  emitting lightning from his fingertips.   Hi Blackmark. Yes and no. If dark energy exists,  it is a potential energy source, but there’s a   caveat. Uniform energy isn’t so useful. What  >>is<< useful is a difference in energy. Water   behind a deep damn doesn’t generate electricity.  That’s because the water is the same everywhere.  What generates electricity is when energy moves  from a high energy location to a low energy one,   like when water behind the damn flows onto the  other side. If dark energy is the same everywhere   in the universe, then there is no impetus for  the energy to flow from one location to another.   So, there is no real prospect for dark energy  to be an exploitable power source for humanity.  Michael Blacktree asks about whether my statement  that Einstein was responsible for the theory   of the Big Bang was right, or if the credit  should belong to George Lemaitre. Hi Michael,   well, the answer is complex. History  is rarely as simple as it is taught.  Here’s the story. Lemaitre did propose the  theory of an expanding universe in 1927,   two years before Hubble published his paper.  Lemaitre also imagined the expansion might have  arisen from a much smaller universe that he called   a “primeval atom.” So that’s true. But Lemaitre  published his paper in 1927 and his calculations   relied on Einstein’s theory of general relativity,  which was published in 1915. And, of course,   Alexander Friedmann published ideas similar to  Lemaitre’s in 1922, five years before Lemaitre.  It’s true that Lemaitre was the first person  to mentally run Einstein’s equations back to   a singularity. And he hadn’t seen Friedmann’s  work before he published his paper – after all,   Friedmann was stuck inside the Soviet Union. But  Einstein knew of Friedmann’s calculations long   before the Lemaitre paper. And none of it would be  possible without the theory of general relativity.   So, you see, it’s complicated, but I  think Einstein gets the ultimate nod.  Zack says that he’s a high school student  who hopes to work at Fermilab and wants to   know how to do that. Hi Zack. That’s a great  question and I think it’s worth answering   properly. Let me tell you what. I’ll think  about whether a video or a written essay is   the better way to do it, and I’ll let you know  in the question section of an upcoming video.   Hah…now you have to watch them all. Daniel Jacobovitz says that he really   appreciates the new video format. Hi Daniel. Thank  you. People seem to be split between the Subatomic   Story format and the long form videos. The long  form videos reached a larger audience and I hope   to transition back to them soon. However, I’d like  to hear from the viewership about what they like   about either format and maybe the new version  will be a blend of what people like about both.   Let me know in the comments. And finally, Edward Siegel notes   that it is often said that antimatter is matter  going backward in time, and maybe that means   that antimatter went back in time and got  pushed back to before the universe began.   Hi Edward. Yes, I’ve heard that too. And I think  it’s terribly misleading. It’s a case of someone   loving their math just a little bit too much. Let me explain, but I should warn you,   there’s some math involved. Here is an equation  representing an antimatter electron moving through   time and space. And here is the equation for  a matter electron moving backward through time   and space. And you see that the equations are  the same. So, from a theoretical point of view,   positrons moving through time are equivalent  to electrons moving backward through time.  But that’s not necessarily physical. After all,  when we make an electron and antimatter electron,   they are made at the same time and move  forward through time. To use the other   mindset, an electron in the future came  backward in time to disappear at a time   when a regular electron was created. It’s a bit  of a stretch in my opinion to say that this is   a physical phenomenon. Some will disagree, but  I’ll leave that conversation to the philosophers.   They have time on their hands. OK, that’s all the time we have   for questions today. There were a lot. That’s not  surprising, because our viewers are a curious lot.   Each week, after they like, subscribe, and share,  they sit down and think about the physics we talk   about here. And, how could they not? After  all, even at home, physics is everything.
Channel: Fermilab
Views: 136,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fermilab, Physics, quarks, leptons, quark substructure, lepton substructure, standard model, preons, periodic table, Don Lincoln, Ian Krass
Id: q5-QIisEzEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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