25 Logic Pro Tips & Shortcuts THAT ARE ACTUALLY USEFUL!

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if you're struggling to make a track it might have nothing to do with how creatively talented you are the chances are that your slow workflow are preventing you from getting ideas from here into here so today I'm going to show you some tips shortcuts and techniques that are actually useful hey what's up this is Fabio from noise here at Boombox the home of collaboration just remember that these videos wouldn't be possible without Boombox so please go check them out link is in the description below www.boombox.io who sends www dot anymore it's an amazing platform that all musicians whether you're beginner or Pro should be using W with storage timestamp feedback and a bunch of other features that you're going to love also if you're one of the first 500 people to sign up for an artist profile you get the chance to win 500 literally only takes two minutes and you could win 500 but more Studio Gear like this let's start by taking listen to these chords [Music] I recorded these on a midi cable which is why they don't sound perfect but now I'm going to quantize them with command a and then hit q and I want to make them all the same length so I'm going to hit shift and then backward slash hit shorten enter and we have some sustained chords foreign [Music] I played them all at different velocities so the expression is different per chord but I want them all to be the same so I'm going to go option and shift and then I'm just going to touch this velocity slider here and this is just going to snap them so that they're all the same velocity [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there is another way to edit the velocity let's say you actually want this to increase in intensity over time we can open the velocity editor over here and then we can click and drag and create this increasing slope like so and you'll notice that now they've changed color so they're starting with a low velocity going to a high that will mean that the expression starts nice and soft and increases as the chords play [Music] now you may be using something like a piano where you find pathfully quantized and sustained chords to be unnatural and kind of boring so we're going to select all go to functions midi transform head to humanize and then I'm going to hit operate only because I already haven't selected but if you don't you can hit select and operate hit this a couple of times we'll do it a few you'll notice that it's changed the velocity and the start point of each note [Music] foreign [Music] form we're going to go functions midi transform and we're actually going to reverse the position of the chords we can select and operate singers we don't have them selected and boom check this out now if they're not quantized it won't do this very well so make sure you do quantize them and the reason I want to do this is to bounce them to audio so the shortcut for bounce to audio is Ctrl B see how we're speeding up the workflow now we're not looking for things we're making them happen much quicker these are the settings I usually have for balance in place but you can mess around with them they're very well labeled and easy to understand you can hit enter and then I'm going to take this audio we're going to go into the left hand menu and I'm going to hit reverse now I'm going to drag my original chords back in and what we're going to get is this really cool sweeping piano effect [Music] good [Music] and that's such a quick way to make that piano 100 times more interesting a couple of final tricks here with a midi now sometimes you want to bring them up and down the octave hold option and then shift and then up and down on your arrow keypad foreign if you just want to move them note by note just hold option without shift [Music] then that will save you from clicking and dragging which is sometimes inaccurate and slow okay my final and favorite trick is the Q flan now you'll have to actually quantize the mini through the left hand panel over here I'm going to do it to a 16th note and then Q flam will become available now check out what happens if I increase this we get this the link instead of just a straight chord [Music] if you're going for those romantic Drake Vibes then this is the trick to use we've messed around with midi now let's take a look at audios so I've dragged in all these Loops but as you can see they're all slightly different bpms they're kind of hanging over the edge or they're slightly short now if I select these top ones here I'm going to go to edit time stretch and then Time Stretch region length to nearest bar and boom all of your Loops are in time but let's say you just dragged in one Loop and you don't want to go through that whole process there is actually an easier way of doing this if you go to the very edge of the loop the bottom right hand corner hold option you'll notice that your fade tool turns into a multi-flex tool a flex time tool and then you can just click drag and nudge it into place this is one of my favorite shortcuts for when you're dealing with a lot of audio especially when you're editing vocals you can click drag and highlight as many audio regions as you want and then if you hold Ctrl and shift you can click and drag over the back end and add a fade to all of them not only can you do that but if you keep control and shift held down you can extend and shorten that fade and even add bends like this making it super easy to adjust Fades on multiple audio regions at once what I'm about to show you now is a technique that helped me be more creative with my Loops you want a set of Loops that are fairly busy then you want to highlight them all right click and choose pack take folder usually you pack a take folder when you have lots of vocal recordings but when you do it with loops you can chop and choose different sections of Loop and create one brand new one depending on the selection so for example we'll just take a bit from here a bit