25 Poisonous Plants & Flowers You Might Have At Your House | Blissed Zone

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twenty-five poisonous plants and flowers you might have at your house wisteria thankfully this climbing vine rarely harms humans but the seed pods are toxic to dogs cats and horses head to the vet if your pet developed symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea wild parsnip coarse sawtooth leaves grow on hairy grooved stems that are 2 to 5 feet tall the yellow flowers grow in an umbrella pattern like other plants in the carrot family when juice from the crushed leaves stalks or flowers touches your skin sunlight can cause a skin rash within a day or two look for the distinctive yellow flowers in fields roadsides pastures and Midwestern Prairie water hemlock these small white flowers might appear in your garden as weeds and if you have curious pets you should remove them white hemlocks toxin which smells like carrot attacks the nervous system and can cause serious harm to animals and humans jimsonweed this strong smelling nightshade herb has thick stems that grow four feet tall with leaves up to three inches long nectar from the white trumpet shaped flower could make you sick along with the leaves and even the seeds which some people use to get high it makes you nauseous thirsty and feverish weakens your pulse and raises your heart rate you might even forget where you are or see things that aren't there stinging nettle the little hairs on the stems of these plants can inject your skin with a combination of chemicals one of these formic acid helps put the sting in bee stings and fire ant bites it's part of what causes the itchy and even painful allergic skin reaction stems grow unbranched in patches - about four feet tall but sometimes as high as six feet look for those stinging heads on the stem which are a telltale sign rosary P also called jQuery beans these piously named seeds contain abran and extremely deadly ribosome inhibiting protein rosemary peas are native to tropical areas and are often used in jewelry and prayer rosaries while the seeds are not poisonous if intact seeds that are scratched broken or chewed can be lethal it only takes three micrograms of abran to kill an adult less than the amount of poison in one seed and it is said that the numerous jewelry makers have been made ill or died after accidentally pricking their fingers while working with the seeds like ricin abran prevents protein synthesis within cells and can cause organ failure within four days rhododendron and azalea these beautiful blooms look picture-perfect peeking out over a white picket fence but the entire plant is highly toxic ingesting a flower stem or leaf could lead to abdominal pain difficulty breathing paralysis coma and even death poison sumac this woody shrub grows in wet swampy areas all over the US each stem has 7 to 13 leaves and clusters of green berries that droop cool showers and calamine lotion might help relieve the itch but you'll have to wait a week or two to bring relief see your doctor if the rash is on your face or private parts covers more than 25% of your body notice pus from the rash or you breathe in smoke from the burning leave poison ivy like its cousins poison oak and poison sumac it has an oily sap in its leaves called yashi all this causes an allergic reaction that can make your skin red swollen and itchy it grows over most of the u.s. except Alaska and Hawaii each stem grows into three leaflets that might help you notice it in the woods in the east Midwest and south it grows as a vine and in the north and the west as a shrub poinsettia this decorative plant is one of many in the spurge group that also includes prostrate spurge spotted spurge and leafy spurge it has a milky sap that could irritate your skin like wild parsnip and giant hogweed sunlight triggers the skin rush if you eat it as kids sometimes do it can give you an itchy mouth diarrhea and nausea though it usually isn't serious Philo dendron the sap from these trendy houseplants can irritate your skin and mouth resulting in throat swelling breathing difficulties burning pain and stomach upset severe reactions are rare but it's still best to keep Philo tendrils away from kids and pets oleander eating only a small part of this plant which flowers in white pink or red can be fatal in one case just one leaf was enough to harm a child symptoms of poisoning include drowsiness slurred heart rate and shaking Lily's while they're the most popular around Easter lilies in the her miraculous genus endanger cats even after spring that includes common tiger and de Lily varieties eating just a small amount can lead to acute kidney failure or death mistletoe weather this parasitic plant which probably makes an annual holiday appearance in your home can cause death has been debated but it can cause digestive problem slowed heartbeat and Hallucigenia effects in humans in large doses and is of particular harm to pets lily-of-the-valley Breaking Bad fans will remember that Walter White used this sweet looking plant for some not so sweet deeds consuming its toxic compounds called cardiac glycosides can send people to the hospital with symptoms like dizziness vomiting rashes and diarrhea if left untreated those little bells can even cause death hydrangea these popular blossoms contain a toxin that's no joke cyanide but don't up read your plant just yet pets and humans need to ingest quite a bit of these flowers for the effects to be fatal giant hogweed it lives in the rich wet soil near ditches streams and farms especially in the Northeast it has umbrella-shaped groups of small white flowers leaves with deep creases and stems with white hairs and purple splotches it grows as tall as 15 feet its sap can make your skin more sensitive to ultraviolet light which could blister burn or scar it sometimes permanently it could even damage your vision foxgloves people grow it for its looks throughout the United States it thrives in the wild in some places too it's bell shaped flowers are often bright purple but can be white yellow or pink it blooms in the spring it also has a fruit with lots of seeds which kids sometimes eat all parts of the flower are poisonous and can slow or disrupt your heart euphorbia species the sap from these common plants can cause severe pain and injury to the eye English use this entire plant is poisonous safe for the berries but the seeds are the most toxic the alkaloids throughout the you can cause convulsions paralysis and in extreme cases heart failure die effing baqia also known as dumb cane and elephant ear can become deadly if ingested causing the airways to swell shut even brushing against it can cause burning or itching daffodil the bulbs are the most poisonous part of these so-called friendly flowers so you might think twice about planting them if you have a dog who likes to dig ingesting too much could cause vomiting diarrhea convulsions tremors and cardiac arrhythmia bittersweet nightshade this woody perennial has a stem that grows through the year it can reach up to six feet purple flowers in groups of three or more bloom around July or August kids are sometimes drawn to the roundish juicy glossy red poisonous berries the poison solanine can give you a headache drowsiness stomach ache vomiting trembling lower temperature dilated pupils and diarrhea if you think someone's eating it get them to the doctor right away castor oil plant castor oil plays a part in many home remedies but the actual plant itself is more likely to kill you than cure you the seeds contain one of the most poisonous naturally occurring substances known to man according to the Cornell University College of Agriculture and life sciences just one seed can kill a child as the toxic protein ricin can cause severe dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea [Music] monkshood monkshood has a long tradition as a deadly plant and was used by ancient warriors to poison the water of their enemies all parts of monkshood are poisonous especially the roots and seeds and flowers if eaten in the past wolves and criminals were poisoned with an extract from the European flower these species was also supposedly used as a component in witch's brew thanks for watching and let us know in the comments below which of the 25 poisonous plants and flowers you have in your own garden don't forget to Like and subscribe for more videos like this one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Blissed Zone
Views: 18,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Poisonous plants, poisonous flowers
Id: 0_SGbWCvtnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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