from here we'll just do this really randomly to start with a little bit from here and then just having a bit of fun and you can see here at the top it's showing you the compilation that we're creating [Music] I mean that's turned out pretty good except for this section let's maybe add a little bit more of this [Music] if anyone ever gives you a hard time for using Loops shouldn't this technique right here if you want to really quickly repeat sections of audio or midi it doesn't matter make sure you've got the Marquee tools set up here as your command click tool that means that when you hold command you'll be able to select the Marquee tool and you can just select a section like this and then if you want to repeat that section really quickly then do command R and you can do this infinitely as much as you want you can do smaller sections too with the Marquee tool depending on what you select now we're going to come back to those fades for a second now let's say you've got a bunch of audio selected across your whole track maybe they're not nicely in sequence like we see here we can select our audio regions and then we're going to go to the region inspector here and you'll see we actually have fade in and Fade Out now we can increase this and decrease this incrementally giving us a little bit more control so I can increase the fade in and Fade Out and I can type this into if I want so let's do a thousand and we can see it occurring here on the end of the audio region and we can also change that fade out to a slow down which will give us this really cool tape stop effect the inspector and you can actually pitch things up and down without having to use a plugin so I've got this Rider top here let's say I wanted to increase this in Pitch to give it a brighter tone I can just go over here to transpose and let's do plus five of course this doesn't just have to be with the cost of elements I could do it with my reverse piano from before let's make this an octave lower minus 12 semitones you can do this to any audio but if you do have a piece of audio reversed with this little box ticked here you will have to bounce in place remember control B bounce in place foreign [Music] there are a lot of tools in this inspector that not a lot of people dive into which is why I'm spending some time on it and my final favorite is the delay so you can nudge midi and audio regions forwards and backwards depending on what you set these ticks so I'm going to keep the kick playing for time so you understand what's happening and then I can push my hats to make them lazier so what I want to do is automate the cutoff on this synthesizer but before I do that I'm going to go into mix and then go to Auto Select automation parameter in read mode this means that when I have the automation window open I press a like this anything that I press within a synthesizer like so or any effect or anything that you have open will immediately register for Automation in this window so now I can click and very quickly make my changes in automation without having to go through a long list I mean the long list as you know you might have seen this before but going through all of this is a nightmare whereas if I just click here or here or here I can change that setting pretty much directly from the synth foreign [Music] let's do the same with some reverbs so I'm just going to increase this towards the end create two points and do that now as you've noticed I now have multiple levels of automation if I want to see all of them I just hold option and then click on this Arrow here this will allow me to see all the automation that I've added to my Channel at once now from here I can do control and shift and this will give me an automation curve tool so I can add curves as I like you can drag up or down or if you go side to side you get these quite interesting shapes too [Music] this is another one that I really loved and a lot of people know is copying and pasting the automation again if you use that Marquee tool just like we did with the audio regions we can select a section and then just hit command R this will only copy and paste the automation it's not going to copy and paste the region underneath so I can keep doing that and you'll see that the automation keeps appearing without the region being copied something I see a lot of people do is automate Volume personally I think you should automate again on the utility parameter now that lives down here in utility gain stereo the reason for this is then you can still have control over the volume fader however if you've done a bunch of volume automation it can take a really long time to convert that to gain automation unless you do this so go to volume and this time you're going to hold option click go to the plugin that you want so we're going to go to gain and then gain again it's actually going to ask us if we want to copy and convert we'll just convert I'm going to hit convert it's going to take all that automation data and apply it directly to the gain and replace the volume automation with automating this dial right here don't forget that these videos are possible because of boombox.io go check them out in the link in the description and if you sign up and set up your artist profile you could win 500 it's been a pleasure as always welcome to Boombox the home of collaboration and I'll see you very soon peace
Channel: Boombox | Music Collaboration Tool
Views: 20,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Logic Pro Tips, Logic Pro Shortcuts, Music Production Tips, Audio Engineering, Music Marketing, Logic Pro Tutorial, Logic Pro Tricks, Music Production Techniques, Logic Pro Workflow, Music Production Hacks, Logic Pro X, Music Production Software, Home Recording, Digital Audio Workstation, Music Production Skills, Music Production Tutorial, Audio Editing, Music Production Advice, Music Production Secrets, Logic Pro Masterclass
Id: JiJ2FLhqvrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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